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The Ugly Truth About Pak Economy: A Brief History

What an golden words here u know rarely asked getting question about new business and setup even by those who saw me working in diff fields but most question people asked me """ Tell us about property or stock (my old job ) but nobody cares to explore and listen to these.Seems they all want to sit and invest like BTK (some friends even invest over 20 crores but rejected when i said buy some Agri land near gharoo its cheap and future potential as 3 lakh/acre but nooooooooooo they dont want to work on it nobody wants it
Basically we need to put it into people's minds that working and getting HALAL ka paisa is better than sitting and being fed by others/ govt!
A family friend was just having this discussion this afternoon...that SOME people are so used to free food/ begging it is wasting our resources [the human capital is our resource]
What an golden words here u know rarely asked getting question about new business and setup even by those who saw me working in diff fields but most question people asked me """ Tell us about property or stock (my old job ) but nobody cares to explore and listen to these.Seems they all want to sit and invest like BTK (some friends even invest over 20 crores but rejected when i said buy some Agri land near gharoo its cheap and future potential as 3 lakh/acre but nooooooooooo they dont want to work on it nobody wants it
Well it didnt happen overnight...I noticed it happening slowly..

People wanting to "look" and "act" elite like by hook or by crook = taking rishwat, borrowing money, taking loans and what not
Slowly even forgetting the difference between halal and haraam kamai and eventually just want money to fall from heaven....

Trust me, it was, and a good idea, but it was dropped. I wonder why, because your suggestion above is a good one and this was a great way to make that point with every transaction.
ok...Yea I have noticed the slow demise in apni kamai!

I guess jub barkat khattam hoti hai , this is how it looks!

Pakistan k buray din zia ul haq k anay k baad shoro howaye
They started from Bhutto actually...But because of the sympathies for that family, no one realized what seeds they planted!
Very nice idea if u know such peoples start an thread who knows who get ready to join?some days ago welcome an guy here on pdf he plans later to start metallurgy institute in KPK recently working abroad aisy 10-12 bhi mil jain mulk ka kuch faida ho jaye
I personally think there is a market for people to do these things for themselves. There is a joke about engineers in Pakistan having no jobs, how about 1000 people, or 10,000 people enter a co-op, invest their resources and setup a plant to locally manufacture solar panels and everything else required to provide solar energy to a household? It requires trust - maybe a go-fund me page? or a govt mechanism to help protect that investment and make sure it's used as intended?
This is nothing 4bn or 6bn we need save al.ost 15bn to 20bn
That 4 billion sounds small to you ???????? And how come you forget those industries (ban on imports) will generate billions too ……. Overall we can touch 5 to 6 Billion $$$ yearly …… And we can do some more things , Just like:
  • We can start Tee plantation and we can safe 1+ billion $$$ of Import ..
  • We can start palm tree Plantation with sun flower plantation to safe 700+ million $$ of import ..
  • We can start Hallal Meat Business on war footing and can start earning 10+ billion $$ yearly (If we can take 10% of hallal food market , total worth 2000 Billion now guess what will be 10% of that).
  • We can stop importing toys , pampers , cosmetics , chees , etc and can safe 1 to 2 billon $$

