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Featured Iran’s IRGC vows ‘more powerful’ support for Palestine

It's not about size, you can decompose a missile to smaller components and send only the vital components that they can't build there. Gaza is under the toughest Draconian siege ever, imposed by Israel and Egypt. I'm telling you that they are imposing restrictions on even foods that are exported there. The Israelis even count the calories of food products that are exported to Gaza. They call it putting the Palestinians on a diet.

Even in the case of Houthis, Hezbollah or Hamas, some of our arm shipments have been seized or hit in the last 2 decades. There's always a risk that your shipments can be seized or hit.

I have already explained it before, in the featured thread for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, why Hezbollah is hesitant to get involved.

Hezbollah is a Lebanese entity first and foremost. It is pledged to defend Lebanon against Israel, not the region. Lebanon is in its worst situation after the Beirut explosion. They lost over two-thirds of their strategic food reserves, which means that the price of food has soared in Lebanon. The economy of Lebanon is down the toilet now. The Lebanese state is in such a bad form that some Lebanese people including their celebrities even welcomed the idea of going back under the French rule and become a French protectorate.

If Hezbollah enters the war without a good casus belli, it will lose all the support of the Lebanese people. Most Lebanese people support Hezbollah out of patriotism and it has to stay that way or there can be a civil war in Lebanon.
Pope Urban used similar circumstances to generate a new opportunity for crusaders.

Ofcourse we muslims cannot stoop so low. But I pray the day comes soon we get to teach Israeli scum a good lesson.
Israel Zindabad!!! @PAKISTANFOREVER


Don't worry about Israel, Palestine or Pakistan. Worry about your racially inferior chimps who are dying in their 10,000s from a lack of oxygen, coronavirus and of whom over 732 million defecate in the open:

People need to stop mocking the IRGC. They are the strongest armed force in the entire world. They can actually defeat Israel in less than 8 minute but they refuse to do it out of mercy.

If the Supreme Leader’s orders [are] to be executed, with the abilities and the equipment at our disposal, we will raze the Zionist regime in less than eight minutes,” said Ahmad Karimpour, a senior adviser to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ elite unit al-Quds Force.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the Islamic Republic’s head of state and most powerful figure, has repeatedly threatened to annihilate the Jewish state. In September, the 76-year-old leader suggested Israel would not exist in 25 years’ time.

At least someone in Muslim world is taking action.

The question is that how will Iran do this when its so vulnerable to Israel's intelligence operations within Irani territory? If Iran cant defend its nuclear scientists and facilities from Israeli attacks, how will it help Palestine?
At least someone in Muslim world is taking action.

The question is that how will Iran do this when its so vulnerable to Israel's intelligence operations within Irani territory? If Iran cant defend its nuclear scientists and facilities from Israeli attacks, how will it help Palestine?
Nuclear scientists have nothing to do with producing and creating innovated conventional weapons for allies to use.
Hadith on Palestinian Mujahideen

Umamah Al-Bahili (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) said, “A group of my Ummah will remain on truth, they will vanquish their enemy and those who disagree with them will not be able to harm them until Allah commands”. “Where are these people”? The Companions (ra) asked. The Prophet (saw) said, “In and around Al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Muawiyah Ibn Sufyan (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said, “There is a group among my followers who will continue to be openly on the truth. No one who opposes them can harm them until the coming of the Hour”. The Companions (ra) asked, “Where will they be”? The Messenger of Allah said, “They will be in and around Bayt Al-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem)”.

Abu Hurayrah (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said, “A group of my Ummah will not cease to fight at the gates of Damascus and at the gates of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and its surroundings. The betrayal or desertion of whoever deserts them will not harm them in the least. They will remain victorious, standing for the truth, until the Final Hour rises”.
People need to stop mocking the IRGC. They are the strongest armed force in the entire world. They can actually defeat Israel in less than 8 minute but they refuse to do it out of mercy.

Say what? Refuse to do it out of mercy? Can the Iranian posters explain that? So they refuse to help Hamas because they don't want to destroy Israel?
iran should now teach how to bring the drones down and also break down the walls and defeat the iron dome :)

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) vehemently condemns the Israeli regime’s hugely deadly atrocities of the recent weeks across the Palestinian territories, pledging to stand “more powerfully” in support of the Palestinian nation.

is there a way we chat in private sir

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