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Ukraine appoints American trans woman as new military spokesperson


Aug 2, 2021
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The spirit of Ukrainian army must go sky high as they see their "democracy and freedom" values which they are fighting for, are coming closer than ever to them. Or better yet, a top commander-in-chief with mustache but wearing a skirt.

The post itself is pointless as all communique either come from Zelenskyy office or Ukraine MOD.

Notice the posting is mostly propaganda, it's obvious they are doing this to spite the Russian
The post itself is pointless as all communique either come from Zelenskyy office or Ukraine MOD.

Notice the posting is mostly propaganda, it's obvious they are doing this to spite the Russian
Ukrainians must be thinking "are we fighting for LGBT rights?"
Ukrainians must be thinking "are we fighting for LGBT rights?"
That's what the Ukrainian want the Russian to think, again, that post is for propaganda, and who do you think would be the ultimate consumer of said propaganda?

Beside, I don't see any problem on LGBTI or whatever right in military, you can be gay or tran and a fighter as much as you can be white, black, asian, native, gypsie, men and women and be a warfighter. As long as you did your bit, and you go down the foxhole with everybody, I see no problem with that. I mean they accepted woman in the military right? Why you think a man wanted to be a woman should be a problem??
Number of sources is so overwhelming........

And yet, NATO bots deny it. Not even in USA they deny promoting homosexuality. There are universities in USA that specify special previliges for homosexual students. USA is heaven of homosexuals.
That's what the Ukrainian want the Russian to think, again, that post is for propaganda, and who do you think would be the ultimate consumer of said propaganda?

Beside, I don't see any problem on LGBTI or whatever right in military, you can be gay or tran and a fighter as much as you can be white, black, asian, native, gypsie, men and women and be a warfighter. As long as you did your bit, and you go down the foxhole with everybody, I see no problem with that. I mean they accepted woman in the military right? Why you think a man wanted to be a woman should be a problem??
What is wrong in this? Being LGBTQ arent a crime in Ukrainian law...
well there is no problem with it , in fact the T part is not even a crime here , but it mean alot in Russia as it's stated here the post actually mean shit and all she say will come from zelensky propaganda office , and its great way to troll Russian
Dude, what people want to do in their down time is their business. You want to dress like a gladiator and fight someone in supermarket or go into a comic-con and dress like a bunny, that's your business, so again, why would people have any problem with a man dressing up like a woman, or a woman dressing up at a man, they are called private time for a reason.

I don't really know what the fuzz this is about. I mean, army time? sure, you do what the army tells you to do, but private time? That's your business, I don't, and never care about what my soldier do in their downtime, that's their time, I only care when I tell them to do something, because that's my time.

I mean, is cross dressing a dieases that preclude someone from performing their duty? I mean if you are anti-social or bi-polar, yes, I would say we shouldn't give you access to big gun loaded with real bullet, but again, even if we define Crossdressing as a mental disease, how it preclude someone from performing and discharging their duty?

Don't get me wrong, I don't like crossdresser, and never understood why people want to do that but then that does not mean it's a wrong choice of lifestyle, or even ill, it's just someone choose something different. And that different alone does not make that person incapable to pick up a gun and fight and understand why. So why that is a problem for the military?
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and this is why Ladies and Gentlemen Ukraine is losing the war
Dude, what people want to do in their down time is their business. You want to dress like a gladiator and fight someone in supermarket or go into a comic-con and dress like a bunny, that's your business, so again, why would people have any problem with a man dressing up like a woman, or a woman dressing up at a man, they are called private time for a reason.
Exactly. In their private life. Not when they are being appointed such a post.
Exactly. In their private life. Not when they are being appointed such a post.
So what preclude them from perform in such a post?

I mean, what do you look at on a post like this? The ability to communicate, even fight if they have to, again, I can't see anything preclude crossdressers to do such word? Because they have a weird sense of their gender??

I mean, shouldn't the position be given to people who fit the bill? I still yet to understand how he/she/they should be denied because they have a different view on gender? I mean you don't need to look at her if you don't want to, but to say that this particular person should not held such post because it is public is another story...I mean do you tell transvestite on the street to go home and put on women cloth at home and don't do it in public?

As someone said, there are no law in Ukraine to criminalise transvestitism or any LGBIT offence, so what a person do is what they do and they have every right to do them, you can say you don't like them, or you don't want to hang out with them, that's okay because that's your choice, but I don't think anyone have any say on whether or not people should hire a transvestite except the person is hiring, you may not and I certainly will not, that's fine, but that does not mean everybody else have an issue with it...

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