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China's foreign trade for 2018 already exceeds 2017, jumping 15%

Chill, don't get so sensitive. ahhahaha. Women are gonna marry richer guys, just common sense, and Viets are at the lowest in the food chain. Genetically for whatever atrocities the Japanese did, Northern Chinese are still the closest relatives of the Japs. You can't differentiate them apart. Anyway I am for a United North Asia, Japanese and Koreans need to be subdued under Chinese dominance and relegate back to their vassal status before.

I think PLA is capable, not sure how good are they, we invest in training in equipment and also infrastructure. I believe we can win wars, might be shaky at first, but technology does have it's own advantage. Why don't you be the first to try, we can easily decimate your navy and air force, that I am sure. I am not sure PLA existed 200 years ago, and we can't go invading every single damn country for some Qing legacy. We can do it slowly later on, not now in this form. Use unconventional ways to reclaim it, you don't need to conquer a country to control it, I like the American approach. I am sure some soldiers were killed and wounded, but the fact is we still invaded you DEEP and you did nothing and hid in the jungle like monkeys. =)
DO u still remember what was the reason Deng told the world to attack VN ?? Bcs VN did bad thing to Cnese (deport CNese ethnic in VN back to CN mainland) and invade Cambodia. And what was the situation in 2014 ?? VN still did bad thing to Cnese and our army is still in Camb (just like in Laos, VNese service men change the name to Cambodian name and stay in Camb for good ), Thats still a good reason to attack VN again, why coward PLA just shamefully retreat and left hundred wounded worker behind ? We gave u a good and same reason to attack again, but ...current PLA service men pay lots of money for good job, not for dying in the real battle, so they just retreated ........hahaha

Btw: our target is focusing on the expansion to the West, where we can reach to Malacca strait to control more strategic point, we dont give a damn to your useless/barren lands with full of sick pigs that still have no cure and Cnese have to eat in Mc Donal to avoid getting sick like their pigs :laugh:
If we are so useless and incapable, why aren't you reclaiming Spratly's and Paracels?
Didi u realize that SCS(east Vn sea) is even bigger that VN territory ?? thats just impossible for us to take control all Spratly's and Paracels islands. And do u know how many % under CN control and how many % under VN control ??

Territorial claims in the South China Sea on (based on outdated / unofficial documents / maps)

South China Sea claims and agreements

Map of various national outposts in the Spratly Islands
The South China Sea disputes involve both island and maritime claims among several sovereign states
You left out one very important part of that equation, and that is.... Previously China cooperated with Vietnam to harm the US. 1965-1975

Xiaoping brought prosperity to the Chinese bourgeoisie. The Chinese bourgeoisie buys imported products, and emigrate overseas. That does nothing to help China, and the majority of Chinese do not benefit from this "prosperity". In fact, factory workers had far more rights, stability, prestige, certainty, confidence, and prosperity in 1966 than they do today. That's why the majority of Chinese see Xiaoping as a sell out.

China can buy technology, but the problem is, they wouldn't be able to sell it, or even use it domestically. That's why the vast majority of Chinese use foreign motherboards, and hard drives that we see on every day computers. Honestly, even if Chinese were able to gain the majority domestic marketshare of computer hard drives, I would China is making progres, but they're not. Even Chinese cell phones like Oppo, and Huawei use foreign cameras. And that's where China is today. The so called Chinese domestic commercial plane is filled with foreign parts. If China wants respect, they better come out with a plane with domestic parts first, otherwise, just sit down, and be quiet. They can't even implement technology in their own country, let alone abroad. And take a look and the operating systems used in China's own government. The Chinese railway system is running on Windows XP, even the PLA is running Windows. Judging by these simple things, it would appear that China hasn't aquired anything. Instead, what China has acquired is decadence, and people dying their hair, women wearing revealing clothes, tatoos, drinking, karaoke, counterfiting, permiscuity, divorce, and smoking. The biggest problem with China is, they pick up the bad habits from the west, and don't learn the good things, or things that are worthy of learning, ie not cutting in line. In 1966, there were no counterfeiting. However, today, every Chinese cashier checks for counterfit bills. That's the 180 degree turn that China made, from honesty, to moral decay. There was a foreigner who was in China in 1976. He left his electric razor in his hotel room, and checked out, and was on his way to the railway station. The hotel staff followed him to the railway station to return the razor. It was this kind of behavior that gained the respect of comunist China, and it's precisely the reforms that corupted the Chinese to the point where these kinds of things simply don't happen anymore in China.

When I used to hear Taiwanese complain about China, I thought that it was messed up for them to complain about their own country, but when I hear them complain now, I think that if your own countrymen don't have faith in your country, then why should I. Indeed I think it will have a domino effect. If people see that others are not respecting China, then that will affect others. This is why you also see Singapore Chinese also view Chinese nationals with contempt.

CEOs are absolutely unpatriotic, but the west has actually done a pretty good job at containing China's technological development. If you want to argue this point, then show some examples. Also when 5g finally comes out internationally, we'll see whether or not China has any kind of technological advantage after 40 years of selling out. The problem with Chinese shils is they always use these vague examples to justify their regime, yet they can hardly ever come up with real examples. Yet we, ordinary people, can come up with dozens of examples off the top of our head on how China relies on western technology. Look at what happened to ZTE. The west denied ZTE of technology, and ZTE was ready to fold. That is the state that China is in today. They're not independent, and the west has them by the balls. That's why the Chinese media is always hoping for the west to resolve the trade war, but the western media never does.

There are lots of Chinese banks that issue visa and mastercard, but no weestern banks issue union pay cards. That's a fact. Ask any of the westerners here. I am not talking about Chinese bank branches, I'm talking about western banks like Santander issuing union pay cards. They don't do that. On the other hand, Bank of China issues mastercard, and visa. That is one of many examples of how the west CAN access Chinese markets, whereas Chinese can't access western markets. Sorry, but to me, selling rice bowls in a 99 cent store doesn't justify Xiaoping's reforms. The west can sell Marlboro cigaretes in Chinese stores. You find me a store in the west that sells Chinese cigaretes. Booze. Western booze is everywhere in China. Budwaizer, Haineken. Again, you find me a store in the west selling Maotai. What makes shils not credible is, they actually think this is a good deal.

China doesn't sell Xiaomi because American corporations are blacklisting Xiaomi, where China would never even dare to think about blacklisting Iphone. That just goes to show China has failed at getting to the markets. If you can't sell a Xiaomi, what cant you do? Sell rice bowls to the 99 cent store? And it's not just Xiaomi. Honestly who in America is selling Oppo, Vivo, and Meizu? IP issues? Man. This is unbelievable. Chinese people making excuses for western protectionism. This is exactly why China is going down the drain. Just change the name to Rongwei for the export market. What's the problem? It's not an IP issue. There are no Chinese cars in the west. Geely is not there either. Are you going to use the IP excuse on that one too? The bottom line is US is an open market only to their allies. China is an open market to their enemies. See the difference baby boy. That's why China will NOT prevail.