@CHACHA"G" Import is an necessary evil its also generates revenue for govt (on many stages ) but importing luxury items should be totally banned (until we avoid such huge crisis ) we cant banned import of imp machineries for manufacturing but about other things you are right
2)Most of our taxes come from service industry and on other hand our manufacturing and producing sectors are shrinking which going to affect service industries too
3)govt should encourage(and trying as many schemes offered its up to others to avail where it can )
4)we should focus on Agri (lots of schemes offered here too by govt esp in Punjab )its the field of future not only we will get food security its can also become best export opportunity.There is reason an AUstralian company planning to put 2 billion dollars in agri.Trick is we should not lease our lands to others but sale all products by ourselves otherwise no good (nalaiqoo khud bhi kuch kar sakty hu as side business near yr villages economy ka bhi bhala plus khud kuch extra income bhi aaye gi sath 10 logon ko job)
5)we should start focusing establishing small industries lots of scope let say solar panels huge demand but here very few assembling units mostly import from china its not an rocket science (worked both on it and wind myself )
There are still lots of points to discussed and easy do ables no point only describing problems but better trying to find solutions better make an permanent thread i tried(and failed ) in many fields so any info/help i can share my pleasure.That post for my respected fellow members @Mangus Ortus Novem @Khafee @Reddington and @CHACHA"G" who like me trying to discuss/find ways to avoid this crisis
I agree with you bro,,,, we don't have to ban important imports , but we have to completely ban , Toys , Chees , Textile (garments) , pampers , shoes , cosmetics , Try to ban palm oil , tee (we are agri country and we have land for both of things , we have to start local plantation just like india we are only 220 million we can manage our own needs) ……
Most importantly we have to start working on hallal food market on war footing ….. 2 trillion $$ economy and if we can take only 10% that will be huge for us ,,
And one most important point which we can do with some good diplomacy is , Get 1+ million Visas for Pakistanis from GCC at least 50% of these need to be B and B+ category.
That 4 billion sounds small to you ???????? And how come you forget those industries (ban on imports) will generate billions too ……. Overall we can touch 5 to 6 Billion $$$ yearly …… And we can do some more things , Just like:
  • We can start Tee plantation and we can safe 1+ billion $$$ of Import ..
  • We can start palm tree Plantation with sun flower plantation to safe 700+ million $$ of import ..
  • We can start Hallal Meat Business on war footing and can start earning 10+ billion $$ yearly (If we can take 10% of hallal food market , total worth 2000 Billion now guess what will be 10% of that).
  • We can stop importing toys , pampers , cosmetics , chees , etc and can safe 1 to 2 billon $$
What can be started - a lot of ifs and buts.

What needs to be done - Focus on your core competence.
Increase agriculture output per acre,
bring back the textile industry from Bangladesh,
Support industries that have high value, Def & Aviation, provide incentives for them to export
Open more vocational Schools, fix higher education, BBA & BCom by the truck load is not that helpful.
Setup govt agencies like ACIAR https://www.aciar.gov.au/ and sign MOU's with them for tech transfer.
Setup Co-Ops for SME's and farmers

A major overhaul of how the Govt works, and should work is required.

And one most important point which we can do with some good diplomacy is , Get 1+ million Visas for Pakistanis from GCC at least 50% of these need to be B and B+ category.

1) Fire SMQ, get a good diplomat. Restructure the Foreign Office, make it work like a well oiled machine.

2) You have 4.5m+ Pakistanis in GCC, to compete internationally you need more & better, technical / vocational / higher education institutes.
ok...Yea I have noticed the slow demise in apni kamai!

I guess jub barkat khattam hoti hai , this is how it looks!

May be it is, but other countries seem to be doing fine without such annotations on their currencies.
Fix your accountability issues, Capital will come IA.
I don't know why people forget 450 billion from Bharia town Karachi , Malik Riyaz , , , just one case 450 Billion..... What is the problem with people , why they cry money , money all the time ,. When it is not about Money But Will and Actions .
+V from me too bro ,,, Love you for this post ……….. Nicely put …… May Allah Bless you.
Bro it is all about Will ,,,,,,,,, Stopping import will hurt Govt and Mafia (Govt + Elite) but will help local papulation in long run , just like Malaysia .

There are multiple solutions, here are a few of my own.

1. Government should put extremely high duty on any imports which are non necessary. This should be done in a phased approached linked up to point 2.

