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Pakistani engineer invents generator that runs on water


Feb 2, 2007
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Swat: After the hectic efforts of 20 years a local engineer in Swat, a scenic valley in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has invented a generator that runs on water instead of other expensive fuel like gas, petrol and diesel.
Rehan Aziz, a mechanical engineer and resident of Mengora, told media on Saturday that if the government provided him funds and a team, he could generate electricity from Swat River that would be sufficient to meet the country’s power needs.
According to local media, the generator separates oxygen and hydrogen from water and converts them into power.
He said that there were several places in Pakistan where electricity could be generated on flowing water, adding that he could also provide the generators to local people if he is patronized by the government.

Swat: After the hectic efforts of 20 years a local engineer in Swat, a scenic valley in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has invented a generator that runs on water instead of other expensive fuel like gas, petrol and diesel.
Rehan Aziz, a mechanical engineer and resident of Mengora, told media on Saturday that if the government provided him funds and a team, he could generate electricity from Swat River that would be sufficient to meet the country’s power needs.
According to local media, the generator separates oxygen and hydrogen from water and converts them into power.
He said that there were several places in Pakistan where electricity could be generated on flowing water, adding that he could also provide the generators to local people if he is patronized by the government.

Isn't a normal hydroelectric plant more reliable than an electrolysis unit ? Kudos to the guy for his effort but its really just an electrolysis unit.
Isn't a normal hydroelectric plant more reliable than an electrolysis unit ? Kudos to the guy for his effort but its really just an electrolysis unit.

Additional information:

Water as fuel: In Swat, a self-taught engineer has a solution to the energy crisis

SWAT: While the country witnesses its worst energy crisis, a 37-year-old self-taught mechanical engineer from Swat claims to have a solution.
After 20 years of research, Rehan Aziz Farooqi, has invented a unique power generator that runs solely on water, and, wait for it, the design can be used to allow any engine that runs on petrol, diesel or green gas to use water as fuel. He estimates that if the government applies his idea on a large-scale, Pakistan’s current electricity crisis can be resolved in three years time.
Explaining the workings of the power generator that he built from scratch, Farooqi said that water is first filled into a unit where it is split into hydrogen and oxygen gases through the process of electrolysis. The hydrogen gas is channelled to a reservoir, and then to an engine to be used as fuel to generate electricity.
“As water is abundantly available, electricity generated using this process will in fact be free of cost,” he exclaimed.
Farooqi claims to have spent more than Rs2 million on his invention and now requires the government’s permission and support to help him launch the product in the market. He has also asked the government to help him set up a research centre to find further applications for his invention.
“I have designed a method to power hydro turbines using this technology, which can go a long way in overcoming the electricity crisis within a few years,” he said. He also claimed to have drafted a method to generate electricity using the earth’s radiation.
Farooq said he does not want to hurry into launching the water-powered generator before making sure that the technology is a 100 per cent safe. Hydrogen is the lightest and most explosive gas, explained Farooq, and warned that even technical experts should proceed with caution if they are attempting to produce it in labs or their homes.
Apart from his major feats, Farooqi has initiated many other small research projects for children, in which he claims to prepare electricity using vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes. “Anything which has iron can generate electricity with a magnetic field. I can prove that practically if anyone wants,” he said. He added that he wants to teach people so that they can take up such projects themselves.
He urged the youth to put their creative abilities to work and help resolve the country’s issues.
To be honest, seperating water to obtain hydrogen alarms me. We have been using the same water since before the dinosaurs (with alittle coming in from comets, etc.). You think oil is a finite resource? wait til we start burning off our water. I say no to this.
Congrats to the Engineer for this dedication and Success :victory:

I think this is band under UN convention to use water as a source of energy. Country like Japan Has created a Car thats Run on water.... but this project was stopped by Government.

List inventions wherein common water is used to either augment or generate a fuel to power an engine, boiler or other source of power.
Such inventions have long been a popular field for unorthodox science, pseudo science or "crackpot" theories.

The electrolysis of water splits water into hydrogen and oxygen,producing a usable fuel.

