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Historical Background of Pakistan and its People/Rarely part of India/IVC

Nope, why

He was a Tanzeemi and a big advocate for Afghan-Pakistan merger. He was forced to leave Pakistan by Musharraf as he was a big critic of his dictatorship. He used to run a website called ICSSA, later renamed Dictatorship Watch. Since taken down.

He has several books available online, and his articles can still be found.


Afghanistan: The Genesis of The Final Crusade

Here is an article by him. Excerpts below.

The inevitable Pak-Afghan Union


While concluding a recent article on the border dispute between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mohan Guruswamy of Deccan Chronicle concludes: “It is now only a question of time before the demand for the reunification of all their people becomes a rallying call for the Pashtun nation. Even the internal dynamics within Afghanistan demand it. There is much unfinished business here.”[16] We must remember that the same Indian analysts were highlighting importance of the Durand Line during the time of the Taliban, when they feared that Pakistan and Afghanistan have virtually merged into a single state.[17]


The viable option for addressing Pakistan’s vulnerable political geography and its military-demographic-economic weakness relative to India lies in Pakistan’s Union with Afghanistan. Irrespective of the present situation in which both Pakistan and Afghanistan are fully and partially occupied by the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan may apply the central argument of Huntington’s thesis, the "kin-country rallying"–” the mobilizing of interstate support systems or alliances on religious or civilizational grounds, in the first available opportunity.


With regard to Pakhtuns and NWFP, it is worth quoting what Ch. Rahmat Ali – the man who formulated the name and concept of Pakistan, said about ‘NWFP’ and the Pakhtoon people in his book “Pakistan: The Fatherland of Pak Nation” 1940:


"It must be remembered that the Pathans are a great, gifted, and Pan-Islamic people. This is borne out by History which records that they were the first to accept Islam and lay the foundations of its twelve-century rule in India; that they were the last to stop the fight against the British and the first to resume that fight on the Afghan and Baloch frontiers; and that they are the people one of whom, the writer, however unworthy, was blessed by Allah to create the Ideal of Pakistan. itself and start the fight for the realisation of that Ideal – the Ideal which so inspired all Muslims as to make them join the fight and establish this Fatherland which is the home and heritage of all Paks".

Finally, in his book, Ch. Rahmat Ali advocates a family re-union of our Asian and Indian homelands i.e. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.


[16]. Mohan Guruswamy, “Scratch Across Pashtun Hearts,” Deccan Chronicle, July 18, 2003.

[17]. See for example W. P. S. Sidhu’s article, “Why the Durand Line is important,” in Indian Express, November 16, 1999. Sidhu is MacArthur Scholar at the Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford.​
He was a Tanzeemi and a big advocate for Afghan-Pakistan merger. He was forced to leave Pakistan by Musharraf as he was a big critic of his dictatorship. He used to run a website called ICSSA, later renamed Dictatorship Watch. Since taken down.

He has several books available online, and his articles can still be found.


Afghanistan: The Genesis of The Final Crusade

Here is an article by him. Excerpts below.

The inevitable Pak-Afghan Union


While concluding a recent article on the border dispute between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Mohan Guruswamy of Deccan Chronicle concludes: “It is now only a question of time before the demand for the reunification of all their people becomes a rallying call for the Pashtun nation. Even the internal dynamics within Afghanistan demand it. There is much unfinished business here.”[16] We must remember that the same Indian analysts were highlighting importance of the Durand Line during the time of the Taliban, when they feared that Pakistan and Afghanistan have virtually merged into a single state.[17]


The viable option for addressing Pakistan’s vulnerable political geography and its military-demographic-economic weakness relative to India lies in Pakistan’s Union with Afghanistan. Irrespective of the present situation in which both Pakistan and Afghanistan are fully and partially occupied by the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan may apply the central argument of Huntington’s thesis, the "kin-country rallying"–” the mobilizing of interstate support systems or alliances on religious or civilizational grounds, in the first available opportunity.


