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Pakistan Should End Child Marriage

So you want us to live like WW2 era kids ? Even when there's no threat of war anytime soon. Guess what else this generation is ? More hardworking, better achievers and better dreamers. And if you are indeed younger than me then I'd say its extremely sad to see that you've bought into the "back in my days" grandpa crap. Our generation is far better.

Its funny you mention rape and adultery. Most ironic thing iv seen all day tbh. Tell me, does a 14 year married off and in the bed of a 50 year old sound as rape or adultery ?
The west you love so much has girls of age 12 becoming mothers so please stop telling us what to do 16 years is enough and after that those interested can get married west needs to control its crap than telling us what to do
So you want us to live like WW2 era kids ? Even when there's no threat of war anytime soon. Guess what else this generation is ? More hardworking, better achievers and better dreamers. And if you are indeed younger than me then I'd say its extremely sad to see that you've bought into the "back in my days" grandpa crap. Our generation is far better.

Its funny you mention rape and adultery. Most ironic thing iv seen all day tbh. Tell me, does a 14 year married off and in the bed of a 50 year old sound as rape or adultery ?

Our generation is terrible, they're a bunch of liberal snowflakes who have become complete coconuts, equating anything that's even remotely Islamic with backwardness.
The west you love so much has girls of age 12 becoming mothers so please stop telling us what to do 16 years is enough and after that those interested can get married west needs to control its crap than telling us what to do

A pregnant 12 year old is one in a millions case in the west . What about over here ? A pregnant 12 year old as a result of her being married off to some warlord so her parents can settle their debts. Is that better ? (Because this is the case with 1 in 50 in our rural areas).

Our generation is terrible, they're a bunch of liberal snowflakes who have become complete coconuts, equating anything that's even remotely Islamic with backwardness.

Well depends on what you mean by "remotely Islamic" . I've yet to see someone who prays five times a day, gives zakat, believes in Allah, fasts in ramzan to be considered backward. If you want beheadings in the street , women being whipped for being raped, treat minorities like crap, become a suicide bomber with the intention of getting your 72 virgins then yes I do and the whole world will indeed consider you as backward (and a couple other heartwarming terms).
What's hysterical about this thread, is that, how the minimum age of 16 years for girls and 18 for boys, for marriage ... 'fails Pakistani girls' as argued by the OP.

The irony being ... The thread opener i.e. @Divergent is a poster from UK where the age of consent is EXACTLY 16 i.e. the age at which an individual is considered responsible enough to make the decision to have s*x. In fact majority of the European countries have an age of consent falling between the range of 14-16 years for BOTH MALES AND FEMALES.

So the question now transpires in to, If an individual is old enough to date, old enough to do some part time work to earn money and old enough to make the decision of having s*x .... Why aren't they old enough to marry?
What's hysterical about this thread, is that, how the minimum age of 16 years for girls and 18 for boys, for marriage ... 'fails Pakistani girls' as argued by the OP.

The irony being ... The thread opener i.e. @Divergent is a poster from UK where the age of consent is EXACTLY 16 i.e. the age at which an individual is considered responsible enough to make the decision to have s*x. In fact majority of the European countries have an age of consent falling between the range of 14-16 years for BOTH MALES AND FEMALES.

So the question now transpires in to, If an individual is old enough to date, old enough to do some part time work to earn money and old enough to make the decision of having s*x .... Why aren't they old enough to marry?
I dont mind if a girl marries in UK at 16.. its very likely that she married on her own will, and did not listen to her parents... the worse case scenarios she will lose her life chance in education perhaps.

its totally different in south asia, where girls are married without their consent. Even if they consent, it amounts to nothing, if you consider their emotional maturity... (in general I would say british are mature at younger age)
and then, the pressure to bear child once you are married... due to lack of knowledge or planning, many of these underage girls become mothers. This is devastating for mother's health as well as child's.
The maternal mortality rate in india/pak is around 170 whereas UK its around 8. Not saying its all due to underage mothers but our countries do not have medical infrastructure to deal with these births.
What's hysterical about this thread, is that, how the minimum age of 16 years for girls and 18 for boys, for marriage ... 'fails Pakistani girls' as argued by the OP.

The irony being ... The thread opener i.e. @Divergent is a poster from UK where the age of consent is EXACTLY 16 i.e. the age at which an individual is considered responsible enough to make the decision to have s*x. In fact majority of the European countries have an age of consent falling between the range of 14-16 years for BOTH MALES AND FEMALES.

So the question now transpires in to, If an individual is old enough to date, old enough to do some part time work to earn money and old enough to make the decision of having s*x .... Why aren't they old enough to marry?

At their own will not pressured or forced to settle a debt, bleeds so is ‘ready’ for
Birth, gets Married because they can’t afford education and girls shouldn’t be sat at home. A fate she didn’t choose and a Marriage she didn’t want.
What's hysterical about this thread, is that, how the minimum age of 16 years for girls and 18 for boys, for marriage ... 'fails Pakistani girls' as argued by the OP.

