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History of Maharashtra

This bozo @padamchen thinks it's his parsi given birth right to abuse Sanghis &
His outrage when countered is funny to watch.

Do all bozos like this moron think abusing Hindus is OK?
Just asking, since it seems to fit the larger pattern everywhere.

Abuse Hindu, when the Hindu counters, then pretend victimhood.

How to these lowlives whose complete existence is because of hindus live with themselves?
May be these lowlives know the fact that Hindus saved their bottoms and that inferiority keeps nagging them.
Don't know and don't care.

But if you abuse a hindu, don't turn around and become pansy when you are countered.
Haha you're the first person to notice! My name is a Pokémon reference, as you may be able to deduce from my profile pics.

Most of my hardcore Maratha friends (thanks to my spear sharp tongue and other behavioural idiosyncrasies) say that I'm a Kobra in disguise.

Cheers, Doc
Most of my hardcore Maratha friends (thanks to my spear sharp tongue and other behavioural idiosyncrasies) say that I'm a Kobra in disguise.

Cheers, Doc

My condolences. I was under the impression that I was debating with a human - now I understand.

So, how did this serpentine origin of your's begin? I bet a bowl of milk it was your grand pappy who was the original kobra.
Anyhow, do you turn into a Kobra and do Snake dance on a full moon? How does that work anyway? - Just curious

Definitely Not a Kobra
My condolences. I was under the impression that I was debating with a human - now I understand.

So, how did this serpentine origin of your's begin? I bet a bowl of milk it was your grand pappy who was the original kobra.
Anyhow, do you turn into a Kobra and do Snake dance on a full moon? How does that work anyway? - Just curious

Definitely Not a Kobra

Sigh .....

@Great Brahmin would you do the honors please?

Cheers, Doc
Sigh .....

@Great Brahmin would you do the honors please?

Cheers, Doc

It's ok Kobra Ji.

You can not answer my questions anway, so, this kind of debate is appropriate with you.

If you want this to stop, answer my 2 questions.

Still not a Kobra
It's ok Kobra Ji.

You can not answer my questions anway, so, this kind of debate is appropriate with you.

If you want this to stop, answer my 2 questions.

Still not a Kobra

Kobra is what a Konkanasta or Chitpavan Brahmin in Maharashtra is called.

Extremely fair. Light eyed. Very finicky and opinionated. Sharp tongued. Very upper brow. Very educated. Very well off but quite thrifty (kanjoos). Very good looking. Especially their girls. Not overly loved by their Maratha or inland Dehshast Bamman brothers.

@pothead @Cobra Arbok

Cheers, bored of sanghi kid Doc
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Kobra is what a Konkanasta or Chitpavan Brahmin in Maharashtra is called.

Cheers, bored of sanghi kid Doc

Nice cover Kobra Ji.

Still waiting on answers to my 2 questions.
You seem hell bent on doing everything but to back up your ridiculous and pathetic lies.

Not yet a Kobra.
Sigh .....

@Great Brahmin would you do the honors please?

Cheers, Doc
Cobra and Chitpavan brahmins are migrants from extreem North and west of India thus we're purest even during last ispamoc age.

Bajirao, other peshwas we're pale skinned with blue-green eyes hance these 2 communities still produces children with pure Aryan blood.

I am not part of these 2 communities but many brahmins from West Gujarat have pale skin and Light eyes. Myself have Hazel eyes, passed down to me by my grandma.
What BS.

Contrary to every parameter contradicting everything you just stated, you want to shove your opinion as fact.

After 2014, muslims coming into India from Myanmar and Bangladesh has increased - it's like saying Christians and Hindus are rushing to Syria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq etc because.......??? Yeah, can't find a reason, can you?

Your idiotic opinion does not match facts on ground.

Hon Sir,

I am surprised by your reply. Did I say that majority of Indians support Hinduvta and stop non-Hindus from coming to India?

The point I was trying to make is that Hinduvta agenda and agenda of the extremist Islamists groups is similar albeit one is a sectarian Hindu dharma based and the other is based on Wahhabi Islam. Except for a minority, the majority of Muslims all over the world, especially so in Pakistan, neither agree with nor support Daesh/Taliban ideology. Similarly, I don’t believe that the majority of Indians are Hinduvta supporters.

On the other hand, you imply that I indirectly labelled the majority of Indians as supporters of Hinduvta by quoting that so many Muslims were being allowed in. Your criticism betrays covert sympathy for the Hinduvta ideology; suppose Nathoo Ram Godse was one of your heroes?

You are of course free to believe whatever you fancy; my only comment being that your interpretation of my post is incorrect.
Hey everyone. I was intending on finishing this thread earlier, but I had to leave the Tallahasse area due to Hurricane Michael, and since than I have been caught up with other obligations, so I decided to take a small break. Sorry for the delay.
Late Ancient-Early Medieval period.

