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Balochistan CM on TV: Iran threatened Pilgrim; You have to go to Pakistan, We will not keep you here

Pakistan has not opened border for Afghans or Chinese. The coward govt. manipulated by a shia dalaal adviser Bukhari [whose cousin was in Taftan] opened for coronavirus carriers perhaps the worst thing to happen to Paksitan. And the shia dalaals are more concerned about Iran and those carriers than themselves or other Paksitanis making it a sectarian issue.

Just so you know, Referring to yourself or another as Shia or Sunni or any sect takes you out of Islam.
There are no sects in Islam.


Might want to use your brain towards that research while Allah has blessed you with the Internet.
But then again you are too low lifer of a person to expect, given you just used terrible language for a good percentage of the population of your country.
Remove that flag from your sorry *** face. You don't belong to it.

@waz @Dubious
The person is repeatedly using the word "Dalaal for Shia's.
Pakistan has close to 400 positive cases whereas India has 180 and we are the one risking the whole South Asia.

Every flight that came from India to UAE had Covid-19 affected passengers till a 14 day quarantine was declared for every passenger arriving from India.
Indian Airlines were asked to cancel all flights to UAE from India.

Wonder why?

Wait till it all explodes and you figure what India has which its trying to denounce and ignore like always.

Babab ji please don't issue fatwa try to understand the situation.
Ok I change iword to pimp now its fine?

We are all low lifes only shias are the blessed ones, which is why we are in this mess, now happy?
Bukhari is nothing but a bloody corrupt real estate fraud who has made offshore accounts in British Virgin Islands using nefarious activities.

This person has endangered lives of many in Pakistan. His doing had a sectarian purpose and we are all paying for it.
Pakistan ke hamdard nahi ho tum log so I don't care about your sorry a**. Pakistan main khaate, UAE main peetay hain or Iran ka dum bharte hain tuhari auqaat dikhaadi Iran ne, Pakistani bante hain.

Not your mistake.
You only know the language taught by whoever tried to bring you up.
Still a low lifer busy using his shit tongue for an entire people.
The Pilgrams were our Citizens and we had to take them back blaming them and GOP is Idiotic. But Iran has first tried to hide to the out break in their Country and when everything Blew up they pushed our Countrymen out completely knowing that there was no infrastructure there to hold had they cooperated with GOP rather than forcing our hand the situation could have been controlled.

GOP wasnt expecting an outbreak in Iran. The expectation was it will come from China and Quarantine centers were being built for that purpose in Haji Camp I-14 Islamabad and one other location. A lot of new construction was done for that purpose. Had Iranians not tried to hide the outbreak there we would have had the necessary facilities there.

The biggest problem here are our idiot masses and they will neither understand the importance of Quarantine and social distancing nor the consequences of what their actions will bring.

@waz @Dubious this thread needs some cleaning.
We have cases and we know about them. India is not testing the domestic spread. They don't know and that is more dangerous. I am not targeting India I am telling you the reality.

You know reality better than the residents of that country :) Fact of the matter is you know zilch. You were happy earlier that India had corona cases coming and giving a pat on your back that you did not bring your citizens from China. Now you have more cases then you came up with a theory that we are not taking the domestic spread seriously.

Every flight that came from India to UAE had Covid-19 affected passengers till a 14 day quarantine was declared for every passenger arriving from India.
Indian Airlines were asked to cancel all flights to UAE from India.

Wonder why?

Wait till it all explodes and you figure what India has which its trying to denounce and ignore like always.

Care to share the link and why Indian Airlines only ?
Correction. Iran has spent a lot of money to fight wars thrown against her, including the recruitment and arming of rebels against Assad by the Saudis, CIA, and Mossad.

And also the only one doing something for Palestinians through Hezboullah and not abandoning and openly and covertly embracing Israel like others.

And I don't have to be a Irani Sympathizer to know or say this. Takes a bit of independent thought process and not a manipulated one.
Little over-refined correction for you, Wars in Syria,Yemen and Lebanan are none of Iran's business,none of these states do share any border with Iran.
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Oh, did you miss the news Saudi told Pakistan the same, Ouch, Don't you hate it when the comments come to bite you in the ***.. Don't stop now, go ahead and swallow!!!!!!!!!!

Really? Two dead In Pakistan came from Saudi Arabia and Dubai!!!!!
Hold your verbosity whoever you are. I have no love lost for Saudi also but that does not mean Iran's leash should be opened. Dont try to be more christian than pope.
I like how every related thread is banned because it involved names of the blessed Kushner - Goldsmith family but this thread is fine.

Did Iran allow PDF to keep this thread opened?

First of all is it Iranian citizens or Pakistani citizens?

Who is responsible for them Iran KSA or Pakistan? They are not duel nationals they are Pakistani nationals. Coronavirus was not in Pakistan but Pakistani in other countries were infected which meant we needed to start preparing. Did we prepared in advance?

It is our mistake that we failed to anticipate. Our first death occurred from a KSA returned patient so who was responsible KSA or Iran. None they have obligation to their citizens we have for our own. Build quarantine facilities make the whole country quarantine cause this deseas is not a joke. It is a real threat.
We didnt take Pakistani CITIZENS from China....So your point being?
We didnt take Pakistani CITIZENS from China....So your point being?
We did not took from China cause China agreed to facilitate them and China proved that. We will not now take from Iran as well cause Iran has agreed to facilitate our citizens. But we will have to take back from Saudis cause they are not. That is my point.
We will not now take from Iran as well cause Iran has agreed to facilitate our citizens.
After sending some really sick ones and spreading it across our border...Sorry but isnt that too late?

But we will have to take back from Saudis cause they are not. That is my point.
It is not a comparison. Saudi claimed to close their borders, those within Saudi (including my own cousin) are not being kicked out. SO I am not sure what you are talking about! They wont stop those who want to go back (Voluntarily- which is religiously wrong as Islam says stay put), but they wont take new people in...But if Iran is kicking out our citizens THAT is religiously wrong- as Islam says during the spread of a disease STAY PUT! not cross borders or force some to do so!

If it was an unfriendly country, that is biological terrorism right there! Knowingly sending masses who MAYBE sick back forcefully!
It is not a comparison. Saudi claimed to close their borders, those within Saudi (including my own cousin) are not being kicked out. SO I am not sure what you are talking about! They wont stop those who want to go back (Voluntarily- which is religiously wrong as Islam says stay put), but they wont take new people in...

Saudis kicked out Umrah travelers I can prove it. They first gave pia 3 days then extended it a bit. I can post images from airports and the condition those people were in there. I hope we end this discussion cause it is not good for us.
THAT was wrong, so Iran is AS wrong as Saudi? What is left to compare? Since both are SAME?
Chor bahi in baton ko,Tell us what your knowledge says about this virus,is it really going to go far as being shown?

We did not took from China cause China agreed to facilitate them and China proved that. We will not now take from Iran as well cause Iran has agreed to facilitate our citizens. But we will have to take back from Saudis cause they are not. That is my point.
Chor bahi in baton ko,Tell us what your knowledge says about this virus,is it really going to go far as being shown?
I am not sure, not a virologist Plus the virus is behaving differently than its other family members...SO researchers are on their toes looking into it...Too early to state any proper deductions

Ignorance is a bliss...When you fail to say a wrong as a wrong, you give birth to god syndrome!
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