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After Rihanna, Greta Thunberg joins spate of celebrities extending support to #FarmersProtest

It would be ironic that all this animosity caused by Modi, his lasting legacy could be the impetus that leads to West Bengal (and the other Bengali speaking regions) merging with Bangladesh to form a unified Bengali ethnic homeland, Sikhs forming their own nation, and South Indians breaking free of the politics of the north to reform their own nations in peace.

Returning India to it natural state; many hundreds or even thousands of smaller nations co-existing next to each other, and not ruled centrally from Delhi.

stupid gangus got other dreams:
Doaba ji, in the words of the late Prime Minister Narasimha Rao if Khalistan is to be made it will be carved out of Pakistan with Lahore as its capital(ruled by Ranjit Singh). Pakistan should be prepared for another dismemberment like in 1971.
My friend your own celebs wish to be as famous as these guys, would sell an arm and a leg to be famous in the west, sadly they are just poor z grade knock offs.
yeah, probably, but don't keep up with celebrity stuff and loathe modern pop music generally.

The point I was trying to make was that most of their (Rihanna etc) fans are tweeny girls, so I question the effectiveness of their tweets. Ok, it made a few liberals happy, which is fine.

Dekho, farm reform to ho ke hi rahenge, the country needs it, even the US realizes it, Ilhan Omar and some lefties might have said something on it but

"The US, on the other hand, said it welcomed steps that would improve the efficiency of India's markets and attract greater private sector investment. "In general, the United States welcomes steps that would improve the efficiency of India's markets and attract greater private sector investment," a state department spokesperson said, indicating that the new Biden Administration is supportive of the Indian government's move to reform the agricultural sector that attracts private investment and greater market access to farmers."

do we know the name of the spokesperson?
Not me, but you're free to research. I just assumed the article is true given how it also notes Ilhan Omar and another congresswoman have spoken about the protests critical terms, so it is a balanced no spin factual report.

Anyway, these farm reforms are essential. The Congress itself had these on their agenda during MMS/Sonia's term and even earlier but they're playing dirty politics now that they've been reduced to irrelevance.
Not me, but you're free to research. I just assumed the article is true given how it also notes Ilhan Omar and another congresswoman have spoken about the protests critical terms, so it is a balanced no spin factual report.

Anyway, these farm reforms are essential. The Congress itself had these on their agenda during MMS/Sonia's term and even earlier but they're playing dirty politics now that they've been reduced to irrelevance.
so we dont know the name of the spokesperson then?
ofcourse not, india is the beacon of truth.
Anyone with half a brain would support these farm reforms. Their greedy cabal will be smashed, communists and lefties the world over can keep crying.
Fk these fake protesters for defaming india's name.

So oppression of Dalits and women, lynching of Muslims, suicide of farmers etc etc bring good name to India ?

Rihanna, Mia Khalifa and now this retard Greta.

Good, lagai raho.

Firstly, it is not nice making fun of someone's mental condition by calling them retard.

Secondly, Greta is more sensible than most people.
Let them.cry.no one gives a f***.there are big issues like conversion of forceful conversion of girls in Pakistan after forcefully marrying them.

Indian Media, FM, Bollywood stars, and PM all seem to give a f**k as they were falling over themselves to defend the government, Bahkt going crazy on Twitter. Funny way of showing they do not care....
All Indians had to do was not be too stupid

India was always a communal shithole, we all knew that but their governments were good at spinning a secular, democratic narrative

This was the WORST thing for Pakistan, we were fine with Hindutva extremist enemies, what we had trouble with is a communal shithole India that could portray itself as a yearning secular democracy
it confused both Indians internally including Indian Muslims and minorities and people internationally

honestly another decade or two and it would have become difficult simply against that narrative

Then in 2014 came our hero, the man and ideology that would do for us EXACTLY what we needed
create divisions and hatred within India and reveal its face outside India giving us a handle to beat India with
Indian Muslims and minorities finally understood Pakistan, our own liberals could no longer point to secular India and we could say to the world LOOK this is why we are preparing for war

Imran Khan especially took up the mantle of pointing India out as a hindutva extremist communal shithole

The best thing is the Indians have become so deluded that the more you tell them, the more they will vote for hindutva and divide India😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪
The Indian Trump👍👍
out of interest what's Colonel Adnan Sami upto

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