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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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Chinese never had a clash with Islamic world for centuries. It's the new age Chinese generation that basically behave like the Yellow White Man. They think waiting outside of an Apple Store for 3 days for the new iphone makes them superior to the rest of humanity. Fortunately their older generation is much wiser and more subtle.
You Need to learn Chinese History

We muslims are the only threat in this planet for 1400+ years. But unfortunately, for chinese commis less that 100 years .. :lol:
lol history will not repeat. look at the state your country, along with other muslim countries, is in.

You've had problems with Turks before Islam. Perhaps you need to learn history.
we kicked their *** out of asia.

And we all suddenly stop bashing eachother...great
I won't need to do anything. Just look at the example of where Islam is.

All great empire who resisted Islam are today it's staunchest strongholds, soon to include Russia and Europe.

In sha Allah China will be Islamic and the Azaan will reverberate there.
Islam is certainly growing in Europe and Russia but there is also a resurgence of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Russia based on recent reports, it could be a reactive force. Apparently some non-religious people are turning to the Orthodox church. For political reasons Putin has gotten closer with the Orthodox church. Ukraine has growing numbers of right wing militias (including extreme nationalism in reaction to the war) that are armed and seen combat along with a sizable support base but they remain occupied by domestic issues. Eastern and Central Europe are still very conservative in their immigration policies and from the looks of it religious/identity policies as well. Hungary and Poland believe they are some sort of saviour for Europe in terms of religion and identity.

Western Europe on the on the other hand has the highest growth of Muslim population, especially in France and Germany but there is a certain reaction to it but not really strong. The reaction is weakest in Sweden and Germany.

Uhh, you're welcome.

At least we are doing you a favor by eliminating your number one opponent before we also take over you.
That is the thing. Most informed people in the world and some governments knows this is the goal of "political Islam". People who support this idea to encompass other nations eventually become enablers of "terrorism" and invite "counter-terrorism". The SCO was designed as primarily a regional anti-terror organisation post soviet collapse.

What is the point of taking over the world if it doesn't bring others prosperity? Why should people want to be taken over if it doesn't make their lives better? If Islamic countries were truly enlightened and technologically advanced I'm sure other nations would love to learn from them but that is not the case. Some Islamic nations are not backwards and are decent but the entities that support global domination by Islam certainly is. The end result of this push for world domination is the regression of humanity into a dark age and that would be a sad sight to see.
I won't need to do anything. You will submit on your own. Just look at the example of where Islam is.

All great empire who resisted Islam are today it's staunchest strongholds, soon to include Russia and Europe.

In sha Allah China will be Islamic and the Azaan will reverberate there.

The weak never Convert the strong, learn from History!
Its always the strong Convert the weak
By 2050
80% of Pakistanis Will be atheis
Its already happened
With join University in Pakistan
China Will spread Science and put some sense to pakistanis younger generation
Not to mention tens of thousands of pakistanis go to China for study
When they get back to Pakistan they Will spread communism and atheism :enjoy:
Islam is certainly growing in Europe and Russia but there is also a resurgence of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Russia based on recent reports, it could be a reactive force. Apparently some non-religious people are turning to the Orthodox church. For political reasons Putin has gotten closer with the Orthodox church. Ukraine has growing numbers of right wing militias (including extreme nationalism in reaction to the war) that are armed and seen combat along with a sizable support base but they remain occupied by domestic issues. Eastern and Central Europe are still very conservative in their immigration policies and from the looks of it religious/identity policies as well. Hungary and Poland believe they are some sort of saviour for Europe in terms of religion and identity.

Western Europe on the on the other hand has the highest growth of Muslim population, especially in France and Germany but there is a certain reaction to it but not really strong. The reaction is weakest in Sweden and Germany.

That is the thing. Most informed people in the world and some governments knows this is the goal of "political Islam". People who support this idea to encompass other nations eventually become enablers of "terrorism" and invite "counter-terrorism". The SCO was designed as primarily a regional anti-terror organisation post soviet collapse.

What is the point of taking over the world if it doesn't bring others prosperity? Why should people want to be taken over if it doesn't make their lives better? If Islamic countries were truly enlightened and technologically advanced I'm sure other nations would love to learn from them but that is not the case. Some Islamic nations are not backwards and are decent but the entities that support global domination by Islam certainly is. The end result of this push for world domination is the regression of humanity into a dark age.
Finally someone talking sense.
Why are our Turkish friends so toxic to us? I don't understand. It almost seems as though we murdered their entire f@cking family.

These Turks and other Muslims members here who are hostile to China have a thing against us. I'm starting to believe they are the biggest threat to humanity. That dude already said Islam is becoming the fastest growing religion in USA, it's gonna become Islamic World. Next target are Russia and China. His exact words. If it is not a threat i don't know what is.
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