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Situation in Pulwama

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same goes for indian army :) .

best of luck . :sarcastic:

No. of militants active in the valley has gone from 25000 to less than 250. Is there no light?

The major difference is, there was no social media in early days, when militancy was at its peak, otherwise anyone who has followed the news back then, conditions were much worse, with blast or fidayeen attack every week.

Now all we hear is about militants getting killed in encounters or their sympathizers getting killed in protests.
No. of militants active in the valley has gone from 25000 to less than 250. Is there no light?

The major difference is, there was no social media in early days, when militancy was at its peak, otherwise anyone who has followed the news back then, conditions were much worse, with blast or fidayeen attack every week.

Now all we hear is about militants getting killed in encounters or their sympathizers getting killed in protests.
hmmm resistance will be wiped off in next year according to you .:lol:
hmmm resistance will be wiped off in next year according to you .:lol:

A Few dozen militants will remain active for years to come, but they can not force any change to the status quo.

There is no threat to Indian rule from these militants.
A Few dozen militants will remain active for years to come, but they can not force any change to the status quo.

There is no threat to Indian rule from these militants.
so you will withdraw military from cities ? lol .
so you will withdraw military from cities ? lol .

Army is not deployed in the cities firstly, that is the job of local police and central police force, along with paramilitary force like RR.

Army only enters the cities, when things get, really out of hand, to carry out a flag march.
On topic : Freedommmmm... Yay tonight 6*72 virgin girls in Islamic heaven will lose their virginity. Suuper yayyy!
What on earth are you talking about with these stupid one liners?
i mean to say if there is no military in iok then where is civil government .
and kashmiri police and paramilitary is so impotent that they cant handle 250 fighters (claimed by you) .
Don't worry. The war in Afghanistan is won, the war in Kashmir is beginning.
Oh boo hoo, you pick up a gun and shoot at the security forces, you are automatically a terrorist.
Terries have been getting exterminated all throughout the year long before our soldiers were martyred. Correlation ain't causation.

PA always gets punished for cfvs, how many terrorists beat the dust in kashmir is unrelated to how many of our soldiers are martyred and consequently how we retaliate.
Yup, the contamination in the cow cola is all too obvious since the so called paid stonepelters now appear as gun totting terrorists. As for the rest of the banter, first try to take in confidence your BSF, there's a difference between protesting for rations and for killed comrades, it's unprecedented that your soldiers protesting at the fact that Pakistani soldiers fire back and kill Indian soldiers....hence it becomes obvious who is feeling the heat.


Pakistan Rangers not accepting protest notes over ceasefire: BSF
Yup, the contamination in the cow cola is all too obvious since the so called paid stonepelters now appear as gun totting terrorists.

Not really.
Gun totting terrorists are gun totting terrorists, which is why Indian security forces shoot at terrorists and not protestors or even run apcs, tanks or jets on them under the guise of "war against terror".

As for the rest of the banter, first try to take in confidence your BSF, there's a difference between protesting for rations and for killed comrades, it's unprecedented that your soldiers protesting at the fact that Pakistani soldiers fire back and kill Indian soldiers....hence it becomes obvious who is feeling the heat.


Pakistan Rangers not accepting protest notes over ceasefire: BSF

Changing the topic now are we. Truth does get bitter.

Yeah, see unlike some forces, ours can actually complain and hope that the Indian polity and populace would listen.
Every military has some issues, its the ones that proclaim purity and 100% clean logistics that are to be doubted, but then again these forces also believe in the philosophy of 'no news is good news', and then bamm, Bangladesh happens.

The "complains" only last till we have retaliated, which we do, always.
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Not really.
Gun totting terrorists are gun totting terrorists, which is why Indian security forces shoot at terrorists and not protestors or even run apcs, tanks or jets on them under the guise of "war against terror".
Lack of knowledge is obvious since one is incompetent to comprehend the fact that there is a difference between freedom struggle and WOT, does the name Aizawl rattles the brain.

Changing the topic now are we. Truth does get bitter.
Very much in line to you posting a tweet hence one should practice what one preaches.
Yeah, see unlike some forces, ours can actually complain and hope that the Indian polity and populace would listen.
Every military has some issues, its the ones that proclaim purity and 100% clean logistics that are to be doubted, but then again these forces also believe in the philosophy of 'no news is good news', and then bamm, Bangladesh happens.

The "complains" only last till we have retaliated, which we do, always.
I don't see armies of the real liberal and democratic countries descending to such tactics but then there are others who consider themselves more royals than royals or as the saying goes any port in storm....including running back to '71 to salvage the tiny egos, firing over others shoulders is an art as good as capturing the dreaded Pigeon or painting your own wrecks in enemies colours.
As for the tall claims of retaliations, unlike the aping liberals, i don't see our Rangers protesting, however we often hear noises and complains about brain blowing BATs from across the border.
Lack of knowledge is obvious since one is incompetent to comprehend the fact that there is a difference between freedom struggle and WOT,

Oh you know, one man's "war on terror" is another man's 'one of the largest mass internal displacement of civilians in modern COIN history, destruction of civilian property and of their basic human rights, media bans and so on and so forth'.

And one man's "freedom struggle" is another man's 'foreign manufactured proxy war to compensate for the fact that a conventional war is out of his enemy's league'.

does the name Aizawl rattles the brain.

That one time IAF air striked which had nil casualties compared to the years of constant full scale military operation, air striking, usage of armoured fighting vehicles, un-defused mines that resulted in the displacement and deaths of over a million people, with zero guarantee that the same won't happen again.

Right, both are soooo very comparable.

Very much in line to you posting a tweet hence one should practice what one preaches.

Do have a go at the tweet again, see its content and time stamp, maybe then you'll realise it is completely on topic.

I don't see armies of the real liberal and democratic countries descending to such tactics but then there are others who consider themselves more royals than royals or as the saying goes any port in storm....

Says who?
Again, logistical problems happen everywhere, doesn't mean the said problems are endemic in nature.

As for protests notes, that's coz most liberal countries are fighting terrorists not countries, what will protest notes against non-state actors achieve?

But just to sate your doubts, protest notes aren't all that rare.
https://112.international/politics/...ussia-claiming-to-release-sailors-34640.htmlc fxs6

From your own link.
"while five Pakistani rangers were killed in retaliatory firing by India."
Like I said, we always retaliate in kind and then some.

including running back to '71 to salvage the tiny egos, firing over others shoulders is an art as good as capturing the dreaded Pigeon or painting your own wrecks in enemies colours.
As for the tall claims of retaliations, unlike the aping liberals, i don't see our Rangers protesting, however we often hear noises and complains about brain blowing BATs from across the border.

You don't hear complaints from your rangers because you hear nothing from your rangers, i.e. the grunts, the ones doing the actual heavy lifting.
Like PA with its pathological need to control all aspects of pakistan would let a dissident voice from within PA and against PA be public.
The only military people speaking anything of substance from any platform in pakistan are the pakistani military officers who are higher up the food chain and who usually have a far better and privileged background.

But do enjoy the illusion of "having the upper hand" during peace time. LOL.
Coz we all know when the s##t hits the fan and the pakistani public finally knows what's going on, you lot usually are in the process of realising that a chunk of your population was demanding independence all this time, your forces are suffering major tactical and strategic losses, while simultaneously losing half your country, 90,000 pakistanis surrendering publicly to your supposed mortal enemy, followed by economic meltdowns, coups, fall of governments and so on and so forth.
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