With regard to Pakhtuns and NWFP, it is worth quoting what Ch. Rahmat Ali – the man who formulated the name and concept of Pakistan, said about ‘NWFP’ and the Pakhtoon people in his book “Pakistan: The Fatherland of Pak Nation” 1940:


"It must be remembered that the Pathans are a great, gifted, and Pan-Islamic people. This is borne out by History which records that they were the first to accept Islam and lay the foundations of its twelve-century rule in India; that they were the last to stop the fight against the British and the first to resume that fight on the Afghan and Baloch frontiers; and that they are the people one of whom, the writer, however unworthy, was blessed by Allah to create the Ideal of Pakistan. itself and start the fight for the realisation of that Ideal – the Ideal which so inspired all Muslims as to make them join the fight and establish this Fatherland which is the home and heritage of all Paks".

Finally, in his book, Ch. Rahmat Ali advocates a family re-union of our Asian and Indian homelands i.e. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.


[16]. Mohan Guruswamy, “Scratch Across Pashtun Hearts,” Deccan Chronicle, July 18, 2003.

[17]. See for example W. P. S. Sidhu’s article, “Why the Durand Line is important,” in Indian Express, November 16, 1999. Sidhu is MacArthur Scholar at the Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford.​
I believe Iqbal also wanted the borders to be in central asia, its s natural demand.
My thought process is fine, the bor that you see know didnt just appear 70 years ago these always existed, in the sense of culture religion and race.

Pakistan is not complete until the rogue province of Afghania is under the federal umbrella.
By Afghania you mean KPK???? Cos that is what I understand Afghania to be, the A in PAK(I)STAN
By Afghania you mean KPK???? Cos that is what I understand Afghania to be, the A in PAK(I)STAN

Our destiny is much larger than that brother. Pakistan will expand into Afghanistan if it chooses to be a global power. It will be the destiny of both of us.
Our destiny is much larger than that brother. Pakistan will expand into Afghanistan if it chooses to be a global power. It will be the destiny of both of us.

Afghanistan-Pakistan relations should be paternalistic no "bhai bhai" cant trust them "bacha baz"
Afghanistan-Pakistan relations should be paternalistic no "bhai bhai" cant trust them "bacha baz"

The Afghan secular multi-ethnic pseudo-state has failed. That kind of nationalism allowed all sorts of invasions and interference from world powers, and oppressed mostly Pukhtoons.

Pakistan represents the Islamic continuity of this region, which makes us the successors of all the major sultans, scholars, alims, wazirs, and imams who settled our region based solely on religion and outlook, rather than merely ethnic identity.

If Afghanistan's next government will be an Islamic one (emirate, republic,) it means that Afghanistan has adopted Pakistan's view of Muslim identity and history, which is that of Djamaluddin al-Afghani and his Muslim unity one. The same followed by Khomeini, Allama Iqbal, Maulana Maududi, and others.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are long lost brothers and have entered another period of friendship and unity. May it last forever.
Pakistan is only 70yrs old thread relates to earlier history so inorder to provide context to it whole of this region is discussed Pakistan demarcation of borders was made by british such borders never existed earlier in history and there is also huge mistake in partition and many place which must be included in Pakistan are not included in it so correct your thinking first
This is why we have malaise and crisis of identity in Pakistan. And why Indian's tear apart Pakistan as a artificial construct.
This is why we have malaise and crisis of identity in Pakistan. And why Indian's tear apart Pakistan as a artificial construct.
If we use this argument as I quoted earlier properly we can tear india apart as partition was wrong and alot of land belonging to Muslims and sikhs was given to india unjustly by british
If we use this argument as I quoted earlier properly we can tear india apart as partition was wrong
Tell me why partition was wrong?

  • Because god made India
  • Because British made India and because of that it was holy?

And tell me? If partition in 1947 [unmaking of India] was wrong, was making of India [conquest] in 1849 right?
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