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How the Islamic Revolution put an end to zionist rule in Iran

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Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
This thread is dedicated to all the blessed shuhaada, jaanbaaz and aazaadegaan of Islamic Iran who, by virtue of their faith, abnegation, dedication and unconditional loyalty (all values which the zionist cabal is relentlessly targetting in more or less subtle manners, using a multitude of schemes) made the Islamic Revolution possible and kept it alive and well to this day, which in turn resulted it cutting off the hands of international zionism and its Haifaite Baahaai avatar from Iran.

What many younger Iranians tend to ignore, is the extent to which their country was being oppressed under the yoke of thieving, corrupt zionist oligarchs during the traitorous ousted Pahlavi monarchy. Iran's submission to the US, which went as far as granting American citizens legal immunity for whatever crimes they would commit against locals, under the terms of the shameless capitulation treaty, is something many are familiar with. Not so the more discrete but far more prejudicial and extensive zionist infiltration and domination of Iran.

So arrogant were these horrendous bloodsuckers that they would rub their usurped status in the face of the downtrodden masses of Iran with maximal sadistic glee. This is perhaps best illustrated by a sinister episode some years prior to the Revolution, when a nefarious Israel-firster, Hojabr Yazdaani, appeared on national TV to boast how his diamond ring was worth more than the totality of the real estate in the city he had settled. While Yasdaani was uttering these words, millions of Iranians were struggling to survive in unbelievably abject living conditions, in a poverty far more shocking than what can be observed in lower income segments of Iran today.

Outwardly, they systematically claimed to be flawless patriots, of course, much like their globalist freemason and Hafaite Bahaai oligarchic counterparts, while the servile Pahlavi regime's propaganda contributed to whitewashing their crimes. In effect though, not only was the zionist regime assured of their actual loyalty but they were busy milking and exploiting Iran like there's no tomorrow.

By the grace of Allah subhaanaa wa ta'aalaa, this criminal zionist domination of Iran was uprooted, crushed and buried for good in 1979.

The misplaced sense of entitlement never left these supremacist zionist elites and those gravitating around them though. Even today, you might stumble accross some mentally challenged zionist preferring to delude themselves into imagining it is them who are calling the shots in Iran, so that they would be allowed to abuse Iranians with impunity and to treat Iran as their private possession.

However, the bitter truth from the perspective of these maniacs is that the best they can hope for is to anonymously insult Iranians and their symbols of pride on internet sites, social media and forums, while travelling to Iran and concluding that therefore, they are above the law (as if Iranian security agencies really cared about the sad antics of a bunch of isolated, deranged, fugitive zionist nobodies with zero influence spewing their venom and spreading their mischief on the internet). Which shows you, my dear Iranian baraadars, how much these zionists are burning from having been given the boot and having had their hands cut off from Iran and its naamus in 1979.

This discussion is equally of import insofar as it counters and neutralizes the anti-Iran propaganda spread by certain quarters in the region which, acting as lackeys to the zionist apartheid entity, attempt to call into question Iran's anti-zionist resistance credentials via generously funded disinformation campaigns and faulty rewriting of history.
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@waz Sorry to bother you, sir, but how can I remove the picture in the o.p.? There does not seem to be an option for doing so, and the inserted picture appears nowhere when I try to edit the post.
@waz Sorry to bother you, sir, but how can I remove the picture in the o.p.? There does not seem to be an option for doing so, and the inserted picture appears nowhere when I try to edit the post.

I did it my friend.
This thread is dedicated to all the blessed shuhaada, jaanbaaz and aazaadegaan of Islamic Iran who, by virtue of their faith, abnegation, dedication and unconditional loyalty (all values which the zionist cabal is relentlessly targetting in more or less subtle manners, using a multitude of schemes) made the Islamic Revolution possible and kept it alive and well to this day, which in turn resulted it cutting off the hands of international zionism and its Haifaite Baahaai avatar from Iran.

What many younger Iranians tend to ignore, is the extent to which their country was being oppressed under the yoke of thieving, corrupt zionist oligarchs during the traitorous ousted Pahlavi monarchy. Iran's submission to the US, which went as far as granting American citizens legal immunity for whatever crimes they would commit against locals, under the terms of the shameless capitulation treaty, is something many are familiar with. Not so the more discrete but far more prejudicial and extensive zionist infiltration and domination of Iran.

So arrogant were these horrendous bloodsuckers that they would rub their usurped status in the face of the downtrodden masses of Iran with maximal sadistic glee. This is perhaps best illustrated by a sinister episode some years prior to the Revolution, when a nefarious Israel-firster, Hojabr Yazdaani, appeared on national TV to boast how his diamond ring was worth more than the totality of the real estate in the city he had settled. While Yasdaani was uttering these words, millions of Iranians were struggling to survive in unbelievably abject living conditions, in a poverty far more shocking than what can be observed in lower income segments of Iran today.

Outwardly, they systematically claimed to be flawless patriots, of course, much like their globalist freemason and Hafaite Bahaai oligarchic counterparts, while the servile Pahlavi regime's propaganda contributed to whitewashing their crimes. In effect though, not only was the zionist regime assured of their actual loyalty but they were busy milking and exploiting Iran like there's no tomorrow.