The Taiwan problem is not with the DPP. Actually the KMT is also anti Chinese, and has been for the past 60 years. In fact, you will find many people associated with the KMT to boycott Chinese products, and look down on mainlanders.

I never said anything about invading TW actually. This is always the Chinese shil response. "We can't invade TW until we're strong enough." I'm simply saying that Chinese have failed at both influencing others, and controling its own national borders. The TW situation also shows that the west is in a leading position, and going strong. Every TW president has to first interview in the US before running for president. Notice how TW presidents are not going to China to interview. What does this tell you about the weakness of China? You can actually see China's weakness in TW. There are a dozen Japanese television chanels operating in TW. How many mainland channels are there? 0. China has no influence in TW. Everyone in TW uses Line, a Japanese program. They're not using wechat, or weibo. They use Twitter. Instead of using Baidu, they're using Google. Internet websites are actually a good gauge of how powerful you are or not. Let's not even talk about TW, even Hongers aren't trying to use Baidu. You have to think about that. Why are your own compatriots not confident about your products? Why would they rather buy from China's enemies than their own country?

Well I guess Chinese people are not starving anymore? Who said they were starving under Mao. I've talked to many elderly Chinese who said they never saw anyone starving in the 60s. That fairy tale about people starving in the 60s is about as real as Xiaoping's economic miracle. But let's get to the next point here. There exists new problems under the Deng dynasty that hasnt been present before. You see, your psyop may work with the ordinary person, but it doesn't work with me. Chinese food has become very dangerous under the Deng dynasty, leading to many health problems. It has gotten to the point that Chinese people are afraid to eat. I was talking to one member of the Chinese media, and he said that he eats at Mcdonalds because he's afraid to eat Chinese food. That is sad that people are turning to Mcdonalds, which is rubish in it of itself, but Chinese would rather eat that. But it's not just Chinese, Hongers, and Taiwanese are also afraid to eat Chinese food. In fact, I had bought some Chinese peanuts to Hong Kong, and one Honger said, if that's from China, then I'm not eating that. Which leads me to my next point, and it's a point that real elderly Chinese have brought up. He said that during the Mao era, there weren't that many diseases and illnesses. So the Deng dynasty wants to take credit for all the skyscrapers, yet they deny responsibility and make excuses when Chinese are developing all these illnesses under Dengism. Cancer, diabetes, depresion, insomnia, Aids, brought to you by Xiaoping et al.

Military rag tag? The Chinese were winning wars during the Mao era. Zemin, Jintao, and Jinping have never even been war, let alone win anything. While China has alot of hardware, that says nothing about China's military competence, ability to win wars, or confidence. The USSR had an excelent military too, but that didn't save them, and it wont save China. In fact, the Hongers are even calling China a "shuotouwugui", which translates into a turtle who hides his head in the shell, one who runs from problems, and is afraid to deal with reality. Hey, if your own countrymen are saying that, who are we to respect China? But the fact that China couldn't control the 2014 HK riots just shows China's weakness, and inability to cope with growing disent.

In 1966, you had the revolutionaries, and the counter revolutionaries. You obviously are in the counter revolutionary group. The revolutionaries were the ones who were fighting, and winning wars. They were the ones who had networks around the world, and followers. This was a time when the 3 world looked to China as a leader. At home, they were fighting corruption, uniting the country. They gave hope to people. Life was relatively peaceful, and people felt safe. Hardly anyone had to lock their doors.

The counter revolutionaries were led by Liu Shaoqi. They were the capitalists, and the pro western clique who came into power after 1976. This is when the sweat shops starting appearing, and China was lending money to the west. They were also the ones who took away the rights of Chinese people. Coincidentally, it was after Xiaoping took over that the Chinese became much less patriotic, and crime skyrocketed. Today, no one looks to China as a leader except maybe Pakistan, but even Albania has parted ways with China. Xiaoping, turned Vietnam from an ally to an enemy only one year after he seized power. Today's China only tells lies, and fairytales to the people to pacify them, but that doesn't even work. That's why China has security check points everywhere, and CCTv cameras everywhere. Today's Chinese are afraid to answer their door, or even answer their phone because of all the crime that has occured in the past 40yrs. One Chinese man said it the best when he said, during the cultural revolution, there was no crime, but the day that Xiaoping seized power, his thermos got stolen. This incident reflects a much bigger problem, a problem of Xiaoping, and his successors bringing crime, uncertainty, and chaos to China. Actually all the problems that the west talks about like coruption, pollution, and human rights all stem from Xiaoping, and his followers. During the cultural revolution, there was no coruption, and coruption. The Deng dynasty wants to take credit for the so called economic prosperity, yet they make excuses or the crime, decadence, coruption, poisonous food, and pollution that they brought to the Chinese people. And I have never actually heard any of the Chinese mouthpieces actually even try to justify Chinese emigrating overseas, taking China's money with them. If people were so content with the Deng dynasty, why are so many leaving? What does this say about the Deng dynasty that Chinese are willing to move to a country where they can't speak the language, or know anyone, yet they would rather start over overseas, than stay in a country they are familiar with. Even Jet Li has emigrated.

And actually, I'm not a Mao worshiper because Mao made some serious mistakes after 1967 by allowing the right wing to make a come back. It's because of Mao's mistakes that China is in the dongyabingfu state that it's in today. What I do recognize is that Mao also made some contributions. If that makes me a Mao worshiper, then it makes you a Xiaoping worshiper. Doesn't it make you sleep well at night that your prosperity comes from the exploitation of the Chinese workers and farmers, and that your little empire is built off of sweat shop labor.

Opening up, reforming, facing the competition, and playing the game where the rules are set by the west. That's precisely why China can't, and won't win. Remember me when China collapses.

