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FA-50 and JF-17 are the finalists for Malaysian Air Force's Deal: Korea Times

Keep on bitching and they'll have to find their ventilators from first world garbage dumps.
The first world hasn't got any ventillators to put in garbage. Believe me they have picked up every last bit they could for their own hospitals. So they may yet have to get new ones from somewhere.
The first world hasn't got any ventillators to put in garbage. Believe me they have picked up every last bit they could for their own hospitals. So they may yet have to get new ones from somewhere.

Could’ve saved thousands of lives in India if Modi rented these instead of MQ-4s.
Oh yea the day will come. Just not in this Malaysian deal. It's just even talking objectively I find some section of Pakistanis love their solace in trolling.
I would say even that standard is low.

so far I have only seen BS from India

PAF has proven sales cases you have none. Conclude a sale and then talk... a hard thing since every aviation expert knows LCA is a joke
so far I have only seen BS from India

PAF has proven sales cases you have none. Conclude a sale and then talk... a hard thing since every aviation expert knows LCA is a joke
Please dont feed troll. They have a specific modus operandi. In any debate put in something inflammatory like Tejas in JFT THREAD or in JFT sales. Or introduce Arjun in Alkhalid threads. The post intentionally puts inflated/wrong figures and most of us fall prey to this and refute it. Then in response they put lots of their preprepared data and derail threads. Please report any such event/post to the Moderators for appropriate action.
Please recognize a trend that you have from most trolls. Respect genuine posters of any nationality as they will project an alternative point of view which is nice for a debate. Please our Pakistani posters need to open their eyes and see these trends which are established means of derailing a thread. Importantly do not engage( even if the post is derogatory or inflammatory) and report to mods for the"jharoo" so that dross can be swept away.
Please dont feed troll. They have a specific modus operandi. In any debate put in something inflammatory like Tejas in JFT THREAD or in JFT sales. Or introduce Arjun in Alkhalid threads. The post intentionally puts inflated/wrong figures and most of us fall prey to this and refute it. Then in response they put lots of their preprepared data and derail threads. Please report any such event/post to the Moderators for appropriate action.
Please recognize a trend that you have from most trolls. Respect genuine posters of any nationality as they will project an alternative point of view which is nice for a debate. Please our Pakistani posters need to open their eyes and see these trends which are established means of derailing a thread. Importantly do not engage( even if the post is derogatory or inflammatory) and report to mods for the"jharoo" so that dross can be swept away.

Educate us on one single sale of LCA
Malaysia is not a poor country....I simply can't understand why they don't give any priority for Air Force? It is time for them to wake up. IMO They can easily procure Gripen and probably should.
Malaysia is not a poor country....I simply can't understand why they don't give any priority for Air Force? It is time for them to wake up. IMO They can easily procure Gripen and probably should.

I would recommend you see the standard of living for the Malay people. Malaysia was one of those countries who made the effort to become an economic power in the 1990s. They have come a long way to be where they are today.
I would recommend you see the standard of living for the Malay people. Malaysia was one of those countries who made the effort to become an economic power in the 1990s. They have come a long way to be where they are today.
I know their standard of living probably better than you do. Still I didn't get what exactly is your point?
Do you think they cannot afford modern 4th Gen fighters? I assure you they can.
I know their standard of living probably better than you do. Still I didn't get what exactly is your point?
Do you think they cannot afford modern 4th Gen fighters? I assure you they can.

The point I was trying to make was that Malaysia's policy, the impression I get, is to prioritize on economy and living standards.

Malaysia can most certainly afford a world class Air Force. But I believe they do not want to get dragged into an arms race.
Malaysian af and GOVT can decide for themselves no need 4 folks to worry on this forum I am sure they are professional [emoji6]

They can choose from what ever they want and can afford
Iraq hasn't used its FA/50 in combat against ISIS from what I know, all those years.
Disagree with the second part since that also depends upon configuration - but yes, more often than not AB is used for takeoff.

Hi-lo-lo-hi the thunder is good for 300 miles on internal alone - add centerline to get 50 and wing tanks to get 120 more - but that too is VERY subjective.
Check this out, its a long video and has a good sample of size 12 with a couple of F-18Cs and Harriers each and 4 F-16s with every combination of external tanks:

It is was a 860 miles A-symetric (meaning Ingress and Egress routes were different) round trip:

Part A: 460 miles Ingress at High Alt. Cruising in formation.

Part B: 140 miles Ingress on Deck

Part C: 230 miles Egress at Full mil power (combination of mid altitude and deck level flying)

Though it was unlike the standard Hi-Hi-Hi or Hi-lo-Hi-Hi or Hi-lo-lo-Hi that we see but I guess it is most similar to a Hi-lo-lo-Hi.

None of F-16s (including 1 with 3 external tanks) had enough fuel to even attempt to reach back to base. Only the tomcat (with 2 tanks) had enough fuel to get back. Granted, the team lead said his mates could have managed fuel better but this proves a 300 mile Hi-lo-lo-Hi mission radius for Jf-17 with Internal fuel only is impossible (assuming DCS is remotely realistic ofcourse).
That means L-15 takeover JF-17 bid.. looks like RMAF are more looking for trainer than fighter jet.

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