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Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

And, may be, next attack will be on pak Parliament.
But its just speculation.

Lahore or risalpur is a likely candidate idk why but i just have that gut feeling. Even though attacks like this occur and karachi is not so often very safe.. I have been freaking out ever since i heard the news about this. It has never happened before.It just keeps coming to me and i can't really rest thinking about it.

A war is not distant, I'm afraid...
Well in morning i was really really angry, told the concerned that my head will explode but then ....you do what you got to do

@Foxtrot Alpha

Once during a discussion with my older brother, he said that he didn't choose the intelligence field because it is a thankless goalkeeper's job, meaning no matter how many goals the goalie saves, he is remembered and blamed for the one's he conceded.

If he can think this (he now carries stars on his chest), you should cut yourself some slack, you are serving your country well. I wish with all my heart i was able to serve my country in some way.
Inilliahi wainailaihi raji'un

Kudos to the braves for stopping these haraami filthy dogs sponsored by Chai wala Hindutva brigade, Pakistan has to go on the offensive now, we can't afford any more martyrs at the hands of evildoers.
Salman Hammal was a member of Balochistan National Movement that has close affiliation with BLF & LeB. In his initial time he was part of BNM's Social Media team.
To be noted Salman Hammal was a Student at varsity (allegedly? ) and campaigning for BSO (not to be confused with BSO-Azad)
A lot of top investigative journos follow the BNM account on Twitter. Sometimes I think they're just naive and don't know that these are infact recruitment pools for their militant wings.

At other times, I'm pissed.
I think you haven't seen the photos of the ammunition & explosives these guys were packing?
As i said earlier, this is the Copy /paste attack on chinese consulate & PC Gwadar.. Mission is to stay in headlines, get Intl' media to pick on the news, effect Pakistan economically....Whether they get killed at the gate or manage to penetrate the building, it is a win win for them
Exactly. They dont want to do maximum damage on ground. The Indian strategy is to keep Baloch sepratists relevent. So that we ease up in Kashmir.
Pakistan should brush this attack aside. Carry out a brutal fact finding inquiry and press confrence showing proof of clear indian involvement and put the pressure back on India. Trust me Indians are already under serious pressure with China. Lets join in add some more.
Cock smokers:

I just woke up and saw the dreadful news. My blood boils. For **** sake its 2020. These type of attacks should not happen in any way or form. This government and bajwa company has failed miserably. From balochistan to wazirstan terror is one the rise and now it has reached the mainstream cities. There was an attack on rangers a few days back, an IED explosion in Pindi, targetted killing of cops in Islamabad and since the enemy is not deterred Lahore might be next. Say goodbye to the newfound tourism industry.

The government gave bajwa an extension under the pretext of state security and what the **** has he done. He needs to go.
Sometimes i feel like if Raheel Sharif had taken that extension we would've been in a much better state.
If you really want us to win the psychological battle
Go to this video and like all pakistani comments, add your own,the truth must prevail. Roast some cockroaches.
Excuse my innocence, i can't see all those years of development go to waste and our reputation tarnished

Please do this for all foreign reports, ive done my part
Again, excuse my naivety and innocence.

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