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PDF - Is it Pakistani or American website?

From what I remember, this site started during Musharraf's time. We discuss military, politics and economics as well as society here. Many of these discussions can be called OSINT. Many can be called restricted or secret. If we are washing our laundry in the public and America plus India and Israel are getting all the secrets, then we need to reconsider. I think it would be better if the owners/Admins showed their cards.

There are other forums with actual military people, especially retired ones. They would be much better sources for classified information. Anyways, Pakistanis are not known for keeping secrets--they blabber everything in front of the whole world.

Plus, with the whole military top command, along with their families and bank accounts, moving to the West on retirement what kind of secrets can we expect to keep?
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They made local Sindhis a minority in their own cities.

What makes you think that they will leave on their own?

I never claimed they will, and whenever they do; it's always westward, never eastward. And if it's never westward, it's always Islamabad or Lahore.

None of them will immigrate to Bangladesh or India.

They love the infrastructure of Punjab despite promoting the slum city countries of India & Bangladesh. Not disrespect to all Indians or like-minded Bangladeshis.

Also not to suggest no all cities in the Punjab are developed. Just Islamabad really and parts of Lahore. Rawalpindi is something in between Lahore and Islamabad.

The rest of Punjab is more or less a slum unless you count privileged areas.

Population and population only.
Many Indians are servery brainwashed against Pakistan and often search up our defense capabilities.
Most of them stumble across this site when searching up other things

It's not just that, there is a higher obsession in India with Pakistan than vice versa. Much of their identity is built up on a false affiliation with the land of Pakistan and it's ancient inhabitants, the Vedic Aryans.

To many of them it's a delima their country's name comes from a land and people, they perceive to be their enemies. I mean look at this. One of the like-minded ones even acknowledge this:

Zombiebrain's comment on the etymology of Hindus and Indian.png
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The American members here do pretend that they are in charge and above everyone else.

Most "American members" here are actually from the subcontinent but hiding behind American flags. They won't put the country of origin in their flags.
My two cents? It's a Pakistani civilian owned website hosted by who knows what, devoted to military mostly topics.

It's a tolerant website because it respects freedom of opinion, even from enemies. Because Pakistanis tend to be more tolerant of Afghans (3+ million refugees!), Indians, Bangladeshis (millions of migrants!) etc. than vice versa.

Perhaps a little too tolerant. I'll explain why.

Then we've got Muhajir neo-liberals still suffering from identity crisis issues, including split loyalty. They're everywhere in the Pakistani media spreading confusion and idiocy. Basically taking out their jealousy on Pakistanis for being superior to their Brahman cousins next door.

They're in the diaspora as well, so why should one expect them not to come to PDF?

Most Indians here are normal, except from a large handful of trolls. But unfortunately this forum has become a bit of a troll hive as most forums do.

By giving subforums to even countries that hate us and leaving it unchecked for following freedom of expression policy, PDF has become a troll hub for not only a few Indian zealots but also Muhajir neo-liberals who spew nonsense after nonsense.

Then we've got Bangladeshis coming here for their own therapy as well, trying to cope with the fact that they were seemingly born into the wrong nationality and comfort themselves by begging for recognition from Pakistanis, despite a number of like-minded ones here.

Their subforum is mostly just for that.

We've got no shortage of Muhajir neo-liberals encouraging them with their own trolling to vent out their own frustration of identity issues & politics.

So to summarize it, it's an example of Pakistani over tolerance that has lost some of it's purpose as in subspaces becoming troll therapy boards.

But when we see Pakistani over tolerance everywhere in Pakistan towards haters, why not here? Millions of Afghan refugees who hated us before even living there, tons of Muhajir neo-liberals dominating the media, millions of Bangladeshi migrants contributing to crime while their country claim some sort false "superiority" over us.

One cannot deny the Bangladeshi narrative of 1971 in Bangladesh from what I was told but on this forum it's perfectly okay to deny the Pakistani or more truthful narrative.

The only reason Afghans are not tolerated here is because they're much too hated at this point. But the rest still have a free pass.

I mean if Pakistanis can be trolled and victimized in their own country, why not on a simple forum such as PDF?

What else can I state?
The only ethnic cousins next door are in the state of East Poonjab and Haryana
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I dont know, but 99% of paid trolls seems to be American with all kind of flags, starting by "Iran" flag.

USA can't rest without try to fool everybody everywhere, including this forum.

Go to fckyourself USA!
You are right, we Americans do control defence.pk. BUT! We love Pakistan and want it to be properous and free!
Nah, they made a clean break, whereas you lot continue to eat saag paneer and worship horizontal idols, while being sheeps.

Who "you." Us the people who want to resist their imperialism?
PDF is based outside of Pakistan, otherwise many of us would have been abducted, rather the webmaster and mods.

Read that it is based in south africa, dont know.

Pakistandefence.org is registered in the US. the registerant address is Arizona, US
defence.pk is just the Cname for Pakistandefence.org

and by the way Area 55 is in Arizona, isn't it

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