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More Than EVMs, It Is 'the Hindu Mind' Which Has Been Effectively Rigged

Yes, maybe nominate modi cause I could care less, he managed to fool that many of your country!
He fooled no one, look at us in Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. Are we north Indians? We appreciate what Modi has done for our country and even if our vote doesn't count for much in the grand scheme of things, nevertheless we are happy to contribute.
A very good proposal. Had there been a Nobel prize for fooling the people, it would no doubt go to Modi, ten times over.

Light, camera, action!! Modi meditating in full camera (read public) glare...

...his official photographers?? seems yes!



Light camera action...Modi presumably meditating so as to get his picture taken and published across the media...(picture perfect...isn't it)

He is the only one who meditates in front of his official photographers!


Indian Nationalism has been RIGGED by Modi, yesterday i was listening to the CM of Assam and his deputy Himanta Biswa Sharma speak about OUR success, schism between our ethnic and religious brothers have been dismantled, these divisive elements will be singled out and eliminated.
So, it was almost 12 or 13 years ago in a conversation with an Indian punjabi hindu I was struck by a question on its very foundational nature... he asked how do you conjure the audacity to act decisively?
I was not privy to Indian insecurities at the time and wasn't much help in response due to the gravity of the question itself though many years later I'm very confident about my analysis because now I'm much more familiar with Indian discourse and history and the very nature of the question itself. Sometimes, these very foundational questions are affecting decisions that are playing a deeper role in the subconscious mind of individual or society.

What you said, if true, works when there are other people around who are not insecure for the same reasons.

If the entire population "have an inferiority complex from their appearance, complexion, height way of speaking and more importantly emasculation of the men to counter or be an aggressor because of historical baggage" then all that you said are not going to matter at all when dealing with the same people who have the same complexes.

Nothing that you said are election issues.

These are some of the few reasons why Modi won.

While interacting with the beneficiaries of the scheme, he said that loans worth Rs 6 lakh crore ($86B) have been disbursed to 12 crore (120 million) people since its launch in April 2015.

According to Modi, out of the 12 crore beneficiaries, 28 per cent or 3.25 crore, are first-time entrepreneurs. Also, of the total borrowers, 9 crore - or 74 per cent - are women and 55 per cent belong to the SC/ST and OBC categories.

Under Modi government, India has achieved food security and become a net exporter of agriculture commodities

The Indian government has launched one of the world's largest publicly funded health insurance scheme, set to cover some 500 million poor people.

The Ayushman Bharat programme, dubbed "Modicare" after Prime Minister Narendra Modipromised health cover worth 500,000 rupees ($6,900) to every poor family to treat serious ailments.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that in four years, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government had constructed 12.5 million homes for the poor, compared to 2.5 million built by the previous United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in the same period.


The global energy watchdog International Energy Agency (IEA) has called India's electrification of every village the greatest success story of 2018.

"This is one of the greatest achievements in the history of energy," said the IEA.

Bank accounts for all:
As quoted by Guinness Book "Most bank accounts opened in one week as part of the Financial Inclusion Campaign is 18,096,130 and was achieved by the Department of Financial Services, Government of India from August 23 to 29, 2014."

Now the bank accounts have crossed 350 million.

Indirect tax reform:
GST is an Indirect Tax which has replaced many Indirect Taxes in India. The Goods and Service Tax Act was passed in the Parliament on 29th March 2017. The Act came into effect on 1st July 2017; Goods & Services Tax Law in India is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that is levied on every value addition.

Unique ID:
I would definitely recommend reading this article. A snippet to get you interested:

But it is very rare indeed that a country develops an outsized technological infrastructure breakthrough that leaves the rest of the world far behind.

But exactly this has just happened in India... and no one noticed.

India has, without question, made the largest technological breakthrough of any nation in living memory.

Its technological advancement has even left Silicon Valley standing. India has built the world’s first national digital infrastructure, leaping at least two generations of financial technologies and has built something as important as the railroad was to the UK or the interstate highways were to the U.S.


All of the above primarily deals with the general population. Modi's done a lot more when it comes to reforms within the govt itself, as well as improving the way we conduct business and also infrastructure development.

So, no, not even one of your reasons had anything to do with Modi's reelection.
If election results follow the direction shown by the exit polls, there would be accusations about the rigging of EVM machines.

But irrespective of what the results are, there is one thing no one should have any confusion about: more than EVMs, it is the Hindu mind which has been effectively rigged.

What explains the audacity of Narendra Modi indulging in his spiritual journeys in full view of cameras, of getting his ‘Ekant Sadhna’ telecast live to lakhs and crores of Hindu households? Why did he feel so confident as to choreograph this kitschy affair and think that it would be accepted as a genuine religious experience by the Hindu masses?

