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China Forces Churches to Replace Ten Commandments with Xi Jinping Quotes

You are not Chinese, how can you be sure about anything about China? We are Chinese, we know for sure that your perception on China and communism in China is wrong, but that's ok, you don't need to adopt it anyway, it's ours.

Communism isn't something Chinese. You don't need to be Chinese to understand Communism. You don't need to be Chinese to understand that Muslims are being put in concentration camps.
Communism isn't something Chinese. You don't need to be Chinese to understand Communism. You don't need to be Chinese to understand that Muslims are being put in concentration camps.
I said you don't understand Chinese communism, it's different from Russians' . You can believe whatever crap the western media feeds you, it's not our problem.
This statement will surely make most people laugh in China. You don't understand why we don't believe God, we don't understand why you believe it, simple as that.

I don't understand atheism? What is there about atheism that is mysteriously Chinese that on some mystical level I have to be Chinese to understand atheism? Materialism was exported to China from the West.
I don't understand atheism? What is there about atheism that is mysteriously Chinese that on some mystical level I have to be Chinese to understand atheism? Materialism was exported to China from the West.
I said you know nothing about China, read again and you said you don't know why the Chinese don't believe the creator, not me.
I said you don't understand Chinese communism, it's different from Russians' . You can believe whatever crap the western media feeds you, it's not our problem.

Russian Communism: Religious people put in camps
Chinese Communism: Religious people put in camps
Spanish Communism: Religious people murdered
Mexican Communism during Plutarco Calles: Religious people murdered
Cuban Communism: Priviliged lives for Communist Party members, those who don't join starve, must renounce belief in God and embrace atheism to join Communist Party

I get that there are certain slight variations..... I mean you might simply rape and kill religious believers.... you might put them in camps.... you might be relatively mild as in Cuba..... but there are certain general trends.....
Russian Communism: Religious people put in camps
Chinese Communism: Religious people put in camps
Spanish Communism: Religious people murdered
Mexican Communism during Plutarco Calles: Religious people murdered
Cuban Communism: Priviliged lives for Communist Party members, those who don't join starve, must renounce belief in God and embrace atheism to join Communist Party

I get that there are certain slight variations..... I mean you might simply rape and kill religious believers.... you might put them in camps.... you might be relatively mild as in Cuba..... but there are certain general trends.....
You can believe whatever crap the western media feeds you, it's not our problem.
You can believe whatever crap the western media feeds you, it's not our problem.

That's the same thing that Communists in ___________ (insert name of pretty much of any country) say.

Everything is "Western imperialism". Either you're with the Commies or you're with the "imperialismo yankee" as they say in Latin America. Everything is allegedly a plot by Western imperialism. You try to portray it as "I don't understand Chinese Communism" but what you're saying is no different than what Communists in pretty much every country say. Maybe you don't realize how much experience Latin Americans have had with Communism. We're the people that gave the world Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez, etc. We're not anglos.

You try to say that I don't understand Chinese Communism but then you say generic Communist rhetoric that could come from pretty much anywhere. Everything is "imperialismo yankee, imperialismo yankee" you can listen to pretty much any speech by any of the Latin American Communists I mentioned and hear the exact same rhetoric in Spanish. Just go listen to TeleSur and you can basically hear the same stuff all day.

This is the most generic Communist rhetoric. This is like Communist Rhetoric 101. This is just basic, standard Marxism-Leninism.

Apparently, I'm a stooge of imperialismo yankee or whatever its called in whatever local language Communism is being imported into because I don't think it's cool to throw Muslims in concentration camps. Apparently, the idea that maybe it's not cool to throw Muslims in concentration camps is a conspiracy by zeh Western imperialists!

Honestly, I genuinely am opposed to Western imperialism and this cookie-cutter Communist rhetoric just reduces anti-imperialism to a rhetorical gimmick.

In actual fact... look

this is why I'm fed up with the Communists........

the Communists talk all day "Western imperialism," "imperialismo yankee," whatever you want to call it in your local lingo..........

but in all actuality

Communism IS Western imperialism

zeh Vestern Imperialists are way more scared of us Muslims than they are of you Communists...... the Western imperialists back Communists and Communism is a Western ideology.........

when you want to talk about fighting against Western imperialism- Islam is the front line of anti-imperialism.....

Communists are fake anti-imperialists..... the Communists talk resistance to Western imperialism, Muslims live it.... our whole of life, our whole of being is in direct opposition to Western imperialism...... the Communists talk anti-imperialism as they force Western ideology on everyone.... they talk anti-imperialism but they don't live it... the Cold War was fake.... the "Russian"* Communists who managed to implant their Bolshevism into China were talking all their rhetoric.... as they were being funded by Wall Street


Communism is a tentacle of Western imperialism, it is fake resistance.....

when was the last time the US invaded a Communist country? as far as I'm aware, the West is focused on fighting Muslims and bombing Muslims...... the leftists in the US are basically becoming openly Communist.... Western imperialism isn't worried about Communists, its focus is on Muslims...... the Muslims are the real opposition to Western imperialism.... the average US person doesn't even care about Communism... the Western masses are being rallied against Islam not against Communism....


