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China's foreign trade for 2018 already exceeds 2017, jumping 15%

U think TV, truck, engine, etc r very hard to make ?? No wonder why CN need 60 years to reach 2,000 USD ha ha ha.

Talking of the 50s and 60s, my friend.

Anyways, this below sums up what @Han Patriot has been saying and, I paste a self-prepared screen-shot for our Indian friend to read:


@Viva_Viet , I believe you will understand. After all, we educated you more than a millennium. Should be enough.
Talking of the 50s and 60s, my friend.

Anyways, this below sums up what @Han Patriot has been saying and, I paste a self-prepared screen-shot for our Indian friend to read:

View attachment 525252

@Viva_Viet , I believe you will understand. After all, we educated you more than a millennium. Should be enough.
I cant read Cnese. For education. be humble like your ancestor, my friend. U r just a dumb peasant from a country that has barren/useless land and useless location plus desert wt full of dirty sand storm ha ha ha :cool:

Walking among three people, I find my teacher among them. I choose that which is good in them and follow it, and that which is bad and change it.
Talking of the 50s and 60s, my friend.

Anyways, this below sums up what @Han Patriot has been saying and, I paste a self-prepared screen-shot for our Indian friend to read:

View attachment 525252

@Viva_Viet , I believe you will understand. After all, we educated you more than a millennium. Should be enough.
No time to even read and answer his crap. Only Indians got this talking stamina, expending energy on talking reduces their time on producing. Now it's in pic form, he can't copy paste into google translate. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes, DADY, the new recruit with behaviors similar to jhungary, can't type in Chinese, and use the word SHILS, AHIMSA and DONGYABINFGU, which Chinese would even use these words. :enjoy:. Any chance it's him, can the admins check it out? :cool:

The very same guy who says TRUMP is not angry at our surplus, and that we have no surplus at all. :D
No time to even read and answer his crap. Only Indians got this talking stamina, expending energy on talking reduces their time on producing. Now it's in pic form, he can't copy paste into google translate. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes, DADY, the new recruit with behaviors similar to jhungary, can't type in Chinese, and use the word SHILS, AHIMSA and DONGYABINFGU, which Chinese would even use these words. :enjoy:. Any chance it's him, can the admins check it out? :cool:

The very same guy who says TRUMP is not angry at our surplus, and that we have no surplus at all. :D

US has every reason to be angry. And Mainland China has every reason to manage their anger.


[In November] "Shipments to the U.S. soared nearly 10% year on year to $46.2 billion last month, while imports from the nation declined almost 25% to $10.7 billion."

"The country’s exports to the U.S. exceeded its imports from America by $35.6 billion in November, the highest trade gap ever, customs data showed."



Looks like China is diversifying its import destinations. While US imports decline, overall imports increase. This means diversification.

Same goes for exports.

Apparently, US is not that indispensable.
Just noticed that Canada arrested Huawei's executives and his daughters, once again showing that China's protection fee policy doesn't work. China has given Canada what? billions in concesions, yet Canada still arrests Huawei execs, and his daughters. It also shows that no one is scared of China, an embarasment of China on the world stage once again. It also shows the global influence that the US has, and they can command anyone to capture anyone they wish. Can you imagine China ordering anyone to arrest Tim Cook?

China's peaceful rise will end like the USSR

Spin doctors are always doing fuzzy math, and twisting numbers. I aint going to try to confuse you like "Han Patriot". I will just put it in simple terms.

China exports cheap stuff that you see at 99 cent stores, and makes expensive things for western corporations. The profits do not go to Chinese people. Money comes from brands, not working in sweat shops. While alot of things are made in China, Chinese brands rarely ever make it to America. What you see in the west are western brands made in China, which is why over 80% of the profits for all products made in China benefit westerners, not Chinese. On top of that, China has to cover all the production costs, bringing their profits down even lower. If the Chinese sell a $1000 iphone to the west, China does NOT have a $1000 surplus. They make $8, and that barely covers the expenses for making the iphone. On the other hand, China imports very expensive products from the west. When Chinese people are buying iphones, they also do not factor this in to the trade deficit, because the phones are made in China. China also buys all kinds of expensive western products from Prada, Gucci, Armani, North Face, Western Digital, and Nike. A lot of that stuff is not made in the west, but the profits certainly do go to them, so that is China once again lining the pockets of their western masters. China can also make western medicine (ie Viagra) in Chinese factories, however, they pay huge fees to western corporations to make these medicine, once again giving huge amounts of money to the west. Once again, the Chinese do the work, and westerners make the money. I bet they don't show you those numbers, because it doesn't paint the picture they want you to see. It makes no sense at all that China has a surplus. Anyone can produce fake numbers to give people a specific impression. I'm not buying it. Neither is anyone else with a brain. Other things we should factor in are Chinese tourists, and students in the west. When it's all said and done, there is a surplus, for the west, NOT China. If China REALLY had a surplus, the west would have already invaded China by now. Even if trade was even, the west would still invade China. Let's be real here.

