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Minority loving Modi Govt wants to abolish Christmas Holidays!!

Do you think Modi Govt is good for India?

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lol.. u mean to say, those who convert were without any religion or of abrahamic religion( they are converting to christianity, so they can't be that, so we are left with 2, islam and judaism).
Dharmic faith is embedded in the soul, spirit & mind of a person. Those people can't convert because it's the faith of his inner soul.
Dharmic faith is embedded in the soul, spirit & mind of a person. Those people can't convert because it's the faith of his inner soul.
these are vague, generalized words, doesn't serve the purpose much, not everyone out there understand these words and their meaning, aizen sama.
moreover its the way u want to preach someone, for most backward people, its the idol of god and the way of worship that the rituals they follow are the greatest symbolization of religion to them, many tribal follow animism along with hinduism. but missionaries not only lure them with money but also try to show them the corrupt form of their gods.
when minds are weak, doubs appears easily. when u see nature as magic, you will worship it not to appreciate it but because you are unknown and fearful to it.
and when missionaries shows them magic of science to them they fall for the trap..
not their fault.. not at all..
Actually Christianity arrived in India much before first British converted to it .... Some of Indian Christian were Christians for more than a thousand years.

It was Saint Thomas who came to Muziris, Kerala India in 52 AD to preach gospel to the Jews who came to India during the Roman Era.

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Nothing angers kids more than a holiday ruined.. My office is open on 25th for year end work. My boss made a one- explanation- "Well, none of us are Christians here, so it is not a problem". End of Discussion. And the useless, incompetent HR, with a cruel sense of humour, is making us do comedy, humiliate ourselves and waste our time in the name of Christ Mom- Christ child games.

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