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Bombings In Hyderabad, India

We give enough situational proof to keep pointing fingers at you, but not enough so that we dry up our sources, which is what we are doing.

Ah so your main aim IS slandering Pakistan and in reality you can't give a damn how many Indians are bombed in the process. Kinda what I said as a joke, but you're supporting that allegation...
Originally Posted by Bull
Well what the hell? Who said pakistan is responsible there has been no official comment on this. Its the Pakistanis' who are acusing us of 'accusing them'.

What did you understand from what he said? I have pastd an interview with YSR some posts ago, check that too.

The home minister of the state of Andhra Pradesh, K Jana Reddy, suspected Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence was behind the carnage. “This has the background of ISI and we are checking,” he said.

Andhra Pradesh's top politician, YS Rajasekhara Reddy, said that the "available information" pointed to the two countries.

You where saying that nobody in india has blamed pakistan yet for the attacks,from the above quote even a biased indian like yourself can not twist it into something different.
Does not matter what you posted earlier you said that india has not blamed pakistan and i have proved you wrong,what is so hard to understand?
What will you do after we give you proof ? Stop bombing us, i doubt.

Cry, who cares.

I'd say its more a case of Pakistan countering Indian "whining" and finger pointing every time the local grocer gets mugged. Even rational analysis of the situation, with respect to Pakistan having its own problems with terrorism, bombings etc., does not lend credence to accusation that Pakistan is involved. The groups that India is trying to link to these cases have direct or indirect links with the same people killing civilians and soldiers in Pakistan. So it makes about as much sense for Pakistan to provide support to them for acts such as this, as it does for India to orchestrate these acts to slander Pakistan.

I dont think you are naive enough to believe that there exists a "world opinion"/ " world consensus"/"world pressure". . Those words are the bla bla bla..... unfortunately.

North Korea, Iran, Iraq - It may not be full fledged "consensus" but punitive measures to varying degrees have been taken against those countries when a credible case was cobbled together.

With respect to world opinion being dictated by interests, it can be argued that at this point there is a "balance" that actually allows for an objective stance to be taken by the "World", in terms of its relationship with India and Pakistan. The West may need Pakistan's help for Afghanistan, but it also has substantial economic interests in India, that are only going to grow exponentially, and is not going to look kindly upon activities that destroy its potential "golden goose". That a "world consensus" against Pakistan, to the degree that India may want, does not exist points more to either the inability of India to put together a credible case implicating Pakistan, or its unwillingness to do so (and I am not sure why the Indian Government would suddenly decide to be so "magnanimous").

India was talking about how Pakistanis were involved in nuclear black marketing right from 80's but US didnt listen to us when you were needed in afghanistan. They looked at that problem seriously only this decade.

There is still no evidence that Pakistan was involved in "nuclear black marketing". The United States presented its case against the "network" of an individual, and that individual has been "punished".

Well the transcript of Musharaff and some general during kargil was given, any action taken? - There was, but not on controlling the army in kargil, instead the source dried up. We dont want that to happen again.

We know that even if we give conclusive proof, nothing will happen. Like LeT simply throw away its name board and replaced it JuD/something like that. What use will that be to us?
We give enough situational proof to keep pointing fingers at you, but not enough so that we dry up our sources, which is what we are doing.

Why not? Release the tapes of the "ISI officers" and "agents" chatting to each other about bombing civilians to CNN etc and watch world opinion shift against Pakistan. Whats the point of "collecting" such evidence when you can neither prevent the act from happening, nor expose the perpetrators. The reality probably is that the Kargil "tapes" were a one off intelligence coup.
:D No one... no one said we were responsible... ya ya... we are accusing you of blaming us. Ya ya... the guest is always right.

Well what the hell? Who said pakistan is responsible there has been no official comment on this. Its the Pakistanis' who are acusing us of 'accusing them'.

Thats exactly the point, there are unwanted moles in your land. The term 'in your land doesnt' mean aided officially.

YSR has promised muslim reservations in govt jobs ( state govt) during elections. Any muslim who earns less than 250k pa would be eligable for the 5% reservation in public employment quota and in educational inst.

Pakistan wont kill off AQ and taliban as its their bread and butter, it helps them maintain the US relationship, and for that same reason ISI isnt that busy in the eastern region as everybody ight think they are. And moreover the ISI deals among the high ranks of these terror groups and the Indian opeation wudnt be carried out directly by ISI but through 'individuals'.

Tell me something, does'nt the first post contradict the second and prove that you have been blaming Pakistan for quite a while? :D Did you not blame the ISI? And what about the domestic Indian news? Haven't government officials been shouting that Pakistan is involved?
What will you do after we give you proof ? Stop bombing us, i doubt.

