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Suella Braverman UK-Pakistani grooming claim misleading, says press regulator


Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom

What a lying bitch, all Pakistanis should sue her for insulting them. She shouold be forced to resign and deported back to India.

Suella Braverman UK-Pakistani grooming claim misleading, says press regulator​

    • Published
      2 hours ago
Related Topics
Home Secretary Suella Braverman
By Chas Geiger
BBC Politics

A claim by the home secretary that UK child grooming gangs were "almost all British-Pakistani men" was misleading, the press regulator has ruled.
The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) instructed the Mail on Sunday to publish a correction to an opinion piece written by Suella Braverman in April.
The correction now links the claim to high-profile cases like Rotherham.
A source close to Ms Braverman called the IPSO ruling "perverse".


The source told the BBC: "The home secretary referred [in the Mail on Sunday (MoS) article] to the 'grooming gangs phenomenon' such as the high profile cases in Rochdale and Rotherham.
"Independent reports found that British-Pakistani men predominated among the perpetrators.

"She did not refer to all group-based child sexual abuse. It's a perverse decision that requires a wilful misreading of the piece and is clearly a political attack, co-opting IPSO, from the Muslim Council of Britain," the source said.
The complaint was brought by the Centre for Media Monitoring, part of the Muslim Council of Britain, which campaigns for "fair, accurate and responsible reporting of Islam and Muslims".
In the original article, Ms Braverman described the "systematic rape, abuse and exploitation of young girls by organised gangs of older men" and the failure of people in authority to act as a "stain on our country".
She focused initially on the Rotherham abuse scandal, but went on to assert that the perpetrators behind the "grooming gangs phenomenon" were "groups of men, almost all British-Pakistani, who hold cultural attitudes completely incompatible with British values".
"They have been left mostly unchallenged both within their communities and by wider society, despite their activities being an open secret.
"Many of them have gone unpunished and remain at large."

'Variety of ethnicities'​

IPSO concluded that a "direct link between the identified ethnic group and a particular form of offending" was "misleading" where it was not made clear that this referred specifically to the abuse scandals in Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford.
IPSO said the newspaper had offered, four days after publication, to clarify that "the perpetrators of child sexual abuse, more broadly, are a variety of ethnicities".
But the complainant argued that any clarification should make clear that Home Office research, published in 2020, had found group-based child sexual offenders were mainly white.
Rejecting that, IPSO also noted that the MoS had checked the home secretary's claim with her advisers, and was told they had "no concern" about it.
The regulator decided the clarification offered by the paper should be published instead.
In April, the home secretary announced that people who worked with children in England would be required by law to report child sexual abuse, or face prosecution.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak outlined plans for specialist officers to help forces tackle grooming gangs, saying their victims had been "often ignored" because of "cultural sensitivity and political correctness".
But Conservative peer Baroness Warsi, the UK's first South Asian cabinet minister, warned that Ms Braverman's rhetoric had "emboldened racists" and was putting British Asian families at risk.
In its final report last October, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse described the scale of abuse in England and Wales as "horrific and deeply disturbing".
About 7,000 victims of abuse gave evidence to the seven-year inquiry, which was set up in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.
IPSO was set up in 2014 to replace the Press Complaints Commission following the Leveson report on the culture, practices and ethics of the British press, in the aftermath of the News International phone hacking scandal.
Critics have questioned its effectiveness and its independence from the newspapers it regulates. Some papers, including the Financial Times and the Guardian, declined to take part in IPSO, and set up their own independent complaints systems instead.
The Muslim Council of Britain has been approached for comment.

Related Topics​

She is guilty of misstating the facts. What she should have said, more accurately is,
Nazir Afzal, the former chief crown prosecutor in the north-west, who brought prosecutions over the Rochdale grooming gangs, welcomed the report. “It confirms that white men remain the most common offenders, which is something rarely mentioned by rightwing commentators,” he said.

“However, it is not shy in reflecting that south Asian and British Pakistani men are disproportionately found in high-profile cases.
She confused disproportionate overrepresentation with absolute overrepresentation. Not an uncommon mistake for someone who is a lawyer/politician by training. BTW, she is a native Briton.
She is Indian Hindu BJP. What else you expect from her?

What a lying bitch, all Pakistanis should sue her for insulting them. She shouold be forced to resign and deported back to India.

Suella Braverman UK-Pakistani grooming claim misleading, says press regulator​

    • Published
      2 hours ago
Related Topics
Home Secretary Suella Braverman
By Chas Geiger
BBC Politics

A claim by the home secretary that UK child grooming gangs were "almost all British-Pakistani men" was misleading, the press regulator has ruled.
The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) instructed the Mail on Sunday to publish a correction to an opinion piece written by Suella Braverman in April.
The correction now links the claim to high-profile cases like Rotherham.
A source close to Ms Braverman called the IPSO ruling "perverse".


The source told the BBC: "The home secretary referred [in the Mail on Sunday (MoS) article] to the 'grooming gangs phenomenon' such as the high profile cases in Rochdale and Rotherham.
"Independent reports found that British-Pakistani men predominated among the perpetrators.