The deficit is not even real. Only deceptive people like you are claiming there is a deficit. Any smart people can see the west is the primary beneficiary of Chinese imports. If China exports a $1000 phone to America, that doesn't mean China made $1000. In fact, China only makes $8 for each cell phone. But according to the way the spin doctors are telling the story, they make it sound as if China was actually making $1000, which they are not, and never will be. On the other hand, when the west sells things to China, it is often things that the Chinese make themselves. Take for example Tide laundry detergent. That is made in Chinese factories, but the profits go to westerners. Coca Cola is made in Chinese factories, yet the profits go to westerners. See the pattern? That isn't counted into the deficit, yet anyone with half a brain can figure out that the west is making the money. Then there are all the Chinese students who study in the west, yet how many westerners are studying in China? Do the math, and get back to me. How about Chinese tourists? do the math, and the ratio. Needless to say, none of this is factored into the deficit. The west uses the deficit to make people angry, upset, and jealous of China. China uses the deficit fairy tale to make it look like they're making progress, and money, which they are NOT. I and many other people have mentioned before that the rich Chinese stick exclusively to buying foreign products. They have a tendency to emigrate overseas, and or send their kids overseas. They vaction overseas, so it doesn't matter what the deficit was, or if there even is a deficit. The fact of the matter is, whatever money China makes, goes back to the west eventually.

The previous Chinese commie media is what actually had a following. I was talking to one man from Sri Lanka who was able to quote Mao's 5 loves. Now you find me one young Sri Lankan, or anyone, anywhere who can quote anything that Jinping has said. You won't. You know why? Because no one takes an interest in Chinese media anymore. In fact, during the 70s, it would not be uncommon for African Americans to carry around Mao's little red book. You don't find any African Americans carrying any Chinese books today. In 1966, CRI, and the Beijing Weekly had a huge following. Today, nobody knows about the global times, or China daily. There vast majority of overseas Chinese couldn't name a single PRC media outlet. If you can;t even influence overseas Chinese, you are a long way away from influencing "gwailos". The Chinese media is precisely hiding, and that's why nobody knows about the Chinese media, yet everyone knows BBC, and CNN. The west has been shutting down Confucius institutes for brainwashing the students. Yet, China would never dare to shut down English language schools for doing the same thing. See the difference? Weak, and strong.

China has no power. Go to Hong Kong, and look at all the anti Chinese there. If China can't even influence its own compatriots, who can they influence? You will find that Hongers are more sympathetic towards America, and even Japan, rather than China.

I don't get why Chinese shils always claim that the west is afraid of you. Where do you gather that the west is afraid of you? The west always creates an image of a frightening North Korea, but it doesn't mean North Korea can do anything against the west, just like China can't do anything against the west. The west is simply cooking up a China threat to turn the public against China, which has worked. Have you taken a look at the polls? I've posted on such poll before, and China's reputation now is worse than it was in 1979. 40 years of treason later, and you've got no progress to show in this area. This is why I don't take the Deng dynasty seriously. They give the west all these markets, and still the west hates China. Talk about wasting your money.

Volvo is a good example of the Chinese sell out mentality. The Chinese sell outs have money sitting in their pocket, what do they do with it? They buy western companies, and then keep western management, paying the protection fee, and supprting their western masters. What the Chinese sell outs don't do is use that money to make domestic companies better. They don't like doing that because their western masters can't make money off of it. As per usual, Chinese leaders have to put western interests ahead of their own. China can't force Chinese not to buy BMW, but certainly the west can force westerners not to buy Geely, and Chery. And this is why the west comes out on top, time and time again.

Your logic is that Japan is buying f-35 because they're afraid of China? By your own logic then, China is making j-20's because they're afraid of the west, yet Chinese shils are always vehemently denying they're afraid of the west. So which is it? China is afraid of the west, or Japan is using f-35's to destabilize China, because they can. Why would TW declare independence when they can be used as an indefinite bargaining chip against China? I never did see China as being kind. Actually the hand outs that China gives out is always to the most vicious bourgeoisie, and never to people who actually need it. Here's why I don't respect China. The people who need money the most in China aren't getting it. They need healthcare, and China doesn't provide for those people. Instead, they are giving away billions, to Honger, and Taiwanese businessmen, or Starbucks, who don't even need the money. This is why China doesn't have the support of its own people. China gave away the land to the Hong Kong disney for free. That's how much of a sell out China is. China went from taking land away from the rich, and giving it to the poor, to taking land away from the poor, and giving it to the rich. You can see why China has no popularity left.

Let's not act like Jinping is not pro western. His daughter was educated there. God knows how much money he has stashed away in western bank accounts.

Let's face it. China is losing, and that's why they hired you to do damage control.

Shils are always claiming that China is some kind of economic miracle, but the employees in restraunts are getting paid $500 a month, and they don't get healthcare, retirement, or anything. Real Chinese people know that this economic miracle is a fairy tale. Chinese taxi drivers drive an entire day from 7am-6pm, and that whole time they are making money only to pay for their expenses, and don't begin to make any money until after 6pm. That's the real deal that shils wont tell you.
Great. Interesting inside story.
You left out one very important part of that equation, and that is.... Previously China cooperated with Vietnam to harm the US. 1965-1975

Xiaoping brought prosperity to the Chinese bourgeoisie. The Chinese bourgeoisie buys imported products, and emigrate overseas. That does nothing to help China, and the majority of Chinese do not benefit from this "prosperity". In fact, factory workers had far more rights, stability, prestige, certainty, confidence, and prosperity in 1966 than they do today. That's why the majority of Chinese see Xiaoping as a sell out.

China can buy technology, but the problem is, they wouldn't be able to sell it, or even use it domestically. That's why the vast majority of Chinese use foreign motherboards, and hard drives that we see on every day computers. Honestly, even if Chinese were able to gain the majority domestic marketshare of computer hard drives, I would China is making progres, but they're not. Even Chinese cell phones like Oppo, and Huawei use foreign cameras. And that's where China is today. The so called Chinese domestic commercial plane is filled with foreign parts. If China wants respect, they better come out with a plane with domestic parts first, otherwise, just sit down, and be quiet. They can't even implement technology in their own country, let alone abroad. And take a look and the operating systems used in China's own government. The Chinese railway system is running on Windows XP, even the PLA is running Windows. Judging by these simple things, it would appear that China hasn't aquired anything. Instead, what China has acquired is decadence, and people dying their hair, women wearing revealing clothes, tatoos, drinking, karaoke, counterfiting, permiscuity, divorce, and smoking. The biggest problem with China is, they pick up the bad habits from the west, and don't learn the good things, or things that are worthy of learning, ie not cutting in line. In 1966, there were no counterfeiting. However, today, every Chinese cashier checks for counterfit bills. That's the 180 degree turn that China made, from honesty, to moral decay. There was a foreigner who was in China in 1976. He left his electric razor in his hotel room, and checked out, and was on his way to the railway station. The hotel staff followed him to the railway station to return the razor. It was this kind of behavior that gained the respect of comunist China, and it's precisely the reforms that corupted the Chinese to the point where these kinds of things simply don't happen anymore in China.

