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We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

sad to see so many senior members here are full of emotional mensturation today..for nothing..really for nothing..
sovereignty must not be a major thing to you. But it matters to them who love & respect their country.
Nope. sovereignty
india is a country of more than hundred crores people, they got face saving scenario, in my personal opinion they made a mockery of themselves ,killing nothing just tp save their faces, soverignity! ohh plz every now and than we exchnge drone intrutions along loc..
do you understand what he said? India tried to intrude from three sides, 2 teams were intercepted (one on Lahore sector, other on Bahawlpur) one team which entered from Muzzafarabad sector was heavy formation violated 5 nautical miles and were forced back by interceptors. they failed to achieve what they come from. Pakistan will respond.
Damnnn ... this is all out war. This is full attack .
"We will surprise you" can play into hands of ruling Hindu terrorist establishment of India. They are master of false flag on their own people. What if in next few days they conduct similar Mumbai type drama and blame it on Pakistan? Then what? They will be crying all across the globe that look we hit "terrorists" in Kashmir and Pakistan responded by another "terrorist" act, is this the surprise Pakistan promised?!!

Time is of the essence. "Surprise you" element must come in next 24 to 48 hours otherwise, we will be starring down a very difficult diplomatic situation. We must act quickly.
caught with pants down again... and they still pose in front of camera
Caught pants down? Were Indians able to destroy an airbase or something in Pakistan? I hope you have some understanding of military strategy. The DG ISPR has a point. If the Indians wanted to hit a real military target (or a so-called terrorists training camp), they could have easily done that by using stand-off weapons which have a range of much more than just 4km. It appears that Indians just wanted to have a 'dry run' incursion just a few km inside Pak aerospace and then run back before Pak could muster any response. True, it would have been better if the intruding planes could have been shot down by any means (SAMs, BVR, dog fight, etc.). But a person with military background will probably agree that a shallow intrusion is the easiest offensive that any airforce can resort to. But the fact of the matter is Indians have violated our aerospace and they must pay the price for that. And I am sure they will have to. In the meantime, Indians can claim any thing wild enough to gain political mileage or for empty boasting without showing any evidence in support of their claims. So, the game has just started now. Before Indians were threatening us and we were on guards (which is a difficult task - you cannot have a plane in air at every km 24/7). And now we'll see how Indians can guard their aerospace when Pakistan will be on the move to hit them.
At least they are warning india before hand unlike IAF...congress party which did nothing even after mumbai attack has been check mated...they cannot attack modi on national security issue from now on...if pakistan responds also in whatever way... it will help modi divert attention of indian public form all his failiures...like pakistani elites do to fool their common man...this close to election there is no better friend for modi now than pakistan...they have literally given him a fighting chance in this election.

Pakistan doesn't use India like the piss poor excuse is it to win an election lol

For the time being you surprised me : lacking long range of air defence, short legged jets, poor planning in CAP missions.
At least with Kayani it seems we had more CAP missions during tensions. Am I wrong? I hope so
I have a request to those members whose egos have been heart badly in their bed rooms while fighting their wars on key boards. Plz respect your armed forces they need your support not your judgements. They have been fighting in the past and they are fighting now. And they will be fighting in future instead key board warriors who has lost their ego in their bed room
"We will surprise you" can play into hands of ruling Hindu terrorist establishment of India. They are master of false flag on their own people. What if in next few days they conduct similar Mumbai type drama and blame it on Pakistan? Then what? They will be crying all across the globe that look we hit "terrorists" in Kashmir and Pakistan responded by another "terrorist" act, is this the surprise Pakistan promised?!!

Time is of the essence. "Surprise you" element must come in next 24 to 48 hours otherwise, we will be starring down a very difficult diplomatic situation. We must act quickly.
Then you hit them hard. They kill themselves and you kill them too. Filthy Modi deserves that. Anyhow, Pak response should be born out of solid planning and strong action rather than coming out of emotions without proper planning. India must pay dearly and squarely so that they think a thousand times before launching even a drama strike in Pakistan in future. We are still full of anger for their last fake surgical strike. If we had actually conducted a real surgical strike in response to their fake one, they wouldn't have had courage to stage this second fake strike. I hope our leadership understands the situation and knows how to deal with the situation courageously and wisely. I am sure they will get advice from many powers asking for restraint. Pak needs to tell every one politely that a violation of our sovereignty is not acceptable at any cost. We must hit back and hit them real hard.

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