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Indian SC rejects Modi govt’s ‘classified documents’ stand on Rafale papers

If Modi stays for another 5 years, Riots will take place there, as his politics revolves around using violence as a smoke screen to hide incompetency. The Rafale deal is an example.
I post this news here because I think it’s the opposite side of same coin

At least it is related to the rafale deal in France :

Source (one’s of french main newspaper) : https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/art...-indien-associe-de-dassault_5449659_3234.html

It’s in french.

So I will put a short summary in my own English which is not good as your :wave:

Basically it is reported that a NGO Sherpa ( anti corruption agency) registered a complaint in the Financial Court to open case about corruption and illegal influence could have happened for the Rafales deal and an inquiry should be launched.

It is stated that a company owned by Ambani got her tax debt of roughly 144 millions euros cancelled in 2015 while the negotiations were ongoing between India and France. It’s stated that Mr Ambani is a close friend of Modi.

I have not full access to the article because it’s a paid access.

Maybe you already know it.
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