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What will Modi jee and the RSS do now?

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I have studied all religions. Most I hate. Only one which I wish stops existing.

Your super peaceful community needs to stop existing. Without you guys India would be a peaceful nation living per the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet SAW.
Any rough idea what the wait time is for this because it's 7th March today?
More sooner than ghazwa e hind.

Your super peaceful community needs to stop existing. Without you guys India would be a peaceful nation living per the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet SAW.
Yes I know. You are commanded to wipe out the mushrikeen.

So what are you waiting for?
But you are for equality, right. Then why do you want muslims to have more rights?

Limited war and Religious riots.

I am tired of this fake secular country. It's more like an Islamic country.

India needs to stop being democratic and secular. A particular community which has been given VIP treatment for past 70 years needs to be shown it's place.

And how will religious riots help you ? Or in broad term Hindus of India. It will make India fracture
I didn't know indian girls were that unattractive and turn offs. But perhaps they don't see the motivation to evolve.
But why so serious?

You think I fantasize marrying low iq bigoted inbred women?

Your onions for our tomatoes. Done deal

Shabaash. No more chanting "Cold Start", I guess?

It's good India has learnt it's lesson.
I am not pro Modi or pro Indian state.

My hate for a particular kind does not make a patriot or a hinduwadi. All I share with those is hatred for that particular kind. Our views on pretty much else are divergent.
Surgical strike 2.0 has backfired.

Another surgical strike won't win the election. Most Indians want revenge. The antinational community wants peace.

Winter is coming!!

He’s going to bomb a masjid full of children to gain maximum Hindu votes
Surgical strike 2.0 has backfired.

Another surgical strike won't win the election. Most Indians want revenge. The antinational community wants peace.

Winter is coming!!
why dont India keep its politics within its own boundaries?? :undecided::undecided:
Haha ok.

Is your name jon Jones or anthony joshua?

Tough men don't get their feelings hurt by reading a post on the internet.

I actually edited my post, but you caught the original.
Sighs, you obviously don't know anything about neither men, Jones has gone bezerk for lesser reasons. Anthony is more placid but push his buttons and you'll know about it .

But on a serious note, what do you expect us to do?
You are committing horrendous acts of violence on us for past 1200 years.

Don't you think it is time for us to return the favour?

Erm taking it out on innocent people is evil, I don't understand how you justify it.

Btw what are your stats and fighting experience?

I am 5'1 50 kgs, dark as charcoal and never fought in my life. I won't try to act hard.

I'll PM all this information if you must know, and yes people have met me on here in real life.
On that, thread closed.
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