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China needs a voice that matches its national strength, international status: Xi Jinping

Just outsource it to RT. Censorship is a two way street. When you restrict “harmful info”, you also restrict the ability of your media.
uhm...yeah, so 'bout that "controlled" access...you may wanna go re-read my post again...there are Pakistani students LIVING in xinjiang, they go to school there, they go to the markets there, they go where ever the hell they want, they even go to the remote villages for site seeing during weekends like most college students do on there free days. furthermore, as far as your so called "unfettered access" to the western inspectors is concerned, you need to remember the following:

1. it's not their nor your place to ask for "unfettered access" from anyone. in urdu, its called "auqaat may raho"!

2. China is not a nation that has a minority ethnic group as the majority of its prison population, it is the u.s. that has the minority black and latino population as the majority of its prison population. So let's give that "unfettered access" to american prisons so that the EASTERN including CHINESE inspectors can verify that people are not being unfairly persecuted, shall we? ;)

3. oh and while we are at it, let's also have that "unfettered access" to the guantanamo bay prison as well shall we?

Notice that you don't deny that there ethnic cleansing going on good to know
China will probably work through Youtubers and social media Apps, more than traditional media, to get their message out, especially to young and middle aged people. I don’t know if the following person works for the Chinese government or he actually holds these views (based on the rest of the content of his channel), but what is he saying is the kind of message they would put out.

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Propaganda war is very important but having a military and nuclear arsenal matching China’s national strength is even more important. When it is time to fight, only hard military power will matter.
But before.... XI must drink some wine and enjoy and let his masses enjoy this:


Chinese President Xi Jinping said China needs "to develop a voice in international discourse that matches China's comprehensive national strength and international status," as Chinese top leaders had a group study session on strengthening China's capacity for international communication on Monday, with experts saying China will not keep silent amid a stigmatization and propaganda warfare launched by the US and its allies, and China has the confidence to shape a more "reliable, admirable and respectable image."

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed improving the country's capacity for engaging in international communication to present a true, multi-dimensional and panoramic view of China.

Xi made the remarks on Monday when addressing the group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Zhang Weiwei, director of the China Institute of Fudan University in Shanghai, delivered a presentation at the group study session on the topic, and gave advice for relevant work. The leaders of the political bureau listened to the presentation attentively and discussed the matter, Xinhua reported.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought a dramatic change in the public opinion fields inside and outside China, as Chinese are more confident in their own political system and governance while Westerners are being increasingly pessimistic and worried, and more hostile against China as they found their political system has many serious flaws and their moral image is collapsing.

Zhang, who also served as an English interpreter for Chinese former leader Deng Xiaoping and is a scholar who travelled more than 100 countries for research, focusing on Chinese studies for a long term, told the Global Times that "When China is successfully controlling the epidemic situation and making huge contributions to reinforcing the global fight against the pandemic, the West's poor performance and selfish decision-making look very embarrassing under the comparison," and the facts have proven that the Western liberalistic narrative can no longer prevail in the East or West, and more and more people have realized the trend.

Chinese and Western narrative powers are now experiencing "a period of transition," Zhang said.

Why China's voice still weak?

At the group study session, Xi stressed the need to have a profound understanding of how important and necessary it is to improve the country's international communication, and to develop a voice in international discourse that matches China's comprehensive national strength and international status.

Although China's influence on international discourse has improved since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the country faces new situations and tasks, he said.

Xi stressed greater efforts to construct China's own discourse and narrative, interpreting China's practices by its own theories.

Xi's remarks show that China is making a top-level design on building its own narrative and would encourage more people from society to take part in the communication with the outside world, said Steven Dong, professor and dean of the School of Government and Public Affairs under the Communication University of China, noting that new institutions or mechanism may occur to promote the work.

Analysts said that due to the cultural tradition of humility of the Chinese nation, China is not a country that loves promoting itself to other nations, and it doesn't like playing tit-for-tat with others and prefers to treat others with kindness. This is a key reason why China's voice in the Western-dominated global public opinion field is yet to match its national strength and influence.

"Our nation believes that as long as the works have been done nicely, the words would be unnecessary, and then the sincere compliments from others will emerge automatically," said Zheng Ruolin, a senior Chinese media professional and European studies expert based in France.

China is not interested in becoming a hegemony, so it has no clear plan to form a media hegemony to compete with the West, and it used to believe as long as China keeps a low profile and being peaceful, and has win-win cooperation with the West, then the West will be friendly to China, but the facts prove that this kind of thinking was naive, Zheng said.

The rising hostility held by the US against China in recent years proves that the US and its allies don't care about China's intention but only care about China's capability, said Chinese experts.

A Beijing-based expert on international relations who requested anonymity said that "it's easy for China to fix China-US ties immediately. As long as China announces it gives up 5G technology, space exploration, all advanced weapons and economic development, all struggles between China and the US would disappear. To stay weak and obey, and accept Western narrative hegemony in the international field of public opinion is the key for a non-Western country to keep the ties with the US friendly. It's never about democracy and freedom; it's about strength and autonomy."

Western hegemony in discourse

When the US and its allies have realized that they cannot bully China into submission through a trade war and military pressure, and failed in the competition with China in the performance of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, they have selected the battleground of public opinion, where they still have clear advantages due to the long-existing media hegemony owned by the West, said Chinese experts.

Although Chinese people, media and diplomats always pay efforts to introduce the truth and refute the lies, their voices are hardly heard since the West is controlling almost all major international media platforms, and this is how the media hegemony works when the West wants to crack down on its competitors, said Zheng.

