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Featured JF-17 Emerged As The Star of Swift Retort

I dont think PAF is in any mood to convert this into a public tamasha. Those that needed to see the relevant information saw and GREATLY appreciated the kill. I only hope PAF can get out of it what it wanted to get and progress in their plans.

Missile part got pulled out of something's rear end. Jagged edges are out turned signifying the missile exploded and fragment has been retrieved.
But then why do I try to see sense in people who are hell bent on lying.

That’s good. But the claimed SU-30 kill remains just that, an unsubstantiated claim.
Well, in the end it comes down to one thing, cowardice.
Thinking too much of consequences and not doing much. India had no such inhibitions when they attack on 26th Feb 2019. So why did Pakistan in retaliation, when they have a good cause to respond!!
Lets agree to disagree - I don’t see everything explained away in simplistic “cowardice” and you can’t seem to see beyond it.
That’s good. But the claimed SU-30 kill remains just that, an unsubstantiated claim.
So be it! As I said we will not act unprofessionally at any cost. The whole episode from an international perspective has done wonders for the Pakistani perspective and its narrative. People at least listen to us rather than shrug off a PM who reads a script off a paper. Even more so we are received with respect in quarters where we would not have earlier been entertained. This to me is far more valuable than the 7 planes we did not shoot down.
There are actions and there are costs to those actions whichever one one chooses should never be analysed from the benefit of a retrospectoscope. However we all do so. So let the historians and history judge the Pakistani show.
Pakistan should’ve shot all the planes down and followed the same pattern of releasing multiple pilots the next day
Wasay, this is the time to rise and shine. Show leadership. IK kinda disappointed many when abhinone-done was released so quick.
The phones were ringing - the Indians wanted him back or we were going to see greater escalation. We also had no need for a hot potato when we had not declared “war” and were getting hammered by security council members in their selfish capacities to bend over.

You were not satisfied with a bit of toe trimming. Come back and this time we will take the whole leg off. This will be mercy and relief from the intractable pain .
Kind regards
PS: dont come back with any stupid response.
Doc has become a maskhara

So be it! As I said we will not act unprofessionally at any cost. The whole episode from an international perspective has done wonders for the Pakistani perspective and its narrative. People at least listen to us rather than shrug off a PM who reads a script off a paper. Even more so we are received with respect in quarters where we would not have earlier been entertained. This to me is far more valuable than the 7 planes we did not shoot down.
There are actions and there are costs to those actions whichever one one chooses should never be analysed from the benefit of a retrospectoscope. However we all do so. So let the historians and history judge the Pakistani show.
The su-30 wasn’t shot down for bragging rights - it was shot down to protect the strike flight whose job was to send the message.
We don’t really give a hoot about those claims as a strategic objective.

I was referencing Angola ops to earlier reference there being isrealis.
I don’t think that was ever implied - it was Israelis being in India for tech support.
Good reason to understand why OBL saga was a staged drama.
The entire abbotabad knew something was happening... those unprofessional personals couldn't get their chopper airborne after the 'mission'... it took a long 45 minutes for a 2nd chopper to come and take them back to AFG.. PAF could respond very well, but one knows why.
IAF and political leadership never expected the response.
Nether I did.. it was really a surprise, for Pakistanis too bcz in Kiyani time, we did have a lock but didn't fire.

Via 3rd party sources we conveyed our response would be swift, calculated and harsh if they did any misadventure. As soon as CCS gave the go ahead we knew IAF has been green lighted.
so we told them (via 3rd party) that we are coming...??
Pakistan is a weak country. Economically vulnerable. War is expensive. Garib ko her koi blackmail kerta hy.

Why it is a poor country!! That is the question. Now that you have raised it, i have to state my well known point of view.
I said you can give cowardice whatever name you want, I was right. Pakistanis are cowards on so many levels. When Is say Pakistanis, I don't mean on people's level, I am talking about government and administrative levels.

I am angry because it is very clear that Pakistani army is still pampering and supporting Shahbaz Sharif despite his theft and open treason with Pakistan. He is one of many reasons Pakistan is poor.

The army wants him as a back up if Imran Khan doesn't pull through. This thief cannot answer where his money came from, how is he living lavish life style. To rub the salt to the wounds, he said that he was selling milk from his cows.

COAS Bajwa and ex-COAS Raheel phoned this criminal on his fake Corona Virus positive tests.
When you drop so low, nobody is going to respect you in the world. Period.
If I as staunch supporter of Pakistan and its people, have this feelings, imagine how the foreign diplomats think about Pakistani establishment and Politicians. What messages they may pass to their ministries.

Pakistan would never progress until and unless the thinking changes. Tolerance of all kind of crimes have become normal for Pakistanis. That is not good. This has to change. otherwise Pakistan is doomed. No amount of nuclear weapons are going to save you.

