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Featured "Look At India, It's Filthy": Donald Trump Shifts Blame On Climate Change


May 21, 2006
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'Look At India, It's Filthy': Donald Trump Shifts Blame On Climate Change

Donald Trump denounced Democratic rival Joe Biden's plans to tackle climate change. (AFP)


New Delhi:
US President Donald Trump referred to what he called the "filthy air" in India, China and Russia as he defended his decision to pull out of the Paris accord and denounced Democrat rival Joe Biden's plans to tackle climate change in a presidential debate today.

"Look at China, how filthy it is. Look at Russia. Look at India. The air is filthy. I walked out of the Paris Accord as we had to take out trillions of dollars and we were treated very unfairly," he said during the second and final debate ahead of the November 3 US polls.

"I will not sacrifice millions of jobs... thousands of companies because of the Paris Accord. It is very unfair," he said at the televised debate in which the two candidates avoided shaking hands due to safety risks.

Joe Biden retorted that climate change is "an existential threat to humanity. We have a moral obligation to deal with it."

"We're going to pass the point of no return within the next eight to 10 years," he said.

Trump's remarks come days before Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper visit New Delhi for talks on building the growing US-India partnership.

This is the second time that Trump has made a critical reference to India during a debate. At the first presidential debate, Trump questioned India's coronavirus data. "When you talk about numbers you don't know how many people died in China, you don't know how many people died in Russia, you don't know how many people died in India. They don't exactly give you a straight count," he had said.

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In 2016 I was dead against Trump becoming president, and now I wish Americans would re-elect him, but sadly that's not going to happen.
The thing is, Trump scared us with his anti-Muslim rhetoric in 2016, but if we look at what he actually did in the last four years, especially foreign policy, it is brilliant. He has put China on the defensive, he defeated ISIL decisively, he made peace with Taliban and is wrapping up the Afghan war which Obama administration never bothered to attempt, he even reconciled with Pakistan, he facilitated the Abraham Accords, he cancelled JCPOA and is squeezing Iran, and I can go on and on
There is a reason why Indian optimism and faith in Trump has evaporated. India had high hopes when Trump was elected. Trump was supposed to teach Pakistan a lesson on India's behalf. Trump was supposed to be the worst nightmare for Pakistan. Let me assure you, Indians are licking their wounds today.
What did he said wrong? With over billion population defecating in the open, no toilets, crops burning, vehicles etc, the air would be filthy as hell but only if Indians realize the shit they live in and try to rectify it instead of spreading fake nonsense and tweets about neighboring countries.
Well to be fair, India wasn’t the only country he named.
Freedom of speech well exercised by Trump.
nothing new India and indians have very bad image in west and becoming worst day by day.

truth has to come out sooner or later.

the difference between china, Russia and India is that the other two are focused to resolve own issue while Hindu Indian govt is busy in fighting all front wars and doing terrorism in neighboring countries.

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