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Moscow honors pilot who crashed US drone, Washington labels him ‘at best an idiot’

No, when your J-8 went down and the pilot killed you did nothing. US recon planes still flying by every day.
You apparently pretended to forget about the dissected perpetrator EP-3, and the impounded crew.why?

While the American pilot was being held for interrogation and the plane was dissected, the Russian pilot was receiving his medal.
lol, same script? ? ?
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Bro this is the only thing I liked about that guy. He showed curage and didn't started shooting civilians in panic. Overall his behaviour was good as expected from a army man.
The only stupid thing he done was going without wing man , for this I don't consider him a top of the line pilot as others are claiming him to be. But overall , he behaved top class during and after release.
I don't blame him for surrendering,but...why did he even get a medal for getting shot down? I don't understand why he is considered a hero in Indian society. Maybe it's the BJP that started all this propaganda.
You apparently pretended to forget about the dissected perpetrator EP-3, and the impounded crew.why?

While the American pilot was being held for interrogation and the plane was dissected, the Russian pilot was receiving his medal.
lol, same script? ? ?

You mean the plane and crew you handed back after we demanded it?

I don't see you asking for your pilot's life back?

..and yes cutting an unauthorized foreign military plane apart and putting it on a transport is standard operating procedure...except if it is a US military plane doing an emergency landing in "China's province" of Taiwan.

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You mean the plane and crew you handed back after we demanded it?

I don't see you asking for your pilot's life back?

..and yes cutting an unauthorized foreign military plane apart and putting it on a transport is standard operating procedure...except if it is a military US plane landing in Taiwan.
20 years ago China was indeed weak under Jiang, but what do you expect China to do with these US POWs? execute them?
You mean the plane and crew you handed back after we demanded it?

I don't see you asking for your pilot's life back?

..and yes cutting an unauthorized foreign military plane apart and putting it on a transport is standard operating procedure...except if it is a US military plane doing an emergency landing in "China's province" of Taiwan.
Yes, the rubbish that has been drained goes back into the trash, of course.
A heroic Chinese martyr wins an interrogation for the country and thoroughly dissects a spy plane to learn more about its intelligence. And the Russian pilot just got a medal, and the Americans didn't touch a single hair of him.
Yes, the rubbish that has been drained goes back into the trash, of course.
A heroic Chinese martyr wins an interrogation for the country and thoroughly dissects a spy plane to learn more about its intelligence. And the Russian pilot just got a medal, and the Americans didn't touch a single hair of him.

please donate 100 more of your trained pilot's lives.
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please donate 100 more of your trained pilot's lives.
wow, that seems difficult. Recently, the United States has often protested against the unprofessional interception of Chinese pilots, and they do not need to continue to sacrifice.
i dont understand why the Russians like to play games.. just shoot it down with a missile, and proudly take credit.

and warn that it will happen again if an american drone comes near our borders

Iran shot down a 500 million dollar supposed "State of the art stealth invisibile" drone. The americans and trump threw a big tantrum. Iran told them to stfu, get your drones away from our borders or it will happen again.

muricans took the L and moved on.
i dont understand why the Russians like to play games.. just shoot it down with a missile, and proudly take credit.

and warn that it will happen again if an american drone comes near our borders

Iran shot down a 500 million dollar supposed "State of the art stealth invisibile" drone. The americans and trump threw a big tantrum. Iran told them to stfu, get your drones away from our borders or it will happen again.

muricans took the L and moved on.
Americans again chickened out.
Seems like American days of bullying others are over.
to bring down a drone with little or no damage to be reversed engineered... and the yankee doodles call him an idiot?

the Su-27 could have shot the drone down.. no big deal.. I don't think that was the objective. The Americans are just creating a screen to hide their loss... ie the Russians have access to drone's tech

there is one such airforce..

ie Indian airforce

they gave medals just for showing up in a battle zone or getting shot down
Its an ancient drint at this point though plus in the video you can see that the Russian pilot tried to dump fuel on the drone and when that failed he bumped into it.
Risking a multi million dollar aircraft to get an drone which is old and mass produced is not the greatest idea.
Americans again chickened out.
Seems like American days of bullying others are over.

What do you suggest we do? Nuke the Kremlin or something? :rolleyes1:

Maybe blow up some of their undersea gas pipelines....er wait...need another idea.
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i dont understand why the Russians like to play games.. just shoot it down with a missile, and proudly take credit.

and warn that it will happen again if an american drone comes near our borders

Iran shot down a 500 million dollar supposed "State of the art stealth invisibile" drone. The americans and trump threw a big tantrum. Iran told them to stfu, get your drones away from our borders or it will happen again.

muricans took the L and moved on.
U.S. still fly drones near Iran.
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