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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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Jerusalem post is the mouthpiece of zionist media, it is shame to quote them and not trust the Islamic republic data. In Iran already Alhamdollilah things are now under control they got delayed due to late lockdown but now due large scale screening and better treatment both per day infection rate is down and also the rate of recovery is very good. Secondly the nation has learned tremendously in health and bio warfare domain.

In Iran already Alhamdollilah things are now under control they got delayed due to late lockdown but now due large scale screening and better treatment both per day infection rate is down and also the rate of recovery is very good. Secondly the nation has learned tremendously in health and bio warfare domain.

The person who was saying this is from the task force which has to fight with Coronavirus ...
Simply and just like many more occasion, our so-called leaders are lying.
breaking news: IRGC has announced they will build coronavirus vaccine in 3-5 months and its drug to permanently curing the virus soon


The person who was saying this is from the task force which has to fight with Coronavirus ...
Simply and just like many more occasion, our so-called leaders are lying.
If he was from task force and his quote was correct then it is just a warning and precautionary approach and most of the nations are doing this, but the way Iranian nation has mobilised from mosques to barracks to fight this disease is exemplary and not seen in any other country
President: Iran Addressing COVID-19 Better Than Europe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the Islamic Republic is in better conditions in dealing with the novel coronavirus outbreak compared to Europe, although Iran is struggling against the virus of sanctions at the same time.

Addressing a Sunday session of the Coronavirus Fight National Headquarters, Rouhani reiterated his recent comments that the status of Iran in the battle with the coronavirus pandemic is better than that of Europe, saying it is because the Iranian people, Armed Forces, artists and Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) have joined hands in this fight.

Iran and Europe are both grappling with the coronavirus, but Iranians are struggling with another virus, namely the sanctions, as well, the president added.

“You (Europeans) are faced with one virus, but we have two viruses, however, our people have resisted in such a good manner. We took each other’s hands and cooperated. This is a glory for all of us. Our conditions in the fight against the coronavirus is almost well and better in comparison with certain countries,” he underlined.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rouhani said the health restrictions in Iran will be held in place until eradication of COVID-19, saying religious gatherings and rituals will probably be canceled in the holy month of Ramadan, which will begin on April 25.

If the situation remains the same as today, social gatherings in Ramadan will be called off, and people could use the IRIB and social networks to perform religious rites, he added.

The president further unveiled plans for the reopening of low-risk businesses in Tehran as of April 18, saying the Health Ministry is in charge of making the necessary regulations and health protocols.

He also noted that a plan is being formulated to let high-risk businesses resume their activities in future.

Earlier this month, Rouhani unveiled a plan for smart social distancing across the country as a new phase of measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The Iranian Health Ministry announced on Saturday that around 42,000 coronavirus positive cases in the country have fully recovered from the disease.
Some 50,000 Patients Recover in Iran

The number of people who have fully recovered from the coronavirus infection in Iran is about to hit 50,000, while the daily death toll from the disease was below 100 for the second day in a row, the Health Ministry’s spokesman said.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, Kianoosh Jahanpoor said COVID-19 has taken the lives of 94 patients during the past 24 hours, down from 98 a day earlier, and marking the lowest number of deaths since a month ago.

The coronavirus death toll in Iran now stands at 4,777, he said.

Jahanpoor added that 49,933 patients have recovered from coronavirus infection so far and have been discharged from the hospital.

The spokesman said the number of people tested positive for COVID-19 across the country has risen to 76,389 following the detection of 1,512 new cases since Tuesday noon.

Among the coronavirus patients undergoing treatment in the hospital at present, 3,643 ones have critical health conditions because of more severe infection, he said.

The spokesperson also noted that 299,204 coronavirus diagnostic tests have been carried out in Iran so far.

The number of people infected with COVID-19 across the world surpassed 2 million on Wednesday and the death toll exceeded 127,000.

