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SSG of Pakistan Army is world's best special force

your army defeated soviet union single handedly divided it
Your army defeated america, now trump is forced to leave afghanistan .

What else is no 1 ?
Yes alhamdulillah . You Pakistani ??
Then what stops Pakistan from liberating Kashmir, using your best? :-)
We are a peace loving country as already mentioned so we try to do it in a peaceful and political way .
dear friend ,
what I or others express here is mostly our personal opinions on how we view world or events.
its not praising one side over an other or degrading another. soldiers from subcontinent have my respect and admiration regardless of how I see Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankann forces (special or regular) vs west etc.
I know that about you. Cheers!

my original statement is also a personal opinion on how I see West (NATO) vs rest of the world. their training regime, unit spend, R&D, availability to technology etc etc etc. hence my claim that their paramilitary and regular troops can give any third world special forces run for their money. the gap within NATO countries between the US and the rest is huge as well.
I suppose you are talking of a subcontinent SF vs NATO regular military in a battlefield... or perhaps a regular NATO force is as effective as a subcontinent SF in flushing out terrorists...? Then maybe i get your point. But for a task which is supposed to be tackled by an SF unit, the only suitable unit for that task is an SF unit - at least that's what i think. But you know better.

access to technology and spend is relative though and not the primary decider its the attitude and ethic towards training and hard exercise regime as well this is why I qualified my statement by further saying later that an African country (as a reference) with limited resources might come on top if we have a yardstick based on limited resources with a profound output in terms of highly motivated, trained and fit soldiers. just for reference look at some Gulf state armies that have everything that money can buy but their military outlook leaves much to be desired.

Leaving aside Gulf state armies which you Pakistanis love to deride, i get your point about SFs of poorly equipped militaries of some African nations. However i think that there are too many permutations and combinations and the actual situation may be such that it will be difficult to come up with a reasonably clean conclusion.
I suppose you are talking of a subcontinent SF vs NATO regular military in a battlefield... or perhaps a regular NATO force is as effective as a subcontinent SF in flushing out terrorists...? Then maybe i get your point. But for a task which is supposed to be tackled by an SF unit, the only suitable unit for that task is an SF unit - at least that's what i think. But you know better.
good point
on second thought I was not making like for like comparison (NATO regulars (Western Europe) V Special forces of third world countries in terms of unconventional warfare I meant generally as a baseline soldiering regime that defines a trained warrior. West seems to be moving aware from regular forces now all their expeditionary forces are specials these are ones I had in mind when I made a general comparison with third world special forces
British Paras, Royal Marines are also specials while their SAS , SBS are top tier special
likewise US Marines, Rangers, 101 etc are also specials while their famous Delta, SEALs, Green Berrets (and USAF equivalent are their top tiers.

that praise aside now I also see our subcontinent regulars also transforming into very smart , equipped and agile forces trained in Urban warfare and counter insurgency goes to show that armies are adapting with time

Leaving aside Gulf state armies which you Pakistanis love to deride, i get your point about SFs of poorly equipped militaries of some African nations. However i think that there are too many permutations and combinations and the actual situation may be such that it will be difficult to come up with a reasonably clean conclusion.
correct. comparison is hard due to complexity

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