Ask yourself this, if running the sweat shops for foreign corporations is what gets you a surplus, then why is the west not running sweat shops for Chinese corporations? It simply makes no sense whatsoever, that the ones who are working in the sweat shops are coming out ahead. It doesn't matter what psyops you use, it defies logic, and common sense. What does make sense is that the one who is in deficit is China, and the numbers are published to give an impression that China is ahead, when it fact it isn't. It would make much more sense for strong countries to exploit weak countries. Let them do all the work, and I make all the money. I have them make products, and then I sell the products back to them that they made themselves. Now that makes much more business sense. Even if you were to believe the lies that spin doctors like "Han Patriot" were to tell you, and let's say you believe China is walking away with $200 billion from sweatshop labor, that $200 billion will eventually make it back to the west anyway. As I and many others have said, rich Chinese exclusively buy foreign products. They watch Hollywood films. The ones who don't go abroad study at English language schools like Wall Street English, run by foreigners. These language schools come at a very expensive price. The Chinese bourgeoisie vacation in the west, "invest" and study in the west, so whatever money China made from sweat shops will directly go back to the west. I have no agenda, however, China, and the US both do, and this fake trade deficit theory serves their own agenda in their specific ways.

What a long post of your own subjective gibberish and little quantitative facts to substantiate.

If you understand anything about economics you would've use current account balance statistics, which include net investments of a country, to make your point instead of a wall of text.

The current account consists of the balance of trade, net primary income or factor income (earnings on foreign investments minus payments made to foreign investors) and net cash transfers, that have taken place over a given period of time.

Current account (thousands) in 2017


United States


China indeed has a negative net primary income while the US has the highest net primary income (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BN.GSR.FCTY.CD?view=chart&year_high_desc=true). But even after netting out, China's current surplus is $165b last year, 3rd in the world after Germany and Japan, while the US has the highest current account deficit. I.e. the rest of the world is making money from the US and China is one of the main beneficiary.

You're wrong to say China isn't making money from trade and investments with the US. We haven't include qualitative benefits such as knowledge and technological transfer.

China has benefited immensely thanks to Deng's opening and reform. And that is a fact, not something I made up.
What a long post of your own subjective gibberish and little quantitative facts to substantiate.

If you understand anything about economics you would've use current account balance statistics, which include net investments of a country, to make your point instead of a wall of text.

Current account (thousands) in 2017


United States


China indeed has a negative net primary income while the US has the highest net primary income (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BN.GSR.FCTY.CD?view=chart&year_high_desc=true). But even after netting out, China's current surplus is $165b last year, 3rd in the world after Germany and Japan, while the US has the highest current account deficit. I.e. the rest of the world is making money from the US and China is one of the main beneficiary.

You're wrong to say China isn't making money from trade and investments with the US. We haven't include qualitative benefits such as knowledge and technological transfer.

China has benefited immensely thanks to Deng's opening and reform. And that is a fact, not something I made up.
Bro, no point arguing with this guy. He thinks Communism will save China. :lol:. Keep on talking about SHILS, no idea what SHIT he is saying. Some self created lingo, he is living in his own lil world. Just don't feed him. When I bash India, he just keeps extremely quiet. =)

I mean it's just common sense, if we are not taking advantage of the US and not skimming the cream, why would they be worried, we should've collapsed and they should be encouraging it. He just lacks common sense. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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@Han Patriot Chaos is coming to Tibet :lol:

US moves to ban Chinese officials unless Tibet opens

Congress voted to require the State Department to verify each year whether China has granted access to Tibet and ethnically Tibetan areas in line with how it treats the rest of the country.PHOTO: AFP

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Congress has voted to demand access for US diplomats, journalists and tourists to Tibet, threatening to bar the Chinese officials responsible for the policy from the United States if the region remained walled off to foreigners.