When I used to hear Taiwanese complain about China, I thought that it was messed up for them to complain about their own country, but when I hear them complain now, I think that if your own countrymen don't have faith in your country, then why should I. Indeed I think it will have a domino effect. If people see that others are not respecting China, then that will affect others. This is why you also see Singapore Chinese also view Chinese nationals with contempt. It has nothing to do with spitting either. Let a white guy spit in Singapore, and let's see what the Singaporians have to say.

CEOs are absolutely unpatriotic, but the west has actually done a pretty good job at containing China's technological development. If you want to argue this point, then show some examples. Also when 5g finally comes out internationally, we'll see whether or not China has any kind of technological advantage after 40 years of selling out. The problem with Chinese shils is they always use these vague examples to justify their regime, yet they can hardly ever come up with real examples. Yet we, ordinary people, can come up with dozens of examples off the top of our head on how China relies on western technology. Look at what happened to ZTE. The west denied ZTE of technology, and ZTE was ready to fold. That is the state that China is in today. They're not independent, and the west has them by the balls. That's why the Chinese media is always hoping for the west to resolve the trade war, but the western media never does.

There are lots of Chinese banks that issue visa and mastercard, but no weestern banks issue union pay cards. That's a fact. Ask any of the westerners here. I am not talking about Chinese bank branches, I'm talking about western banks like Santander issuing union pay cards. They don't do that. On the other hand, Bank of China issues mastercard, and visa. That is one of many examples of how the west CAN access Chinese markets, whereas Chinese can't access western markets. Sorry, but to me, selling rice bowls in a 99 cent store doesn't justify Xiaoping's reforms. The west can sell Marlboro cigaretes in Chinese stores. You find me a store in the west that sells Chinese cigaretes. Booze. Western booze is everywhere in China. Budwaizer, Haineken. Again, you find me a store in the west selling Maotai. What makes shils not credible is, they actually think this is a good deal.

China doesn't sell Xiaomi because American corporations are blacklisting Xiaomi, where China would never even dare to think about blacklisting Iphone. That just goes to show China has failed at getting to the markets. If you can't sell a Xiaomi, what cant you do? Sell rice bowls to the 99 cent store? And it's not just Xiaomi. Honestly who in America is selling Oppo, Vivo, and Meizu? IP issues? Man. This is unbelievable. Chinese people making excuses for western protectionism. This is exactly why China is going down the drain. Just change the name to Rongwei for the export market. What's the problem? It's not an IP issue. There are no Chinese cars in the west. Geely is not there either. Are you going to use the IP excuse on that one too? The bottom line is US is an open market only to their allies. China is an open market to their enemies. See the difference baby boy. That's why China will NOT prevail.

The Taiwan problem is not with the DPP. Actually the KMT is also anti Chinese, and has been for the past 60 years. In fact, you will find many people associated with the KMT to boycott Chinese products, and look down on mainlanders.

I never said anything about invading TW actually. This is always the Chinese shil response. "We can't invade TW until we're strong enough." I'm simply saying that Chinese have failed at both influencing others, and controling its own national borders. The TW situation also shows that the west is in a leading position, and going strong. Every TW president has to first interview in the US before running for president. Notice how TW presidents are not going to China to interview. What does this tell you about the weakness of China? You can actually see China's weakness in TW. There are a dozen Japanese television chanels operating in TW. How many mainland channels are there? 0. China has no influence in TW. Everyone in TW uses Line, a Japanese program. They're not using wechat, or weibo. They use Twitter. Instead of using Baidu, they're using Google. Internet websites are actually a good gauge of how powerful you are or not. Let's not even talk about TW, even Hongers aren't trying to use Baidu. You have to think about that. Why are your own compatriots not confident about your products? Why would they rather buy from China's enemies than their own country?

Well I guess Chinese people are not starving anymore? Who said they were starving under Mao. I've talked to many elderly Chinese who said they never saw anyone starving in the 60s. That fairy tale about people starving in the 60s is about as real as Xiaoping's economic miracle. But let's get to the next point here. There exists new problems under the Deng dynasty that hasnt been present before. You see, your psyop may work with the ordinary person, but it doesn't work with me. Chinese food has become very dangerous under the Deng dynasty, leading to many health problems. It has gotten to the point that Chinese people are afraid to eat. I was talking to one member of the Chinese media, and he said that he eats at Mcdonalds because he's afraid to eat Chinese food. That is sad that people are turning to Mcdonalds, which is rubish in it of itself, but Chinese would rather eat that. But it's not just Chinese, Hongers, and Taiwanese are also afraid to eat Chinese food. In fact, I had bought some Chinese peanuts to Hong Kong, and one Honger said, if that's from China, then I'm not eating that. Which leads me to my next point, and it's a point that real elderly Chinese have brought up. He said that during the Mao era, there weren't that many diseases and illnesses. So the Deng dynasty wants to take credit for all the skyscrapers, yet they deny responsibility and make excuses when Chinese are developing all these illnesses under Dengism. Cancer, diabetes, depresion, insomnia, Aids, brought to you by Xiaoping et al.

Military rag tag? The Chinese were winning wars during the Mao era. Zemin, Jintao, and Jinping have never even been war, let alone win anything. While China has alot of hardware, that says nothing about China's military competence, ability to win wars, or confidence. The USSR had an excelent military too, but that didn't save them, and it wont save China. In fact, the Hongers are even calling China a "shuotouwugui", which translates into a turtle who hides his head in the shell, one who runs from problems, and is afraid to deal with reality. Hey, if your own countrymen are saying that, who are we to respect China? But the fact that China couldn't control the 2014 HK riots just shows China's weakness, and inability to cope with growing disent.

In 1966, you had the revolutionaries, and the counter revolutionaries. You obviously are in the counter revolutionary group. The revolutionaries were the ones who were fighting, and winning wars. They were the ones who had networks around the world, and followers. This was a time when the 3 world looked to China as a leader. At home, they were fighting corruption, uniting the country. They gave hope to people. Life was relatively peaceful, and people felt safe. Hardly anyone had to lock their doors.