Cry, who cares.

:woot: Why are you getting so defensive? Did you plan and carry out the bombings yourself just so that you could come here and blame Pakistan? :D

No, please don't cry, I know about your troubled situation and that your parents don't care about you but please don't direct your anger and frustration at us.
I am amazed why Indian Government does not install close circuit tv's in high profile areas. Ok it may not prevent an attack but it will definately identify the culprits. In London its so easy to catch the criminals due to these networks of CCTV's. After all Hyderabad is supposed to be the new silicon valley of India. Infact the London CCTV traffic system was designed by an Indian company and its really good. Its through the CCTV ssyetm that the Glasgow bombers were identified.

Best Regards
I am amazed why Indian Government does not install close circuit tv's in high profile areas. Ok it may not prevent an attack but it will definately identify the culprits. In London its so easy to catch the criminals due to these networks of CCTV's. After all Hyderabad is supposed to be the new silicon valley of India. Infact the London CCTV traffic system was designed by an Indian company and its really good. Its through the CCTV ssyetm that the Glasgow bombers were identified.

Best Regards

Well this is because if they install this system, how would they be able to blame pakistan then.:enjoy:
Well this is because if they install this system, how would they be able to blame pakistan then.:enjoy:

Yes, exactly such a system can never be installed in India because it does not allow India to blame Pakistan or Bangladesh for its own problems... it is against the Indian "culture" of blaming Pakistan. I mean its become a habit now... :lol:

Also there is no need for investigations in India because the culprit always has to be a Pakistani or Bangladeshi "organization"... theres no argument about it! No Investigations! Its against the Indian tradition to investigate a crime as is the case in Kashmir and as it has been the case in many bombings.

In India the rule is just pick some cheap little fund-starved Pakistani group and blame them for the attack.

Maybe the government organized the attack and decided to blame it on Pakistan because they could not take it that so many Hydrabadis were going to Pakistan and taking Pakistani Passports. Pakistan Nationalists figures say they helped 416 people gain a Pakistani passport in 2006 from the city of Hyderabad alone!!! Maybe the government could not take it and organized the attack. Does'nt it seem too perfect anyway? Within hours of the attack you blame someone and also managed to diffuse 2 bombs in 2 different locations??? What about Samjhauta Express and the documentaries about it revealing that the government was involved? (made by people who were in the train themselves!)

There is more evidence that suggests the Indian government organized the bombing rather than Pakistani or "ISI" sponsored terrorists. But please continue blaming Pakistan, you see we respect your culture and old traditions instilled in you by your forefathers and earlier generations... I know its the way things are always done in India. Please continue blaming Pakistan. It is perfectly normal for you and you definately do not need investigaitions... Please follow your traditions and do not waste your time in any investigations :D

<I would like an Indian to reply, lets keep the argument going!>
The problem with intelligence reports is that they are primarily based on hearsay, conjecture etc, evidence that would never be admissible in a court of law. A lot of the time it involves analysis based on extrapolation from minor or unrelated/indirectly related events, and can be subject to various "agendas" and/or biases (inherent or otherwise). "Testimony" from individuals who have been "captured", given the attitudes of our LEA's, could very likely be coerced or obtained under torture. We saw this in the run up to the Iraq war, with a motley of different intelligence reports from different parts of the world patched together to make a case for war that was sold pretty successfully, but was nonetheless highly inaccurate.

With reports from Indian quarters, it can be argued that the suspicion, of biases and prejudices against Pakistan being a primary motivation for implicating its agencies (in events outside Kashmir), is a valid one. I have doubts about the accuracy of reports implicating Pakistan that originate from the West as well. The "think tanks" and "councils of this and that" probably have a lot less "hands on" intel than do the Indians. The majority of those reports probably start of with Indian reports as a basis, so the objectivity/accuracy is already compromised.

Is it possible that Pakistani "moral" support for the freedom movement in Kashmir is diverted to other locations? Of course, but the actions of the militants in Pakistan has shown that there is no dearth of sophisticated weapons and explosives for these groups even when the state is not supporting them.

If you please care to read the reports they are extremely high level reports and are not merely intelligence reports that says 'suspected' but are statistics of how many ISI sleeper cell was neutralised, how abu salem ran his gang, interpole red notice etc.

I dont see them being conjenctured unless you mean the whole institution is running on fools world and living in Utopia.

Regarding politicians blaming pakistan, please understand its politics only, repeteadly said nothing until proved.

