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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

The bird lacks wingtip pylons. Not sure why engineers didn't bother considering this but now it will always be two hardpoints short of its contemporary counterparts like the Rafale or Typhoon.

Don't try to be a kill joy, lets enjoy the occasion of the arrival of the bride and not worry about the dowry. I bet enjoying party is not your strong point.
PAF bought the plane for a reason and they are not some back street traders, and don't know what they are getting into.
Since it is not the AL-31 but the Chinese WS-10B.... you really missed that part of the discussion?

Me getting flashbacks of that discussion

Don't try to be a kill joy, lets enjoy the occasion of the arrival of the bride and not worry about the dowry. I bet enjoying party is not your strong point.
PAF bought the plane for a reason and they are not some back street traders, and don't know what they are getting into.

You are replying to an Indian-Canadian. He just wanted to take a dump on this thread because he is not in a good mood seeing PAF with J-10C right now.

Congratulations! And may J-10C serve well and protect Pakistan from all threats.
We have been hearing of J10s coming since they were known as FC10 over a decade ago. Block 70 F16s were guaranteed to arrive last year. Sukhois should already have been old news with PAF by now, not to mention Eurofighters. JF17 block 3 was supposed to look very different. So what happened?

Stop believing every "source" you hear. Most of it is total BS. The ones that actually know will not be disclosing it if they are not supposed to

So, J10 arrival finally happening doesn't make those sources right, it could still just have been a guess - like me saying PAF will get J20s, and if they finally arrive 20 years later, saying I told you so :lol:
Dude I know my sources. Your problem is even if we get all those thing sill you won't believe it because your problem is you are always ready to live in denial and only believe we can achieve nothing. So no matter how many weapons we get your mindset will remain same. Nothing can change that.
The bird lacks wingtip pylons. Not sure why engineers didn't bother considering this but now it will always be two hardpoints short of its contemporary counterparts like the Rafale or Typhoon.

It can't have wing tips because the wing tips are curved at an angle, they are not straight. It has 11 hardpoints already, how more do you need? A rafale if loaded fully would fly like a brick and its loadout would be of no use. It would have to dump everything unnecessary when its sees/senses/expects company. 11 vs 14 doesn't make any difference. Both are medium weight category.
My statement on the 1st of January...



Congratulations to all the Pakistani [PDF] community.
Thanks to all the Chinese [PDF] community.
And a special thanks to @Deino - for his patience with Pakistani Members :-) .

As for the Indian [PDF] community - their comments have been redirected to
Dude I know my sources. Your problem is even if we get all those thing sill you won't believe it because your problem is you are always ready to live in denial and only believe we can achieve nothing. So no matter how many weapons we get your mindset will remain same. Nothing can change that.

How do you reach the conclusion that I think "we can achieve nothing" or that I live in denial, because I prefer using my own brain rather than believing everything I'm told?

You live in cookoo land and far from reality. Stop being so offended just because some of us don't believe every BS you and your sources spew.

Only rumour I'm willing to believe is Flankers for PN.

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