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Featured Pakistan and Uzbekistan deny US military bases for Afghan mission

No thanks, Pakistan spilt enough of its own blood to try to please those ungrateful b4stards, here's a thought though why don't You give up Your New Delhi home instead.. I would imagine it would be an logistical nighmare, but since You are willing.. i guess it's their best bet.

Own blood? There was a price paid for that,, in dollars, and by other means too.
Why the need, when perhaps there is more to it than meets the eye.

What if boots on the ground remain, without official recognition....
Since when you became a negotiator. USA is a user country not a friend.
Own blood? There was a price paid for that,, in dollars, and by other means too.
Its inhumane to attach monetary value to loss of innocent lives in such a manner. For any nation to trade internal peace and stability for dollars is foolish. Pakistan should try to live within its own means rather than start another round of internal conflict. Despite getting billions in aid, the economy suffered 10x more due to internal instability and conflicts.
Those funds were given by the US State to the Pakistani State. How they were handled on the books by Pakistan is their internal matter. USA has records of the taxpayer's money sent. By US law bribes cannot be given, and anyone approving such a deal would be in jail.
Do you believe what you write. Have you forgotten millions of lost cash in Iraq and Afghanistan used as bribes to buy the local warlord. Are you forgetting the $3Trillion - yes Trillion unaccounted for by the DOD. Yes there is a law that makes it illegal to bribe, but the notion that the US does not bribe through dark funds is naive. US is also a signatory of Geneva Convention yet we have Guantanamo Bay. So VCheng please have some integrity in your arguments.
That leaves the ME. Is Pakistan going to allow US planes through its airspace?

Well some one at the top will come up with some insane logic like last time in emergency according to the UN charter planes are allowed to land or fly over using our airspace. Didn't we not know that not only 2 of our bases were given to US forces also in Baluchistan airbase was also in use by the CIA to drone our own people. All the establishment and the civil government at the time had denied having any such arrangement about Baluchistan base. Truth eventually came out when same US forces attacked our border forces and CIA base was closed down and egg was on the establishment face. Lets see how much or how far we will be be the culprit of our own down fall this time round and what arrangement our so called guardians have came up with the US.
KABUL (Pajhwok): Uzbekistan has ruled out hosting foreign military bases on its soil, rejecting reports that the US troops withdrawing from Afghanistan may be deployed to the Central Asian nation.

Asked about the reported US plan, a spokesperson for the Defence Ministry in Tashkent said on Monday: “Fundamental documents in the field of defence have clear-cut answers to these questions.”

Sputnik quoted the spokesperson as warning against hosting foreign military bases and facilities on Uzbekistan’s soil.

Uzbekistan’s defence policy was based on the principle of non-participation in peacekeeping operations and military conflicts abroad, the official explained.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal cited military officials as saying the US would “prefer” to redeploy troops and equipment leaving Afghanistan into Uzbekistan or Tajikistan.

In line with President Joe Biden’s announcement, US troops will complete their withdrawal from Afghanistan by September 11.


ISLAMABAD - Pakistan ruled out Tuesday the possibility of again providing its military bases to the United States for future counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan after U.S. troops leave the conflict-torn neighbor by September 11.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi made the remarks to reporters in Islamabad, explaining that his government has adopted a policy that allows it to become "only partners in peace” and not join any future U.S. war.

“No sir, we do not intend to allow boots on the ground and no [U.S.] bases are being transferred to Pakistan,” Qureshi said when asked whether his government is under pressure to give military bases to the U.S.

President Joe Biden’s administration has acknowledged it is in talks with several Central Asian neighbors of Afghanistan to examine where it can reposition troops to prevent the landlocked country from once again becoming a terrorist base for groups like al-Qaida.

But U.S. officials have not named Pakistan, which shares a nearly 2,600-kilometers border with Afghanistan, nor have they commented on media speculation that the subject of bases might be under bilateral discussions.

Qureshi noted that Pakistan has also been consistently using its leverage over the Taliban, who have been waging a deadly insurgency against the U.S.-backed Afghan government, to encourage them to stop their violent campaign and negotiate a political settlement with Afghan rivals.

The foreign minister said “we feel” the Taliban’s engagement in the Afghan peace process would bring and enhance the “international respectability and recognition” that the group required.

“If they want to be acceptable, if they want delisting to take place, if they want recognition then engagement, giving up violence and looking for a political solution is in their political interest,” he said.

Qureshi referred to the Taliban's demand for the United Nations and the U.S. to delist top insurgent leaders from their sanctions lists.

Deny means they have agreed for the bases in pk and Azerbaijan. Remember you can tell they are telling a lie if they say deny
Pakistan should allow US Airspace right under the following conditions:

1) Narrow corridor for ingress and egress into Pakistani airspace
2) Pakistan's full participation in the fusion center in which ever gulf states the drones fly out of
3) SOP defined on authorization process, where Pakistan should have a veto on a drone attack
4) Drones that use Pakistan airspace can only be used against ISIS and TTP, or force protection of US forces
5) Only unmanned UAV allowed. - no other planes manned should be allowed
6) Pakistan should have access to all data from the drones

In return for the above US should provide:

1) Authorization of Heli Engines
2) Removal from FATF Grey List
3) US investment in IT, health and education - as a function of CPEC 2 - lets call it UPEC (min investment of $10B in these areas)
4) US support for return of ill-gotten money and AML efforts

If we can define a deal that looks like the above I think it is worth it. Otherwise it should be a big fat NO!!!
Quite a business man
Its inhumane to attach monetary value to loss of innocent lives in such a manner. For any nation to trade internal peace and stability for dollars is foolish. Pakistan should try to live within its own means rather than start another round of internal conflict. Despite getting billions in aid, the economy suffered 10x more due to internal instability and conflicts.

