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From Crusades to France



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Dec 30, 2005
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From Crusades to france

When Salahuddin ayubi entered jersulam he pardoned all except one group of people. These were known as templers and salahuddin offered no amnesty knowing fully their hatred of islam and their acts against it. At the start they were about 50 in numbers with their mission, to secure the safety of pilgrims visiting the holly sites, the mere number 50 tells of their other duties, certainly fifty people could not secure the safety of thousands of pilgrims, they had other business and salahudin knew well. When they were driven out of jeruslam they found france as their base to expand their activities and keeping in mind the corporate crusades that followed they were the financiers. With the wealth they bought hecteres upon hecteres of land in france, one by one securing it from the smaller land lords who would more than often give their land just for mere inclusion in this group. In the middle of the thirteenth century the king of france knowing fully their power sent orders throughout his land to shut their offices at the same time in a simultaneous raids, he knew the subtle subversion of his subjects that was taking place. Even the letters were not to be opened until the time arrived. The time came and simultaneous raids were made, their top brass escaped along with vast quantities of wealth Boarded on top of ships. The lower down officials were caught as they were regraded expendables. From france they found another destination for their base and confict between England and scotland provided that oppurtunity. Scotland it was to be from where they could plan their strategies without fear of being apprehended.They poured their wealth behind the scottish and were able to turn the english crown far from the centre of their operation. once that was done subtly and quitely they were able to wrest control of the state of scotland by combination of assasinations of kings, their sons, their daughters, all of these murders were shown to be geuine accidents, fall from a horse, food poisoning and such. Their came a time when the whole chain of monarchy was broken and thus stepped in their man claiming that he had the letter from the leter king who was quite young, saying that after his death so and so many men will decide upon who they are going to make a king, claiming also that the late king told him not to reveal this letter until his death. Hence they secured the control of monarchy. What followed then was the strategy which would last for next few couple of centuries to get the monarchy's of other countries under their control via putting them under debt in a systematic way.

From Scotland to England.

When this was accomplished there came a time when they decided to move their base, England it was. Banks were established as a way of netting others further under their control, they remained discrete, Family of royal families became their members and corporate firms were made. From 15th century onwards england was their base. It was them who established east India company and later became their rulers, a strategy of netting the mughal empire that took atleast two hundred years to implement. Kings princes, army generals in every sphere of life they had their people regardless of borders. They took diferent names in different countries with only the very top brass knowing their intentions and the span of control and the overall strategy. At times they would have people in french heirachy as well as british, they will have agents whose actions will lead to war between two countries while the winning side will be the one whom this group will favour with wealth, in return getting whatever they could secure in terms of strategic assets and control over the affair of states. A Brilliant strategy. While britain remained their base from 16th through to 19th century the find of america showed them another opputunity of nabbing a piece of land that had just surfaced. Through fifteenth to 17th century they were able to lesson the influence of local indian leaders over their population and once it was achieved The indirectly controlled armies of England and france were unleashed on these lands to secure the land for the groups future consumption.

An example of the way they lessoned the influence of the native american ruler tells of the time span they have in mind to implement their strategy. One of their members went to an indian kingdom weaponless and once he was regarded as one of their own he went into a prophetic state, people started regarded him highly, soon it was time for him to leave but what he was sent to do was to be done, he prophecised that a white skinned god will come in the next hundred years with people taking his words to their hearts, he told the time and the date he will come. Hundred years later a white man appeared speaking their language at the spot the prophet had prophecised. People rushed and took him to the throne where even the king was obliged to vacate the thrown that belonged to god. The story had become a legend through the previous hundred years and now was the time to capitalize on this legend, He was their own man. Before king understood the whole story the kingdom was out of his control and he executed thus the order of the god fulfilled. It shows a thinking that any simple minded human being can not think, their plans are spread over centuries that come into place subtly while people think that nothing is going on.

With a foothold in america and the following conquest of it they had found a new destination to plan ahead far from the beaches of asia or Europe , base was shifted but the assets remained in other territories until this base could be brought to it's full potential on their principles with it's goal to be under their control, churning it's resources for their ends. While east india company continued it's building up of forts on the shores of india the authority lay in the hands of a group composed of three hundred people, know as the ''group of 300'', they still needed the face of a state or states to show to the world while at home the rulers of those states lay at their mercy. Tensions in Europe were maintained between individual countries in order to keep their options open in case one nation went out of their control. It is still the strategy, who ever wins they are the winners. While america started coming near it's full they needed the territory, the first to be one fully under their leadership unlike monarchy's of Europe. A drama was staged following which they revolt in america began, it began from nothing and the Army officers responsible for starting the whole conflict on the behalf of British crown somehow came up to be amongst the leaders of the first american state, surprising and shocking now but at that time it was hushed past. He was their man and one of many, mock up battles were fought during this conflict with planning done on the behalf of the british crown by this very same officer who came to be in the top ranks of the opposition one job was done.

As for Ottomans the first major breakthrough came through an agent, a gardener near the harams of the Sultan, a girl was brought for the haram of sultan with her origins from the same village from where the wife of napolean came. In this village among many villages was a sub-organisation working with it's aim of churning out ladies that will take the hearts of the rulers of the time. Naqsh-e-Dil was name given to her by the Ruler of ottoman empire and soon she bore a child, and not far after sultan died. The boy was brought under her supervision, the haram and all it's servants infilterated and way cleared for the accesion to the throne of this Boy, to this lady it wasn't a surprise that many of the new born babies were dieing mysterious deaths in their cradles, the path for sultan had to be cleared. Once young enough the sultan succeeded to the throne, his mother's boyfriend given position one of the highest amongst the ranks on the insistance of her mother and here is when full-fledged infilteration of the whole Ottoman sultanate started. Soon the foreigners were allowed in the empire, Kingdom forced to wage wars on every front, with russia, with eastern europe, with britain, at land , at sea, the whole purpose, to drive the whole empire into debt, not surprisingly given to them by European Exchequers. This is all uptill 1850's. what was to follow next was to take the whole subversion to a far greater level with end not far from sight of this empire whose security had been breached by a single woman under their command. Inshallah will continue it soon. With Sultan under their guidance, top officials under their command and the affairs of the state coming under their control the next step was to get the future generations of rulers under their total control. Soon the sultan came to pass and his son who had visited France along the sultan a while ago came to power, this sultan was made fond of European ways starting wioth his first visit where the Queen of france another one of them offering gifts to this shy heir to the throne. Story was told later how his fondness grew and with this fondness came the lavishness and eventual fondness of the ideas outside the empire. He was made a member of the group before him becoming the King. With his accession to the throne the empire was all theirs, now was the time to play the trick played in scotland number of centuries ago, from now onwards the throne would only come into the hand they wished. The New sultan with pasisng of time realized the figures he was surrounded by the purpose they held, even though he was the member of the group the purpose of joining them was never revealed to him, for him he had joined just an elite group. By that time it was too late, it was him who had allowed large scale infilteration of every decision making tool of the state, he went ill and his illness and went from worse to worse, he was to be gotten rid off as he was a threat than a helper. Surrounded by doctors all from Europe he could find no cure, remark of a doctor that visited him speaks of those doctors as a bunch of soothsayers would just stand around him, his illness wasn't threatening and it's cure common but he was left on his own. Soon the word was spread that the sultan had gone deranged and following which sultan was found dead along with his wife, they had commited suicide. This is uptil 1870's, they found no opposition for a number of years where one ruler would die in succession of the other with unknown illnesses, children born found dead on birth making way clear for the succession of their person, choked to death by people without a voice raised. It tells about the magnitude of infilteration, we do not know how many more naqsh-e-dils were infilterated since the start of the infilterations but they were there. The resistance came in the form of Sultan Abudul-hamit, who was able to see where things were being led to, a cunning ruler who soon went about curtailing the tentacles of threat that had grown from a seed to a forest subtly, till today he is known as ''Abdul hamit the damned'', Not knowing that sultan had seen their plans and has withdrawn from their clan the leader of zionist movement, a sub-organisation of theirs, came directly to sultan asking for a place for jews in his empire. Hamit gave him a reply the crux of which was that as long as I live you will not get an inch of land, If I am not there and the state is no more you will get the land without being given it. Slowly the Upper ranks were cleaned but what had spread over the last century was to take much more than a mere decade, their businesses were closed, their members from outside the empire driven out of the Ottoman territory and efforts made once again to unite the empire whose governors had become part of the whole plan.