However, the energy required for electrolysis is greater than the energy released by burning this fuel, so this is not a viable way to manufacture energy. Nonetheless, several people have claimed to create devices that do exactly this.
Francois Cornish, a French inventor whose 1987 US Patent describes how to make hydrogen fuel for a vehicle on-demand with an underwater aluminum wire arc design.[1] See also U.S. Patent 4,702,894.
Stanley Meyer, who claimed to run a car on water in 1984.[2][3]
Charles Frazer, an Ohio inventor who, in 1918 patented a hydrogen booster which claimed to use electrolysis to increase vehicle power and fuel efficiency while greatly reducing exhaust emissions.[4]
Daniel Dingel, a Filipino engineer who has been involved in water fuel research since 1968. A video interview showed Dingel's Toyota Corolla with an on-board hydrogen water fuel generator.[5][6] This research career may be curtailed by his recent 20 year sentence for fraud.[7]
Henry and Charles H. Garrett's electrolytic carburetor.[8]

List of water fuel inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To be honest, seperating water to obtain hydrogen alarms me. We have been using the same water since before the dinosaurs (with alittle coming in from comets, etc.). You think oil is a finite resource? wait til we start burning off our water. I say no to this.

There are plenty of holes in your assertion. I don't have the time to elaborate.

Anyway, This the basic principle is electrolysis.


I myself am attempting to retrofit an old maruti 800 with this thing as a weekend project. I have a few guides i downloaded off the internet.
Please do elaborate, are you ntalking of the burnt hydrogen recombineing with oxygen? unless it is proved at 100%, I don't want to test it. Besides, it takes more energy for the separation than you recover.

(as in no lost hydrogen, which CAN escape the atmosphere, even .001% a year WILL lead to trouble down the line)
Please do elaborate, are you ntalking of the burnt hydrogen recombineing with oxygen? unless it is proved at 100%, I don't want to test it. Besides, it takes more energy for the separation than you recover.

(as in no lost hydrogen, which CAN escape the atmosphere, even .001% a year WILL lead to trouble down the line)

The emission from the machine is Water vapour ..
Hydrogen combines with Oxygen again after the electrolysis .

There is more water on earth than Fossil fuels .
By water I mean even Sea water not just Fresh water

The new machines could produce energy even from Salt water

But the problem is that the effeciency of machines is just around 30-40%
So they are fitted with a rechargeable battery
The emission from the machine is Water vapour ..
Hydrogen combines with Oxygen again after the electrolysis .

There is more water on earth than Fossil fuels .
By water I mean even Sea water not just Fresh water

The new machines could produce energy even from Salt water

But the problem is that the effeciency of machines is just around 30-40%
So they are fitted with a rechargeable battery

Yes, there is more, now imagine in 300 years we lose a total of 20% of our water-mass. (energy consumption grows, not shrinks). In the process, you lose hydrogen (so not 100% is converted back to water). See the problem?

(in other words, 100% of the oxygen and hydrogen would have to be converted back to H2O, if not, the loss would slowly accumulate, oil was considered to be endless at one time (and all its components are also around, (yes, I know they don't re-combine). However, free hydrogen can and will leave earth, a little adds up soon enough, maybe 1000 years from now they wish we didn't start using our water for fuel.
So the machine uses electricity to separate water into Hydrogen and Oxygen and then recombines them to produce electricity again? With 100% efficiency, you will still run into something called Law of conservation of energy which means you will not be able to generate more electricity than what you put in it. In the real world, you will put in a lot more energy to split water than what you would get from the resulting hydrogen.

I suspect what he is doing here is that he uses running water to generate electricity which in turn is used to perform electrolysis. The resulting hydrogen fuel is used as a direct replacement for fossil fuel. Because of loss of energy, the eventual energy produced by burning hydrogen would be less than the energy produced from the hydro-electrical plant in the first place.
^^ Exactly. It requires energy to split water to hydrogen and oxgen. Then when it is combined it will give the same amount of energy. Basics of physics is you cannot create energy it just changes form. In this instance it is an inefficient way of producing energy because the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen may not be 100% efficient. These are garage projects done by school kids and there are dime a dozen vdos on youtube. Nevertheless an achievement by an uneducated man and appreciate his curiosity.
In the end, it is the creativity and resourcefulness that has to be congratulated. In the developing world, where funding is often little to nonexistent for R&D in most sectors; people who are able to use next to nothing to create anything of value deserve a great amount of appreciation. If this is what he can do with little support, imagine people of his ilk were the given access to real funds to continue their research.

Its too bad, people like this become mere flashes in the pan and aren't given their due. There is a great amount of talent in Pakistan that goes unrewarded because they don't have the political connections to end up in posts and institutes of value.

^^ Exactly. It requires energy to split water to hydrogen and oxgen. Then when it is combined it will give the same amount of energy. Basics of physics is you cannot create energy it just changes form. In this instance it is an inefficient way of producing energy because the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen may not be 100% efficient. These are garage projects done by school kids and there are dime a dozen vdos on youtube. Nevertheless an achievement by an uneducated man and appreciate his curiosity.

Why make that comment? It says in the article he's a mechanical engineer.

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