The irony being ... The thread opener i.e. @Divergent is a poster from UK where the age of consent is EXACTLY 16 i.e. the age at which an individual is considered responsible enough to make the decision to have s*x. In fact majority of the European countries have an age of consent falling between the range of 14-16 years for BOTH MALES AND FEMALES.

So the question now transpires in to, If an individual is old enough to date, old enough to do some part time work to earn money and old enough to make the decision of having s*x .... Why aren't they old enough to marry?
One word...hypocrisy..inferiority complex....
People living in Europe wants to be more European than natives just because they are suffering inferiority complex.
I dont mind if a girl marries in UK at 16.. its very likely that she married on her own will, and did not listen to her parents... the worse case scenarios she will lose her life chance in education perhaps.

its totally different in south asia, where girls are married without their consent. Even if they consent, it amounts to nothing, if you consider their emotional maturity... (in general I would say british are mature at younger age)
and then, the pressure to bear child once you are married... due to lack of knowledge or planning, many of these underage girls become mothers. This is devastating for mother's health as well as child's.
The maternal mortality rate in india/pak is around 170 whereas UK its around 8. Not saying its all due to underage mothers but our countries do not have medical infrastructure to deal with these births.

At their own will not pressured or forced to settle a debt, bleeds so is ‘ready’ for
Birth, gets Married because they can’t afford education and girls shouldn’t be sat at home. A fate she didn’t choose and a Marriage she didn’t want.

-Except the fact, that for a marriage to even register as a marriage, the consent from both parties is a REQUIREMENT. The law is already present. Your suggestion is a law/modification to ANOTHER law to prevent an act from happening, which already is outlawed in the present framework.

-Secondly, what about unwanted teenage pregnancies, what about abortions, what about partners manipulating the other in to getting what they want ... are these not problems western teens have to face? Yet still, the age of consent is 14-16 years across west, shouldn't you take a good hard look in the mirror, apply your 'solutions' unto yourselves first before bringing your "awesome strategies" in another culture ... just a random thought :P
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-Except the fact, that for a marriage to even register as a marriage, the consent from both parties is a REQUIREMENT. The law is already present. Your suggestion is a law/modification to ANOTHER law to prevent an act from happening, which already is outlawed in the present framework.

-Secondly, what about unwanted teenage pregnancies, what about abortions, what about partners manipulating the other in to getting what they want ... are these not problems western teens have to face? Yet still, the age of consent is 14-16 years across west, shouldn't you take a good hard look in the mirror, apply your 'solutions' unto yourselves first before bringing your "awesome strategies" in another culture ... just a random thought :P

Lol you do realise the PAKISTANI UN WOMEN movement have launched a petition for the Senate to review at the REQUEST of Pakistan FOR Pakistan. Not United Kingdom. Toodles.

One word...hypocrisy..inferiority complex....
People living in Europe wants to be more European than natives just because they are suffering inferiority complex.

We don’t suffer inferiority complex, as far as I’m aware it was YOUR people mocking The Pakistani Cricketer Sarfraz on English during his press conference not the ‘Europeans’.

Might want to take a good look at this petition and no I didn’t come up with it Pakistanis IN Pakistan did.

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Lol you do realise the PAKISTANI UN WOMEN movement have launched a petition for the Senate to review at the REQUEST of Pakistan FOR Pakistan. Not United Kingdom. Toodles.

We don’t suffer superiority complex, as far as I’m aware it was YOUR people mocking The Pakistani Cricketer Sarfraz on English during his press conference not the ‘Europeans’.
I said inferiority complex since attitude shows every thing.
I said inferiority complex since attitude shows every thing.

Lol I’m not the one offended by someone pointing out flaws just because they belong to different flags. Who’s the one with inferiority complex?
A pregnant 12 year old is one in a millions case in the west . What about over here ? A pregnant 12 year old as a result of her being married off to some warlord so her parents can settle their debts. Is that better ? (Because this is the case with 1 in 50 in our rural areas).

Well depends on what you mean by "remotely Islamic" . I've yet to see someone who prays five times a day, gives zakat, believes in Allah, fasts in ramzan to be considered backward. If you want beheadings in the street , women being whipped for being raped, treat minorities like crap, become a suicide bomber with the intention of getting your 72 virgins then yes I do and the whole world will indeed consider you as backward (and a couple other heartwarming terms).

The fact that this is what comes to your mind when I mention Islam proves my point.
A pregnant 12 year old is one in a millions case in the west . What about over here ? A pregnant 12 year old as a result of her being married off to some warlord so her parents can settle their debts. Is that better ? (Because this is the case with 1 in 50 in our rural areas).

Well depends on what you mean by "remotely Islamic" . I've yet to see someone who prays five times a day, gives zakat, believes in Allah, fasts in ramzan to be considered backward. If you want beheadings in the street , women being whipped for being raped, treat minorities like crap, become a suicide bomber with the intention of getting your 72 virgins then yes I do and the whole world will indeed consider you as backward (and a couple other heartwarming terms).
No it's not one in a million case hundreds and thousands of teenage girls are getting pregnant each year thousands of abortions take place and thousands just put give their child away so please stop trying to defend west. The amount of problems west is facing in this regard we are not interested in having those issues
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