By about 200 BC, most of Maharashtra was ruled by the Buddhist Pravarapura-Nandivardhana dynasty. It was at this time that Maharashtra's iconic rock-cut caves were built. These are known as being some of the most amazing feats of architecture not just in India, but the entire medieval world.
Ajanta caves- the earliest of the great rock-cut caves of Maharahstra. The date of the first phase of construction was likely between 100-200 bc.

cave 9, one of the oldest Ajanta caves. Has an ancient Chaitya-style worship hall and stupa

One of the earliest caves at Ajanta completed before 150 BC
Some of the earliest paintings at Ajanta Cave 10


Shrine of Buddha dating between 100-200 BC

Ajanta cave 12. Built around 200 BC as a Vihara, or refuge.

The later phase of the Ajanta Caves were built between the fifth and sixth centuries AD

Cave 19

cave 20
Elephanta caves-located on the Elephanta Island off the coast of Mumbai, the Elepahanta caves are a UNESCO World Heritage Site that have impressed foreign travelers for centuries. The island goueese t its name from the Portuguese after an elephant statue was found. The Portuguese used the island as a military base, and Portuguese soldiers caused heavy damage to many of the caves.

Elephant statue that gave the caves its name. Obviously, it has been heavily damaged.
Although most of the caves were built between the 5th and 6th century BC, five Shaivate Caves and a Buddhist Stupa could date as far back as 200 BC.

Ancient Shrine of Lord Shiva at Elephanta

Ancient Shaivasa cave

Engraving of Shiva bringing the Ganga to Earth
Wedding of SHiva and Parvati

Cave 1,also known as main cave. Largest of the Elephanta caves, completed between 500-600 ce.

Shiva temple in East Wing

Ellora Caves
The latest of the great rock caves were the Ellora Caves, built in three phases between 500 ce to 1000 CE.


Cave 10, also known as Carpenter's cave, one of the later Buddhist caves.
And finally, cave 16, the Kailasa temple. built between 700-800 CE, this humongous Shiva temple is a truly impressive feat of architecture, to say the least




The way this temple was built into the face of solid rock still baffles scientists to this day. In fact, this would be impressive even today with modern technology. The Kailash temple was even used as evidence by the TV show Ancient Aliens and other conspiracy theorists as evidence of extraterrestrial intervention in the ancient world.

Keep in mind that these caves were mostly built between 500-700 CE, during the dark ages of Europe. SOme of them were even built as early as 200 BC. Hence, it is safe to say that these structures were absolutely unprecedented at the time, and remain some of the world's greatest architectural feats even today. The presence of these caves support my view that modern-day India was one of the world's most ancient and advanced civilizations that lasted for thousands of years.

@Indus Pakistan @Taimur Khurram @Talwar e Pakistan @UnitedPak @niaz @Rusty @Theparadox @DANCING GIRL @third eye @Tshering22 @Nilgiri @Rajesh Kumar @Suriya @HariPrasad @AyanRay @surya kiran @jaiind @Śakra @Tea addict @Peaceful Civilian @pothead @KapitaanAli @Rollno21 @Sam. @Tom M @Cherokee @scorpionx @KAL-EL @Rusty @Pluralist @DANCING GIRL @Mugwop @Iqbal Ali @KAMDEV @SuvarnaTeja

The "Great-State" indeed is Maharashtra.
Kanheri caves: Some more examples of stone-cut architecture in Maharasthra between 200 BC and 1000 ce. The Kanheri caves are located in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park.
Cave 1- the oldest of the caves, built as a Vihara, or Buddhist refuge, around 100 BC. Has two levels, with the second unfinished.

Between 100-1000 ce, the Kanheri caves acted as a major University and an important center of Buddhist learning under the Kushan and Gupta Empires.


Ancient Brahmi inscription dating back as far as 100 bc
cave number 2


stupa with carvings in background


sculptures of the Buddha

Cave 3- called the Great Chaitya cave, completed around 170 ce.


Great Chaitya Hall

Chaitya hall with stupa

Great Dagoba of cave 4

Dining hall of the Vihara

Sculptures of Cave 90, one of the latest additions

These are just a handful of images of the ancient architectural wonders at Kanheri, and only a few examples of the wonders and contributions to humanity of Ancient India

@Indus Pakistan @Taimur Khurram @Talwar e Pakistan @UnitedPak @niaz @Theparadox @DANCING GIRL @third eye @Tshering22 @Nilgiri @Rajesh Kumar @Suriya @HariPrasad @AyanRay @surya kiran @jaiind @Śakra @Tea addict @Peaceful Civilian @pothead @KapitaanAli @Rollno21 @Sam. @Tom M @Cherokee @scorpionx @KAL-EL @Mugwop @iqbal Ali @KAMDEV @Dubious @GeraltofRivia @Dewaneh @OsmanAli98 @MilSpec @SpArK @Dalai Lama @Sheena1980 @firestorm7777 @Tea addict @Levina @Kashmiri Pandit @war&peace @MultaniGuy @N.Siddiqui @jamahir
Between 100-1000 ce, the Kanheri caves acted as a major University and an important center of Buddhist learning under the Kushan and Gupta Empires.

I have been to Bombay /Mumbai twice in the 1990s. Even though I had heard about these wonders but somehow couldn't find the time. My loss.

However, I was under the impression that these caves were built during the 5th & 6th Century whereas the Kushans had largely been replaced by the Sassanians during the 4th Century AD.

Did Kushan empire extend as far south as Maharashtra? Wasn't region south of the Vindhyachal range under the Satavahanas?

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