2. Govt should setup an office dedicated to helping develop local companies. It should focus on developing businesses;
- which grow domestic versions of stuff we import. For example, cheese and tea. We should be replacing imports with local versions.
- Which we have the biggest return for the least investment
- Which we have a population currently skilled for

3. Govt should offer economic incentives for households and SME's to use solar panels for energy. We need a national push towards moving away from fossil fuels wherever possible. If we can make 50% of our electricity which we currently make through burning oil, via the sun and wind, it's 50% less oil imported.

4. Govt should invest heavily in technical colleges working alongside industry to train youth to learn skills the market needs.

5. Govt should try to ensure essential items are available on the market at minimal cost. In my mind these are food, pharmaceuticals, energy, transport, housing. The way to do this is to have state owned, privately managed enterprises generating these things from end to end, ie raw product to manufacturing to market. China's state and German state have excellent examples of these enterprises. In our case we should run them to make low profits but make cheap goods available to the consumer domestically.

6. Any market the government intervenes in with step 5 with have local manufacturers up in arms. Govt should help each and every local business affected alter their business so that the product is export quality and help them export more of their produce.

The main crux of things is;

1. Get to work and start making money and paying your taxes.
2. Stop spending money on things you don't need to spend money on.
3. State to intervene in the market directly through private-public joint ventures to keep the cost of essentials low.
4. State to actively support private companies to help improve standards and get produce exported.


I personally think there is a market for people to do these things for themselves. There is a joke about engineers in Pakistan having no jobs, how about 1000 people, or 10,000 people enter a co-op, invest their resources and setup a plant to locally manufacture solar panels and everything else required to provide solar energy to a household? It requires trust - maybe a go-fund me page? or a govt mechanism to help protect that investment and make sure it's used as intended?
Then what do you think is the problem?

The problems are manifold, from basics like education (leading to a shortage of trained manpower) to infrastructure (like lack of reliable power) to mismanagement (corruption pervading from top to bottom), and therefore already well-known.

The hope here was (and is) that the present government under PMIK's leadership will be able to solve these issues, one by one, step by step, in an effective manner. If they follow the same tired old route of IMF and more loans, how will that be any different than all the times before, unless they can use these fresh loans to actually get Pakistan out of the present economic rut?

They do not appear to have much time but a lot of work to demonstrate.
Imports are also needed, since some items are well under Intl benchmarks. Banning imports just gives local producers an excuse not to improve - A GOOD e.g. Cheese!
Sir G for that we can have policies , laws , like quality control and management , Price control , etc.. And I also agree we cannot ban imports fully , but for few years we have too, we are 220+ million and growing international companies just cannot ignore us..

Pakistan k buray din zia ul haq k anay k baad shoro howaye
No Bhutoo started it ,,,,,, His famous Nationalization...……………….. Zia take it to other level and Pee pee pee , Pml-n took it to point of no return..
I don't know why people forget 450 billion from Bharia town Karachi , Malik Riyaz , , , just one case 450 Billion..... What is the problem with people , why they cry money , money all the time ,. When it is not about Money But Will and Actions .
In the macro picture - PKR450bn = not a lot, my friend.
Nicely put sir , Fully agree …..
What can be started - a lot of ifs and buts.

What needs to be done - Focus on your core competence.
Increase agriculture output per acre,
bring back the textile industry from Bangladesh,
Support industries that have high value, Def & Aviation, provide incentives for them to export
Open more vocational Schools, fix higher education, BBA & BCom by the truck load is not that helpful.
Setup govt agencies like ACIAR https://www.aciar.gov.au/ and sign MOU's with them for tech transfer.
Setup Co-Ops for SME's and farmers

A major overhaul of how the Govt works, and should work is required.

1) Fire SMQ, get a good diplomat. Restructure the Foreign Office, make it work like a well oiled machine.

2) You have 4.5m+ Pakistanis in GCC, to compete internationally you need more & better, technical / vocational / higher education institutes.

In the macro picture - PKR450bn = not a lot, my friend.
But this need to be enough for those who said Pakistan have no money ………….
And morw will come , Insha-Allah ….. we still have zardari and nora companies ..
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