Modi has become confident that the Hindu mind has been vulgarised and become so spiritually hollow that even a crudity like his Kedarnath yatra can pass off as a religious expedition.

This writer would likely be flogged for creating a generality called ‘The Hindu Mind’.

He would be told that there is nothing like ‘a’ Hindu mind. Hindu-ness is all about diversity; that it is not like the Semitic faiths; that its catholicity makes it multi-eyed, multi-faceted and therefore tolerant to new view points. That it is the most creative and most humane of all religions on this earth, he would be told.

The admonition is misplaced and arises out of ignorance of the changes that the practice of Hindu religion has undergone in the last quarter century or even more. It is during this period that we saw the rise of gurus like Morari Bapu, Asaram Bapu, Baba Ramdev and Sadhguru Jaggi.

Together, they represent the spiritual leadership that Hindus have produced and accepted.

But even before that, the very formation of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad should have alerted Hindus about the trap that was being laid for them. People associated with the VHP or in the fold of it were called saints, thus totally pulverising the word.

The VHP is a political body, but it was treated all along as a religious body representing the collective religious mind of the Hindus.

Saints were thought to be “viragis”, unbound by the social, material and temporal. But here we had them gheraoing the parliament in the name of saving cows, knowing fully well that it was not a religious but a political act; organising and leading “movements” which were directed against Muslims and working for a political party – the BJP.

Hindus have allowed their religious moments to be taken over by bodies like the VHP, Bajrang Dal and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. They have gradually lost the sense of the personal and also of solitude, so essential for a real religious experience. Everything is publicised and turns into a spectacle.

Hindus have always resented the state subsidy given to the Haj pilgrims. But they have stopped thinking how their own pilgrimages have turned into huge consumerist exercises and how they themselves look towards the state on all such occasions. Be it the Mansarovar Yatra or the Kumbh Mela or the Badrinath/Kedarnath yatras – all of them are state subsidised one way or another

Apart from this, Hindus have also gradually handed over religious occasions to a particular political party. This has resulted in a homogeneity. When I saw tricolour in the hands of kanwariyas, it immediately struck me that the nation has dethroned Shiva from his exalted seat of the lord of the three worlds. Poor Shiva is now confined to a territorial confine.

Similarly, Ram Navami processions in Bengal were not religious and Hindus know it. They are political aggression by a particular party but are being tolerated in the name of Hinduism. Be it Bihar or Uttar Pradesh or any other region, Hindu religious occasions have a utilitarian end – to further the prospects of a political party.

There is no resentment from Hindus against it.

Nationalisation of Hinduism or its territorialisation means that Hindus have lost the sense of the cosmos. They have become narrow in their outlook. If we look at the last 70 years which are post Gandhi years, there has not been a significant debate within Hinduism. It shunned problems raised by critics like Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Gandhi and Vinoba Bhave did try to reinterpret Gita and Hinduism, but after them there has been no internal probing.

When challenged by voices which it claimed were part of it but never got a role to participate in its articulation, it started playing the victim. Islam, as Hazari Prasad Dwivedi noted, brought the notion of equality, strange to Hindu ears, and Christianity the notion of service and neighbourhood – again new to Hindus.

But instead of responding to them, Hinduism went into a shell.

There has not been significant philosophical engagement within the traditions of Hinduism, no reinterpretation of the texts, no creative dialogue with its different strands. Hinduism, if anything, is about past glory. The greatest philosophers it has produced are Osho, Sadhguru Jaggi, among others.

In short, Hinduism has lost spiritual ambition and courage. If everything has been achieved in the Vedas then we are insignificant coolies of the past glory destined to carry the ghosts of our ancestors on our shoulders.

Three four years ago, I started getting calls from a representative of one World Brahmin Council. They were very concerned about the hindrances created in the path of people wanting to know Vedas. To undo this, they had planned a run for the Vedas.

I asked him who was creating these obstacles. Romila Thapar, he said. How, I wondered can an individual like Romila Thapar be such a formidable obstacle as to hide the Vedas from its seekers?

Secondly, how can running lead us to the Vedas? I suggested to him that instead of running, he should consider getting five, ten scholars to share their own exploration of the world of Vedas.

After assuring me that it would be done, the man never got back to me.

Hazari Prasad Dwivedi had termed the medieval period as a period of arrested or stunned intellect. He lamented the lack of original thinking in this period. Ram Chandra Shukla and others held the aggression of Islam responsible for the retreat of Hinduism. But this period was a period of immense innovation and creativity; literature, art, architecture, etc., bear witness to it.

To Hinduism, our times pose a challenge. Can it retain its autonomy vis-à-vis politics or will politics degrade it so much that the like of Yogi Adityanath, Pragya Thakur and Narendra Modi will be remembered as its representative voices by posterity?