By the grace of Allah subhaanaa wa ta'aalaa, this criminal zionist domination of Iran was uprooted, crushed and buried for good in 1979.

The misplaced sense of entitlement never left these supremacist zionist elites and those gravitating around them though. Even today, you might stumble accross some mentally challenged zionist preferring to delude themselves into imagining it is them who are calling the shots in Iran, so that they would be allowed to abuse Iranians with impunity and to treat Iran as their private possession.

However, the bitter truth from the perspective of these maniacs is that the best they can hope for is to anonymously insult Iranians and their symbols of pride on internet sites, social media and forums, while travelling to Iran and concluding that therefore, they are above the law (as if Iranian security agencies really cared about the sad antics of a bunch of isolated, deranged, fugitive zionist nobodies with zero influence spewing their venom and spreading their mischief on the internet). Which shows you, my dear Iranian baraadars, how much these zionists are burning from having been given the boot and having had their hands cut off from Iran and its naamus in 1979.

This discussion is equally of import insofar as it counters and neutralizes the anti-Iran propaganda spread by certain quarters in the region which, acting as lackeys to the zionist apartheid entity, attempt to call into question Iran's anti-zionist resistance credentials via generously funded disinformation campaigns and faulty rewriting of history.
Iran revolution 1979 will be remembered in history forever. It fundamentally changed the dynamic of ME and worldwide.

Same applied to China, when CCP took the power, the East and South East Asia geopolitics changed fundamentally. Can NOT imagine what will be if KMT win the civil war.
Truman is a fool, period.
Iran revolution 1979 will be remembered in history forever.

The Russian revolution of 1917 will also be remembered in history forever.

It started of with the noble cause of freeing the people from the rule of the tsar , and ended up in an even worse dictatorship , with million dying in gulags under the tyranny of Stalin and half of Europe living behind the Iron curtain.

I think history would remember more favorably the day they knocked down the Berlin wall , soviet union fell, and east Europe set free ...

Same thing happened in Iran , they got rid of one monarch and found themselves in an even worse dictatorship.

One that is not content just to hold absolute power like any monarch . but also shoves it's nose into people private lives.,

1987- another moment in history :


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people really do forgEt how strong the grip of zionist jews and Bahais and freemasons was on Iran and Iranians banks, businesses and media...... the biggest thing Khomaini did was to cut off the hands of Zioscum from Iran.
Same thing happened in Iran , they got rid of one monarch and found themselves in an even worse dictatorship, one that is not content just to hold absolute power like any monarch but also shoves it's nose into people private lives.,

To qualify the Islamic Republic as a "dictatorship worse than the shah's" must be some sort of a joke. Iran is far more democratic than totalitarian, western so-called "democracies", let alone the Isra"el"i-controlled shah regime.

In Iran, the political camps alternating in power are literally 180 degrees apart, unlike the situation in the west, where corporate interests, zionist lobbies, powerful oligarchic secret societies and banksters are making sure that major formations from opposite spectrums of politics follow almost identical sets of policies. It makes hardly a difference to their citizens - and to those in developing countries who are at the receiving end of their bellicose imperial undertakings, who it is that nominally wields power in a liberal "democracy".

The political system in western regimes is totally locked, and citizens of those countries are increasingly realizing this. The Yellow Vest movement in France or the "populist" Trump phenomenon in the USA (although the latter is a deep-state engineered hoax to fool the masses, channel and thus neutralize the built up anger) are symptoms of this fact.

In Iran on the other hand, the liberal (reformist + centrist) camp is opposing the very principles and values of the political system in place - they are following a Gorbachev-cum-Yeltsin model of action whose goal it is to entirely modify the system from within, in short to operate "soft regime change", in addition to operating as fifth-columnists for Iran's existential geostrategic enemies (Isra"el" + NATO). Nothing even remotely comparable can be witnessed in any liberal so-called "democracy".

Imagine that in a liberal "democracy" of the west, one of the major contenders for the exercice of institutional power was staying loyal to the constitution and founding principles of the state, while the second one was systematically seeking to implement agendas defined by Iran's revolutionary forces, all the while of working towards step-by-step reforms at every level of the society, economy, culture and institutions, aimed at transforming said liberal "democracy" into an Islamic Republic modelled after Iran, in addition to disrupting national sovereignty and dismembering the country along so-called ethnic lines. That's what it would look like if western so-called "demoracies" were actually as democratic and pluralistic as Iran is today (which, by the way, I am not trying to portray as a good thing, far from it).

As for supposed interference in citizen's private lives, not only is this not accurate, but even if true, then we can only thank God for that, considering how the social engineering at play in the west and at the global scale, funded and implemented by the global oligarchy, not only deeply affects the private life of citizens (by promoting gender confusion, by targetting the nuclear family, by destroying culture through the spread of hollywoodian spectacle etc etc), it leads to outright anthropological transitions, and highly destructive, subversive and undesirable ones at that.

