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You left DA page because of your incapability to argue in favor of your preposterous ideas which were not feasible. If you have determination to come up with unique idea, then be prepared to stand against masses and explain yourself.

I left that page as well but for different reason.

I agree that I was still learning to propose new ideas then but that doesn't mean that I be mobbed.

Over the years I have learned how to put some things in a simple way. For example you can read my solution for the Kashmir issue and the wider India-Pakistan issue in the forum's magazine section. And I have proposed a new communist economic system here.
Uhhh speaking about bias, not just indian forum but also Facebook, YouTube or any general social media site that with overwhelmingly indians population. They literally take bias to EXTREME level. I have been viewing this forum for quite a while and Pakistani have been extremely generous allowing indians to post here without banning them right away, plus many of the Pakistani members have been very neutral and polite unlike the extreme delusional characteristic of indians, try to do that in anything indian social site you'll be swarmed with flies!

In my many years of travel around Asia I have found that Pakistanis and Muslims are some of the most warmth and genuine people I have ever met, unfortunately my experience with indians generally have been disappointing. This is further evidently demonstrated on this forum, even-though how nasty the indians can be but Pakistani have shown their warmth and accepting their opinions here eventhough most of them are fake news and straight from the garbage dump, you need to be grateful that you are granted an audience here. So be nice!
...and all Chinese are bad tourists and all Brits are drunkards and the French promiscuous
It is the same manner of criticism that USA deploys with regards to WHO and UN - neutral organisations that apparently function well when acquiescing to American agendas but somehow are unfit for purpose when saying something different. Indians and Americans have lost a lot of credibility with these little rants of theirs.
It's amazing to see how the concepts of "unfairness" and "bias" become an issue when Indians are the ones facing it. I have yet to see Indians raise their voice in such concern about treating Pakistanis better on their forums.
indians = biggest liars and hypocrites on the planet.

I'm even more surprised that we even accept indians on PDF and let them spout their retarded nonsense........... :disagree:

If spouting retarded nonsense were a disqualification, you wouldn't be here.
Thanks for the compliment.

And @Joe Shearer is a decent person, not a snake.

You are wasting your time. Pope said it a couple of centuries ago:

Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer,
And without sneering, teach the rest to sneer;
Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike,
Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike.

You come under the damning with faint praise department. I come under the rubric '....willing to wound, etc.....'
It's amazing to see how the concepts of "unfairness" and "bias" become an issue when Indians are the ones facing it. I have yet to see Indians raise their voice in such concern about treating Pakistanis better on their forums.

There is something called voting with one's feet. Think about it, before being so self-righteous.
Problem with indians is that they all become rude, obnoxious, racist and vulgar. You can't have a civil discussion with an indian. That is FAR FAR worst than being an echo chamber.

When did you ever try? Can you remember a single example and point it out? Not from real life; it is obvious that you carry your scars from those battles into PDF, and try to make up from the middle of a mob all the indignities that may have been inflicted on you elsewhere.

Have you sincerely tried?

Do you have the moral courage to try again, in public? Or will you slink away and hide behind a cloud of misinformation?

I ask as a member who has had a great many civil discussions with Pakistani members, without rudeness, obnoxiousness, racism or vulgarity. So what I say is from personal experience, not what I feel, or think others have gone through, might have gone through, or may go through in future.

Incidentally, in the last half-hour, I have been in very tense exchanges with obnoxious and racist (or perhaps bigoted) people. It has nothing to do with Indian or Pakistani; there is a wide spread on both sides.
There is something called voting with one's feet. Think about it, before being so self-righteous.
Not being self righteous...I understand fully well the path PDF has taken. I have pointed it out here myself many times before.

The point I'm trying to make is that it makes more sense for the ppl on both sides to raise their voices against their own trolls...rather than the other way around. When the opposing side starts pointing and blaming...it comes off as the usual "holier than thou" attitude that is often seen here to establish some sort of supremacy over the others. It seems less sincere and more point scoring...while acting like the victim.
I was just browsing through one thread. Came through this conversations.Both Indian and Pakistani members were trolling each other. But, Indian member was warned and his post was removed. Even he was categorically informed that Pakistani can post anything on PDF and Indians should be happy that they are allowed on PDF.
I never complain because I understand that this is Pakistani forum and your perspective will be given preference. What surprised me was an open admission that "We are Biased !".

(I know this thread may be locked or deleted.....but It is to be said)

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