The counter revolutionaries were led by Liu Shaoqi. They were the capitalists, and the pro western clique who came into power after 1976. This is when the sweat shops starting appearing, and China was lending money to the west. They were also the ones who took away the rights of Chinese people. Coincidentally, it was after Xiaoping took over that the Chinese became much less patriotic, and crime skyrocketed. Today, no one looks to China as a leader except maybe Pakistan, but even Albania has parted ways with China. Xiaoping, turned Vietnam from an ally to an enemy only one year after he seized power. Today's China only tells lies, and fairytales to the people to pacify them, but that doesn't even work. That's why China has security check points everywhere, and CCTv cameras everywhere. Today's Chinese are afraid to answer their door, or even answer their phone because of all the crime that has occured in the past 40yrs. One Chinese man said it the best when he said, during the cultural revolution, there was no crime, but the day that Xiaoping seized power, his thermos got stolen. This incident reflects a much bigger problem, a problem of Xiaoping, and his successors bringing crime, uncertainty, and chaos to China. Actually all the problems that the west talks about like coruption, pollution, and human rights all stem from Xiaoping, and his followers. During the cultural revolution, there was no coruption, and coruption. The Deng dynasty wants to take credit for the so called economic prosperity, yet they make excuses or the crime, decadence, coruption, poisonous food, and pollution that they brought to the Chinese people. And I have never actually heard any of the Chinese mouthpieces actually even try to justify Chinese emigrating overseas, taking China's money with them. If people were so content with the Deng dynasty, why are so many leaving? What does this say about the Deng dynasty that Chinese are willing to move to a country where they can't speak the language, or know anyone, yet they would rather start over overseas, than stay in a country they are familiar with. Even Jet Li has emigrated.

And actually, I'm not a Mao worshiper because Mao made some serious mistakes after 1967 by allowing the right wing to make a come back. It's because of Mao's mistakes that China is in the dongyabingfu state that it's in today. What I do recognize is that Mao also made some contributions. If that makes me a Mao worshiper, then it makes you a Xiaoping worshiper. Doesn't it make you sleep well at night that your prosperity comes from the exploitation of the Chinese workers and farmers, and that your little empire is built off of sweat shop labor.

Opening up, reforming, facing the competition, and playing the game where the rules are set by the west. That's precisely why China can't, and won't win. Remember me when China collapses.

The deficit is not even real. Only deceptive people like you are claiming there is a deficit. Any smart people can see the west is the primary beneficiary of Chinese imports. If China exports a $1000 phone to America, that doesn't mean China made $1000. In fact, China only makes $8 for each cell phone. But according to the way the spin doctors are telling the story, they make it sound as if China was actually making $1000, which they are not, and never will be. On the other hand, when the west sells things to China, it is often things that the Chinese make themselves. Take for example Tide laundry detergent. That is made in Chinese factories, but the profits go to westerners. Coca Cola is made in Chinese factories, yet the profits go to westerners. See the pattern? That isn't counted into the deficit, yet anyone with half a brain can figure out that the west is making the money. Then there are all the Chinese students who study in the west, yet how many westerners are studying in China? Do the math, and get back to me. How about Chinese tourists? do the math, and the ratio. Needless to say, none of this is factored into the deficit. The west uses the deficit to make people angry, upset, and jealous of China. China uses the deficit fairy tale to make it look like they're making progress, and money, which they are NOT. I and many other people have mentioned before that the rich Chinese stick exclusively to buying foreign products. They have a tendency to emigrate overseas, and or send their kids overseas. They vaction overseas, so it doesn't matter what the deficit was, or if there even is a deficit. The fact of the matter is, whatever money China makes, goes back to the west eventually.

The previous Chinese commie media is what actually had a following. I was talking to one man from Sri Lanka who was able to quote Mao's 5 loves. Now you find me one young Sri Lankan, or anyone, anywhere who can quote anything that Jinping has said. You won't. You know why? Because no one takes an interest in Chinese media anymore. In fact, during the 70s, it would not be uncommon for African Americans to carry around Mao's little red book. You don't find any African Americans carrying any Chinese books today. In 1966, CRI, and the Beijing Weekly had a huge following. Today, nobody knows about the global times, or China daily. The vast majority of overseas Chinese couldn't name a single PRC media outlet. If you can;t even influence overseas Chinese, you are a long way away from influencing "gwailos". The Chinese media is precisely hiding, and that's why nobody knows about the Chinese media, yet everyone knows BBC, and CNN. The west has been shutting down Confucius institutes for brainwashing the students. Yet, China would never dare to shut down English language schools for doing the same thing. See the difference? Weak, and strong.

China has no power. Go to Hong Kong, and look at all the anti Chinese there. If China can't even influence its own compatriots, who can they influence? You will find that Hongers are more sympathetic towards America, and even Japan, rather than China.

I don't get why Chinese shils always claim that the west is afraid of you. Where do you gather that the west is afraid of you? The west always creates an image of a frightening North Korea, but it doesn't mean North Korea can do anything against the west, just like China can't do anything against the west. The west is simply cooking up a China threat to turn the public against China, which has worked. Have you taken a look at the polls? I've posted on such poll before, and China's reputation now is worse than it was in 1979. 40 years of treason later, and you've got no progress to show in this area. This is why I don't take the Deng dynasty seriously. They give the west all these markets, and still the west hates China. Talk about wasting your money.

Volvo is a good example of the Chinese sell out mentality. The Chinese sell outs have money sitting in their pocket from exploiting their own compatriots, what do they do with it? They buy western companies, and then keep western management, paying the protection fee, and supprting their western masters. What the Chinese sell outs don't do is use that money to make domestic companies better. They don't like doing that because their western masters can't make money off of it. As per usual, Chinese leaders have to put western interests ahead of their own. China can't force Chinese not to buy BMW, but certainly the west can force westerners not to buy Geely, and Chery. And this is why the west comes out on top, time and time again.

If China spent half the money they use to bail out western corporations on their own compatriots, China would already be a super power by now.

Your logic is that Japan is buying f-35 because they're afraid of China? By your own logic then, China is making j-20's because they're afraid of the west, yet Chinese shils are always vehemently denying they're afraid of the west. So which is it? China is afraid of the west, or Japan is using f-35's to destabilize China, because they can. Japan's role in this is to put pressure on China, and help the west take over China. This doesn't mean Japan, or the west is afraid of China. Don't jump to conclusions.

There's a big difference between being afraid of a country, and wanting to take over the country. What the west wants is to take over China. They're not afraid of China. They are using fire power to achieve their goal. When the west invaded China during the opium wars, were they afraid of China? No. They wanted to take over it. It's the same today.

Why would TW declare independence when they can be used as an indefinite bargaining chip against China? I never did see China as being kind. Actually the hand outs that China gives out is always to the most vicious bourgeoisie, and never to people who actually need it. Here's why I don't respect China. The people who need money the most in China aren't getting it. They need healthcare, and China doesn't provide for those people. Instead, they are giving away billions, to Honger, and Taiwanese businessmen, or Starbucks, who don't even need the money. This is why China doesn't have the support of its own people. China gave away the land to the Hong Kong disney for free. That's how much of a sell out China is. China went from taking land away from the rich, and giving it to the poor, to taking land away from the poor, and giving it to the rich. You can see why China has no popularity left.

Let's not act like Jinping is not pro western. His daughter was educated there. God knows how much money he has stashed away in western bank accounts.

