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advantages Of Creation Of Bangladesh To Pakistan

Those Muslims were Indians/assimilated into India, thats what matter for me.

So your saying they are the daddy's of present day indians, :lol:! Timur was Turkic and Mongol, Ghaznavi was an Afghan and he and his army destroyed every Mandir they found, Babur was also from the land presently called Afghanistan and none of them were indian.

You only wish they were indian, but i can't blame you, Musalmano aur Ghoron ki ghulami to ki ha na:lol:

You people have been ruled by Persian, Greeks, Central Asians, Soviets and now pawn to Punjabi dominated Pakistan.

lol, don't talk out of your rear end my friend, first free those dalits in your country.

Yeah nobody stayed there because why would anyone want to stay in those fruitless rugged mountains with no resource/wealth whatsoever! :s

Lol, yea, i guess your right, those mountains are fruitless and that's why india invested $1 billion there and that's why the british tried to invade it, that's why the russians tried to invade it because they wanted to enjoy getting slaughtered by Afghans.

Stop worrying about my ancestors, your ancestors were first to be slaughtered by invading forces.

at least my ancestors died defending my country and my people, while you indians worshiped the British Ghoras. Not to mention you served them tea.

Even five generation down the line, people from your place probably will remember the current onslaught that is going on you, in a same way.

My people are actually proud of our heritage, we are proud to defeat the british and the Mughals, and even today if they are resisting then their doing it to protect their honor.

At least we don't worship invaders like you indians do.

Mostly confined to north west India. Never had a foothold on South and East India.

we didn't need south and east india, the british were already doing a good job down there :lol:

The defeat at Panipat ,halted Maratha expansion,and caused decline of the empire.

But why ignore the fact that later Afghan-Sikh wars led to the decline of the Durrani empire.

Battle of Attock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Multan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Shopian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Shopian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Nowshera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Attock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Jamrud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However,i respect the fact that Afghans defeated the British.

The Durrani empire fell into a internal war and for this reason they had to withdraw from india. Internal tribal rivalries played a major role in the decline of the Afghan empire and not external forces!
The problem with talking with bigots(that to of stupid kind) are that they always stick to some kinda medieval chest thumping and don't even know the meaning of assimilation. :s
at least my ancestors died defending my country and my people, while you indians worshiped the British Ghoras. Not to mention you served them tea.

Now one can keep wondering how and why Pathans got martial race title attached to them!
However,i respect the fact that Afghans defeated the British.

That was mainly Indian troops led by coward British officers who surrendered to save their skin but let their subordinate die in an unfamiliar battle field overrun by an enemy many times larger in number. British did take their revenge and put a puppet govt on Kabul's throne though.
but he wasn't from india as Abir is claiming!

The Mughals are hybrids after Akbar the Great. Of Mongol, Rajput, and some Persian make up. And his next generations are.
My people are actually proud of our heritage, we are proud to defeat the british and the Mughals

Pashtun didnt defeat the Mughals. The Mughal emperor at the time was an intolerate bigot, that tried to force sharia law on India(which failed) and reinstalled jizya tax. This lead factions like the Sikhs and Marathas to rebel and other smaller factions to rebel all over India. And lost old allies like the rajputs.


Read "27 Maratha Year War That Changed Course Of Indian History". Then you can understand for yourself. And please end this. Because what is the state of affairs in Afghanistan right know? I wouldnt be talking ****.

That's because they never were conquered.

Many many times. Bro get OVER IT. There is no perfect unconquered people. And the Pashtuns are no exceptions. Foreigners after foreigners. Took over your land and used your people in their armies.
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Ninja i'm weaponless with respect to you. You take pride of your ancestors demolishing Hindu worship places. Now I'm a born Hindu, agonistic in nature, I can't possibly take pride of breaking Babri Masjid, can I? Rather it makes me sick. See you won the argument. I guess Romans felt the same helplessness against Berbers! Or Muslims against Mongols!
@Abir, don't get angry at me, get angry at perceptron (who is your own countrymen by the way) for starting this whole off topic subject. He was the one who said Pakistanis are "more Arab than Arabs", and that Pakistanis have hindu blood and i only replied to him but you guys decided to jump in!

if anyone's a bigot here, its your own fellow indian who started all this, not me!
Silent Ninja & Abir with Associates why are you attacking each other so vigorously, the last battle hasn’t yet come, Save your energies for it.

Abir our battles started with Daibal(Karachi) in AD 712 till Kargil 1999 uptill now. There are many ups and downs in between them but what matters is the final position to date and today 9th Oct, 2010 the final positions are as follows;

Four important provinces of India are completely or partially are in ours (Muslim) control i.e. Sindh, Punjab, Bengal & Kashmir for the rest we are on target, be prepared.

And BTW the thread is not what both of you and now I’m too are talking about, we must stop here.
Silent Ninja & Abir with Associates why are you attacking each other so vigorously, the last battle hasn’t yet come, Save your energies for it.

Abir our battles started with Daibal(Karachi) in AD 712 till Kargil 1999 uptill now. There are many ups and downs in between them but what matters is the final position to date and today 9th Oct, 2010 the final positions are as follows;

Four important provinces of India are completely or partially are in ours (Muslim) control i.e. Sindh, Punjab, Bengal & Kashmir for the rest we are on target, be prepared.

And BTW the thread is not what both of you and now I’m too are talking about, we must stop here.

Sorry I don't believe in your version of 'Us and Them'!
Originally Posted by Tameem
Abir our battles started with Daibal(Karachi) in AD 712


See this is the part where you start getting stupid

You guys are not the descendants of Mughals or Arabs or Turks!

They came from Uzbekistan/Arabia not present day Pakistan

You were the first the fall in the invasion, Karachi and Multan burned

You were then forcefully converted under the sword

And now you try to forge an identity to associate yourselves with the ones who invaded you and plundered your lands

THAT is the irony, and that has and will continue to be been your undoing

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