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India: Phull Sapport Ijrael Sir!

Indians want 100% guarantees that only they can rape Israeli women

Indians want 100% guarantees that only they can rape Israeli women

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They have a violent, all-encompassing desire to have sex with women who they deem are of racially superior status. And yet to that end, they refuse to use deodorant, take it easy on curry dishes, live in less squalid conditions, fully wipe their arses clean or use a bidet, or any manner of small yet cumulatively important cleanliness procedures and self-awareness that could potentially, if alcohol were involved, give them a chance to have consensual sex with said women. Their obstinacy and stubbornness in making these minor yet important changes in hygiene and etiquette drive them to, with a sense of entitlement, seek to rape. It's a tragic reality about those people.
its raining 'phull sapport' threads here

I suppose its better than the Jewz raining bombs on us

boor balestine, its raining croc tears.. sat forecast says it'll all clear out by next week tops

yahweh works in ways mysterious
I knew a former Israeli Colonel named David Ben Hura, he had become a freelance reporter for several reputable media and press houses.
He use to tell me that if an Israeli and Pakistani are locked together in a room for an hour, they would either become best friends or just go their seprate ways, but if the same happened with an Indian, the Israeli will get done for murder.

at the end of the day do these things count for anything ?

Israel supplies India with lot of military hardware. India is their largest customer. India gets a supplier who does not care if India whacks a few people (read: Pakistanis)
They want 100% exclusivity over rape rights in Israel

Man,I don't understand a thing: Do they actually expect Netanyahu to read their comments? To send them a friend request? They think he will even see the replies?

I imagine 5,000,000 Indians trying to send a friend request to Netanyahu on FB or Instagram. Like "Hello sir,I deeply admire you AND you are someone I want to become like because you are strong man and you care for your contry..." etc.

What,do they expect Netanyahu to reply to them and go like "Thank you my friend! I will never forget this! Israel is counting on you!"?

Finally you made a valid post well done !
at the end of the day do these things count for anything ?

Israel supplies India with lot of military hardware. India is their largest customer. India gets a supplier who does not care if India whacks a few people (read: Pakistanis)
India can only pay some terrorist outfits to carry out bombings in Pakistan.

Even with traitors and corrupt sell outs in its control, Pakistan would wipe the floor with Hindustan in a real war. That is when you Indians are not shooting down your own choppers and crashing your jets.
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at the end of the day do these things count for anything ?

Israel supplies India with lot of military hardware. India is their largest customer. India gets a supplier who does not care if India whacks a few people (read: Pakistanis)
Yes, India, one of the largest country on planet with 3rd or 4th largest armed forces in the world deprnds on a minute zionist state for it's security.
As for as whacking goes, even Israelis must be scratching their heads, for their special forces team sellnt to IOK to assist India to quash the insurgency, was exposed and even got whacked, (I think one killed, others injured)... all the Israeli gadgets installed in the SU-30s proved fuitile and how the Israeli supplied Spice bombs and spyder SAM in Indian hands scored is part of history now. But yea, full sapport is there. :D
for me they do remind me of george romeros zombies especially when a dumb white women goes to india only to be groped or raped by indian zombies.
They want 100% exclusivity over rape rights in Israel


Finally you made a valid post well done !

Yes, it was a great post, especially from the likes of him.

for me they do remind me of george romeros zombies especially when a dumb white women goes to india only to be groped or raped by indian zombies.
Not only is this an apt description of Indian behavior, they even often look like Romero zombies or Nosferatu, or any 1960's horror creatures. But certainly, the level of adulation and willingness to deep-throat white dick in their foul-smelling esophagi is unreal. It's like they have no dignity as a nation. This is why no one from the Asian continent should respect them. What is respectful about these people? They heap trash on their streets, take a bath in the Ganges as a bloated corpse with its eyes bulging out floats by them with buzzards taking bites out of it as if this is normal human behavior. If they could make their huts out of their own dung they would; a human being that is no different than a dung beetle or horsefly.

I know poverty, filth, and squalor tend to point humans to the otherworldly; people develop an investment in the afterlife if their realities are dismal. Perhaps this is why so many bonkers religions had their start in India.
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