The Victory of the Axis of Resistance


http://archive.vn/H5CIG/34e20c91fe20172d610a97b3eff66ea8e3a1919b.png ; https://archive.vn/H5CIG/61df87f6da39420f2ba8570fedeeca1708d897c3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200418035424/https://i.imgur.com/by2B4sh.png ; https://i.imgur.com/by2B4sh.png
1. 18th april 2020, among the top 10 nations the most affected, 6 are from the G-7.

Two months later, we have a clearer view now than when I started this thread on COVID-19 back on 20th February 2020.

Today 18th April 2020, among the top 10 nations the most affected, 6 are from the G-7. Iran and China have totally swapped their positions from the top to the bottom of the 10.

No more genetical targeting fallacy. And from the curve in yellow, representing the world's total confirmed cases, one can see that we are far from seeing the end of this epidemic, because the curve should first decrease its angle to the horizontal like China did.

Clearly, the Axis of Resistance is winning not only in the sanitary and medical front, but globally.

Today, China is viewed as the Savior of Mankind, because it is the one who can provide the vital medical and sanitary equipments.

This is really the beginning of the demise of the century-old Pax Americana, superceded by the nascent Pax Sinica or China Century.

Expect the process to be completed within a decade.

It is a also a global geopolitical victory, as illustrated by the increased Chinese cultural influence worldwide and specially in the West!

An example is Hollywood actress Alice Eve, with an Oxford degree, and known for her role of Carol Marcus in Star Trek Into Darkness.

April 10, 2020 3:49 pm

Eve is meditating three times a day in quarantine, and taking a course online about China’s first empires and the rise of Buddhism.



http://archive.vn/yzbOO/61bd48ace4e04952e0d5fb36a2089663e984de06.jpg ; https://archive.vn/yzbOO/23e215fa471d2f6aaf6bfb26bfc6e51208d71420/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20200418034946/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESaL-lJU8AEELDf?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/aliceeveupdate/status/1235829113207705603

2. Hollywood actress Alice Eve, not wasting time under the quarantine and meditating three times a day and taking a course online about China’s first empires and the rise of Buddhism.

Learning the Korean language, that will replace the English language by 2030 as the official international language should be next!

Something China could never have achieved without this pandemic outbreak!



Iran's coronavirus death toll reaches 5,710
Total number of cases surpasses 90,000, while 60 people die in last 24 hours
Firdevs Bulut |26.04.2020



Iran reported 60 new deaths from coronavirus, bringing the toll to 5,710, state media said on Sunday.

A total of 1,153 more people tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total infections to 90,481, Iran's state broadcaster reported, citing a statement by Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour.

Jahanpour said 69,657 people have recovered so far and were discharged from hospitals, while 3,079 patients are in critical condition.

Iran reported its first case of coronavirus on Feb. 19, in the city of Qom.

After originating in China last December, COVID-19 has spread to at least 185 countries and regions. Europe and the U.S. are currently the worst-hit regions.

The pandemic has killed over 203,300 people, with total infections exceeding 2.9 million, while more than 824,000 have recovered so far, according to figures compiled by the U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University.
Iran's coronavirus death toll reaches 5,710
Total number of cases surpasses 90,000, while 60 people die in last 24 hours
Firdevs Bulut |26.04.2020



Iran reported 60 new deaths from coronavirus, bringing the toll to 5,710, state media said on Sunday.

A total of 1,153 more people tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total infections to 90,481, Iran's state broadcaster reported, citing a statement by Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour.

Jahanpour said 69,657 people have recovered so far and were discharged from hospitals, while 3,079 patients are in critical condition.

Iran reported its first case of coronavirus on Feb. 19, in the city of Qom.

After originating in China last December, COVID-19 has spread to at least 185 countries and regions. Europe and the U.S. are currently the worst-hit regions.

The pandemic has killed over 203,300 people, with total infections exceeding 2.9 million, while more than 824,000 have recovered so far, according to figures compiled by the U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University.
Very little compared to European countries and america.

