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‘Pakistanis rely more on Indian doctors’

Pride will be the death of us all.

A human life was saved, what is religion or nationality before that?

I believe that, on this forum, 99.99% of Indians and Pakistanis will go out of their way to save a life, regardless of nationality.

So, despite us all being fundamentally decent people, why do we then argue about who is superior or inferior when a human life has been saved?

Sometimes this just depresses me...but then I remember that, despite being from enemy nations, as individuals we will help each other out when push comes to shove.
Atleast people of pakistan must be thankful to indian authorities who despite of all odds permit medical visits.

one must realize that at one side some mindless cowards kill hundreds in 26/11 while indian doctors are saving the lives of their own countrymen.
Thanks to all the indian doctors and hospitals also Gov Of India.
There should be no barriers or boundaries in treatment of humanity.

Cheers to all.

yes....we both need to stop blaming on each other. india and pakistan are good and great country,we both can become a greatest country of the world. And we can solve our problem by helping each other.
The doctors who work in these hospitals are mostly foreign-trained, not India trained.

Says who ?
The doctors in India are capable because each have the combined experience of 10 western doctors of the same age group. Its because of the very low doctor to population ratios of 80s and 90s in india . So the patient per doctor ratios were off the charts.

Frankly the govt doctors who served in that period are the most capable in my view. Because experience is more important than knowing to use high tech medical systems or procedures for treating 99 % of medical cases.
Apollo is not run by government. It's a chain of expensive, for profit, private hospitals that very very few Indians can afford. They attract foreigners who can pay the big bills.

The doctors who work in these hospitals are mostly foreign-trained, not India trained.

According to Medical Council of India, foreign trained doctors are not allowed to practice in India ….Even if the doctor is trained at John Hopkins
According to Medical Council of India, foreign trained doctors are not allowed to practice in India ….Even if the doctor is trained at John Hopkins

I guess they are allowed to practice once they clear Indian exams.
I guess they are allowed to practice once they clear Indian exams.

And vice versa. Point here is that its a fallacy to think that the only good doctors in India are western-trained. Not for nothing is the USMLE dominated by Indians year after year. Our doctors are good and like doctors the world over they know no nationality or religion. Plus for a poor nation our healthcare infrastructure is not too bad. At third world prices (even the private hospital chains do not even come close to even a third-rate US clinic in cost of treatment, ask any Indian living in the US). Medicine is still the one science which uses technology, but not at the expense of the human brain. And there we all know where India stands globally as a proven fact.
Thankyou India.

A typical indian media title kills the very purpose which the doctors are working for i.e love and trust.
India and Pakistan. 2 great nations that have only hatred for each other. I would like to ask all my Indian and Pakistani brothers and sisters, where will this hatred get us? What will be our achievement if be berate each other and humiliate each other? A doctor has a duty to save the life of his patients, whichever country, the patient might be from. This is not something to be proud of.
To the person who started this thread
Please change the title..
If all of us would introspect, we would see clearly the vast advantages our people would have if India and Pakistan collaborate but instead we only think about the other in terms of they being our worst enemy.
India and Pakistan. 2 great nations that have only hatred for each other. I would like to ask all my Indian and Pakistani brothers and sisters, where will this hatred get us? What will be our achievement if be berate each other and humiliate each other? A doctor has a duty to save the life of his patients, whichever country, the patient might be from. This is not something to be proud of.
To the person who started this thread
Please change the title..
If all of us would introspect, we would see clearly the vast advantages our people would have if India and Pakistan collaborate but instead we only think about the other in terms of they being our worst enemy.


^^^New guy in the block...

I agree with your line of thought my friend....
This is less to do with the doctors or medical facilities of Inida rather than the cheap treatment available.
I for a fact know dozens who went to India and found cheap SURROGATE mothers.
Commercial surrogacy in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I also know people who have been to karachi Jinnah hospital for cheap cosmetic surgeries. That does not means that this service is not provided in UK but the fact that it is cheaper makes patients to seek medical treatment from other countries where its cheaper.

They might do this for a lesser disease. We get lot more patients for heart transplants which are deadly if not performed well. Surely, they don't come to india to die, just because its cheap there.
I remember reading somewhere that a major british health insurance company offered a cheap health insurance if the participants are willing to travel to india for their treatment of major surgeries.
Surely, they would have done their due diligence.
I'd like to thank Pakistani members for not turning into it a flame war even if the title is badly phrased!

Well Indian doctors are good no doubt about it.Pakistan has huge shortage of qualified doctors as many leave for abroad to earn better and specialized medical care is very expensive as well. Therefore, India naturally is a destination of choice.

I hope the tension ease down so doctors engineers and other qualified brass can work cross borders. There have been serious considerations by Pakistan for recruiting Indian doctors and lecturars but faced roadblocks by Indian gov.

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