Let's face it. China is losing, and that's why they hired you to do damage control, but here's the thing though, ordinary people are more likely to have a negative impression of China after reading what you've written than a positive one, but that's the thing about shiling, it often times has a reverse side effect. I've seen it in western shils before where they try to come online bragging about western accomplishments, and insulting foreigners.

Shils are always claiming that China is some kind of economic miracle, but the employees in restraunts are getting paid $500 a month, and they don't get healthcare, retirement, or anything. Real Chinese people know that this economic miracle is a fairy tale. Chinese taxi drivers drive an entire day from 7am-6pm, and that whole time they are making money only to pay for their expenses, and don't begin to make any money until after 6pm. That's the real deal that shils wont tell you.

In 1966, if you went to a CN hospital, you were treated first, and paid later. In 2018, if you visited a Chinese hospital, you pay first, then get treated. Thank you xiaoping.
excellent analysis. You probably know more about China and Chinese than Chinese about themselves and their country. Basically Chinese are much like circus clowns.
True, we should have worked harder and achieved more. Well, we are only Chinese, quadrupling our income is not enough, having the world's second most powerful economy and military is never enough. You are right we Chinese must work harder to improve ourselves! =).

No excuse at all, so I hope to see Vietnam becoming powerful soon? In 20 years? Instead of exporting brides to China? =). Good to know you don't need to invest in infrastructure and continue having unplanned sewage infested cities. You fail to see the 99% of useful infrastructure created and concentrate on the 1% 'ghost towns' sold out to 'private' speculators which happened in the US too as recently as 2009. =).
See, I told u, Working harder make No use, u need to lick US's azz also, my friend...and dont work for Huawei out side CN ..hahahah :laugh:
hahaha...so when SK, UK will arrest Huawei guys to please US ??

DO u still remember what was the reason Deng told the world to attack VN ?? Bcs VN did bad thing to Cnese (deport CNese ethnic in VN back to CN mainland) and invade Cambodia. And what was the situation in 2014 ?? VN still did bad thing to Cnese and our army is still in Camb (just like in Laos, VNese service men change the name to Cambodian name and stay in Camb for good ), Thats still a good reason to attack VN again, why coward PLA just shamefully retreat and left hundred wounded worker behind ? We gave u a good and same reason to attack again, but ...current PLA service men pay lots of money for good job, not for dying in the real battle, so they just retreated ........hahaha

Btw: our target is focusing on the expansion to the West, where we can reach to Malacca strait to control more strategic point, we dont give a damn to your useless/barren lands with full of sick pigs that still have no cure and Cnese have to eat in Mc Donal to avoid getting sick like their pigs :laugh:
Didi u realize that SCS(east Vn sea) is even bigger that VN territory ?? thats just impossible for us to take control all Spratly's and Paracels islands. And do u know how many % under CN control and how many % under VN control ??

Territorial claims in the South China Sea on (based on outdated / unofficial documents / maps)

South China Sea claims and agreements

Map of various national outposts in the Spratly Islands
The South China Sea disputes involve both island and maritime claims among several sovereign states

So how come China is still holding the Paracel islands? :P

If you are so desperate for a war with China, don't worry. After China's "peaceful rise" is over, Vietnam will certainly be the number one target.
See, I told u, Working harder make No use, u need to lick US's azz also, my friend...and dont work for Huawei out side CN ..hahahah :laugh:
hahaha...so when SK, UK will arrest Huawei guys to please US ??

Wow, you are still here? What's with the asses? Dude, stop having this master vs victim mentality. I know you have had diff masters over the millennia, but you are free now dobby, no more masters and licking anymore dobby. hahaha

Big powers do it all the time, Russian oligarchs get sanctioned, Chinese arrest American 'spies', US arrest Chinese 'spies', people do it to create leverage.

It's business and geopolitical games my friend. Nobody needs to lick anything. He is trying to create leverage and this shows some weakness on his side resorting to such measures. If tariffs alone were adequate, he wouldn't need to do such a move, and it seems he didn't get what he wanted from the meeting with Xi last week. He is pissed when he got humiliated in the US press, he want's revenge by acting strong. Very insecure man.

DO u still remember what was the reason Deng told the world to attack VN ?? Bcs VN did bad thing to Cnese (deport CNese ethnic in VN back to CN mainland) and invade Cambodia. And what was the situation in 2014 ?? VN still did bad thing to Cnese and our army is still in Camb (just like in Laos, VNese service men change the name to Cambodian name and stay in Camb for good ), Thats still a good reason to attack VN again, why coward PLA just shamefully retreat and left hundred wounded worker behind ? We gave u a good and same reason to attack again, but ...current PLA service men pay lots of money for good job, not for dying in the real battle, so they just retreated ........hahaha

Btw: our target is focusing on the expansion to the West, where we can reach to Malacca strait to control more strategic point, we dont give a damn to your useless/barren lands with full of sick pigs that still have no cure and Cnese have to eat in Mc Donal to avoid getting sick like their pigs :laugh:
Didi u realize that SCS(east Vn sea) is even bigger that VN territory ?? thats just impossible for us to take control all Spratly's and Paracels islands. And do u know how many % under CN control and how many % under VN control ??

Territorial claims in the South China Sea on (based on outdated / unofficial documents / maps)

South China Sea claims and agreements

Map of various national outposts in the Spratly Islands
The South China Sea disputes involve both island and maritime claims among several sovereign states
You don't have to cut and paste such a longgggggggggggg analysis. I was just asking one simple question:

1) We invaded Paracels and Johnson reef, where is your retaliation until today? We killed your soldiers for gods sake, and you did nothing for 40 years? Come on, leave it, you are not our equal, just stay quiet and let the big boys roll.

2) We penetrated deep into Vietnam, where were your mighty soldiers? Why not cross the border and 'humiliate' us since we were so weak and cowardice. The facts remain, we slaughtered your people and you did not even fight back. And now you depend on us for almost all equipment and infrastructure. I pity your country, just be a good boy and get dominated. =)
Sharp's production shift proves China's mature supply chain: analysts

By Shen Weiduo Source:Global Times Published: 2018/12/4

Move shows advantages of nation’s mature supply chain: experts


A Sharp store in Xiangyang, Central China's Hubei Province on Sunday Photo: VCG

Sharp's production shift to China shows that the country has an irreplaceable position in terms of cost and efficiency in the electronics supply chain, despite the unstable outlook for China-US trade relations, experts said on Tuesday.

More foreign manufacturers might expand production in China, betting on the vast domestic market, experts noted.

According to a report in the Nikkei Asian Review on Monday, Japanese electronics manufacturer Sharp Corp is relocating its production of iPhone sensors to a plant owned by parent Foxconn in China, after laying off more than 3,000 foreign temporary workers in Japan.