One of the governors that withdrew from their plans at the same time as the Ruler was Muhammad Ali, the governor of Egypt. Having realized the scope of threat he tackled it in a way which couldn't be fathomed. He Invited all the top buisness men who he knew were a part to the implementation strategy, for a dinner, when the guests arrived he ordered the closure of all doors and gates, following this was issued an order that would send a chilling lesson to the planners of the demise of Ottoman empire, he ordered exectution of all within the hall. Following this privatised assets were reclaimed, suez canal the land around which had been bought by an English member of the group taken control off and passage through it stopped for the plotters, the hidden rulers of British empire, this sent a jolt through their ranks and in-order to draw British state into war the man who owned Suez gave his recently occupied land at the feets of Queen Victoria, they knew that according to rules if another nation occupies the land of the Empire than that's similar to waging war againt the empire. War was waged and lost too following which for next two decades suez was out of their control. Sultan abdul hamit died and following him were sultan's which had been nurtured, corrupted and brought up self-indulgent, Sultan couldn't get rid of them, he couldn't have realised the scope of infilteration, subtle and subtle attacks were being launched every where. Now what was needed was climax of the Seat of power of the muslim world, they were certain that once broken The back bone of islam will break and the way left open to put into practice which they had tried 5-600 years earlier. This time the conquest had to be final, physical as well as Pyschological that will render the world open, allowing them a staging post in the area that is regarded as the middle of the world. Inshallah will continue with the climax and parrallel developments taking place around the world. The soucres are many, a few that come to mind are, beware of the pale horse, and another one written By kamran R'ad.

With the death of Abdul Hamit another sultan came to power and soon was lead into retaining the positions lost during his fathers reign. The very same individuals that he brough to power were the ones belonging to the group, they made him relinqusih the authority to them, from now onwards they could do anything, and pass any order in the name of sultan. His name had to be defamed among public before the end of this sultanate. A sub-organisation named Young turks was created with it's typical rituals including a gun on which one would be asked to swear an oath of alleigance to the group all while blindfolded. It's purpose was to make leaders for the command of aft-sultanate state. Mustafa kamaal being one of them. Soon the time came approached the second world war by which the sultanate was again made debt ridden, the power of the sultan reduced to a ceremonial position. The sultanate was plunged into war for a purpose which was to deliver a final blow. The heads of the army were all in agreement with the ones playing the drama, vast territories were lost via direct conflict at the same time large scale insurgencies were fueled to keep the remainder of the true loyals busy. In the last century the mood of the heirachy was changed from a individual of a muslim community to a nationalistic one, this was only the starting point of the turk nationalism which was to embedded in them to cut them off from the rest of the islamic world for eternity if it could be done. The Sultanate lost and the whole blame placed on the titled 'Khalifa-e-waqt', he was placed into confinement while at the same time the dissaffected people grinded in the name of Khalif further alienating the people, now was the time for Final push. Mustafa kamal was also there as a pasha in the caliph's council during the first world war, now was the time for him to take the centre stage and raise voice against the injustice perpetuated upon the common people by the sultan who was in virtual confinement for more than a decade, the same people who lead the people to defeat and tyranny were to become their leader. Caliph was disposed, now such a leader was required for the people who would cut them off from their past and their own selves, their way of life, mustafa kamal pasha was there to serve this role and in order to shore up his support amongst the masses phony victories were declared against other lost territories regaining part of them. He was now titled a ghazi, Attaturk, the father of turks. The organistaion knew that making up of a leadership was the most important task that faced them hence they continued further name building for him until they knew the people have forgotten about the dfeat they faced during Sultan's reign, the sultanate was to be remebered among the masses as dishonest and inept while mustafa and his companions as the glory bringers and strong. a few years passed the world war when the plan was laid out and implementation started in full go to separate the people from their past. The dress codes were changed, the script changed from arabic to english, and so forth. The script changing was to cut off any common ground among turkey and it's neighbours to the east and south and more importantly the language of Quran. the same thing was happening to the scripts in the southeast asian countries at the same time, the reason for it having the same purpose. This was the demise that took at least 150 years of subtle subversion about which many remain unaware to this day.

From Islam to nationalism

Having de-linked turks from their past and embedded them into the thoughts of nationalism, the remaining territories of the Khilafat-e-Usmania had to be given a cause other than islam, nationalism had to be embedded in them too. Bath parties were created throughout the arabic speaking regions to guide the masses towards new idealogy of arab nationalism for the first time after the rise of islam in the seventh century. If one moves through these regions and walk into the baath party offices one will find himself amazed at the names of fathers of baath movement, all are non-arabs. While this was the major strategy to finish of delinking Islam from arabic regions, the more subtle strategy was to create organistions which were seemingly against them but remained under their control, People Liberations Organisation just being one of them whose control still remains in their hands, Althought the leaders of these organistions can be well wishing people, true to the cause, the skeleton of the organistaion stays in the hands of their individuals. Over time, these arab nationalistic movements along with agitaion and freedom seeking movements have presented them with problem, these problems could not have been predicted. Coup's upon coups followed in Arab world with the person in power not being under their full authority, but as long as these leaders didn't revert back to Islamic principles the job was on track.

America in 1800's and beyond

While Turkish Khilafat was being infilterated, the newly independant land was being brought up as the seat of thier strategy. Freemasons was the name by which this organisation called itself, one of many names found all over the world. All the presidents were their men with their names listed in the gallery of famous masons. The person in charge of the state didn't need to be told the whole breadth and scope of this organisations activity, he was there just as a front man with no knowledge of how the economics of the country worked but incase a knowledgable person did infilterate through their filters he was to be gotten rid off at the first sign of his meddling in economic affairs. Abraham Lincon the first of their casualities, From there onwards if one has a look at the assasinations of presidents in american history, every 20 years follows an assasination, quite a coincidence. Kennedy was just a successor to previous assasined president, before him atleast 4 others have been assasinated spread over 80 years. Following kennedy, Ronald was left deranged after an assination attempt 20 years later. One is still due as that 20 years mark is reached. 20 years marks the culmination of the circulation of american economy, that is the period when the whole economic set up of the economy is released for review, a knowledge of which needs to be kept in secret. Ronnald reagan was shocked when he sent his advisors to check the amount of gold the state of america had in the gold reserves, a reserve that was built via a law passed by the constitution in 1930's where people were made dutybound to give up their gold above 22 ounces to the state or face prosecution, evene the ones passing the law didn't knew why the economic experts were asking for such a law. After 50 years ronald reagans advisor came back with the news that there wasn't any gold in those reserves belonging to the state, little that is left belongs to Private Individuals and Banks, nonetheless guarded by the American army. It talks volume of the current setup of that state.
It is a great informative article regarding how our enemies divided us and then ruled us. You will be able to read a lot of new information and learn from them.
In this age, we should be promoting peace and not a clash of civilizations which wouldn't benefit anyone.
Originally posted by myst@Feb 21 2006, 07:07 PM
In this age, we should be promoting peace and not a clash of civilizations which wouldn't benefit anyone.
[post=6003]Quoted post[/post]​

Its not the clash of civilizations, its learning from the past.
Just a different set and choice of words for basically the same thing. It needs to be avoided which is certainly not being helped by carricatures of P.B.U.H. and the voilent reaction to them.

