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@Rakesh, some years ago I got invited by a nice Indian PDF member to a closed Facebook group that consisted of mostly Indians who were also from PDF. In a matter of months most of the Indians there ganged up on me and I had to leave the group.

Believe me when I say that many Indians on the internet have a mob mentality.
@Rakesh, some years ago I got invited by a nice Indian PDF member to a closed Facebook group that consisted of mostly Indians who were also from PDF. In a matter of months most of the Indians there ganged up on me and I had to leave the group.

Believe me when I say that many Indians on the internet have a mob mentality.

Not Indians but Hindus.
I was just browsing through one thread. Came through this conversations.Both Indian and Pakistani members were trolling each other. But, Indian member was warned and his post was removed. Even he was categorically informed that Pakistani can post anything on PDF and Indians should be happy that they are allowed on PDF.
I never complain because I understand that this is Pakistani forum and your perspective will be given preference. What surprised me was an open admission that "We are Biased !".

(I know this thread may be locked or deleted.....but It is to be said)

Go fix the problem with your own country, forums and people. We didn't invite you or your countrymen here, you have come on your own accord and if you don't like it here, no one is stopping you from leaving. As for your observation of us being "biased" is concerned, it's irrelevant when you come from a country which has squashed, straggled and suffocated Kashmiris under brutal rule. To top it all off, your country has allied itself with b@$tard israel and actively work against Pakistan.

On a different note, Pakistan and india have fought four wars. We are enemies, what sort of welcome where you expecting?

We are working on to improve our country and help our people. Do yourself a favor and worry about your own kind.
Because indian forums are not biased against and are fair to Pakistanis............. :disagree:

PDF is a Pakistani forum for Pakistani people and our allies. indians and india are the enemies of the Pakistani people and nation so yes we hate them and are biased against them. If indians don't like it, then please leave PDF. No one is forcing indians to be here.

PDF stands for promoting the Pakpositive sphere, our unique cultural and racial heritage.
I’m actually shocked that an indian is complaining about the treatment given to him and his brethren on PDF. You go into any forum with an Indian presence - Facebook etc and the abuse is x rated. Here the moderation is respectful enough to allow them a voice and reasoning as long as they stay within the forum rules - do they really expect more? Do they expect the red carpet treatment?
I’m actually shocked that an indian is complaining about the treatment given to him and his brethren on PDF. You go into any forum with an Indian presence - Facebook etc and the abuse is x rated. Here the moderation is respectful enough to allow them a voice and reasoning as long as they stay within the forum rules - do they really expect more? Do they expect the red carpet treatment?

indians = biggest liars and hypocrites on the planet.

I'm even more surprised that we even accept indians on PDF and let them spout their retarded nonsense........... :disagree:

Many people don't realise that if only the desired opinion is allowed the whole thing becomes an echo chamber and ceases to be a discussion forum. In many cases that is a bad thing (there are obviously exceptions).

The point of these forums is to have civil discussion where you try to understand the other. Even if the other is your enemy, rather especially so, because it is very important to understand the mentality of those who oppose you.

So long as civility is displayed there should be open discussion. I also feel that uncivil and rude behaviour from Pakistanis should be kept in check as well. All that is being done by ignoring it is encouraging such behaviour and it benefits no one.
What does PDF stand for ?
Pakistan Defence Forum

It is illogical to expect an Indian forum to be unbiased towards Chinese (at least in current situation), or a Pakistani forum to ne unbiased towards Indians (omnipresent) or an Iranian forum to be unbiased towards Americans or an Afghanistan forum to be unbiased towards Pakistanis.

PDF is good for me in the sense that it does allow diverse opinions (even though I & many others have our own reservations about it). But its ok.

It is actually an internet forum. Internet is fundamentally global & if you dont want to entertain global audience, may be you should create a intranet equivalent of whatever site you have & be happy in your bubble. Internet is beyond bubble.
Pakistan Defence Forum

It is illogical to expect an Indian forum to be unbiased towards Chinese (at least in current situation), or a Pakistani forum to ne unbiased towards Indians (omnipresent) or an Iranian forum to be unbiased towards Americans or an Afghanistan forum to be unbiased towards Pakistanis.

PDF is good for me in the sense that it does allow diverse opinions (even though I & many others have our own reservations about it). But its ok.

It is actually an internet forum. Internet is fundamentally global & if you dont want to entertain global audience, may be you should create a intranet equivalent of whatever site you have & be happy in your bubble. Internet is beyond bubble.

Not just okay but PDF is the best forum on the internet. Indians have nothing close this hence always creeping and lurking here.
I would agree to a very large extent that, in general, Indians Forums entertain Pakistanis to a lesser extent than PDF entertains Indians. That is my experience from a FEW Indian sites. 2 to be precise.

Reason is pretty simple. Indian forums already get a lot of traffic from Indians. Pakistanis can perhaps contribute a bit to it. I mean, if there are already 100 users visiting, Pakistanis may add 2 or 3 to it. These 2 or 3 hardly makes any difference to the site owners. They dont have to think much about "implication" of banning 2 or 3.

OTOH, if PDF bans Indian users, it will definitely lose a significant portion of traffic (and the related incentives, whatever they may be). This may be 25% or may be 40%, I dont know. but its a significant portion whose "implication" matters.

So, its no favor being extended to Indians by PDF by "not banning". Neither should Indians get on the high horse and demand PDF to be COMPLETELY UNBIASED OR NEUTRAL OR IDEAL OR PERFECT etc.

There should be a balance & allow diversity for sure.
wait you thought it stood for Priya Disha Falak?

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