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Human Shields Versus Cow Shields

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Jul 11, 2010
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Pakistan usually responds to Indian military developments to maintain a reasonable balance of power. So how should Pakistan respond to Indians using human shields in Kashmir. A video of the young man tied to an Indian Army jeep has been posted and the comments from Indians indicate that they are more of less supportive of the practice. It is possible that Indians might even use such a tactic in case of war. Obviously Pakistan will not do such a shameful thing. But I have better solution. Pakistan should tie cows (Gau Mata) in front of its tanks and other vehicles in case of war with India. Army has it own herd of cows in it various farms run by the services corp which can be used for this purpose. In addition to using them as shield they can also be used as food by the Army. Any thoughts?:D
No need to tie a cow in front of the tank. Eid ul adha is coming just post the video here that will do.
If Indians unable to acçomplish anything in International arena than they make minorities human shields
Cows are herbivores and these sadists don't care about them and because of their actions these innocent animals shouldn't suffer.
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