Take example of Malik Riaz. Even SCP compromised with the crooks. On the ground that Bahria Town Karachi is a reality. By shelving the scheme would hurt so many people.
Imagine if he has done such crimes in the West , would he be getting away with it!!
He would be visiting jail. That is not all, it is a well known fact, Chaudries given him forest land for Baharia Town Rawalpindi/Islamabad. He is suspect in so many killings. The list is endless.
When highest judiciary in a country start to compromise , giving different excuses.
You know you had it. There is no chance of Pakistan's recovery and survival , unless the course is change immediately.
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It was back in Feb this year. Situation and environment have changed a lot since then. I also have doubts about the pic but not about the weapon itself.
There r rumours about pl15 integrated to block 2 but unsubstantiated till to date

Lots of understanding is in mindset that's why we have terms called
"Hawks" and "Dove". Both are equally beautiful but one is predator and is able to dominate the environment and the other a symbol of submission to hostility.
Dove will never understand why Hawks are what they are but only Hawks can understand the predatory behavior of nature. You have to understand the environment you reside in and set the attitude and mindset accordingly.

Yes but to behave hawk u have to be a hawk first. Its not just attitude but the capability as well. If u want to see a hawk just see israel.

Modern day battle grounds is economy and diplomacy. Only fool will engage in a full scale with a nuclear equiped country.

Look at china. What they were just 3 decades ago. What israel was 70 years ago ?

Only by working on economic and diplomatic feont they r now much powerful country.

I have seen Indians comparing Rafale with JF-17-IIIs and if Rafale has an edge. It was a moment of gratitude and I thanked Allah that Pakistan's enemy despite being richer and bigger is helpless but to buy Rafale in limited numbers spending billions, while Pakistan produces its matching aircraft at home, cheaper and as many as it wants - Alhamdolillah.

Action speaks louder than words. For decades those very indians kept on trolling all over the internet that our JF-17 is nothing more than a F-7 upgrade and their Mig-21 Bisons would tear through our so called "Chinese knock offs" jets. But now they have learned a bitter leason and it's good to hear that now they now compare our jets with the best EU has to offer. Kudos to PAF and our Chinese friends out there who made this possible.
I'm not Mr know it all so having clear that
Actually this was the beginning of our superior exit strategy which fetch us alot later on. Instead of going for multiple kills which would have surely cornered the Indians, attracting the world powers, and forcing the Indians to go for something big....we achieved what we wanted to achieve with downing less of their number / killing none (bombing of their HQ) than the multiple opportunities.
Sounds like "Dunkirk" . You assumed the enemy will come on the table but instead it was given a chance to regroup. But MODI won the election and did "Aug 7" in Kashmir.
Sort of short sighted "Exit" strategy.
Agree .... and this is the "official" version.

I am interested in the "unofficial" version :azn: ;)

There are several stories circulating:

Was it a stealth jet?
USAF wanted to check PAF / AD radar range .. !!
Did our new radar picked a USAF stealth jet?
Do you think that a (stealth) jet will clearly register on radar system(s) just like that?

If an aircraft attempt to enter Pakistani airspace without permission and noticed doing so, it will be notified and turned back (standard practice worldwide), and this was not a stealthy intrusion to begin with.

If a stealthy intrusion is to take place, it will be carried out in the night without transponders and radar reflectors in use. It would be a clandestine operation.
Do you think that a (stealth) jet will clearly register on radar system(s) just like that?

If an aircraft attempt to enter Pakistani airspace without permission and noticed doing so, it will be notified and turned back (standard practice worldwide), and this was not a stealthy intrusion to begin with.

If a stealthy intrusion is to take place, it will be carried out in the night without transponders and radar reflectors in use. It would be a clandestine operation.

My purpose is just to understand and get information about a "mysterious" event.

Anyway, I agree that, as you described, a stealth jet will operate. But! at the same time that will happen in a war time situation.
In this episode, there wasn't a wartime situation.....and hence, it is perfectly plausible, that USAF tries get a measure / assessment of Pakistani radar ranges and deployment, and on the information to India.
My purpose is just to understand and get information about a "mysterious" event.

Anyway, I agree that, as you described, a stealth jet will operate. But! at the same time that will happen in a war time situation.
In this episode, there wasn't a wartime situation.....and hence, it is perfectly plausible, that USAF tries get a measure / assessment of Pakistani radar ranges and deployment, and on the information to India.
Standoff ISR moves? Possible.
Lets agree to disagree - I don’t see everything explained away in simplistic “cowardice” and you can’t seem to see beyond it.

Oh brother, I can see beyond it no problem on my part. Absolutely no problem.
The problem is despite such set backs, Pakistanis are learning nothing.
That is my problem.
Lets take example of BBZ. You see how Pakistani journalists show cowardice in front of him.
He following his father, said "Kis ki himmat ke mujh se sawal kare". Boy is he right.
His thefts are known. There are tons of evidence of his bills, including travel and food bills were paid from fake bank accounts. It is in black and white.

In the West if they have such evidence against an individual, forget about the trial, whenever it comes. That politicians cannot survive the evening.

We learning nothing, absolutely nothing. If it is not cowardice what is, I don't know. If you have better example to tell me that it is not cowardice, please tell me I am all ears.

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