Foxconn is known as the main assembler of Apple's iPhones, and it is also the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer.

Sharp did not respond to an interview request from the Global Times on Tuesday.

Wang Yanhui, head of the Shanghai-based Mobile China Alliance, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the company's move is mainly intended to cut costs.

"Since being bought by Foxconn in 2016, Sharp has been trying hard to turn its businesses around, and cutting the labor force is one of the most effective ways to slash cost for this labor-intensive company," Wang said.

The Osaka-based electronics maker has made other cuts to domestic operations to lower costs, including a decision this year to end refrigerator production near Osaka, the Nikkei report said.

In light of Foxconn's mature local experience, as well as Chinese labor costs that are lower than those in Japan, the move is not that surprising, Wang added.

Sharp also announced plans to set up a manufacturing base for personal computers as early as next year in Yantai, East China's Shandong Province, also near a production hub run by Foxconn, according to a separate report by the Nikkei Asian Review on Friday.

The Japanese electronic maker's moves came as some media reports said that many manufacturers are moving their factories to Southeast Asia to shake off potential tariff concerns arising from instability in China-US trade relations.

Wang Jun, deputy director of the Department of Information at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, told the Global Times on Tuesday that Sharp's move shows that "although the unstable US-China trade relationship might lead to narrowing margins for producing electronic products in China, the country's supply chains, especially for electronic products, are hard to replace even amid concerns over higher costs.

"The trade dispute made it clearer that China's advantage in the sector is not a just matter of low costs, but a whole efficient system that needs years to build," he noted.

"Highly efficient mass production technology, skilled workers and a tacit system of cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises, can't easily be copied and surpassed by countries like Vietnam in a short time."

Wang Jun said that companies eyeing the vast Chinese market will also set up factories close to domestic customers. With the growing trade ties between China and Japan, companies in the two countries will have more cooperation.

Previously, Japan's Nissan Motor Co announced to spend about $900 million to build a new auto assembly plant in China, and Japan's Honda Motor also said it had plans to invest about 3.3 billion yuan ($480 million) to bolster production capacity for electric and other new-energy vehicles in China, according to media reports.

Wow, you are still here? What's with the asses? Dude, stop having this master vs victim mentality. I know you have had diff masters over the millennia, but you are free now dobby, no more masters and licking anymore dobby. hahaha

Big powers do it all the time, Russian oligarchs get sanctioned, Chinese arrest American 'spies', US arrest Chinese 'spies', people do it to create leverage.

It's business and geopolitical games my friend. Nobody needs to lick anything. He is trying to create leverage and this shows some weakness on his side resorting to such measures. If tariffs alone were adequate, he wouldn't need to do such a move, and it seems he didn't get what he wanted from the meeting with Xi last week. He is pissed when he got humiliated in the US press, he want's revenge by acting strong. Very insecure man.

Ha Ha.endless talk when u keep your own idea and I keep mines. Okay.lets wait till 2023 when US bring CN to chaos.
You don't have to cut and paste such a longgggggggggggg analysis. I was just asking one simple question:

1) We invaded Paracels and Johnson reef, where is your retaliation until today? We killed your soldiers for gods sake, and you did nothing for 40 years? Come on, leave it, you are not our equal, just stay quiet and let the big boys roll.

2) We penetrated deep into Vietnam, where were your mighty soldiers? Why not cross the border and 'humiliate' us since we were so weak and cowardice. The facts remain, we slaughtered your people and you did not even fight back. And now you depend on us for almost all equipment and infrastructure. I pity your country, just be a good boy and get dominated.
Same problem.I explained that VN focus on the West expansion ( sub Mekong region ) to reach Malacca, we r NOT interested on your useless/barren lands wt full of sick pigs wt no cure and u dont wanna hear. Then, endless talk again.

ha ha ha. I cant stop laughing when US arrest Huawei now. which Cnese bad company is the next target ? ha ha ha :laugh:
"It hurts so much! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:"
- @Viva_Viet @Viet @DADY


Please remove the off topic comments from viets. I think they are trying to derail this thread to get it closed since it's a positive thread about China.

Thanks! :cheers:
You think it's a positive thread, but that's subject to interpretation. China claims that trade is up, and that's a positive thing, but I don't see how exploiting your own people to get trade up is a good thing. Also, the things that China exports is mostly for western corporations, who get most of the profits. So it's positive, for western oligarchs, not for ordinary Chinese, and many people overlook that fact. As I've said before, the Chinese, who do all the work, actually only get $8 of a $1000 iphone, while their western masters, who do none of the work, gets the rest. Yet time and time again, the Chinese media claims this is a good thing, and a great deal for China. Also, alot of merchants are trying to buy more before the tarifs hit, so it gives the illusion that more is being sold, but does not factor in all the stuff they WONT be buying once the tarifs do hit. When Walmart stops buying Chinese goods, will you post an article on that too?

Ha Ha.endless talk when u keep your own idea and I keep mines. Okay.lets wait till 2023 when US bring CN to chaos.

Same problem.I explained that VN focus on the West expansion ( sub Mekong region ) to reach Malacca, we r NOT interested on your useless/barren lands wt full of sick pigs wt no cure and u dont wanna hear. Then, endless talk again.

ha ha ha. I cant stop laughing when US arrest Huawei now. which Cnese bad company is the next target ? ha ha ha :laugh:
The head of JD (Jingdong) was also arrested in the US. Would China dare arrest Bezos? Unbelievable that I heard the Chinese radio say that China and the US have an equal relationship
You think it's a positive thread, but that's subject to interpretation. China claims that trade is up, and that's a positive thing, but I don't see how exploiting your own people to get trade up is a good thing. Also, the things that China exports is mostly for western corporations, who get most of the profits. So it's positive, for western oligarchs, not for ordinary Chinese, and many people overlook that fact. As I've said before, the Chinese, who do all the work, actually only get $8 of a $1000 iphone, while their western masters, who do none of the work, gets the rest. Yet time and time again, the Chinese media claims this is a good thing, and a great deal for China. Also, alot of merchants are trying to buy more before the tarifs hit, so it gives the illusion that more is being sold, but does not factor in all the stuff they WONT be buying once the tarifs do hit. When Walmart stops buying Chinese goods, will you post an article on that too?

The head of JD (Jingdong) was also arrested in the US. Would China dare arrest Bezos? Unbelievable that I heard the Chinese radio say that China and the US have an equal relationship
You don't have to claim, you can just check international trade statistics, all these can be tallied genius. Aren't we all exploiting workers to work? You see us pointing a gun. Indians slumdogs would die for these jobs bhai.