The West is using its hegemonic advantage in the battleground of public opinion to launch stigmatization against China and forge a negative narrative of China. This has damaged the external public opinion environment for China's development. So in order to realize the national rejuvenation, China must solve this problem, experts said.

Xi said multilateralism must be promoted while unilateralism and hegemony should be opposed to guide the international community to jointly shape a more just and equitable international order and forge a new type of international relations.

The friendly voices toward China are now unwelcome among Western social media and traditional media as the anti-China sentiment is becoming a "political correctness" of the West, said Zheng, but fortunately, Western countries, in terms of population, cannot represent the majority of the world.

"Among the third world countries, China's image is much more positive, and many countries' political elites and people in regions like Africa, Southeast Asia and Middle East are defending or supporting China's stance and image in the international arena. This is an optimistic trend for China," Zheng said.

It's impossible for China to convince every single country and make all Western countries friendly, but it's possible for China to win the support from the majority of the international community, so it's not necessary to merely focus on Western mainstream media's opinion, but to pay more attention to the public opinion in the third world, said some Chinese analysts.

China's image in future

Xi called for using new concepts, domains and expressions to better tell China's stories and the spiritual strength behind the stories.

On CPC's publicity, Xi urged greater efforts to help foreign audiences understand what the Party is pursuing is nothing but the Chinese people's well-being.

Xi also emphasized the efforts to introduce the Chinese culture abroad and strive to shape a reliable, admirable and respectable image of China.

However, China's rising confidence and firm stance to defend its interests in international occasions have been described by some Western media as "wolf warrior diplomacy," since they felt that China is being more and more aggressive and assertive toward the West.

"We need to make the West get used to this" since China's diplomacy is becoming more confident and firmer, and "We need to set rules for Americans" to let them learn what will happen if they are not respectful, Zhang said, noting that to talk to the arrogant and ignorant people, "we have to be straight, otherwise they don't understand."

Jin Canrong, associate dean of the School of International Studies at the Renmin University of China, said "some people are afraid of offending the West. They don't dare to criticize the West even when the West is making mistakes. Why can't the US be criticized?"

China, as the only and the biggest developing country in the permanent members of the UN Security Council, is not just speaking for itself but also for the 80 percent population in the world who are from the developing countries, "so if China keeps silent when the West makes mistakes, who else could speak out?" Jin noted.

Aside from firm rebuttals of rumors and smears against China, narratives of China for international communication would be diverse and flexible, Dong said, adding that the future international image of China would be respectable and gentle, neither cringing nor arrogant.
China thought that it has now become so powerful that it speak the language of hyperpower. It tried to speak that language against India and got humiliated in Ladakh, Doklam and Chumar. It tried to speak the same language with us in South China Sea and got humiliated Now China is trying with Taiwan which is not even listening to China.
Propaganda war is very important but having a military and nuclear arsenal matching China’s national strength is even more important. When it is time to fight, only hard military power will matter.

Germany was blind-sighted by war thrust upon Germany by the Entente. Those same Entente of 1918 want to thrust war on China. China better be prepared for war beyond an arms race. What ever endevour China commits to in military production, let the arms race be over before it starts. Produce weapons of war that would defeat the us, india, australia, NATO, etc to such a degree that the rest of the globe cannot compete with Chinese military production.
uhm...they do deny it. and furthermore, they also piss on the western faces when they turn a blind eye to the isreali genocide of the Palestinians.

They also deny covid till it become a global issue. Chinese here can deny reality all they want it doesn't change the fact.
They also deny covid till it become a global issue. Chinese here can deny reality all they want it doesn't change the fact.
erm...wrong again. they identified & announced that there is a new virus.
Two areas China will need to improve its image in order for it even have a chance to match American soft power. It will need to win the overwhelmingly support of the Chinese “long time” diaspora (not people have have lived under CCP rule). Secondly, it will have to provide a vision of its own “rules based global order” in which other countries can see prosperity if they follow Beijing’s vision.

Many in the diaspora fear Xi and the CCP. If the CCP can’t win the hearts and minds of the Diaspora, winning the support of non-aligned peoples (non-westerners) will be much harder.

America is revamping to win over Africa in a big way, if you look at the Key positions in the state and defense departments. The US and Europeans are also coming up with a counter initiative to BRI. The US is promoting a more visible human rights based foreign policy, with instructions to embassies around the world to fly Black Lives Matter flags. Africans will be convinced they could become Americans and America, having gone through its history, is now committed to righting the wrongs of the past. I’m not saying it will be believed but that is the narrative being built. If it is successful, African countries may give preferential contracts to American companies over Chinese ones.

How can China counter that? In the Cold War, the Soviet espoused Universal human rights and offered development aid (not loans), and China will have to do some thing similar. China will also have to offer aid and debt relief to counter the debt relief being offered by the West. If not debt relief, free projects, peace corps help, and other initiatives to improve the quality of lives of average people around the world.

China doesn’t need a new voice, it needs a fundamental shift in its soft power strategy to even be able to compete.

There are a lot of lip service put forth by the West in regards to Africa with little substance. They would rather spend money to sabotage Chinese projects than to use them towards empowering the Africans.
lol...business "insider"! western brown nosing media outlets REALLY need to stop pretending that anyone takes them as a serious independent source.

Any more excuses?

Notices that every news outlet from multiple country & with different political leaning seems to agree that china covid cover up was responsible for the global pandemic. Which circle back to my previous point that China can say many things but reality just does not care.

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