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That's the same thing that Communists in ___________ (insert name of pretty much of any country) say.

Everything is "Western imperialism". Either you're with the Commies or you're with the "imperialismo yankee" as they say in Latin America. Everything is allegedly a plot by Western imperialism. You try to portray it as "I don't understand Chinese Communism" but what you're saying is no different than what Communists in pretty much every country say. Maybe you don't realize how much experience Latin Americans have had with Communism. We're the people that gave the world Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez, etc. We're not anglos.

You try to say that I don't understand Chinese Communism but then you say generic Communist rhetoric that could come from pretty much anywhere. Everything is "imperialismo yankee, imperialismo yankee" you can listen to pretty much any speech by any of the Latin American Communists I mentioned and hear the exact same rhetoric in Spanish. Just go listen to TeleSur and you can basically hear the same stuff all day.

This is the most generic Communist rhetoric. This is like Communist Rhetoric 101. This is just basic, standard Marxism-Leninism.

Apparently, I'm a stooge of imperialismo yankee or whatever its called in whatever local language Communism is being imported into because I don't think it's cool to throw Muslims in concentration camps. Apparently, the idea that maybe it's not cool to throw Muslims in concentration camps is a conspiracy by zeh Western imperialists!

Honestly, I genuinely am opposed to Western imperialism and this cookie-cutter Communist rhetoric just reduces anti-imperialism to a rhetorical gimmick.

In actual fact... look

this is why I'm fed up with the Communists........

the Communists talk all day "Western imperialism," "imperialismo yankee," whatever you want to call it in your local lingo..........

but in all actuality

Communism IS Western imperialism

zeh Vestern Imperialists are way more scared of us Muslims than they are of you Communists...... the Western imperialists back Communists and Communism is a Western ideology.........

when you want to talk about fighting against Western imperialism- Islam is the front line of anti-imperialism.....

Communists are fake anti-imperialists..... the Communists talk resistance to Western imperialism, Muslims live it.... our whole of life, our whole of being is in direct opposition to Western imperialism...... the Communists talk anti-imperialism as they force Western ideology on everyone.... they talk anti-imperialism but they don't live it... the Cold War was fake.... the Russian Communists who managed to implant their Bolshevism into China were talking all their rhetoric.... as they were being funded by Wall Street


Communism is a tentacle of Western imperialism, it is fake resistance.....

when was the last time the US invaded a Communist country? as far as I'm aware, the West is focused on fighting Muslims and bombing Muslims...... the leftists in the US are basically becoming openly Communist.... Western imperialism isn't worried about Communists, its focus is on Muslims...... the Muslims are the real opposition to Western imperialism.... the average US person doesn't even care about Communism... the Western masses are being rallied against Islam not against Communism....

Don't get so worked up, I don't really care who you are, what you believe have zero impact on we Chinese and China, it's ok for you to hate communism. as for me, I don't love any religions and I don't hate them, there are like non existence in my life, see, that's what makes us different, you feel so strong about loving or hating an ideology, but for most Chinese people, those are the least in our concerns, we only care about how to make our lives better.
Don't get so worked up, I don't really care who you are, what you believe have zero impact on we Chinese and China, it's ok for you to hate communism. as for me, I don't love any religions and I don't hate them, there are like non existence in my life, see, that's what makes us different, you feel so strong about loving or hating an ideology, but for most Chinese people, those are the least in our concerns, we only care about how to make our lives better.

not worked up but want to explain what Communism really is

EDIT: I'm not worked up against you personally but I do indeed hate Communism
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zeh Vestern Imperialists are way more scared of us Muslims

Yes, scared of Muslims like Assad and Gaddafi.

Because NATO backed so-called Muslims like the FSA, NTC, al-Qaeda etc.

when was the last time the US invaded a Communist country?

Libya, Syria and now Venezuela. All of them former or current Socialist countries. All invaded or being invaded by NATO.

Communism IS Western imperialism

So when Cuban Communist forces were helping the Leftist Angolans in the Angola War against the Western-backed Angolans, by your logic the Cubans were just playing war-war and this was not a real war at all.
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If China is bad.

It will be written in the Holy Book under Armageddon prophecy as the bad guy, whatever in Koran or Bible.
Yes, scared of Muslims like Assad and Gaddafi.

Because NATO backed so-called Muslims like the FSA, NTC, al-Qaeda etc.

Libya, Syria and now Venezuela. All of them former or current Socialist countries. All invaded or being invaded by NATO.