Both sides are at fault.
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>>>August the 2nd 1990 Saddam Hussains forces crashed the defenses of oil rich Kuwait in fear of an Iraqi invasion into Saudi Arabia. The United States and her coalition allies poured into the Arabian Peninsula to form a deterrent that would be known as Desert Shield. The result was a series of diplomatic talks, negotiations and count negotiations that rapidly declined into a no hope situation. On August the 17th 1991 the Desert Shield became Desert Storm.

The conflict was witnessed by millions through the IF, CNN and the BBC showing propaganda of the systematic eradication of Saddam&#39;s forces by a coalition far superior in technological, political and economic power. However what was little known was that from the outset the war was engineered, controlled and manipulated by an elite group. A group which had created the illusion of a man with power at the head of a million strong army on the verge of going nuclear. A man who had gained control of the 1/5 of the World&#39;s oil overnight. However in reality he was merely a pawn in amongst many pawns. Just a puppet in a grand master plan with the Gulf War as a well orchestrated stepping stone. The orchestrates of the War were by no means strangers to controlling major World events. In fact they have done so for centuries.

From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you hear and everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populace to their way of thinking and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority and it is from the shadows they have created a new political order, a new economic order and most sinister a new religious order. Their ultimate aim is total global domination and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal. The goal that was outlined in a speech given by a former President of the United States, George Bush "What is at stake is more than one small country it is a big idea a New World Order".

However the origins of this Global plan were not created in the offices of the White House. In reality their roots lay in another war this time the year is 1095 and the place Claremont, France. 11th century Europe was ruled by the church which held a firm grip on the hearts and minds of the people. This power enabled Pope Erwin II to wage war on the Muslim Caliphate and crusade in what he called a War of the Cross to recapture the land of Jerusalem. It had been under Muslim rule since the year 637 but in 1099 this rule was brought to a bloody and sudden end. In the name of the Cross women were raped and murdered, children were put to the sword and it is said that the blood ran in the streets knee high to the horses. Out of this land of bloodshed and terror a group of men arose which would stop at nothing to get what they wanted no matter what the cost. Twenty years after Jerusalem was taken the Dome of the Rock was seized by a group of warrior monks calling themselves The Knights of the Temple of Solomon or most simply the Knights Templers.

In Jerusalem the Templers began to deviate further and further away from the practices of Christianity. They learned the secret arts of the Kabala and ancient form of Jewish magic along with its dark rights and rituals. The Jews have learned the arts from the pagans of ancient Egypt during the times of enslavement to the Pharaoh and develop them into Babylon for the time of Navakanazar. In 1307 King Philip of France arrested them for charges of denial of Christ, homosexuality and idol worship as well as magic. In 1314 Pope Claymont V declared all Templates heretics to Christianity ordering all their properties to be seized. Their leader Chekthemolay was captured and burnt. The Templace was cornered and just when it seemed they were finished forever a glimmer of hope arose from a seemingly certain end they were to find a safe haven as well as an ally but not in France in fact in a country in a desperate struggle for independence against the English. The country of Scotland. The Scotland&#39;s hope of independence has died with the death of William Wallace. However to the King of Scotland Robert the Bruce the arrival of the Templace gave him a new secret weapon. Their experience gained over two hundred years of fighting against the mighty armies of Islam had made them expert in combat and warfare and more than a match for any army brought before them. In 1314 the Templers allied with Robert the Bruce and his army took to the field of Ballack Burn in the long awaited showdown with the English. Robert the Bruce&#39;s four sight paid off the 25,000 strong English army suffered a humiliatingly defeat at the hands of only six and a half thousand men. The dream of an independent Scotland had finally been achieved. The Templers had brought themselves back from the brink of destruction and never again will they allow themselves to be destroyed. This time they will control the country by controlling its Kings and in order to preserve their secret order the Templers would have to die or more precisely the name would have to die. The Templers who had escaped Europe were finally laid to rest in Rovelin Chapel Scotland (as shown in picture Beside) which stands to this day as sign of their presence in Britain.
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Their descendants became the true power of Scotland. In 1603 the death of Queen Elizabeth I left England without an heir to the throne by virtue of decent King James V of Scotland became King of England in doing so Scotland and England joined to form a new kingdom and the power that the Templers held over Scotland spread to give them a firm grip on the whole of Great Britain. For over a hundred years the Templers concealed their activities fading into the background until they were little known and little remembered. However they did not seize to keep a firm grip on Britain. All the time they were planning, regrouping and infiltrating positions of power in all corners of the kingdom. In 1717 the Templers made their reappearance in Europe they had grown in both number and strength and were now ready to coin a new identity free from their reputation of the past and given credibility by none other than the monarchy and aristocracy of England and the name they chose for themselves was a name that would be known by many but understood by a few [I slightly disagree with the name "freemasons" It comes from French "frerés masons" i.e. masonic brothers. Silly English people shortened & translated it to Freemasons]

The new identity in the grand jury of its members afforded the Masons with respect and dignity. The first World member of the Free Masons was Fredrick, Prince of Wales. The latest members include Prince Philip the Duke of Edinborough and consort to the current Queen of England Elizabeth II who herself is a grand patron to the Masons. However behind closed doors the Free Masons were free to indulge in the secret rights and rituals handed down to them by their ancestors and these became the basis of their levels of membership called Degree. The Free Masons were not content with power in Britain alone their ambitions were far greater. In the years to come the World and America being pledged by wars and revolutions each more devastating than the other. However these were not the as commonly believed the spontaneous effects of the downtrodden people but in fact schemes created by the exclusive few driven by hunger for absolute power. All this would take place from the very country from which they had fled centuries earlier and will come to the base for the Global domination.

In 18th century France the majority of the population was very poor while the aristocracy and royalty lived a life of luxury and extravagance, there existed a wide gulf between the two classes. The Free Masons would use this to make the pledge for power resulting in the biggest upheaval in French history. The Masons took advantage of the growing atmosphere of anger amongst the French and used it to achieve their own aims for the carefully planned propaganda war. They completely controlled the media system and used it to sway the tide of public opinion. The newspapers were geared into calling for the end of monarchy and the establishment of the society based on liberty, equality and finality. The Masons vast amount of wealth were used to influence the political landscape of France. Politicians funded by the Masons promoted the Masonic ideology the secret lodges of the Masons were opened to the members of the French army, high ranking officers and generals were indoctrinated to the Free Masons way of thinking. With the people the politicians and the military of France under Masonic control the Masons could finally strive. On the 14th of July 1789 a group of people stormed the Basteel a prison in Paris. This sign of resistance against the French authorities triggered off a massive response all over France. People in villages and towns expressed their hatred for the system symbolized by the monarchy but it was not until 1793 that the French anger would be cooled. On the 21st of January of the same year King Louis XVI was beheaded in front of a crowd holding an end to the French monarchy and paving the way for another Masonic state in Europe. With the monarchy gone it seemed as if nothing stood between the Masons and complete control of France however what took place would leave the Free Masons in a serious dilemma and what was to come next was not exactly in accordance with the Masonic plan.