But, this topic is solely intended to deal with zionist domination of Iran before 1979, and how the Islamic Revolution put an end to it. It does not concern itself with who is more democratic, with social and cultural policy and so on. If someone intends to discuss those points, they can open a separate thread to that effect. Let's not drag this further off-topic.

It's great to see that Iran freed itself from the so-called "zionists" (a term Muslims throw around like sweets)

To become the biggest pariah and terrorist entity in the world. Sanctioned, friendless, isolated, broke and going cap-in-hand to the IMF to be bailed out.

Congrats on the victory :tup:

Honorable people prefer to die resisting and fighting their oppressors than to live on their knees until being dispensed the coup-the-grace by corporate enslavement, bankster vampirization, destruction of the nuclear family, child sexualization, gender confusion, transhumanism, ethno-confessional balkanization, undermining of national sovereignty, subversion of religious values and ultimately dissolution into a totalitarian "one-world" regime ruled over by a usurpatory oligarchy.
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In addition to the unwarranted ad hominem against moderator waz, user BATMAN's posts were off-topic as well.

The sole intent of this thread is to discuss the role of pro-Tel Aviv elements in Iran prior to 1979, and how the Revolution changed the equation in that respect. Anything else is off-topic.

This not about whether Iran is democratic enough or not, nor about the US's or Britain's relations with Iran.

Since it is a very rarely touched upon thematic many are entirely unaware of, it'd be unfortunate to see discussion on it suppressed by floods of off-topic material.

Please stick to the subject matter at hand. If you lack relevant information, please refrain from commenting, rather read and learn.
@BATMAN say one more thing to me again and I’m going lose it with you. Back off and I’m trying my best to be polite to you.
You follow me around and try to provoke me but now my patience has run out.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @Arsalan @The Eagle @Horus @Slav Defence @jaibi

Brothers just look at the deleted posts. This guy is obsessed with me because I don’t tow his anti Iran line. I’ve had enough.

Brother I am noticing many staff being treated this way by some members. We have people accusing the staff of being pro-Iran, pro-Turkey, pro-Chinese, pro-saudis etc and simultaneously, we have other people accusing the same staffs of being anti-Iran, anti-Turkey, anti-Chinese and anti-Saudi. These contradictory accusations we're seeing against the staff here actually show the staff are in reality being as unbiased as possible. Even against Indians, I have seen the staff give them the freedom to express their views, of course many of them take advantage of this.

What I have seen however are certain members complaining the moment they are given punishment after starting a malign narrative. These members are few in numbers but time and again it is these same members causing problems and making such baseless accusations against the staff. Brother, I think you and other staff should highlight such members and deal with them accordingly.
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Personally I believe people of Iran lost their freedom. It changed the whole ME. Countries went back 30 years in time frame of progress. Same what General Zia did to Pakistan. Took power from people and gave it to choosen few. Pakistan haven't recovered from it so far so did Iran. Democracy is the essence of Islam but that essence faded away when people are robbed of their mandate. Any system where public don't have freedom and is unhappy with ruling party is bound to fail. We have freedom but we have no true democracy.Those Puppets have been installed from ages to rules us who make backdoor deals. System in Iran need changes as well. It need to empower people but right now same group from revolution have hijacked it. They were supposed to be guardians instead of ruling party.
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Personally I believe people of Iran lost their freedom. It changed the whole ME. Countries went back 30 years in time frame of progress. Same what General Zia did to Pakistan. Took power from people and gave it to choosen few. Pakistan haven't recovered from it so far so did Iran. Democracy is the essence of Islam but that essence faded away when people are robbed of their mandate.

"Freedom" and democracy in the sense that you are thinking is nothing but a persistent illusion. The more pertinent factor you need to consider is the self-determination of nations based on their interests. What happened in the 79 revolution is Iran moved away from a western dependent nation to a wholly independent nation. If this was done at the cost of this illusory concept of "freedom" then I say this was a minute cost indeed. The common masses are never truly in charge of their country, whether they can vote at the ballot or not. All voting does is give a mirage of control and the people are happy to stay in this false state of mind for as long as they are given their distractions in the form of everyday pleasures and so on.
"Freedom" and democracy in the sense that you are thinking is nothing but a persistent illusion. The more pertinent factor you need to consider is the self-determination of nations based on their interests. What happened in the 79 revolution is Iran moved away from a western dependent nation to a wholly independent nation. If this was done at the cost of this illusory concept of "freedom" then I say this was a minute cost indeed. The common masses are never truly in charge of their country, whether they can vote at the ballot or not. All voting does is give a mirage of control and the people are happy to stay in this false state of mind for as long as they are given their distractions in the form of everyday pleasures and so on.
Just imgine iran is the only country in the world. There is no external influence. Does this system do justice to the people of Iran? Democracy not about just voting and letting govt to do whatever it want to do for the whole term. It's about people being heard on each level from grassroots to the top. If things are not going good for people that means those in power aren't doing their job. People should stand up and tell them to do their job properly. I feel right now the Iranian govt priority is not the people of Iran but the idea of being great in the world. And they are spending everything to preserve that idea. The amount of oil money Iran had it should had made it one of the advanced country in the world.
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