"She did not refer to all group-based child sexual abuse. It's a perverse decision that requires a wilful misreading of the piece and is clearly a political attack, co-opting IPSO, from the Muslim Council of Britain," the source said.
The complaint was brought by the Centre for Media Monitoring, part of the Muslim Council of Britain, which campaigns for "fair, accurate and responsible reporting of Islam and Muslims".
In the original article, Ms Braverman described the "systematic rape, abuse and exploitation of young girls by organised gangs of older men" and the failure of people in authority to act as a "stain on our country".
She focused initially on the Rotherham abuse scandal, but went on to assert that the perpetrators behind the "grooming gangs phenomenon" were "groups of men, almost all British-Pakistani, who hold cultural attitudes completely incompatible with British values".
"They have been left mostly unchallenged both within their communities and by wider society, despite their activities being an open secret.
"Many of them have gone unpunished and remain at large."

'Variety of ethnicities'​

IPSO concluded that a "direct link between the identified ethnic group and a particular form of offending" was "misleading" where it was not made clear that this referred specifically to the abuse scandals in Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford.
IPSO said the newspaper had offered, four days after publication, to clarify that "the perpetrators of child sexual abuse, more broadly, are a variety of ethnicities".
But the complainant argued that any clarification should make clear that Home Office research, published in 2020, had found group-based child sexual offenders were mainly white.
Rejecting that, IPSO also noted that the MoS had checked the home secretary's claim with her advisers, and was told they had "no concern" about it.
The regulator decided the clarification offered by the paper should be published instead.
In April, the home secretary announced that people who worked with children in England would be required by law to report child sexual abuse, or face prosecution.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak outlined plans for specialist officers to help forces tackle grooming gangs, saying their victims had been "often ignored" because of "cultural sensitivity and political correctness".
But Conservative peer Baroness Warsi, the UK's first South Asian cabinet minister, warned that Ms Braverman's rhetoric had "emboldened racists" and was putting British Asian families at risk.
In its final report last October, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse described the scale of abuse in England and Wales as "horrific and deeply disturbing".
About 7,000 victims of abuse gave evidence to the seven-year inquiry, which was set up in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.
IPSO was set up in 2014 to replace the Press Complaints Commission following the Leveson report on the culture, practices and ethics of the British press, in the aftermath of the News International phone hacking scandal.
Critics have questioned its effectiveness and its independence from the newspapers it regulates. Some papers, including the Financial Times and the Guardian, declined to take part in IPSO, and set up their own independent complaints systems instead.
The Muslim Council of Britain has been approached for comment.

Related Topics​

For the knowledge of respectable madam:
Link 1
Link 2

I don't know what to say, but it seems like the UK has to do more than find the fault of one particular ethnic group.
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Everyone knows grooming is a fake crime. It's radical feminist. Another reason why Pakistan should stay the hell away from Anglosaxons (foreign policy only).
She is guilty of misstating the facts. What she should have said, more accurately is,
Nazir Afzal, the former chief crown prosecutor in the north-west, who brought prosecutions over the Rochdale grooming gangs, welcomed the report. “It confirms that white men remain the most common offenders, which is something rarely mentioned by rightwing commentators,” he said.

“However, it is not shy in reflecting that south Asian and British Pakistani men are disproportionately found in high-profile cases.
She confused disproportionate overrepresentation with absolute overrepresentation. Not an uncommon mistake for someone who is a lawyer/politician by training. BTW, she is a native Briton.
She is married to a Jew and harbors hatred towards Muslims is the only conclusion one can come to. She knows what she is saying , she is a barrister by profession, and was and still is abusing her position to attack a minority community on the behest of her Zion masters. She has lost public trust to flfil and, if she had any integrity, resign from her position.

As for the allegation that British Pakistanis have disproportinate numbers involved in grooming cases , this is utter nonsense. Having lived with White folks most of my life I can say that this is the British culture of disrespect and abuse of women and one of the "British values" culturised by the media and adopted by the whole of the British (and Western) society. Her statement is clear defamation and pandering to White extremists within the UK and serves no other purpose but to spread hatred and victimise British Pakistanis who at present are at the receiving end of the economic disadvantageous body blows.
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She is married to a Jew and harbors hatred towards Muslims is the only conclusion one can come to. She knows what she is saying , she is a barrister by profession, and was and still is abusing her position to attack a minority community on the behest of her Zion masters. She has lost public trust to flfil and, if she had any integrity, resign from her position.

As for the allegation that British Pakistanis have disproportinate numbers involved in grooming cases , this is utter nonsense. Having lived with White folks most of my life I can say that this is the British culture of disrespect and abuse of women and one of the "British values" culturised by the media and adopted by the whole of the British (and Western) society. Her statement is clear defamation and pandering to White extremists within the UK and serves no other purpose but to spread hatred and victimise British Pakistanis who at present are at the receiving end of the economic disadvantageous body blows.
You cannot expect an Indian to be any different, wether married to a jew or not.

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