A young soldier by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte was about to lead France into a bloody war with Europe and instead of dancing to the Masonic tune Napoleon declared himself the Emperor of France. Napoleon was forced to abdicate from his throne in 1814 and was exiled to the island of Corsica. However in 1815 Napoleon arrived in Paris again raising a new army ready for a fresh war in Europe. The Masons had a big problem on their hands. Britain and her Masonic allies could not afford to maintain a long term war against Napoleon without risking bankruptcy. Help came from an unlikely source Nathan Rothschild was the head of a leading banking family but because of their status as Jews they were forced to work from the shadows of others. Rothschild seized the opportunity to liberate his people and often alone demanding in return recognition of the Jews as equals to the European counterparts under right to openly do business. If the Masons refused the money could always go to Napoleon. The Masons had no choice but to accept and the loan transaction was completed. In 1815 British, Dutch and Russian soldiers landed in Waterloo, Belgium where they met Napoleons forces and defeated them. Napoleon was captured this time never to return France was finally under Masonic control. Although historians made little mention of the Masonic involvement in the revolution the Masons themselves have to reveal their shadowy movements during this important period in history. In 1904 Marc Vadourasambo a Free Mason set before a pact audience "Free Masonry has worked in a hidden but constant manner to prepare the revolution we are then in complete agreement the Free Masonry with the only offer of the revolution and the applause which I receive from the left and which I am little accustomed proves gentlemen that you acknowledge with me that it was Masonry which made French Revolution."

When the so called founding fathers of America landed on the Plymouth rock not only they bring with them disfranchised people they also brought the Free Masonic elements of Europe. The injustices which the fathers of America were escaping from in Europe was also to be found in the new land in the form of a tyrannical British regime. In order to gain complete dominance of the new state the Masons had used the same methods they had used to gain control of France. Although the British monarchy was run by the Masons the American war of independence was a necessary action and the people involved in the war were expendable for the Masons to fulfill their dream. The emotions of the people were manipulated into anger and just like France anger turned into war this time however previous mistakes would not be repeated. The defeat Masons faced against Napoleon and his army in Europe taught the Mason&#39;s a lesson. Any forth coming leaders of the resistance must follow the Masonic agenda and the best way to do this was to ensure the leader himself was a Mason and the leader who took the war to the British was none other than George Washington.

On the 4th of July 1776 declaration of independence was made. On the 17th of October 1781 the British were finally defeated and surrendered the colonies to the Americans and the World&#39;s first Masonic state was born a nation that would represent Masonry in every way. A sign of the Masonic presence in America is plainly visible on the dollar bill which carries the picture of George Washington the first Free Masonic president in the World and the picture of the Free Masonic symbol of the so called "All Seeing One Eye."
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Historically the control and manipulation of political opinion has been the Free Masons main weapon in gaining control of countries and states. Once in control of the rulers and politicians of a country laws and political structures could be changed in accordance with their agenda however since restricting the body does not necessarily mean restricting the mind. The Free Mason recognizes that their plan for a Global government hinges completely on subduing the masses to their agenda and thus eliminating opposition to their cause and the greatest threat to their plan causing more danger than any army or law is a threat of a free thinking mind. In order to eliminate this threat and to achieve their objective the Masons have set about the boldest plan ever devise the complete control of every aspect of human life, Your Life and the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes entertaining you and your children and gradually indoctrinating you without you even realizing. In today&#39;s society people are spending more and more time engaged with modern media. Television, Cinema, Computer Games, The Internet, Popular Fiction and Popular Music are integral part of their lives. Yet these provide a vast expanse on information which you are taking either consciously or subconsciously into your mind. Information on society ranging from ideals and morals and the difference between right and wrong to the way societies and economies should be structured is past before you every single day.

These media play a significant role in providing the basis for determining an individuals view of the World and everything that exists. Thus any one group in complete control of this information placed on these media will in effect have the power to indoctrinate practically the entire populace of the World to their way of thinking and it is this fact the Free Masons are exploiting. The Masons are using the entertainment industry in particular to condition people to their way of thinking either openly or subliminally. The methods they use vary but the goal is the same to impose their beliefs, their ideology and their objectives on you in such a way that you begin to think of them as your own. Evidence of their presence within popular entertainment is wide spread. Masonic involvement in the industries is not a new thing. Hail is one of histories great composers, Wolf Gang Amadeus, Mozart a Free Mason himself composed a symphony which was an open display of Free Masonry. The symphony is based on a story taken from an ancient Egyptian mythology Avysus and Cyrus. The pagan rights of ancient Egyptian mythology form through the Kabala one of the fundamental aspects of Free Masonry. It is from these same pagan origins of Egypt that the symbol of the One Eye Stems.

Evidence of the Free Masonic presence is also commonly found in the popular music of more recent times. Michael Jackson hails today the King of pop regarded as the greatest entertainer of all times responsible for producing best selling albums in the World may not be known to be linked with the Free Masons. However the cover of his "Dangerous" album had some interesting features on it the Free Masonic symbol of the One Eye can be found and also the picture of a watery Lake behind which laid burning flames. It seems as though anyone entering into the water would really be entering into the fire. The cover also has on it a picture of a bald headed man well known to the occult as Alistair Crowley. He himself was a Free Mason who became a Satanist and wrote the book "The New Law of Man" which stated in it that it would one day replace the Qur&#39;ân as the law of man.
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Links between Free Masonry and the occult do not end there. The products of the Masonicaly controlled music industry are riddled with subliminal satanic messages. Back tracking is the means of placing recorded messages into sound tracks in such a way that they only become intelligible when the track is replayed backwards. When its played forwards however the listener would be totally unaware that a message is being played. Although the listener may be unaware that subconscious mind can pick up and understand the messages and in the long term these can be stored in the subconscious mind and may actually effect the person&#39;s behavior or judgment. In many ways back tracking is a form of hypnotism or brain washing and has the power to be very destructive. The first example of back tracking is from the famous female artist Madonna. It features on one of her most famous albums and is taken from the song "Like a Prayer". However as you will hear it is not god that the prayer appears to be directed at but Satan. When played backwards the words "Oh hear us Satan" are clearly audible. The Free Masonic One Eye has also been featured on the video for one of Madonna&#39;s songs where Madonna actually appears with the One Eye coming out from her forehead. She also appears on a video for one of her songs where she is standing on some writing closer examination revealed that this writing is actually Arabic the language of the Qur&#39;ân.

Another example of back tracking is taken from the group "The Eagles" and the song is called "Hotel California". The words when played backwards "Yeah Satan" can be clearly heard. As well as containing this message the song itself is a story in its own right. The California of the song is not a hotel but is actually a street in America called California. It is on this very street that the headquarters of a church were founded but it was not the type of church the one may think instead it is a church that some have called "The Church of Satan". It was headed and founded by Anthony Sans Delivy the author of the Satanic Bible. It appears the teachings of this church may have become the integral belief of many famous personalities in the entertainment industry from rock groups to more main stream artists some have gone as far as promoting the Church and its beliefs. One alleged member of the church is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones Mick Jagger who wrote the song "Sympathy for the Devil". It seems that what originally started as a Christian Organization later turned into a heretic religion even to the Christians and now has Satanic elements mixed in. The entire entertainment world is rife with evidence of the Free Masons presence openly or subliminally their agenda of beliefs and ideals are propagated.

