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(OLD News 2019) COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa given 3 years extension

Lol at stupid posters above.

Every analyst at the moment on every news channel is hailing this decision. Geo TV, ary, dawn, dunya etc...they all are praising timely decision... This is wise step by IK... keeping national security in mind wrt Eastern border.
We've been having national security issues since 1947 mate.

There's isn't a war going on...we shouldn't be dependent on people, rather institutions.

Let's face it, this decision is mainly because IK and COAS get along with each other, and make a good team. That maybe a good reason in itself, since we all know how animosity between the PM and COAS can have bad results.

But don't sell that national security thing over here my friend. What if I tell you I posted somewhere 3 months back that he'll get the extension? There was no "national security" or Article 370 threat then was there?

It could have been for 1 year if there was an impending "war".
I think, another extension after 1 year will raise the eyebrows. Its better to give 3 years in one shot.
he is learning. Before he was sitting on stadium chair , now he is in the playground.

His action don't necessarily portray that he is learning.

Gen Bajwa appointed COAS for another three years

ISLAMABAD: General Qamar Javed Bajwa has been appointed as the Chief of Army Staff for another three years.

"General Qamar Javed Bajwa is appointed Chief of Army Staff for another term of three years from the date of completion of current tenure. The decision has been taken in view of regional security environment," read the notification issued by Prime Minister Imran Khan's office.

Worse decision ever. I have profound faith in Pak army officer corp. Who knows if his juniors are more accomplished/competent.
Juniors will certainly be upset, this is well in cue to clear the way for politically active Faiz Hameed as the next chief. From the looks of it, the top brass has gone bad to worse. Bajwa is not popular in the intelligentsia, neither is he hard hitting as the previous one, just another Kayani. We never learn. Never.
His action don't necessarily portray that he is learning.
lol well he is rookie, need instructor to keep him straight....joke aside. Military very much involve in handling borders and foreign policy. Specially, after US withdrawal there are chances of civil war in Afghanistan, specially recent surge of ISIS in Afghanistan.
The Agencies and the Government have much, much more strategic information related to National Security Issues. There must a very good reason or reasons why this decision was taken. I know a few members do not like this, but something really critical is taking place in the region and to change Military Leadership at this juncture would be suicidal.
I can assure you, more matter how intelligent you are, and no matter how experienced you are, BUT when you Start a "New Position" even in the same organisation, it takes months for the Person to settle down and take the helm of the new position. I suspect this was also a major consideration. Something big is Brewing, and I am afraid this is preparation for it.
Juniors will certainly be upset, this is well in cue to clear the way for politically active Faiz Hameed as the next chief. From the looks of it, the top brass has gone bad to worse. Bajwa is not popular in the intelligentsia, neither is he hard hitting as the previous one, just another Kayani. We never learn. Never.
Bilal Akbar would have been a better COAS. First they wasted Gen Tariq now him.

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