IRGC Aiding 3.5 Million Iranian Families amid Coronavirus Pandemic

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has prepared aid packages for 3.5 million Iranian families affected by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, a spokesman said.

In a radio interview on Monday, IRGC Spokesman General Ramezan Sharif said the IRGC and the Basij forces are constantly contributing to the national campaign against COVID-19.

During the first weeks of outbreak of the coronavirus, the IRGC rushed to help the Health Ministry by providing hospitals and convalescent homes, he noted, adding that the IRGC and the Basij forces later launched countrywide programs to disinfect public places and hospitals.

Following the recent remarks by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei about the necessity of helping the needy in the holy month of Ramadan and helping those who have been out of work due to the coronavirus outbreak, the IRGC established the “Imam Hassan (AS) Headquarters” to organize humanitarian aid programs, the spokesman added.

General Sharif said the IRGC has so far prepared livelihood aid packages to 3.5 million families.

He said the second and third stages of the nationwide scheme will be carried out later in the holy month of Ramadan.

In comments on April 14, IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami said although the coronavirus outbreak has shut down many businesses in Iran and created difficult conditions for people, the prudent recommendations made by Ayatollah Khamenei for “rapport exercise and the devout help movement” have been welcomed by all organizations and provided an opportunity to assist vulnerable groups and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on underprivileged people.

At the beginning of COVID-19 outbreak in Iran before lockdowns some of the fanatics were arguing that "You can't force people out of a mosque and stuff", But the cooler head clergies prevailed and the evil atheists didn't get their moment, So give the respect when it is due:

How Iran’s clergy helped conquer coronavirus
Clerics’ acceptance of lockdown has been key to Islamic republic’s battle against pandemic


The shrine of Fatima Masoumeh in Qom remains closed to visitors but worshippers can visit the courtyard outside where social-distancing rules are loosely enforced © Fatemeh Bahrami/Anadolu/Getty

Najmeh Bozorgmehr in Qom 4 HOURS AGO

The black-turbaned senior cleric first heard that coronavirus might have spread to Qom about two weeks before official confirmation that the holy city had become the second global centre for the disease after China’s Wuhan.

By the time that Iran’s health ministry had acknowledged that two people had died in the Islamic world’s biggest centre for Shia clerics on February 19, Ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, 73, had already stopped going swimming for fear of infection.

The ayatollah has since stopped teaching and isolated himself at home, as have most of Qom’s senior clergy, some of them about 100 years old. Clerics also accepted the closure of shrines, seminaries, mosques and Friday prayers for the first time in the country’s history.

The senior clergy’s acquiescence and co-operation helped subdue the spread of the virus — which, as of Tuesday, has caused 9,065 deaths out of 192,439 confirmed cases — analysts said.

“Under the Islamic decrees, protecting your life and saving others is the most important religious duty for which you can stop an obligation like daily prayers or do a forbidden act like a man touching a naked woman if she is drowning,” Mr Mousavi said in his apartment in Qom, a city that is a destination for hundreds of thousands of clerical students.

“If we think deeply, we realise the institution of religion has answers for coronavirus and similar crises,” he added.


Ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi says he is considering holding religious classes online © Najmeh Bozorgmehr/FT

At the start of its fight against coronavirus, the Islamic republic promulgated conspiracy theories that the virus was a biological weapon and was even part of efforts to undermine a parliamentary poll in which hardliners swept to victory.

Four months on, the rhetoric has changed. Analysts say the country’s youthful population, Iranian doctors’ proactive approach, a revamped health system under President Hassan Rouhani’s “Rouhanicare”, and an agile military, which set up makeshift hospitals and helped screen the 80m-strong population, all assisted the government in containing the infection.

“Iran’s good management of coronavirus has made people feel on the same page with the rest of the world. This virus may not have added to the Islamic republic’s popularity but has certainly not [ further] damaged its legitimacy,” said Mohammad Ali Abtahi, a former reformist vice-president.