This is specially evident within the film industry on the big screen and the small screen from big budget Hollywood films to simple cartoons the Masons have not let anything to chance in promoting their message of a global government. Matt Growning the creator of one of the most popular cartoon series in television history "The Simpsons" is a self confessed anarchist. Matt Growning himself has openly declared that he wants to get his own political ideas across within his work but he wanted to do this in such a way that people would find it easy to accept his ideas and the means he chose to this was a clever full cartoon called "The Simpsons". So what exactly the Simpsons are teaching us and our children? There are many lessons being programmed into us these include disregard for authority either parental or governmental the bad manners and disobedience is the way to attain status amongst people and that ignorance is trendy and cool where as knowledge is unfashionable. However what is especially worrying is the Masonic undertones of one episode in particular. The episode in which the father figure of the family Homer Simpson becomes obsessed with the group called the stone cutters. Upon joining the group his fellow members find a birth mark on him the mark that makes the rest of the group declare him to be the chosen one but with his new found honor and dignity he Homer Simpson fools himself into thinking that he is god. Some may dismiss it as nothing more than a children cartoon a bit of harmless fun but the influence it has on the audience makes it a very effected means of propaganda indoctrinating a people without them even realizing. Its very creators admit that they are propagating their political ideas to the audience in a covert manner. Ideas spread through the domestic television can reach a far wider audience than movies in cinema and it is through this media that a new concept is being introduced, the concept of one global leader.

Famous for his novel "The Jungle Book" Rudyard Kippling another Free Mason wrote a book called "The Man Who Would One Day be King" This was later made into a big budget Hollywood film starring Sean Connery, Michael Kane and Saeed Jaffery. The book is a story of two soldiers that journey to a country on the edge of India. A country that was once rumored to contain great riches that once belonged to Alexander the Great. Upon reaching the country the two soldiers are captured by the local inhabitants a people called Kafirs named after their country Kafiristan. When the two men are about to be killed a necklace is discovered around the neck of one of the soldiers engraved on it is the symbol of the Masonic One Eye. The Kafirs revere him as their god and a tribute to him the divine attribute of immortality. The man himself first regards himself as a King and then his new found power begins to regard himself really as being a god.

From the Muslim perspective if not that of others the similitude&#39;s that can be drawn from the story are very interesting. The Muslim scriptures called Hadith contains many prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In these it is prophesized that a man would arrive from amidst the Kaffirs which means infidels in Islam who would be recognized by his One Eye and would be made a World leader claiming first to be a King and later to be a god and that he would seem immortal until an appointed time.
>>>In another film a concept of global leader and global government is also strongly propagated. In 1996 the film "Independence Day" broke all box office records becoming the 7th highest ranking films of all times is entranced audiences around the World with a fictional story of an Alien invasion on Earth however deep within the film subliminal messages can be found indicating the Free Masonic presence and a Free Masonic agenda. In the film there is a military base known as "Area 51" it is from here that the military offensive is launched on which the salvation of the whole world and the future of its inhabitants depends. The entrance to its installation is a pyramid on which is engraved the symbol of the One Eye. The film shows the U.S.A as the four runner in establishing a global offensive involving all the nations of the world an offensive which is devised, controlled and commanded by one man. One overall leader. The film is a part of an upsurge in an upsurge of films and television serials on topics of Aliens, UFO&#39;s and invasions threatening the whole of mankind. These are gradually fuelling the growing interest of public unrest on the issue. This is just one of the many ways in which Free Masons are paving the way for their global government. The Free Masons are using a number of approaches to drive fear into the hearts of the masses instilling in them the need for greater protection and thereby the need for greater security. A need that could only be fulfilled by a Worldwide coalition government protecting the interests of all human beings across the globe. "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an Alien threat from outside this world and yet I ask you is not an Alien force already amongst us".

Other tactics that the Masons are using in order to bring about a one world government and a need for a global security force controlled by them is to allow crime rates to sore thus creating fear for personal and national security. The drugs industry according to official estimates is in terms of monetary value one of the largest industries in the world. The countries of the world are currently involved in trying to solve this problem on a national and international scale. The USA for example has a huge and growing drugs problem the direct result of which is being soaring crime rates which continue to increase at an alarming rate. Backed by the growing levels of public demands for tough action the government has justifications to use heavy handed overt and covert operations to combat the drugs problem and satisfy the public opinion. However certain disturbing facts about the American drugs war throw a shadow of doubt upon its credibility and motives of the government. It is commonly believed that during the 1960&#39;s J. Edgar Hoover the then chairman of the FBI allowed the drugs trade to flourish within the African American community in an attempt to undermine the black communities uprising within the American society.

During the 1980&#39;s with the threat of communism taking over central America money was urgently required to finance the rebellion movement against communism and to raise this the CIA allowed drugs to be traded into America. Revelations by the American senator Jack Bloom who was part of an investigatory committee into the matter confirms this.

Historically the Free Masons have used or created problems within the society to turn and manipulate events in accordance with their agenda. The rising drug problems in America gives the authorities all the justification needed to use stronger heavy handed tactics on an even wider scale. Already major Trans Atlantic operations as well as American and Latin American operations have been undertaken to combat the drugs epidemic. It will not be long before there is a significant backing for strong global offensive. Distortion of the facts and usage of manufactured and biased statistics of the tools of Free Masonic governments of today as well as creating a public need for a greater national and global security, rising rates of crime, drug abuse and increasing threat of terrorism acts serve the purpose of promoting greater control of the masses. Advances in technology is a way forward for the Free Masons, these allow the actions of all individuals in society to be monitored, checked and recorded. Information is their key. the more information they have on individuals the more accurately they can predict their actions and the way they think and the easier they are to manipulate control and subdue. The Free Masons are creating a society and in a society choices but an illusion technology is there to restrict the choices you have and the choices you do have are the actual facts of products of the manipulated mind that has been steered into a predefined direction controlled the masses means the complete control of every aspect of human life, Your Life&#33;&#33;&#33;

shocking acts of terrorism, soaring crime rates, increasing incidences and violence are propounded by film media and government reports are alike creates strong public sympathy and support for harsh tactics and surveillance techniques more and more technology can be introduced and the level of monitoring and surveillance can be increased until individuals are monitored to a level more befitting a totalitarian state. Public opinion will once again be manipulated to give Masons justification for their actions and make their goals easier. the means to monitoring the masses and storing all personal information on individuals in society on a massive database is already underway. Rapid movements are taking place towards storing personal information on individuals on plastic such as banking detail, driving license information and national insurance details. Apparently these details are stored on separate cards for plans are well underway to merge all the information on one identity card. The consequence would be complete monitoring of all purchases and transactions and personal details of an individual on the touch of a button.

In 1992 the Vice Chancellor of the British Supreme Court Nicholas Brown Mulkinson told the High Court that if the information obtained by the police in land revenue the social services, the health service and other agencies would be gathered together in one file the freedom of the individual will be greatly at risk. However the Free Masons through the governments controlled by them already have access to a vast array of information about you. They can already find out who you talk to on the telephone, where you work, where you shop, what you eat, what you wear, how much you are worth, what you earn and the list goes on and on. One identity card would allow even closer monitoring and enable a complete psychological profile to be compiled on every individual in society. Information which would make it very easy to predict control of manipulate actions. However there is a gap the Masons need to fill in by using hard currency an individual can evade detection and vital information is lost since hard currency transactions are untraceable. As a result moves are being made to replace hard currency with the system that relies totally on an electronic funds transfer. In other words the system that relies totally on cards. Trails and swindle have held the first signs of the move towards the introduction of smart cards and electronic money on a national scale in the UK. The mondex scheme is pioneered by net western midland banks and British telecom and is the first British trail of the smart card. Inside a smart card is a micro chip which calculates every single transaction not any financial transactions but records every single thing for which it is used. It can serve as a credit card, a building society passport, library card, travel card, phone card and quite possibly an identity card. The concept was pioneered in France which already has its own rigorous identity system.

