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Kalabagh Dam - Damn anti-Dam Lobbies

How about they do a referendum ?? Let ppl vote ? we live in democratic state

Why this talk of fuedal , talk if damn is built it will be over dead bodies put the dead bodies in prison and build the damn
After this much suffering , Kalabagh Dam is necessary
Other wise we are damm.
does any member know what is the actual project , can we shed some more light on why is dam to damn controversial!
Feasibility study of another major Dam named Bunji Dam is currently going on. This Dam will have 2x power generation facility than Terbela Dam. Means it will be the largest dam in Pakistan in terms of Power generation capacity. It's location is at point where Scerdu Road starts from Korakoram Highway near Gilgit. It's location suggests that this can only be a run of the river Dam like Balgihar Dam of India (on Chenab) which shall be used for only power generation and NO canal shall be built.

Sir can you tell me where in Bunji a site for such a dam exist. I didn't see such a place which can produce twice the electricity than Terbela. Any reference if you can quote.
Yeah punjab will win the referendum. Even if the other three provinces are against it.

For God sake don't start another fuss. We have already suffered a lot. Let technical people work out their concerns, if it causes any problem for any province then we don't need it. But many of anti Kalabagh have turned a little lenient after recent floods. As far as Sindh is concerned, main problem is mistrust and we need to remove that. For KPK,a suitable royalty settlement will resolve issue. ANP needs to shun its staunch approach against this dam. Otherwise I think they have seen pinnacle of their political carrier.
does any member know what is the actual project , can we shed some more light on why is dam to damn controversial!

Nice start, you have posts on every issue and yet you don't know what is the history of Kalabagh dam!!
Why don't you state your twist openly?
How about they do a referendum ?? Let ppl vote ? we live in democratic state

Why this talk of fuedal , talk if damn is built it will be over dead bodies put the dead bodies in prison and build the damn

I fully agree with Alibaz.
We have central govt. to decide on such matters and technicaly only good things will emerge from the construction of dam.
Politicaly, some people will have to hide their faces, once the project is built.
Internationally, this project will be discouraged.
Yeah punjab will win the referendum. Even if the other three provinces are against it.

this is why referendum represent majority vote, not a minority engineered govt. ruling over majority.
but let's not go into irrelevant discussion

Let's say... only rulers of respective provinces are responsible for the backwardness of their provinces.

Why do we suddenly have so much talk of provinces any way?
this is why referendum represent majority vote, not a minority engineered govt. ruling over majority.
but let's not go into irrelevant discussion

Let's say... only rulers of respective provinces are responsible for the backwardness of their provinces.

Why do we suddenly have so much talk of provinces any way?

Because provinces make the federation, remember the federation?. The notion that any government can just ignore the dissenting voices in three of the four federating units is absurd.

I know that there is a compelling case of building the KB dam nut there are equally valid concerns about the Indus delta and the ecosystem of the lower Indus that need to be addressed before any construction takes place.

Remember that big construction and big politics go hand in hand. To complete any major project that has an impact on the life in the whole of the country we need the public to be on board.
Sir can you tell me where in Bunji a site for such a dam exist. I didn't see such a place which can produce twice the electricity than Terbela. Any reference if you can quote.

Little info abt proposed Bunji Dam available in Wikipedia on following link:

Bunji, Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Installed capacity of Bunji Dam will be 7200MW.

Original Installed capacity of Tarbela Dam was 3478MW. Now enhanced/upgraded capacity of Tarbela Dam is 4200MW.
Well the solution is very simple

a) Think Pakistan frist , the problem I see is that provinces are
more cencerned about protecting their fuedal system
domination vs seeing Pakistan solve its energy and need

The idea of referendum is needed

1) Most democractic states vote on key decisions to implement that
is what DEMOCRACY is. Its not democracy just because
you are less in number.

a) Canada used this system to allow Qubeec to decide if they want to stay
in Canada or leave
b) US voted on health care as a nation not as provinces
c) EU voted to keep Turkey out of EU
d) Russia split into multiple nations with referendum

2) Sindh's concern is illlogical because , ALL water end up in Sindh
also sindh can also setup water desalination plants to compensate

Every drop of natural water goes thru , Sindh and Fuedal lords don't control
Pakistan , we need to crush feudal lords and confiscate all lands

We need someone like Chavez in power strong Nationalist

3) Blouchistan should get cannals to divert some water to

There is alot of water just look around

All energy initiatives should Launch ...! ppl who oppose should be imprisoned

If ppl can agree on referendum , we have no right to be called democratic state we should allow a dictator to rule over us for 50 years and let him make all hard decisions

Water DAMs have limit if you hold more water then allowed the dam is destroyed, if Punjab ever stopped more water in DAM it water will leak into Punjab and destroy lands

All DAMs , record, amount of water that was passing , registered and then they simply release the same amount of water regularly to maintain DAM.

Sindh's idea that water will disappear is nonesense. And looks like talk of a person who never went to university.

What Sindh should do is install a million gallon water desalination plant and fuel it with coal. They need to stand up and solve a problem not create more problems

Pakistan willl lose 100 billion - 200 billion due to floods, cost of DAM was 5-6 billion dollars

If we had the DAM we would have been celebrating the water that filled the water reservoirs that would bring prosparity , and last for 10-15 years , and instead what we have is loss of 200 billion dollars at hand , the WATER we lost to sea just this moonsoon could have irrigated balouchistan if it was saved in Man made lakes or water DAMS

And potential loss of 100,000 lives , which the gov is not stating out of fear
Think about it no water, no food a person can only live for 3-6 days
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does any member know what is the actual project , can we shed some more light on why is dam to damn controversial!

The controversy is the Sindh say all its mangrooves and fishes will die in the indus delta .....
and from PK(former N.W.F.P) they say tht our lands near the Dam will be wasted as tht water will affect the near by areas .........

Both are right but we have to see which thing is in more favour of Pakistan wht do pakistan needs more ........fishes and mangrooves or a dam that can save water and release it when needed for agricultural uses........
the flood disaster could have been avoided if we have Kala bagh but coz tht capacity of Kalabagh is greater than 16 million cusecs and
currently the water which is creating havoc in punjab and sidh and Balushistan is just 11 million cusec .........

So tell me cant this thing be avoided ,Cant we just sacrifice little things for the Greater Good of Pakistan , Cant we just put aside our egos and look wht is good for all of Us ....................

May Allah give sum sense to those who are opposing constructing kalabagh ..................
Yeah punjab will win the referendum. Even if the other three provinces are against it.

Oh GOD! I am a Pashtun but I hate people with mentality like yours! Why don't we think of Pakistan instead Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KP.
Pakistan is suffering big time due to lack of Dams. We are facing worst energy crisis an now this flood is reminder for people like you that start thinking positively for Pakistan instead of any single province.

All this fuss about Kalabagh Dam is creation of few f**king politicians whose properties are in danger.

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