“The armed forces played a constructive role by helping the health sector. The senior clergy also didn’t want to be responsible for any rise in deaths even though closures of ceremonies will hurt religious beliefs in the long run.”

Iran never imposed a curfew and only temporarily put travelling restrictions in place, partly to avoid social tensions at a time when people were already struggling because of a recession. While shops, restaurants and coffee shops have reopened, schools and universities remain shut. Friday prayers are due to resume later this month. The co-operation of senior clergy with the health authorities has been crucial, say officials and analysts. They allowed officials to enforce restrictions on rituals and funerals and discouraged religious zealots who initially challenged the state’s instructions. Some radical Shia Muslims had even released videos of themselves licking the gates of shrines to show holy sites could not be infectious.

“It was a challenge at the beginning to convince families not to have funeral ceremonies or not to take their deceased ones to villages,” said Amir Saame, a deputy to the mayor of Qom. “The senior clergy helped a lot to convince people.”


Female pilgrims pray in the courtyard of Fatima Masoumeh’s shrine © Najmeh Bozorgmehr/FT

For several months now, no visitors have been allowed at the shrine of Fatima Masoumeh, sister of Reza, one of the 12 Imams of Shia Islam.

But worshippers, including clerics, are now allowed to visit the courtyard and sit in front of the gates to a shrine that is decorated with gold and mirrors.

Red Persian rugs are spread out to allow space between visitors. Social-distancing rules are loosely enforced but face masks are not obligatory.

Before the pandemic, Fatemeh, a 22-year-old law student, used to go to the shrine twice a week. However, she accepted that the restrictions were “logical” and said all her family listened to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, who had directed people to listen to medical experts. “Hazrat Masoumeh will hear us wherever we are,” she said, clad in a black top-to-toe chador. “We will visit her tomb whenever the coronavirus is over.” Editor’s note The Financial Times is making key coronavirus coverage free to read to help everyone stay informed. Find the latest here.

Still, businesses in Qom, reliant on visitors to the shrine for their custom, are struggling to survive and fear the impact of a second wave, which is expected in the autumn. The death rate has started to rise again and authorities warn they may have to reimpose restrictions.

Mohammad, a restaurant owner, said he used to sell about 400 portions of food a day before the pandemic but this has now fallen to just 25. “We cannot survive in Qom without pilgrims,” he said. “The high number of businesses here is not for [the] more than 1m population but for the millions of pilgrims.”

While the clergy’s survival is also dependent on the donations they receive, Mr Tabrizi said the priority was people’s health, and there should be no rush to reopen seminaries.

Although some senior clerics might not want to go online, others are open to trying it. “If the second wave comes, I may consider holding online classes, despite its feelings of loneliness,” he said. “In today’s world, social distancing does not mean a cut in your communications.”

How Iran’s clergy helped conquer coronavirus

If i remember correctly , your top clergy , his highness, the supreme leader , decided to hold an election , at a time when people in Iran where already dying from corona.

How was that helpful ?

If i remember correctly , your top clergy , his highness, the supreme leader , decided to hold an election , at a time when people in Iran where already dying from corona.

How was that helpful ?

1- What you doing here is obvious, In order for your comments to appeal to Iranian audience you guys use a portion of shithead Iranian diaspora in west as "native Iranian experts", And you here are just repeating shit they say, Form mike pimpeo to donald trump to you here, Your cases of SJWism for Iran is obvious (Now go find some Mana Neyestani cartoon and throw it here).

2- Apparently you've not been catching up with shithead Iranian diaspora lately and repeating their old nonsense again:

3- That election was held two days after we could diagnose the first case of COVID-19 in Iran, unlike elections in Europe and US which were held when their covid outbreaks were in peaks.

4- Khamenei, Your new king, Can't stop elections from being held, He can only invalidate the results of an election, in that case another election should be held.

5- And since covid is not going anywhere, holding that election was extremely helpful.
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