Although an identity card would reveal much detail it would not be able to locate any one person precisely at any given instant time this would require some sort of tracking device that could be put on and detected where ever that person may be on the globe. The tracking device would be an all purpose micro chipped identification device or an electronic implant placed under the skin. These implants could then off a signal which could then be picked up by satellite on low earth orbit locating and identifying the subject. Although this may sound like the works of fiction it is however already well on its way to becoming reality. There are already approximately 48 global positioning satellites in orbit that are in use by the United States and her allies. These satellites can act upon incoming signals and pass down accurate information to the source of the signal about its location. At present the source of the signals are devices that attached tanks, battleships, aircraft or hand held instruments for accurate navigation purposes. The next step would be to introduce the device that created the source signal on every individual. Currently one form of device that has been created specifically as a signal source for the satellite is the electronic tag already a scheme using such tags on individuals is in operation in the UK. The justification used is that it is necessary to cope the growth in the population of the already over flowing prisons. The tag fits ocular around the offenders wrists and can monitored to see if the offenders are violating curfew regulations. Pilot tagging schemes are already in operation in greater Manchester, Bark Shaw and Norfolk with plans for expansion in other countries in the coming year. In an article of the Daily Telegraph stated the 13th of November 1997 Jack Straw the current British home secretary stated that electronic tagging has developed rapidly in the past few years as has peoples confidence in it. There is no argument that it has within it the scope for further significant development and with the people firmly under their watchful eye the Masons can now further advance their plans for global control manipulating them in accordance with their own ends and this manipulation would be achieved by any means necessary.

The Free Masons plan for complete global control by one governmental body means t plan for complete global control by one governmental body means they must pave the way for complete global economic union, complete global legislatory and political union and complete global military union. On March the 25th 1957 with the creation of the European economic community the first significant steps in the creation of this global government were taken. Since then the EEC has become a testing ground for the new world order. With the basic tennets of freedom of movement between member states already established goods and people can move relatively freely within this one super state. The plans are already underway for the establishment of complete monitory union and the powers of the governmental body of Europe are growing everyday paving the way for complete political and legislatory union. All this will mean that eventually in the super state of the European economic community there will be one currency, one economy and one government and the government most certainly be a Masonic government. The three most important players of the European community are Britain, France and Germany. Britain and France have long been Masonicaly controlled nations. During World War II Germany was completely annexed by Britain and France along with the United States another Masonic nation and the Soviet Union. The sectors of Germany controlled by the former three countries are Masonic nations formed a separate political identity called West Germany and with the downfall of the Berlin wall west Germany has now taken over the former east Germany. Europe is not alone in its efforts to achieve super states status. America and Mexico are currently the only two members of NAPHTHA the North American Free Trade Agreement however the nations of the South are increasingly being pursued to join. with Masonic super state in both Europe and America firmly established global union would be a logical and easy progression. However there is another problem that the Masons need to contend with if they are to be the masters of this global union. By the 1970&#39;s it was becoming increasingly clear that the population of Europe and White America was rapidly declining unless something was done the expanding size of the population of third world nations would pose a serious threat to national security of Masonicaly controlled countries. Western consumer power and productivity would reduce and as a result they would be completely dependant on that of the third world population. Somehow the gap between Western population and third world population had to be a bridge to restore Western supremacy or more precisely Masonic supremacy at a global scale.

In the 1970&#39;s the president Jimmy Carter commissioned the global 2000 report the findings of the report blamed virtually all of the world problems on the population growth of the non-white people. The report went on as far as recommending the elimination of at least 2 billion people in third world nations off the face of the earth by the year 2000 in order to restore Western supremacy. Interestingly enough also in the 70&#39;s the AIDS Epidemic broke out claiming huge amounts of life in the third world nations as well as amongst the growing black and Hispanic population of America. It was said that the virus originated from green monkeys in Africa and was later past on to the local population through either acts of ###### or through consuming them as food. From there on AIDS spread like wild fire across the African continent and later on to the rest of the world claiming millions of lives. However the story was just a smoke stream. On June 2nd 1988 The Los Angeles Times published an article refuting the idea that the human AIDS virus originated from green monkeys. It uncovered evidence that DNA composition of AIDS was totally inconsistent with that of green monkeys in fact it could be proven that the AIDS virus could not be found anywhere in nature and could only of ever survive in the human biological system. If the virus did not exist anywhere in nature the question is raised as to where exactly the virus all of a sudden stemmed from? On July the 4th 1984 The New Delhi newspaper in India called The Patriot published an article making the first detail charges of AIDS is being a counter biological warfare agent. An anonymous American Anthropologist has quoted claims of AIDS was genetically engineered of the US armies biological warfare laboratory at Ford Detrick near Fredrick. Then on October the 30th 1985 the Soviet Journal Glitter a Liternia Gazetta repeated the charges made by the Indian Newspaper making it an international controversy. All this however was easily passed off as a communist rhetoric by the Masonic west. However on October the 26th 1986 the Sunday Express became the first Western newspaper to run a front page story confirming the findings of the Indian and Soviet newspapers entitled "AIDS made in lab shocks". In this article the distinguished position Dr. John Seal and Prof. Jacob Seagall the retired director of the institute of biology at Berlin university both concluded that the AIDS virus was man made.

The out break of AIDS has been linked to vaccine programs around the world. The internationally respected London Times newspaper published an article of the front page story on May 11th 1987 entitled "Small Pocks Vaccine Triggered AIDS". The article establishes its direct correlation between the small pocks vaccine administered by the world health organization to an estimated 50-70 million people in different central African countries and the subsequent out breaks of AIDS in those regions. The world health organization is the medical wing of the United Nations. The evidence suggests that AIDS is a genetically engineered virus spread through vaccination programs in third world countries. Germ warfare against the innocent and the weak aimed at eliminating an entire populace of the face of the earth. AIDS is nothing other than a modern day final solution and all of this for the purpose of installing an economic policy that will give complete global domination to the Masonic West. However for the Free Masons economic domination on its own is not enough. In order to have Masonic government of the head of global union under complete Masonic control and economic union may suffice but to keep it there they need a military union and that union would be none other than the UN.

France and American are already ranked within the five major powers of its security council with the others being Russia and China. This means that they have enough power to VITO any motion passed. In December 1992 the president of the General Assembly declared that the UN must become a functional world parliament and went on to say that he UN should be equipped with its own intelligent service. However the UN has already attained military power. It operates its own army. An army that stood back while thousands of Muslims were killed by the serbs in Bosnia and instead implement an arms embargo that left Muslims by any means of self defense. When UN soldiers were sent to wage war against General Muhammad Farah Ideed during the months between June and October 1993. American helicopters fired on hospitals, houses and civilian crowds killing hundreds of unarmed people often attacked in which 71 died the head of the UN mission Admiral Jonathan Howard said "We knew what we were hitting it was well planned". This was a clear breach of the Geneva convention but when the US military attorney was confronted on these points his reply was that the Geneva convention did not apply to the UN forces on a technicality that the UN is not the signatory to the convention. In other words UN troops were free to commit any war crimes or atrocities they wanted and were above any law. In fact the UN far from bringing feast with as it claims instead has spread corruption in the land leaving a trail of death and destruction where ever it has gone.

Day that the cold war of a very existence of the Soviet Union when the Free Masons opt to the global government would take time. Now that communism has being destroyed it seems the Free Masons can at last use the UN to achieve their goals of the global government. Therefore having the entire world at their grasp with none to stand in their way also they thought whereas the Earth cries out because of the corruption and injustice they have spread over the land through the agonizing centuries of their domination. The world is witnessing the reawakening of an old warrior. Now the Free Masons have another enemy to contend with an enemy which they have thought that they have destroyed. An enemy that will never bow down to the evil and demonic plan of the Free Masons. That enemy is Islam and against it they have declared war.

