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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Have you even been to Ukraine?? Like Ever?

Maybe you should really go out there and see for yourself before you are calling people shill

It's funny, because staying at home towing line on something you know nothing about is the definition of "Shill"


I am not saying you are faking it or anything.

I am just saying I won't buy anything unless it is official, I was a Military Intelligence Officer, I only believe what I see. I have no Qualm for you get your information from Telegram or so on.

I been to Moscow with my father in early nineties. I was like 5 yrs old. So many concrete buildings. It toook a loooong trip on a K3 train, it felt like an eternity, that I remember the most.

You sell Russians lether jackets, and instant noodles from the train, and make an average urban Chinese monthly salary in less than 1 week. I also remember Lenin's mummy. It scared me for some reason, unlike Mao's.

Eventually Guangzhou far overshoot North China by income, and amount of business, and our family returned to Guangzhou, before moving to UK in 200X.

For the last few years, I worked for a number of Chinese engineering contractors doing business on OBOR. We were misfortunate to pick a rail in Kazakhstan, now trying to recover our money after Kazakhstanis declared a forcemajeure when a civil war started in the country in the South in January. My job, and and a lot more is now staked on my ability to recover as much of company's money out of the venture. We also declared forcemajeure, to no longer have to pay lay locals as HQ finally realised they will never have anything out of this now. Trying to liquidate by selling heavy equipment we leased to dig trenches for cables now to locals. Shame is we leased it from another Chinese co here.
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Putin would like to capture Kyiv before the second round of talks. This will allow him to dictate terms more confidently :big_boss:

Not going to happen in the next few days - it will require a siege of the city - and that convoy still has a few miles to cover..

Have you even been to Ukraine?? Like Ever?

Maybe you should really go out there and see for yourself before you are calling people shill

It's funny, because staying at home towing line on something you know nothing about is the definition of "Shill"


I am not saying you are faking it or anything.

I am just saying I won't buy anything unless it is official, I was a Military Intelligence Officer, I only believe what I see. I have no Qualm for you get your information from Telegram or so on.
We have been made aware in every other post about your vast in depth self opinionated experience of Ukraine. You couldn't miss it if you tried.
Respectfully dont attempt to throw a "put down" to anyone misunderstanding the definition when your own English is as poor as it is.
Its a sad worrying and deeply concerning situation in Ukraine - glad that you - as a "professional" can find the time to "lol" on a thread like this?

I really dont see anything in your posts that merits me to respect or show attention to your posts - someone that has to remind us that you was a military officer in every other post - is frankly embarrassing.

You haven't quite grasped the fact that this war is perhaps like no other. One has to be careful in believing what is factual - what is made up and what is frankly dreams of armchair global internet warriors.

The power of twitter Facebook and ticktock etc have clearly made this war a war like no other. Facts become fiction and fiction becomes fact.
The fact this is "killing white blue eyed" people is giving the western world tremendous distress.
The fact that those hoisting Ukraine to their boisterous stance have mysteriously pushed Ukraine into poking the bear has gone beyond the likes of you.
The fact USA can interfere destroy and demolish nations throughout the world - yet when Russia feel threatened by NATO and a neighbor - it is unacceptable?

Now please stop putting down others and making yourself looked daft. Attempting to throw put downs to the likes of respected think tanks like Rescueranger doesn't make you look intellectual - quite the opposite.
There are numerous scenes of death and destruction in Ukraine due to ongoing Russian military activity.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is now in its sixth day and it appears to be taking a very dark turn. After being repulsed on multiple fronts by the Ukrainian Army, the Russian military appears to have moved to attacking highly urban areas with artillery barrages. At the same time, a massive convoy is creeping towards Kyiv from the north in what can only be assumed to be preparations for an all-out assault on the capital. You can get up to speed by checking out our prior rolling coverage of this conflict here.

Just wait for the war to progress further.

Russian way of warfare is absolutely apparent in Syria:

Russian war excesses in Aleppo (Syria) are well-documented in particular.

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NATO is equipped with much higher quantity of precision munitions than any contemporary force in the world and can show much restraint in its operations.

Below are some of the recordings of situation in Baghdad in the Shock & Awe phase of the war back in 2003:

You can clearly see civilian infrastructure working throughout; you can also see vehicles on the roads.

To be fair, NATO also have history of war excesses in urban environments as witnessed in Fallujah (Iraq) in 2014 and Raqqa (Syria) in 2017 respectively - cities which were under control of militants at the time. But NATO allowed civilians to leave these cities before attacking them in force.

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My point is that both Russia and NATO are NOT CLEAN when it comes to warfare.

Let us be fair in our criticism.

Even after a decade,
Your bias never seems to hide itself. :D

it's so blatantly obvious.

It's just weird for your posts to just keep getting positive ratings regardless of any possible substance outside of whatever fed-narrative.

No offense, of course.
I been to Moscow with my father in early nineties. I was like 5 yrs old. So many concrete buildings. It toook a loooong trip on a K3 train, it felt like an eternity, that I remember the most.

You sell Russians lether jackets, and instant from the train, and make an average urban Chinese monthly salary in 1 week. I also remember Lenin's mummy. It scared me for some reason, unlike Mao's.

Eventually Guangzhou far overshoot North China by income, and amount of business, and our family return GZ, before moving to UK in 200X.

For the last few years, I worked for a number of Chinese engineering contractors doing business on OBOR. We were misfortunate to pick a rail in Kazakhstan, now trying to recover our money after Kazakhstanis declared a forcemajeure when a civil war started in the country in the South in January. My job, and and a lot more is now staked on my ability to recover as much of company's money out of the venture.
I remember our trip to Russia, Poland and Bulgaria. Beautiful part of the world, but seldom you would think its a land time had forgotten.
Russia has $ 570 million foreign currency deposits in US and British banks, 80 percent of which were blocked in the first two days and now stand at 20 percent.
This war did not seem so bad for Britain and US . they will steal all that money...

570 million is not much
Learning Russian military vehicle use from 'brave Ukranian woman', by Instagram style editing:

So let see what's the real story?

This is a typical example of Ukrainian fake news. The video is over 1 year old. And the girl speaks Russian. However, this video will be shared for a long time on Instagram and similar media for some purposes.

The sympathetic and heroic female figure is a frequently used tactic in war psyops. Although it is understood by wide circles that this news is a lie after a certain period of time, the perception it leaves is permanent. This kind of information bombardment blunts your ability to question after a certain period of time and leads you psychologically.

As a similar example, women are highlighted in visual materials with the PKK terrorist organization. The dominant Muslim female figure in the orientalist culture is a burqa-wearing and ignorant person. They make you believe that women belonging to this terrorist organization are intellectuals and progressives, killing people for freedom.
I remember our trip to Russia, Poland and Bulgaria. Beautiful part of the world, but seldom you would think its a land time had forgotten.

Yes, I remember most of the country is wooden sticks, except for Moscow. Very dusty, and frozen in time. Almost like NorKo
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