So when Cuban Communist forces were helping the Leftist Angolans in the Angola War against the Western-backed Angolans, by your logic the Cubans were just playing war-war and this was not a real war at all.

There is a lot of things here which are incorrect. Like for example, look what the response here:

Omar Al-Deek said:
when was the last time the US invaded a Communist country?

and then you said

"Libya, Syria and now Venezuela. All of them former or current Socialist countries. All invaded or being invaded by NATO."

My question was about Communist countries and you changed it to Socialist.

This is just dishonesty. Libya and Syria were not Communist countries. I think Libya could be classified as socialist but it wasn't Communist.

And then another instance of dishonesty is that you cite Venezuela as being invaded by the US.

I think I would have heard about that. The Venezuelan government spreading propaganda to make it seem as though the "yankee imperialists" are about to invade has been going on since before Maduro was in power.

We can see in this video Hugo Chavez refering to the supposedly imminent threat of yankee imperialist invasion around 0:38 (it's a little after but I point to 0:38 so people can see the context)

now he's talking as though the "yankee imperialists" are about to invade any minute.... in what I believe is from 2010. According to another upload of the video "Recordando cuando el entonces presidente Hugo Chávez maldice a Israel el día 02 de junio de 2010." So it says from 2010. It's almost ten years later and the "yankee imperialists" still haven't invaded. I'm sure if one really dug, you could probably find him in 2002 referencing a threat of imminent yankee invasion. It still hasn't happened.

you should read this:


I'm kind of amazed that Fidel Castro managed to impress people on the other side of the globe and that there are people way off in places like India thinking Fidel Castro is a hero..... I mean it kind of makes me happy for people on the other side of world to take an interest in Latin Americans and it kind of impresses me that we have people in far-off lands who are loving figures like Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.... I mean they definitely deserve a place in Latin American history for that..... but seriously, if you really want to know about Fidel, read that book.....

I wouldn't mind living like Fidel Castro myself..... I mean this guy was living a baller, shot caller lifestyle..... this man was living like royalty.... this guy was living like some kind of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg type figure while talking "en el nombre de los pobres"....... this was some super millionaire guy supposed to be representing the poor...... while his people are starving..... I'm not a fan of the "while my people are starving" part..... but I think I wouldn't mind trying out the yacht...... I might even get a speech against zeh vestern imperialists from onboard my yacht.....

EXCLUSIVE: How Fidel Castro lived like a king: Secret dream island, a string of mistresses, a luxury yacht and Holstein cows hoisted up to the fourth floor of his Havana hideaway


if that's being a revolutionary, I think I might like to try being a revolutionary myself........

Inside Fidel Castro’s life of luxury and ladies while country starved


Just how extravagant is Fidel Castro’s lifestyle?


I believe this what we in the scientific community refer to as being a "baller, shot caller"....

what I think would be less appealing to me would be the whole.......

being a Freemason thing......

for those who don't know, here is the Freemason handshake


and here is Fidel Castro demonstrating the freemason handshake for us with zeh capitalist David Rockefeller


here we have Vladimir Putin demonstrating the Freemason handshake for us as well




(the one on the right is Churchill)
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It’s a holdover days from imperial China, Mao said he can’t totally remove it as it’s too steep inside Chinese culture.
My question was about Communist countries and you changed it to Socialist.

To start with, I will address this point of yours.

Muslim-majority Socialist countries or many Muslim Socialists have an issue with the word Communism because of the notion that Communism is godless and these Socialists think it would be thus difficult or impossible to propagate Communism among the Muslim masses.

In my knowledge, there have been more "Socialist Muslim countries" than "Communist Muslim countries" because of this reason.

Among the openly Communist activists among Muslims have been in Indonesia and in Albania.

This is also true for non-Muslim cultures. Read the below extract from an article about Che Guevara's visit to India in 1959 :
During his time in Delhi, Guevara was also interviewed by journalist KP Bhanumathy for All India Radio. During the famous interview, Bhanumathy bluntly said to Guevara, “You are said to be a communist but communist dogmas won’t be accepted by a multi-religious society.” In reply, Che avoided calling himself a communist and asserted instead that he was a socialist who believed in equality and freedom from exploitation. He also mentioned that Gandhi’s teachings were noteworthy as they had finally brought freedom to India.
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This is another thread based on fake news. However, if China has done this, then good on them. They country, they rules. The Pope and the Mullahs should not have the authority to dictate to an independent country on who should be the lead ArchBishop in China or who should be the grand mullah in China. These religious people are evil people who have destroyed humanity by promoting bloodshed of humanity.

Unlike the destroyed civilizations in Pakistan, India, other Muslim countries and the Christian West, China does not carry the baggage of 'Religion'. And hopefully, China can ensure that it remains like this.

Communists have killed more people in the last 120 years than any religious people have in the past thousands of years.

If you believe this news story or not, I don't care. But if you really think these communists are some type of humane & rational people then you're really wrong.

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