However the Muslims have already been fore warned about an enemy that will face them. The last Prophet of God Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that a man will appear after the Muslims have conquered a Roman city called Constantinople. He will first appear as a tyrannical king then he will be claimed to be a Prophet and finally he will claim to be the Lord god himself. Already the first part of the prophecy has been fulfilled. Constantinople was conquered and renamed Istanbul. The prophet further fore told that this liar will start to conquer the world. Country by country, fortress by fortress, region by region, town by town and no place will remain un escaped except the two Holy cities of Mecca and Medina. He will possess powers to issue a command to the sky and it will rain and to the earth and it will produce crops. He will call to a false religion and bring something which resembles paradise and ###### but that which resembles paradise will in fact be ###### and that which resembles ###### will in fact be paradise. He is the Dajjal meaning imposter and he will be born with one eye and your Lord is not one eyed&#33;&#33; It is also known that before the appearance of Dajjal a group of people will pave the way setting up the system to prepare the world for his arrival in other words these fore runners to the Dajjal and their system will bear all the characteristics of the Dajjal and he will be the final embodiment of these inhuman forms. The fore runners to the Dajjal are none others than the Free Masons. The one eye is one of the ways to recognize the Dajjal, the one eye is the symbol of the Free Masons. It is part of their beliefs and is taken from ancient Egyptian mythology. In their ideology it represents the supreme being sometime referred to as the great architect of the universe.

The Scholars of Islam say that the similitude of the Dajjal is that of the Pharaoh who carried by the Prophet Moses. The Pharaoh was a tyrannical leader who elevated himself in status and declared himself to be god. He used magicians to create illusions and fool the people and oppressed all who did not confirmed his false religion. Today the Free Masons weave another kind of magic. The illusions they create take the form of hidden or openly propagated messages in films, televisions, cartoons, music and all the other cogs in their well oiled media machine and this same media machine has continuously been put into action to slander and destroy the character of Islam. Following another trade of the Dajjal who goes further and slanders God directly. The Dajjal is an oppressor to all who do not follow him. He will have powers to increase the land harvest or destroyed depending whether the people follow him. Similarly the Free Masonic west through the World Bank hold the third world nations to ransom if they do not act in accordance with their wishes. Abundance of IMF development loans are often used to ensnare such nations and the unattainable interest payments keep them ensnared. They are forced to submit or face economic collapse and dire poverty. Another way in which the Dajjal will control the people either deluding them or forcing them to submit is by spreading disease. He will have the ability to spread disease or cure it. In fact he will be playing god and with this power he will delude many to his false religion. The Free Masons also play with peoples lives in this manner. Evidence exists showing that many viruses have created or mutated in military labs and later used an experiment on human beings and it has been established that AIDS is a man made tool used to suit the purposes of Masonic West.

The Dajjal shall try to strip God on all of His Divine attributes and claim them for himself. This arrogance is also the way of Free Masons who are engaged in replacing the laws of God with those that are man made and claiming justice across the land using technology to monitor all that you do trying to see and hear everything using genetics to alter and to improve the creation to reach their false standards. The arrogance knows no bounds and they obey no law but that of their own making. These are the fore runners to the Dajjal these are the Free Masons.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that a time would come and the whole world would gather around to plan a destruction of the Muslims as if they were gathered around a table to take part in a meal. Today the nations of the world are doing just that around the circular tables of the United Nations general assembly hall. He also said that time of the Dajjal will be years of confusion people would believe a liar and disbelieve who is trustworthy and those who rebel against God will have a say in general affair. Today during the time perceiving the Dajjal there is also the time of confusion. The system set up by the fore runners have ensnared many Muslims away from truth using wealth and materialism and fulfillment of Earthly desires. A miserable betray. These times of tribulation are like a giants sib sorting out the true believers from the apostates and hypocrites. Many have adopted the life style and philosophy of Dajjal system retaining perhaps their Muslim name or clothing wearing like a badge to their identity and in every other way embracing whole heartedly the system that has been used to eradicate Islam.

Embracing the same system has stood back and did nothing when pregnant Muslim women at their bellies ripped over by serbs killing them. The same system that stand still whilst women and small girls are being raped in Kashmir. A system that stood still whilst mothers saw their children dragged away by soldiers during the night never to return. Simply because they spoke out of being refugees in their own homeland and the same system that said nothing to the tyrant that guest women and children to simply because they dance to the Masonic tune. For those who choose this system claim to love Allah and His messenger but hate what he has brought leave the guidance that is Islam and they had heird to the evil system of the Dajjal living their lives accordance with its rules and seeking from it worldly rewards disregarding the truth that is the laws of Allah. They are those who invite upon themselves the wrath of Allah.

The fore runners to the Dajjal have set up this system to destroy Islam either directly through military and economic conversion or indirectly using ideological warfare. They have divided and conquered in stilling diseases such as nationalism and races into the heart of the Ummah. Their biggest fear is Muslim unity and revival of the message brought by the last Prophet to mankind and everything they do is geared to prevent this. They have manipulated Muslims setting up and promoting divides. They have installed their own universal language compelling all to learn or be shut out and reducing Arabic to secondary and inferior language in society and what they have used most to keep the Muslims a bay is oil.

During World War I the Free Masonic governments have anicked to destroy the Islamic caliphate and anicked all its territories. The part now called Iraq was put British mandate and current borders were defined by them and through the Iran-Iraq war. After its independence the USA took over interest in Iraq in fear of purest Islamic uprising. The CIA aided the both parties rise to power making Saddam Hussein the leader of Iraq and an ally to the Masonic states. When Kuwait later started raising its oil prices it was destroying the war to an economy of Iraq. Threats were made but ignored. the situation worsen until finally Iraqi troops were mobilized to the border. The Free Masonic media the American media in particular portrayed this as a shock and an outrage.

However it is reported that the US ambassador to Kuwait had prior knowledge of the invasion and Iraq&#39;s intentions as did the CIA. After the Gulf War Saddam is still alive and Kuwait is being liberated it remains to be asked exactly what purpose the Gulf War served to its Free Masonic orchestraters. The Masonic West has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies. One of the main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport however although technology exist to mass produce fully operational electric cars. All attempts to do so have been Vetoed. This is because oil is crucial to maintaining their world order without the wealth from oil Muslim economies would fall and without the puppet governments and leaders such as Saddam Hussein the Free Masonic West could not control the Muslim nation. Without the division of wealth and false leadership of these nations nothing would prevent the purest Islamic movements from coming to power. Poverty creates unity and Muslim unity is the greatest fear to the fore runners of the Dajjal.

The Gulf War serves many purposes to promote Western unity to create divides amongst the Muslim nations to act as a testing ground for entire arsenal of military weapons and cocktails of chemicals and drugs but most of all it serves to ensure a strong military presence in the middle east. The Dajjal has placed a strong hold in the very heart of Islam itself and laid a firm grip on the Muslim holy lands But although they plan Allah also plans and Allah is the best of planners. The final victory will be with the Muslims. ALLAHU AKBAR

So dear Muslim brothers & sisters where we stand right now. Just think about it for a moment sincerely.


According to Encarta Encyclopedia Great Seal of US is described as:

"Great Seal of the United States, official seal of the United States government. It is two-sided, having both an obverse and a reverse. Only the obverse has been cut as a die, but the design of the reverse has been copied and appears, for example, on the U.S. one-dollar bill.

