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Pantsir S1 in Pakistan Army ?

And how many TB2 were shot down? As long as the ratio is good it's worth it. No air defense is perfect just as no shield is perfect.
14 tb2 shot down. ( All are not shotdown by pantsir )
4 to 5 pantsir destroyed in libya ( all by tb2 except 1 by an aircraft. )
The irony here is that the Pantsir is supposed to down said UAVs. I think this has more to do with the poor employment/training of the Syrian regime. Remember, these guys wouldn't have beaten the civilian rebels without the help of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, etc.

Agreed. This has been a perennial problem with many Soviet/Russian weapon systems that only perform optimally within highly constrained environments. The Iraqis, Syrians and now these Libyan rebels are learning the hard way.

It also shows why Pakistan must invest in platforms like the Bayraktar Akıncı drones of Turkey and hypersonic missiles to neutralize AD systems on its eastern border.
This has been a perennial problem with many Soviet/Russian weapon systems that only perform optimally within highly constrained environments.
It is the same to the western weapon systems.
The irony here is that the Pantsir is supposed to down said UAVs. I think this has more to do with the poor employment/training of the Syrian regime. Remember, these guys wouldn't have beaten the civilian rebels without the help of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, etc.
this is what happen when you give arms in hands of stupid war lords

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