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Heartbreaking Scene of Hunger from India

Your all efforts of showing true image of Bharat, are going in vain,GoI has already shifted blame of COVID-19+Lockdown and misrey due to lockdown, on Muslims.I am sure majority of Hindus have accepted this and every video or image showing misrey of common Bharati is going to increase chances of mass purge against Muslims.
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Shupa paawaa in all its glory.

All sympathies to the down trodden of India. They have been left to rott by the hindu terrorists regime, who in honesty despise and feel ashamed of these poor people. Modi erected wall to hide them from Trump and world.

For all those who are talking non sense about PMIK opposition to complete lockdown, images like these from India should knock some sense.
Look how 'misreporting' led to Islamophobic comments
This kind of thing happens every where in the world with unfortunate consequences. This is seriously making a mountain of a molehill. There are other real cases of Islamophobia from India. This is not it. Sorry for calling this out.

A lot of times WSJ, NYT, WaPo etc. make erroneous mistake and never apologize, which is way more common than you may realize. If a media makes mistake and corrects it within a reasonable times, it should be acceptable.
This kind of thing happens every where in the world with unfortunate consequences. This is seriously making a mountain of a molehill. There are other real cases of Islamophobia from India. This is not it. Sorry for calling this out.

A lot of times WSJ, NYT, WaPo etc. make erroneous mistake and never apologize, which is way more common than you may realize. If a media makes mistake and corrects it within a reasonable times, it should be acceptable.

Stop lying, you sneaky Hindu. We already know how much the Hindu media hates Muslims after an Indian anchor dedicated an entire segment to talking about population Jihad and land Jihad.
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