It is time for Hindus to think about this great rigging and find ways to free their minds from it

Hinduism is dead now. People themselves will throw it away.
What you said, if true, works when there are other people around who are not insecure for the same reasons.

If the entire population "have an inferiority complex from their appearance, complexion, height way of speaking and more importantly emasculation of the men to counter or be an aggressor because of historical baggage" then all that you said are not going to matter at all when dealing with the same people who have the same complexes.

Nothing that you said are election issues.

These are some of the few reasons why Modi won.

While interacting with the beneficiaries of the scheme, he said that loans worth Rs 6 lakh crore ($86B) have been disbursed to 12 crore (120 million) people since its launch in April 2015.

According to Modi, out of the 12 crore beneficiaries, 28 per cent or 3.25 crore, are first-time entrepreneurs. Also, of the total borrowers, 9 crore - or 74 per cent - are women and 55 per cent belong to the SC/ST and OBC categories.

Under Modi government, India has achieved food security and become a net exporter of agriculture commodities

The Indian government has launched one of the world's largest publicly funded health insurance scheme, set to cover some 500 million poor people.

The Ayushman Bharat programme, dubbed "Modicare" after Prime Minister Narendra Modipromised health cover worth 500,000 rupees ($6,900) to every poor family to treat serious ailments.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that in four years, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government had constructed 12.5 million homes for the poor, compared to 2.5 million built by the previous United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in the same period.


The global energy watchdog International Energy Agency (IEA) has called India's electrification of every village the greatest success story of 2018.

"This is one of the greatest achievements in the history of energy," said the IEA.

Bank accounts for all:
As quoted by Guinness Book "Most bank accounts opened in one week as part of the Financial Inclusion Campaign is 18,096,130 and was achieved by the Department of Financial Services, Government of India from August 23 to 29, 2014."

Now the bank accounts have crossed 350 million.

Indirect tax reform:
GST is an Indirect Tax which has replaced many Indirect Taxes in India. The Goods and Service Tax Act was passed in the Parliament on 29th March 2017. The Act came into effect on 1st July 2017; Goods & Services Tax Law in India is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that is levied on every value addition.

Unique ID:
I would definitely recommend reading this article. A snippet to get you interested:

But it is very rare indeed that a country develops an outsized technological infrastructure breakthrough that leaves the rest of the world far behind.

But exactly this has just happened in India... and no one noticed.

India has, without question, made the largest technological breakthrough of any nation in living memory.

Its technological advancement has even left Silicon Valley standing. India has built the world’s first national digital infrastructure, leaping at least two generations of financial technologies and has built something as important as the railroad was to the UK or the interstate highways were to the U.S.


All of the above primarily deals with the general population. Modi's done a lot more when it comes to reforms within the govt itself, as well as improving the way we conduct business and also infrastructure development.

So, no, not even one of your reasons had anything to do with Modi's reelection.
You know that I can produce at least that many or probably more anti modi news stories ranging from his bungling in currency crisis to farmers committing suicide to stalled infrastructure projects ... rafale fiasco so on and so forth...
So, let's leave it at what this leads to... he is the prime minister of India after all!
Both imply fake saints, who fool the common folks.

Modi does have the gift-of-gab, his one liner jumlas are legendary, charismatic as per Indian standards, and has a 31 year indoctrination called social work in RSS as a Paracharak...Modi knew how to engage people, how to get the electorates.

And exactly know the likes and dislikes, do's and don'ts related to the common Indian man, fake and fudged it might be.
Light, camera, action!! Modi meditating in full camera (read public) glare...

...his official photographers?? seems yes!



Light camera action...Modi presumably meditating so as to get his picture taken and published across the media...(picture perfect...isn't it)

He is the only one who meditates in front of his official photographers!



What I am worried most after seeing these photographs, is that if the patent scoundrels and rascals like Modi also started laying claims on meditations; then the difference between meditation and masturbation would deem to vanish.
What I am worried most after seeing these photographs, is that if the patent scoundrels and rascals like Modi also started laying claims on meditations; then the difference between meditation and masturbation would deem to vanish.
What do yoi think of various politioans like mamata offering salah

Modi does have the gift-of-gab, his one liner jumlas are legendary, charismatic as per Indian standards, and has a 31 year indoctrination called social work in RSS as a Paracharak...Modi knew how to engage people, how to get the electorates.

And exactly know the likes and dislikes, do's and don'ts related to the common Indian man, fake and fudged it might be.
Now i can imagine how men of god are made..

Light, camera, action!! Modi meditating in full camera (read public) glare...

...his official photographers?? seems yes!



Light camera action...Modi presumably meditating so as to get his picture taken and published across the media...(picture perfect...isn't it)

He is the only one who meditates in front of his official photographers!


I am trying get the real estate for the spot from where he will ascend to heaven. Waa.. i can be reach for my life and generations aftet me... lol

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