RDX link to medical student
- Vellore woman in net for Mecca Masjid blasts
Hyderabad, Sept. 1: A second-year lady medical student of Vellore’s Christian Medical College was last night taken into police custody on the suspicion of ferrying RDX from Bangladesh to Hyderabad.

Policemen on the Lumbini Park blast trail stumbled upon Shahi Rafzani, a 27-year-old Bangladeshi, on a tip-off that her brother resembled the suspect whose sketch was released on Thursday.

Shahi is suspected to be a “transporter” of the RDX that was used to set off the tiffin-box blasts in Mecca Masjid in May. She was picked up from her brother Rizwan Gazi’s Hyderabad home where she had apparently come on a vacation.

“A routine check following an alert about her brother Rizwan Gazi revealed that she returned from Bangladesh very recently. She could be one of the carriers of RDX to Hyderabad,” a police officer said. “About 10kg RDX was moved to Hyderabad from Bangladesh via Maldives in February.”

Rizwan, who could be fair, stocky and about five-foot-eight going by the sketch, was not home. He works in a public sector company but has been missing for two days, the police said.

He is, however, not the first person reported to resemble the sketch. Some others were rounded up earlier on similar grounds but were released.

The police said they were astonished to find that Shahi’s family, staying in Hyderabad on extended visas, had acquired ration cards, PAN cards and driving licences.

Asim Aquil, what proof are you talking about? how do you expect us to reveal all investigation strata? we have very good communication with polices around the world, and i dont think the whole of indian establishment is bloody naive to keep on mentioning ISI in their official reports without any such thing happening.
agnostic regarding cctv, gokul chat is a famous chat eating place and lets say govt is highly corrupted to take care public security first, in other words they need a kick to do things right.
If you please care to read the reports they are extremely high level reports and are not merely intelligence reports that says 'suspected' but are statistics of how many ISI sleeper cell was neutralised, how abu salem ran his gang, interpole red notice etc.

I dont see them being conjenctured unless you mean the whole institution is running on fools world and living in Utopia.

Regarding politicians blaming pakistan, please understand its politics only, repeteadly said nothing until proved.

They are "high level reports" based on intelligence (as far as Pakistan's role is concerned) - and whatever you want to call it, prejudice and bias is always going to be present at some level. Interpol red notices were not issued against "ISI agents", but criminals that India claims/alleges were sponsored by the ISI. How XYZ ran his gang does not have anything to do with implicating Pakistan. While the activities of certain groups or cells may have indeed been documented using hard evidence, the actual linkage with Pakistan is still based on assumptions and extrapolation, and given the "vested interest" that India would have in implicating Pakistan, such "reports" cannot be considered objective or fair.

You may have "repeatedly said" that "nothing is true till proved", but harping on these "reports" (when they contain nothing that cannot be thrown out in a court of law) as being a damning indictment of Pakistani guilt, pretty much takes you in a circle back to blaming Pakistan without evidence.

As far as Indian intelligence being "naive" and all, that is not what I am suggesting. In the run up to the Iraq war there were plenty of naysayers when it came to agents and analysts looking at the evidence that was supposed to implicate Iraq in WMD's (both U.S and foreign). But because there was a strategic goal to "change the Middle East" (or whatever), those objections were steamrolled over and reports that supported the prevailing mindset were conjured.

Quite a few Indians on this forum, and elsewhere, have stated that "India will prevent the sale of even a bullet to Pakistan" - something we can agree upon considering recent events, so why would routinely implicating Pakistan in terrorism be beyond the purview of the Indian policy to undermine and weaken Pakistan?

P.S: When I say Pakistan, I am referring to the Pakistani State and its institutions. I am not defending any groups that may operate out of Pakistan.
well if it is proved that RDX was acquired(God isn't RDX found some place else) from Bangladesh,Indian police should report this to Bangladeshi authorities,and details related to how RDX was smuggled out of the country.

troops under Home Affairs Ministry(RAB,police and BDR) are good,and have recently caught weapons caches but we need more tech and training to do our jobs better and they also have to give more time for other purposes(quelling unrests,violence,distribution centres for essentials,etc.)

But it's kind of confusing,I mean via Maldives.Surely if not the BD customs but the Maldives customs or Indian customs might have caught them smuggling these explosives.
So what if the point of suspicion is planily on pakistan? We dont give a damn about it. And if india is so sure about it why doesnt she do anything about it then.
So what if the point of suspicion is planily on pakistan? We dont give a damn about it. And if india is so sure about it why doesnt she do anything about it then.

Well we are being patient, looks like you dont appreciate that.

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