The Bill, which passed with bipartisan support, comes after years of concern over human rights violations in the predominantly Buddhist region, where foreigners are generally required to obtain a special permit to visit.

Congress voted to require the State Department to verify each year whether China has granted access to Tibet and ethnically Tibetan areas in line with how it treats the rest of the country.

If restrictions remain in place on Americans seeking to enter Tibet, the State Department would then be compelled to ban Chinese officials responsible for the policy from entering the United States.

Senator Robert Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the Bill was "about fundamental fairness".

"Chinese citizens enjoy broad access to the United States, and I think that is terrific," he said.

"But it is unacceptable that the same is not true for US students, journalists or diplomats going to Tibet, including our Tibetan-American constituents just trying to visit their country of origin."

China sees stable FDI inflows in first 11 months



Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland stayed basically stable in the first 11 months of the year, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said Thursday.

A total of 54,703 new overseas-funded companies were established during the period, up 77.5 percent year-on-year, MOFCOM data showed.

FDI from January to November reached 793.3 billion yuan, down 1.3 percent year-on-year. In U.S. dollar terms, the FDI stood at 121.3 billion dollars, up 1.1 percent year-on-year.

In November alone, the number of new overseas-funded enterprises increased by 11.1 percent year-on-year to 5,158, according to the data.

FDI in November fell by 26.3 percent year-on-year to 92.1 billion yuan. In U.S. dollar terms, the investment was 13.6 billion dollars, down 27.6 percent year-on-year.

The MOFCOM attributed the monthly decline to a high base of comparison in the same period last year.

In the first 11 months, some 241 billion yuan of foreign investment went to the manufacturing sector, up 16 percent from a year earlier. Funds pumped into high-tech manufacturing jumped by 30.2 percent to 78.1 billion yuan.

During the period, the country's pilot free trade zones saw the number of new overseas-funded enterprises expand by 34.6 percent year-on-year, with FDI inflows up 10.4 percent.

Investment from the UK surged by 198.9 percent year-on-year, the fastest among China's major investment sources, while investment from countries along the Belt and Road route posted a growth of 14.9 percent.


@Viva_Viet , if there is no US, there is UK, my friend.
and if CN want UK still stay in CN, then u must let Tibetan-American constituents to visit their country of origin...or US will arrest CN men in UK :cool:

This is a question of management, my friend. You Vietnam know this, having been managed by China for thousands of years. You mastered it like a little grasshopper masters kung fu moves.

Managing a 250 years old entity is a piece of cake, my friend. For China, they have not even reached the status of barbarians.

Even VCP can play with them like puppets on a string, my friend.
This is a question of management, my friend. You Vietnam know this, having been managed by China for thousands of years. You mastered it like a little grasshopper masters kung fu moves.

Managing a 250 years old entity is a piece of cake, my friend. For China, they have not even reached the status of barbarians.

Even VCP can play with them like puppets on a string, my friend.
Whatever u said, chaos still is coming to Tibet... or more Cnese will be arrested even in UK. the law just passed. ha ha ha :laugh:
China's economy maintains stable, sound momentum in November


The national economy maintained generally stable momentum and performed within the reasonable range as intensified efforts have been made in areas like investment, trade, supply-side structural reform and employment, according to the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Friday.

The growth of industrial production slowed down and mid-and high-end industries showed good momentum of growth. The real growth of the total value added of the industrial enterprises above designated size was 5.4 percent year-on-year, 0.5 percentage points lower than last month.

The growth rate of investment kept rising and the investment in manufacturing and private investment demonstrated fast growth.


A workshop in an electronics factory in Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province. /VCG Photo

From January to November, the investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households) was 60.93 trillion yuan (about 8.84 trillion U.S. dollars), a year-on-year growth of 5.9 percent, or 0.2 percentage points faster than the first 10 months, increasing for the third month in a row.

Private investment reached 37.84 trillion yuan (about 5.49 trillion U.S. dollars), up by 8.7 percent, which means private investment has maintained a growth rate higher than eight percent since the beginning of this year.

Real estate investment rose 9.7 percent from January to November year-on-year, flat with the annual increase for the first 10 months.

Meanwhile, the service industry grew steadily, and the emerging service industry grew quickly. The index of Services Production increased by 7.2 percent year-on-year, the same speed as last month.

Market sales edged down, online sales increased

In November, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 3.54 trillion yuan, up 8.1 percent compared with the same period last year, 0.5 percentage points slower than last month.