The dominant figure on the obverse of the seal is an American eagle, shown with wings spread. On its breast the eagle bears a shield having 13 narrow vertical stripes, 7 white alternating with 6 red, which are surmounted by a broad horizontal stripe of blue. The eagle holds an olive branch in its right talon, a cluster of 13 arrows in its left, and in its beak a scroll on which appears the Latin motto E pluribus unum ("From many, one"). A cluster of 13 five-pointed stars, surrounded by a glory, appears above the eagle.

A pyramid, truncated near the top, is the central figure of the reverse side. The base of the pyramid is inscribed with the date 1776 in Roman numerals: MDCCLXXVI. At the zenith of the pyramid, within a triangle surrounded by a glory, appears the all-seeing eye of Divine Providence. Above the eye is inscribed the motto Annuit coeptis ("He has smiled on our undertakings"). Below the pyramid is a scroll bearing the motto Novus ordo seclorum ("New order of the ages")

This seal is also engraved on the dollar note of US,

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Underneath it which is written ‘ Novus Ordo Seclorum’
Translated as: ‘NEW SECRET ORDER’.

Now what does the Pyramid carrying one eye on its top means. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) 1400 years back warned us about Dajjal in following words: Narrated by Ibn Umar Once Allah&#39;s Apostle stood amongst the people, glorified and praised Allah as He deserved and then mentioned the Dajjal saying, "I warn you against him (i.e. the Dajjal) and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him but I tell you about him something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed."
Hadith 4.553(Sahih Bukhari Hadith)

The Jews were known for their practice of black arts of Kabala. They have used their black art on the Muslims for many centuries in different ways. So the name mentioned above "HALLA", is the name of a yougart product used in Pakistan. If it is read backwards it spells "ALLAH", so the Muslims themselves are helping the freemasons and they don&#39;t even know about it.

This is the most commonly used cold drinks in the world. If you ever see coca-cola written in Mirror Image you just might notice with a thorough observation that it says "LA MAKKAH, LA MUHAMMAD", (meaning no Makkah, no Muhammad) in Arabic, This is another freemasonic work.

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NIKE&#39;S AD:
I am one of the many muslims who you hurt by Nike&#39;s ad which shows muslims prostrating to a woman in one of their brand jeans. I will remind you of what the Company Nike did to muslims when they portray the name of Allah on one of their sports shoes. The result was that Malaysia, Indonesia and the Gulf states including Saudi Arabia stopped importing Nike products. If you look carefully you will find that it was after that incident that Nike began to report earnings less than expected on the wall street which caused their stock price to tumble. The stock price has not recovered yet. Check it for yourselves.
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"AIR" was written in such a way on the backside of the shoe, if observed closely looks as "Allah" written in Arabic.

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Now a days media can be used as the most powerful weapon in the world, best used by freemasons. In an American advertisement a woman wearing a new jeans launched by that company is presenting it in an exotic fashion, and you can see Muslims bowing towards that woman.


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There have been many Masonic Temples observed all around the world. A masonic church may look like a pyramid or has masonic symbols, if you closely observe the church present in Islamabad (f-8/4), the church&#39;s architecture looks like a pyramid and it has masonic symbols on it&#39;s walls.


Recently a soccer ball was made on which flags of different countries were printed. The flag of Saudia Arabia was also printed on it, which contains the Muslim Verse (Kalima)


"There is no doubt in my mind that Masonry is the cornerstone of America."
Dave Thomas
Founder of Wendy&#39;s International

"To me, Freemasonry is one form of dedication to God and service to humanity."
Norman Vincent Peale
Minister and Author

"Freemasonry embraces the highest moral laws and will bear the test of any system of ethics or philosophy ever promulgated for the uplift of man."
Douglas MacArthur
General of the Army

"The Masonic Fraternity is one of the most helpful mediating and conserving organizations among men, and I have never wavered from that childhood impression, but it has stood steadfastly with me through the busy, vast hurrying years."
George W. Truett
Southern Baptist Leader

"We represent a fraternity which believes in justice and truth and honorable action in your community...men who are endeavoring to be better citizens...[and] to make a great country greater. This is the only institution in the world where we can meet on the level all sorts of people who want to live rightly."
Harry S. Truman
President of the United States

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1st>>Rt. Wor. Bro. Dr James Burnes Provincial Grand Master of Western India And first Master of Lodge Rising Star
2nd>> Rt. Wor. Bro.Maneckji Cursetji, Pioneer of Freemasonry in western India
[Taken from The Asian Age 24th December 2000]

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B. P. Singh (3rd from left) and Grand Master of Free Masons of India Hari Mathur (4th from left)

Many of the world&#39;s most respected men-including business, Military, intellectual, political, and religious leaders-have been or are Masons.

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[Picture Beside is a Banner of Grand Lodge of Free Masons of India] Swami Vivekananda - Motilal Nehru - C. Rajagopalachari - Fakruddin Ali Ahmed - Omdat-ul-Omrah - P.C. Dutt - Eddy Arnold - Roy Acuff - Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin - Gene Autry - Daniel C. Beard - Francis J. Bellamy - Irving Berlin - Simon Bol¡var - Walter Boomer - Gutzon Borglum - Ernest Borgnine - Omar Bradley - James Buchanan - Arleigh Burke - Richard E. Byrd B. H. Carroll - Mark Clark - William Clark Dewitt Clinton - Ty Cobb - W. T. Connor - Jack Demp[Picture Beside is a Banner of Grand Lodge of Free Masons of India] Swami Vivekananda - Motilal Nehru - C. Rajagopalachari - Fakruddin Ali Ahmed - Omdat-ul-Omrah - P.C. Dutt - Eddy Arnold - Roy Acuff - Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin - Gene Autry - Daniel C. Beard - Francis J. Bellamy - Irving Berlin - Simon Bol¡var - Walter Boomer - Gutzon Borglum - Ernest Borgnine - Omar Bradley - James Buchanan - Arleigh Burke - Richard E. Byrd B. H. Carroll - Mark Clark - William Clark Dewitt Clinton - Ty Cobb - W. T. Connor - Jack Dempsey - James Doolittle - Arthur Conan Doyle - "Duke" Ellington - Henry Ford - Gerald Ford - [Below is the picture of Freemason&#39;s Lodge in Bombay] Benjamin Franklin - Clark Gable - James Garfield - Arthur Godfrey - Wolfgang von Goethe - Barry Goldwater - Samuel Gompers - John Hancock - Warren Harding - Jesse Helms - Sam Houston - Burl Ives - Andrew Jackson - Andrew Johnson - John Paul Jones - Benito Ju rez - Rudyard Kipling - Marquis de Lafayette - J. B. Lawrence - John Lejeune - Charles Lindbergh - John Marshall - George Marshall - Thurgood Marshall - Jos‚ Mart¡ - Charles Mayo - Douglas MacArthur - Abner McCall - William McKinley - James Monroe - Wolfgang Mozart - Louis D. Newton - Norman Vincent Peale - J. C. Penney - John Pershing - James Polk - Paul Revere - Herbert Reynolds - Roy Rogers - Will Rogers - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt - Thomas S. Roy - L. R. Scarborough - Jean Sibelius - "Red" Skelton - John Phillip Sousa - William Howard Taft - Danny Thomas - Lowell Thomas - Strom Thurmond - George W. Truett - Harry S. Truman - Joseph Warren - John Wanamaker - George Washington - John Wayne
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Awesome article london, it really gave me a good view of the other side of the fence. :cool2:
Originally posted by Zeeshan S.@Mar 2 2006, 11:04 AM
Awesome article london, it really gave me a good view of the other side of the fence. :cool2:
[post=6523]Quoted post[/post]​

simply awesome articles, we need to read in detail and with more attention and thn comment so me gonna back with some sound comments. and i think Rehman is right its not clash of civilisations but learning from the article abt past.

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