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are these people loyal to Pakistan or iran

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Well this is an absurd attempt at creating/normalizing sectarian rifts.
It's true that the overwhelming majority of Pakistani Shiites consider Iran to be sacred mostly due to religious affiliation but also as someone in the same capacity as what Turkey is to people (tribes with roots to Turkey) in Central Asia. And it doesn't needs to come down to ethnicity (ethnicity plays minimal or no role percentage wise), but all down to what muslims in India felt for Ottoman Sultanate.
And before anyone rants and calls me out for comparing Iran with the mighty Ottomans, i would like to clarify that the comparison made here is to present a relatable example of how a guarantor/second-home/successor/propagator of what you hold dear is perceived but its never at the expense of one's own nation (and certainly not as a community as the original poster desperately tries to generalize).
On an individual level, even SSG and members of Navy turned out to be traitors/terrorists going against the very state but if the rationale of these sectarian posters is put in the context then by their logic SSG or Navy is loyal to some state which owns the Madrassah who indoctrinated them, and not to Pakistan.
I would also like to point out here that the thing "talking against Shiites will deem you this or that" and throwing this as a joke will lead to subtly accepting this term as a normal and would intentionally or unintentionally give some sort of an umbrella to people who will be using this for speaking/labelling/tantrum against a whole Sect which in any case will bring us back to the time period of 2009-2013.
And lastly, no armed Shiite group has attacked the state of Pakistan or even went against it as other purely sectarian groups have done in the past, and if some one was posting against any other sect just on the basis of this known fact the same Post/logic which this poster has been posting on this forum, we all know how his bullshit would be called out!!
- Is everything perfect?
No, but is anything perfect anywhere else?
- is the situation damning?
No, and certainly not enough to damn a whole sect or their established communities/organizations to be labelled as traitors.
And as for the Hezbullah flags, though it is considered by US as a terrorist organization but i still remember how the people of Pakistan (regardless of sect or any division) used to waive flags of Hezbullah and support it during the Lebanon War. And this has stemmed from that same sense of pride this organization holds as being the only fighting Arab force which can take on Israel.
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It would be easier to have a discussion with a non Muslim if you do not use technical Islamic terms which non Muslims do not understand.

It is pertinent to note that even a kattar Muslim nation like Pakistan has issues about its citizens behaving like an Ummah, over their Pakistani identity primarily.

You can imagine what Hindus in India would feel like.

This is not negotiable. Or compromisable.
Takfiris = Sectarians who declare every other sect or even political groups as Kafir.

In India's case, Muslims are marginalised too, I am sure economic integration would help much.
Takfiris = Sectarians who declare every other sect or even political groups as Kafir.

In India's case, Muslims are marginalised too, I am sure economic integration would help much.

In India it has always boiled down (since I've become socially or politically conscious) to Indians (non Muslim) not being completely confident of the primary loyalty of Indian Muslims being to India and not to Muslims and Islam.

If that were not there, in the backdrop of the partition and creation of Pakistan, then I believe that Hindutva would never had gotten the traction it has and did.
So many Shias with Hezbollah flags..

Those yellow flags are not Hezbollah flags.

It's like watching a video of Indian Muslims protesting about Palestine and israel.

Our nations are the same people. Videos like this bring that home so starkly, to people cut off for more than 7 decades with zero contact.

@jamahir @Naofumi

I don't think there is zero contact. Artistes on both sides have kept contact and so have peace missions and that has percolated down to the masses though in India presently there is a greater hate for Pakistan but that is due to India's larger population percentage.

Too much religious fervour among people, in Muslims even more but there's no considerable Sunni-Shi'a rivalry in India.

There is too much religious fervor in India among all communities, not just Muslims.

@jamahir these are the people fighting for Assad.

Are you referring to the young age of the band participants ?
Those yellow flags are not Hezbollah flags.

I don't think there is zero contact. Artistes on both sides have kept contact and so have peace missions and that has percolated down to the masses though in India presently there is a greater hate for Pakistan but that is due to India's larger population percentage.

There is too much religious fervor in India among all communities, not just Muslims.

Are you referring to the young age of the band participants ?

Wagah border and cricket matches in Dubai are not contact.
Who the f are you to tell us what we can or cannot do.

You indians speak with two tongues...see I posted and you changed like a lizard you are. Why is pakistani flag not allowed in india when you made a comment about freedom of expression. You bs about the largest democracy was p1ssed on in one reply wasnt it

we have history of war between us how can we raise flag of pakistan ?
I agree. Not mentioning those.

But what comes across Wagah to land up in Delhi for food festivals, clothing festivals etc... those are part of the peace missions.

Is this history or do these still happen.
Pak should limit who goes to iran

title of rt vid says pakistanis me thinking looking at there flags dont think so

who are they kidding ,these scum need to be watched they are the type to recruit for shiite iran,these scums houses need to be searched
its against Israel which is not recognized by Pakistan however carrying a hezobolah flag shouldn't be allowed , also we shouldn't allow this culture of burning flags of sovereign countries but mad mullahs who can control them and their blind followers
its against Israel which is not recognized by Pakistan however carrying a hezobolah flag shouldn't be allowed , also we shouldn't allow this culture of burning flags of sovereign countries but mad mullahs who can control them and their blind followers

Are you Hindus allowed to have saffron flags in Pakistan?

The traditional two pointed ones.

With or without a trishul at the top.
Nope, their fanatical actions.

I knew that your post was referring to that. Well, all I will say is they have been trained well. I watched a vid some years ago which had some Hezbollah fighters trying to take over a building from some FSA fighters. Some of the vid's comments were saying that those Hezbollah fighters moved like nicely trained special forces.

Is this history or do these still happen.

I don't think the clothing and food festivals happen but yesterday's newspaper carried a report about the PIPFPD ( Pakistan Indian People's Forum for Peace and Democracy ) which called the two governments to release women prisoners and fishermen prisoners who are currently jailed in each other's countries. This was a request on the occasion of Ramzaan and also keeping Corona in mind.
Are you Hindus allowed to have saffron flags in Pakistan?

The traditional two pointed ones.

With or without a trishul at the top.

I saw once at Nani's mandir in Baluchistan didn't see the actual eblem I remember it was saffron color however if you are asking on the streets or neighborhoods i guess no one wants wants to invite some mad men to burn and loot their houses and properties. However in Karachi I recall Hindus friends or class fellows we had were from very prosperous families , we use to celerbrate holy even , that's Pakistan was like how India is now the religious venom is starting to spread.
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