Those "inhumane" calculations were made by those cutting the deals to trade internal peace and stability for dollars, and I am merely describing it.

Do you believe what you write. Have you forgotten millions of lost cash in Iraq and Afghanistan used as bribes to buy the local warlord. Are you forgetting the $3Trillion - yes Trillion unaccounted for by the DOD. Yes there is a law that makes it illegal to bribe, but the notion that the US does not bribe through dark funds is naive. US is also a signatory of Geneva Convention yet we have Guantanamo Bay. So VCheng please have some integrity in your arguments.

Putting aside your attempted whataboutery, all funds transferred to Pakistan for its services were recorded in the appropriate ledgers.

(Just so you know, the Iraqi cash was not US-sourced. The alleged $3T missing was nothing more than a failure of the DoD to meet updated audit guidelines, and fixed. And the Geneva Convention applies to uniformed soldiers, not stateless terrorists. The lack of integrity is not on my side, clearly.)
As I said in another thread it would be political suicidal for PM Khan led government because of his stance on becoming the henchman for money. However cant say the same if tomorrow we have a PMLN or PPP government. This is what i am afraid of that will include future deals with, reinstating corrupt politicians who can brought, twisted and made to agree to anything contrary to Pakistan's own interest. Naturally for this to happen have local actors will be needed to support such an initiative.
US fighter jets are stealth.... Pakistan can't see them.
What UFOs does the Taliban have that the US needs F-22s and F-35s for? Besides I doubt they will let Chinese radars sniff their stealth planes.
Pakistan should allow US Airspace right under the following conditions:

1) Narrow corridor for ingress and egress into Pakistani airspace
2) Pakistan's full participation in the fusion center in which ever gulf states the drones fly out of
3) SOP defined on authorization process, where Pakistan should have a veto on a drone attack
4) Drones that use Pakistan airspace can only be used against ISIS and TTP, or force protection of US forces
5) Only unmanned UAV allowed. - no other planes manned should be allowed
6) Pakistan should have access to all data from the drones

In return for the above US should provide:

1) Authorization of Heli Engines
2) Removal from FATF Grey List
3) US investment in IT, health and education - as a function of CPEC 2 - lets call it UPEC (min investment of $10B in these areas)
4) US support for return of ill-gotten money and AML efforts

If we can define a deal that looks like the above I think it is worth it. Otherwise it should be a big fat NO!!!

Wouldn't it be easier just to get a few key people to agree to a deal rather than all that?
KABUL (Pajhwok): Uzbekistan has ruled out hosting foreign military bases on its soil, rejecting reports that the US troops withdrawing from Afghanistan may be deployed to the Central Asian nation.

Asked about the reported US plan, a spokesperson for the Defence Ministry in Tashkent said on Monday: “Fundamental documents in the field of defence have clear-cut answers to these questions.”

Sputnik quoted the spokesperson as warning against hosting foreign military bases and facilities on Uzbekistan’s soil.

Uzbekistan’s defence policy was based on the principle of non-participation in peacekeeping operations and military conflicts abroad, the official explained.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal cited military officials as saying the US would “prefer” to redeploy troops and equipment leaving Afghanistan into Uzbekistan or Tajikistan.

In line with President Joe Biden’s announcement, US troops will complete their withdrawal from Afghanistan by September 11.


ISLAMABAD - Pakistan ruled out Tuesday the possibility of again providing its military bases to the United States for future counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan after U.S. troops leave the conflict-torn neighbor by September 11.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi made the remarks to reporters in Islamabad, explaining that his government has adopted a policy that allows it to become "only partners in peace” and not join any future U.S. war.

“No sir, we do not intend to allow boots on the ground and no [U.S.] bases are being transferred to Pakistan,” Qureshi said when asked whether his government is under pressure to give military bases to the U.S.

President Joe Biden’s administration has acknowledged it is in talks with several Central Asian neighbors of Afghanistan to examine where it can reposition troops to prevent the landlocked country from once again becoming a terrorist base for groups like al-Qaida.

But U.S. officials have not named Pakistan, which shares a nearly 2,600-kilometers border with Afghanistan, nor have they commented on media speculation that the subject of bases might be under bilateral discussions.

Qureshi noted that Pakistan has also been consistently using its leverage over the Taliban, who have been waging a deadly insurgency against the U.S.-backed Afghan government, to encourage them to stop their violent campaign and negotiate a political settlement with Afghan rivals.

The foreign minister said “we feel” the Taliban’s engagement in the Afghan peace process would bring and enhance the “international respectability and recognition” that the group required.

“If they want to be acceptable, if they want delisting to take place, if they want recognition then engagement, giving up violence and looking for a political solution is in their political interest,” he said.

Qureshi referred to the Taliban's demand for the United Nations and the U.S. to delist top insurgent leaders from their sanctions lists.

Lol they’re actually asking the central Asian states which are allied to Russia!
Like i said before, this administration doesn’t have a clue about anything and are as thick as mince meat.
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Any allowance by Pakistan to let US use its Air-space for US fighter jets to bomb innocent Afghans would simply mean Pakistan's generals would once again have blood on their hands. There is NO other way to describe this. Due to the decisions of Pakistan's generals to join US war on terror after 9/11, thousands of Pakistan's soldiers, it civilians and police have died, and the economy of Pakistan has been destroyed beyond recognition. Thousands of innocent Afghan civilians have been butchered or bombed to pieces. If this is NOT crimes against humanity, I don't know what it is then.

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