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Featured Freedom of Expression: Two Articles Criticizing Macron Taken Down From Internet

The true ugly and stinky face of the west is slowly exposing. They had hidden their true stench under the perfume of freedom of speech, democracy and champions of human rights. Slowly and gradually the muslims are realizing they are the same evil hypocrites.
Can we deny holocaust in France or Europe?

When Philippe Val fired Siné, it looked like there were double standards when it comes to freedom of speech," says Patrick Chappatte, cartoonist for Le Temps. "One has to be coherent. My fellow cartoonists and I talked a lot about the caricatures of Muhammad at the time. Some felt as if Charlie Hebdo was obsessed with its 'Screw Allah' stance. It’s a sort of provocation that caused a lot of debates.
Excellent find @Areesh sahib - where is the freedom of speech now? Where is the infestation of Indians now that hover round a thread about France and freedom of speech? They stick their dirty noses to troll yet on this thread they seem to have crawled back under the rock they came from
@masterchief_mirza @PakFactor
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Excellent find @Areesh sahib - where is the freedom of speech now? Where is the infestation of Indians now that hover round a thread about France and freedom of speech? They stick their dirty noses to troll yet on this thread they seem to have crawled back under the rock they came from
@masterchief_mirza @PakFactor

Not only indians

Our desi mulhids have disappeared too
The new hatred is against Muslims in Europe and Chinese in China. That is the devil's script. who is giving voice to the devil, I have no clue. Biden's defeat in the US is the deep state war against both these communities. This was planned in around 2010. 9/11 was planned in the 90s by Mossad, CiA, and Pentagon.

There is a way to read the articles if you have the old link.
world should support freedom of expression and macron .

ٰIts unfortunate that You Indians carry out state terrorism religiously, economically and socially with non-Hindu minorities in India. And support those who promote extremism against Islam. This is the condemnable riotous thinking of Modi and Bal Thackeray followers. In fact it is the double face of your so called secularism !!!!!!
This should be highlited in all major Publications in Pakistan, specially in Dawn. Lets see if the DAWN picks it up. Its a major news.



Factually incorrect? FK off!
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