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Assad gassed to death 40 civilians in Douma (clear evidence)


Aug 18, 2010
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Chlorine bomb used yesterday in Douma:


Similar bomb used in Khan Assal August 2017:


Similar bombs multiples times used in Aleppo in 2016:


Assad use of chlorine in Aleppo confirmed by the UN:


As usual, the only argument Khamenai degenerates have is "rebels gassed themselves to blame nice Assad".
As usual NathanYabu terrorists basatards are spreading lies in social media. SAA while winning the ground had no reason to use chemical bombs.

NathanYabu terrorists are repeating g bullshits of FOX news and VOA news, they had also clear evidence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, debunked by themselves. The irony
Doesn't matter
death is final destination of every Al Qaeda fighter operating in Syria

It Doesn't matter wheater they reach their final destination =Death by Chemical attack or Cluster bomb Or Grad Rocket or Killed by fellow Isis brothers:-)
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As usual, the only argument Khamenai degenerates have is "rebels gassed themselves to blame nice Assad".

As much as I don't like Assad (and his father was one of the worst criminals in the unfortunate history of Arab dictators,) I find it really hard to believe that he or his forces would use any type of chemical weapons during this conflict and especially at this stage. To do that, he's compromising everything and everyone that has kept him in power through these brutal 6 years. The Iranians, Hezbollah and most of all, Russia.

I don't even believe he was responsible for the previous chemical attack that resulted in all those US cruise missiles raining down on that airbase. Same story there. This is really the dumbest thing he could possibly do at this point and why would he do it? Makes absolutely no sense at all and this is pretty clear and smells of some type of set up.
Collins evidence on WMD of Iraq. Literally Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and it was proved by NathanYabu terrorists in Mossad.

NathanYabu controlled Mossad and CIA had clear evidence, lately ir was denied by themselves
As much as I don't like Assad (and his father was one of the worst criminals in the unfortunate history of Arab dictators,) I find it really hard to believe that he or his forces would use any type of chemical weapons during this conflict and especially at this stage. To do that, he's compromising everything and everyone that has kept him in power through these brutal 6 years. The Iranians, Hezbollah and most of all, Russia.
1) Assad wants to take Douma fast with minimum casualties. It took for Assad 4 years to take encircled town of Daraya sacrificing thousands of his thugs. Douma is more prepared than Daraya.
2) Assad used chemical weapons dozens times with zero consequences.

I don't even believe he was responsible for the previous chemical attack that resulted in all those US cruise missiles raining down on that airbase. Same story there. This is really the dumbest thing he could possibly do at this point and why would he do it? Makes absolutely no sense at all and this is pretty clear and smells of some type of set up.
1) Assad used chemical weapons dozens times with zero consequences.
2) Use of Sarin by Assad in Khan Sheikhoun is confirmed by UN and OPCW investigations.
3) Russia lied when it claimed that they bombed rebel chemical factory.
4) Assad lied when claimed that this attack was 100% fabrication.
1) Assad wants to take Douma fast with minimum casualties. It took for Assad 4 years to take encircled town of Daraya sacrificing thousands of his thugs. Douma is more prepared than Daraya.

Assad look a few months to take Palmyra, Qaryatayn, Deir ez Zor, Mayadin, Abu Kamal from ISIS. Douma is much weaker and would have taken only a few days to take.
Repeated use of chlorine by Assad is confirmed by UN and OPCW.


Why would SAA use chlorine when they got thermobarics which are way more terrifying. Plus, SAA never used chlorine when they took half of Syria from ISIS.

Chlrorine is much cheaper and more effective against underground shelters.

Assad look a few months to take Palmyra, Qaryatayn, Deir ez Zor, Mayadin, Abu Kamal from ISIS. Douma is much weaker and would have taken only a few days to take.
No Douma is much bigger than these.
As much as I don't like Assad (and his father was one of the worst criminals in the unfortunate history of Arab dictators,) I find it really hard to believe that he or his forces would use any type of chemical weapons during this conflict and especially at this stage. To do that, he's compromising everything and everyone that has kept him in power through these brutal 6 years. The Iranians, Hezbollah and most of all, Russia.

I don't even believe he was responsible for the previous chemical attack that resulted in all those US cruise missiles raining down on that airbase. Same story there. This is really the dumbest thing he could possibly do at this point and why would he do it? Makes absolutely no sense at all and this is pretty clear and smells of some type of set up.
Well... If you knew how Madness behave/work... you wouldn't have answered the way you do...

Looks like our resident propagandist @500 is still quite active.

Assad has won the war, he doesn't need to invite unnecessary attention to Syria, the only ones who do are the ones who planned this attack. RIP to the dead.
Looks like our resident propagandist @500 is still quite active.
Thanks for confirming that u have no arguments.

Assad has won the war, he doesn't need to invite unnecessary attention to Syria, the only ones who do are the ones who planned this attack. RIP to the dead.
Assad won the war just like Najibullah won the war before him:

Looks like our resident propagandist @500 is still quite active.

Assad has won the war, he doesn't need to invite unnecessary attention to Syria, the only ones who do are the ones who planned this attack. RIP to the dead.

Wtf are you writing? the one who dares and planed the attack? Assad used the gas bomb thats the fact.
Thanks for confirming that u have no arguments.

Assad won the war just like Najibullah won the war before him:

View attachment 464762
how do you shoot and kill journalists while they have press jackets on? Are your snipers retarded or war criminals or both?

Wtf are you writing? the one who dares and planed the attack? Assad used the gas bomb thats the fact.

You have a video of SAA launching this attack? Post it please.
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