People pick up packages during the "Double Eleven" online shopping festival in Zhengzhou, central China's Henan Province. /VCG Photo

During the first 11 months, the total retail sales of consumer goods grew by 9.1 percent year-on-year, and online retail sales hit 8.07 trillion yuan, up by 24.1 percent.

The November's consumer price went up by 2.2 percent year-on-year, 0.3 percentage points slower than last month.

Employment better than expected

In the first 11 months, the newly increased employed people in urban areas numbered 12.93 million, 130,000 more than the same period last year.

The surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas was 4.8 percent, 0.1 percentage point lower than last month as well as the same month last year.


A job fair in Cangzhou, north China's Hebei Province. /VCG Photo

Imports and exports growth accelerated, trade surplus expanded

The total value of imports and exports was 2.83 trillion yuan in November, an increase of 9.1 percent year-on-year. For exports, the figure was 1.57 trillion yuan, up 10.2 percent, and imports was 1.26 trillion yuan, up 7.8 percent.

The trade balance was 306.0 billion yuan in surplus, increasing by 21.5 percent over the same month last year.

The country has taken a series of targeted measures to further boost employment.

Supply-side structural reform deepened

The asset-liability ratio of enterprises dropped. By the end of October, the asset-liability ration of major industrial enterprises was 56.7 percent, 0.5 percentage points lower than the same period last year. The inventory of commercial buildings was also reduced.

In addition, the investment in the management of ecological protection and agriculture increased by 42.0 percent and 12.5 percent respectively.

@Han Patriot Chaos is coming to Tibet :lol:

US moves to ban Chinese officials unless Tibet opens

Congress voted to require the State Department to verify each year whether China has granted access to Tibet and ethnically Tibetan areas in line with how it treats the rest of the country.PHOTO: AFP

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Congress has voted to demand access for US diplomats, journalists and tourists to Tibet, threatening to bar the Chinese officials responsible for the policy from the United States if the region remained walled off to foreigners.

The Bill, which passed with bipartisan support, comes after years of concern over human rights violations in the predominantly Buddhist region, where foreigners are generally required to obtain a special permit to visit.

Congress voted to require the State Department to verify each year whether China has granted access to Tibet and ethnically Tibetan areas in line with how it treats the rest of the country.

If restrictions remain in place on Americans seeking to enter Tibet, the State Department would then be compelled to ban Chinese officials responsible for the policy from entering the United States.

Senator Robert Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the Bill was "about fundamental fairness".

"Chinese citizens enjoy broad access to the United States, and I think that is terrific," he said.

"But it is unacceptable that the same is not true for US students, journalists or diplomats going to Tibet, including our Tibetan-American constituents just trying to visit their country of origin."

So what? Are they your masters? :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Stop having this slave mentality, China is fighting to be an equal power, we are not trying to be poodles like India or Vietnam. That's the difference between a sovereign state and a slave state.:china:

They had been sanctioning us and banning us for decades? If they ban us, then we will ban them, as simple as this. Ban any officials who visited Taiwan...tit for tat.:enjoy:
So what? Are they your masters? :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Stop having this slave mentality, China is fighting to be an equal power, we are not trying to be poodles like India or Vietnam. That's the difference between a sovereign state and a slave state.:china:

They had been sanctioning us and banning us for decades? If they ban us, then we will ban them, as simple as this. Ban any officials who visited Taiwan...tit for tat.:enjoy:
ha ha okay.keep banning each other and try not to be in chaos in 2023.

US will keep squeezing CN for sure . If u guys let chaos happen in 2023, then the whole wolrd will laugh at 1,4 billion Cnese cos their IQ is much lower than Vnesse so they can not foresee CN 2023 chaos ha ha ha :laugh:
ha ha okay.keep banning each other and try not to be in chaos in 2023. US will keep squeezing CN If u guys let chaos happen in 2023, then the whole wolrd will laugh at 1,4 billion Cnese cos thier IQ is much lower than Vnesse when can not see 2023 chaos ha ha ha :laugh:
Ban here and there, notice something, business goes on. Do you know how big is the trade? The US cannot afford nor willing to see a chaotic China, they want a technologically and militarily constrained China. Stop hoping for China to go kaboom...because you guys had been hoping for it for decades. What happened? Despite all the sanctions, all the bans, our military grew stronger, if US is no 1, I DARE SAY WE ARE NO 2. Don't push your luk lil poodle, a destabilized China will invade Vietnam willingly to unify the people under a common cause. :lol:

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