Sure they get most of the profit and yet we have a 150-200bil$, so why are they complaining? If we earn nothing, as shitty as you mentioned, might as well let us continue this system and implode right? Where is your common sense bhai?

I wonder if it's 8$ a phone and we make 200mil phone, how much is that? Hey give us more of this bad deals, we need jobs, don't let the slumdogs get it. So let's try and see if US can manage to change their supply chain. If they can do it, they would've done it decades ago. Common sense!!
Growth in China's services sector increased in November

China Plus Published: 2018-12-06


In this Jan. 18, 2018 photo, staffers walk past a billboard reading "Read Caixin - Know China Better" at the Caixin Media offices in Beijing. [Photo: AP]

A recent survey showed activity in China's service sector expanded at a faster pace in November.

The Caixin services purchasing managers' index climbed to 53.8 from October's 50.8.

The 50-mark separates growth from contraction.

The reading is slightly higher than the official data released last month.

Market analysts attribute the growth to sound domestic demand and generally stable employment.

U course CN dare not. since Deng bow down to the Jap in 1978, CN always need jobs and momey given by White and Jap master. Remember how terrible Jap massacred and raped Cnse in Nanjing ?? But any Cnese care now ?? They even tried to immigrate to JP to do illegal works and happy to get Jap citizenship .

Damn, if Japan and US willing to move more jobs here, I can call them daddy anytime. 350bil$ in surplus is awesome for starters. We didn't forget Nanjing and the atomic bomb is still celebrated in China as victory day. =).

Did you forget Paracels? Yet you are still licking our balls for those jobs in our factories right? The foodchain pal, remember the foodchain, where you are in the foodchain again?

Japan can easily be invaded by our demographics, sooner or later, Japan is gonna be another China. Great isn't it?
Damn, if Japan and US willing to move more jobs here, I can call them daddy anytime. 350bil$ in surplus is awesome for starters. We didn't forget Nanjing and the atomic bomb is still celebrated in China as victory day. =).

Did you forget Paracels? Yet you are still licking our balls for those jobs in our factories right? The foodchain pal, remember the foodchain, where you are in the foodchain again?

Japan can easily be invaded by our demographics, sooner or later, Japan is gonna be another China. Great isn't it?
I just explain why CN dare not arrest big US man in CN. maybe u dont like my example, but u also agree that CN will not dare to arrest US CFO in CN , right ?
Just noticed that Canada arrested Huawei's executives and his daughters, once again showing that China's protection fee policy doesn't work. China has given Canada what? billions in concesions, yet Canada still arrests Huawei execs, and his daughters. It also shows that no one is scared of China, an embarasment of China on the world stage once again. It also shows the global influence that the US has, and they can command anyone to capture anyone they wish. Can you imagine China ordering anyone to arrest Tim Cook?

So how come China is still holding the Paracel islands? :P

If you are so desperate for a war with China, don't worry. After China's "peaceful rise" is over, Vietnam will certainly be the number one target.

China's peaceful rise will end like the USSR

Damn, if Japan and US willing to move more jobs here, I can call them daddy anytime. 350bil$ in surplus is awesome for starters. We didn't forget Nanjing and the atomic bomb is still celebrated in China as victory day. =).

Did you forget Paracels? Yet you are still licking our balls for those jobs in our factories right? The foodchain pal, remember the foodchain, where you are in the foodchain again?

Japan can easily be invaded by our demographics, sooner or later, Japan is gonna be another China. Great isn't it?

Spin doctors are always doing fuzzy math, and twisting numbers. I aint going to try to confuse you like "Han Patriot". I will just put it in simple terms.

China exports cheap stuff that you see at 99 cent stores, and makes expensive things for western corporations. The profits do not go to Chinese people. Money comes from brands, not working in sweat shops. While alot of things are made in China, Chinese brands rarely ever make it to America. What you see in the west are western brands made in China, which is why over 80% of the profits for all products made in China benefit westerners, not Chinese. On top of that, China has to cover all the production costs, bringing their profits down even lower. If the Chinese sell a $1000 iphone to the west, China does NOT have a $1000 surplus. They make $8, and that barely covers the expenses for making the iphone. On the other hand, China imports very expensive products from the west. When Chinese people are buying iphones, they also do not factor this in to the trade deficit, because the phones are made in China. China also buys all kinds of expensive western products from Prada, Gucci, Armani, North Face, Western Digital, and Nike. A lot of that stuff is not made in the west, but the profits certainly do go to them, so that is China once again lining the pockets of their western masters. China can also make western medicine (ie Viagra) in Chinese factories, however, they pay huge fees to western corporations to make these medicine, once again giving huge amounts of money to the west. Once again, the Chinese do the work, and westerners make the money. I bet they don't show you those numbers, because it doesn't paint the picture they want you to see. It makes no sense at all that China has a surplus. Anyone can produce fake numbers to give people a specific impression. I'm not buying it. Neither is anyone else with a brain. Other things we should factor in are Chinese tourists, and students in the west. When it's all said and done, there is a surplus, for the west, NOT China. If China REALLY had a surplus, the west would have already invaded China by now. Even if trade was even, the west would still invade China. Let's be real here.

Ask yourself this, if running the sweat shops for foreign corporations is what gets you a surplus, then why is the west not running sweat shops for Chinese corporations? It simply makes no sense whatsoever, that the ones who are working in the sweat shops are coming out ahead. It doesn't matter what psyops you use, it defies logic, and common sense. What does make sense is that the one who is in deficit is China, and the numbers are published to give an impression that China is ahead, when it fact it isn't. It would make much more sense for strong countries to exploit weak countries. Let them do all the work, and I make all the money. I have them make products, and then I sell the products back to them that they made themselves. Now that makes much more business sense. Even if you were to believe the lies that spin doctors like "Han Patriot" were to tell you, and let's say you believe China is walking away with $200 billion from sweatshop labor, that $200 billion will eventually make it back to the west anyway. As I and many others have said, rich Chinese exclusively buy foreign products. They watch Hollywood films. The ones who don't go abroad study at English language schools like Wall Street English, run by foreigners. These language schools come at a very expensive price. The Chinese bourgeoisie vacation in the west, "invest" and study in the west, so whatever money China made from sweat shops will directly go back to the west. I have no agenda, however, China, and the US both do, and this fake trade deficit theory serves their own agenda in their specific ways.
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"I'm Chinese but china suck, chinese people suck, chinese govt suck... blah blah blah"

Hey retard, your claim of being Chinese is not believable, we're not idiots here like most viets, indians and americans like trump. Work harder in trolling so you will get a raise in pay from your white daddies.

China's foreign trade for 2018 already exceeds 2017, jumping 15%.

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