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Opinionated - Pak mil always ahead of its adversary in weapon acquisitions and inductions


Maybe I did deserve a Negative Rating by a well-reputed and highly respectable Indian Member (on PDF) like @Joe Shearer

I'm actually not surprised that my post was Deleted - by a Mod.

But what is the true definition of 'distasteful'?

Prior to B. Rawat untimely demise, were his words not distasteful towards Pakistan when he was Chief of Army Staff & later Chief of Defence Staff? Mind you, he was the head of those divisions & spat venom where our COAS never made any such direct or indirect statements.

What about the Indian Media & their 24/7 disrespect towards us - when our Media doesn't even bring up India unless there is a Missile accidently landing in our territory...

Their Forums, Social Media and even celebrities/sportsman.

I'm sure you & the Mods must be like..., "We need to rise above all that & be the bigger & better person".

I'm like, "Screw that!"

If they can celebrate the death of our Jawans - the way they do, then I don't need to be apologetic towards my earlier post & stand by my views - even if it was distasteful to some.

I got what I wanted out of that post - Mission Accomplished

I don't make these type of posts (usually). I think most are familiar with my views, however, I make no such promise that I won't go down the same path - some day.


long story short,
we are trained and groomed to define our own standards.
we don't stoop low just because the adversary does.
Maybe I did deserve a Negative Rating by a well-reputed and highly respectable Indian Member (on PDF) like @Joe Shearer
Perhaps I took a liberty.

I ask you one thing.

You've been here a long enough time. Have you ever seen in my 25,000 + posts anything slightly lacking in respect towards a Pakistani serviceman?

Both sides have done strange things. Both sides have also done noble and chivalrous things. I ask you to let my posts bear witness that my conscience is clear, NEVER have I said anything about a dead soldier - or living soldiers, for that matter - but respectful things. Eftekhar Janjua gave us such a bad time in 71; he died in agony from dreadful burns from a helicopter crash. Can you imagine my joking or jibing at that? Tajammul Hussain Mullick held off Teppy Raina and his whole formation with a handful of men; he was captured by the Mukti Bahini and rescued by the Indian Army after he had suffered very serious injuries, and treated in the best Indian military hospitals. Can you imagine a decent Indian making jokes and jibing at his treatment?

There are Indian generals about whom there have been various very serious concerns. But in front of people, in public, there has never been more than a hint from my side about my true feelings and opinion about the role of such people. Do you think I could bring myself to be influenced by my opinion about such a person, and joke about whether his slouch hat was at the right angle when his corpse was recovered?

What excuse can you offer for that horrible insult to the dead? That someone connected to that dead man said or did something you resented?
long story short,
we are trained and groomed to define our own standards.
we don't stoop low just because the adversary does.
I won't dispute that.

But just because we don't break the rules (based on Standards), doesn't mean we can't merely bend them (from time to time).

Staying quite could also be taken as a sign of weakness & I am no pushover.
Perhaps I took a liberty.

I ask you one thing.

You've been here a long enough time. Have you ever seen in my 25,000 + posts anything slightly lacking in respect towards a Pakistani serviceman?

Both sides have done strange things. Both sides have also done noble and chivalrous things. I ask you to let my posts bear witness that my conscience is clear, NEVER have I said anything about a dead soldier - or living soldiers, for that matter - but respectful things. Eftekhar Janjua gave us such a bad time in 71; he died in agony from dreadful burns from a helicopter crash. Can you imagine my joking or jibing at that? Tajammul Hussain Mullick held off Teppy Raina and his whole formation with a handful of men; he was captured by the Mukti Bahini and rescued by the Indian Army after he had suffered very serious injuries, and treated in the best Indian military hospitals. Can you imagine a decent Indian making jokes and jibing at his treatment?

There are Indian generals about whom there have been various very serious concerns. But in front of people, in public, there has never been more than a hint from my side about my true feelings and opinion about the role of such people. Do you think I could bring myself to be influenced by my opinion about such a person, and joke about whether his slouch hat was at the right angle when his corpse was recovered?
No, but your 25,000+ posts & still being present on [PDF] clearly makes you a better man/person than me.
What excuse can you offer for that horrible insult to the dead? That someone connected to that dead man said or did something you resented?
Maybe my excuse is that on the other side they make far worse cracks about our fallen soldiers in the most tasteless manner. I just spoke about a Hat & you were/are offended.

Maybe you're familiar to what i'm referring to & maybe you're just choosing to not know about something that is there.

There is very interest quote I got from Lt Gen. (Retd.) Tariq Khan from his interview on GVS.

"Look, India & Pakistan are two Enemy States; whether we like it or we don't. And they will remain Enemy States for a long time to come. India will always take an opportunity to do something to damage Pakistan & we will always take an opportunity to damage them. What's so surprising about that?"
-Lt Gen. (Retd.) Tariq Khan

Anyways, the post has been 'Deleted' by the Mods, so I see no purpose going back & forth trying to beat a dead horse - [no pun intended towards your Avatar].
No, but your 25,000+ posts & still being present on [PDF] clearly makes you a better man/person than me.


:rofl:You really made me laugh out loud with that one. After the first five thousand posts or so, we are all equal.

That reference, to 25,000 posts, was not to measure my integrity, or yours, it was to present you with concrete evidence that I practised what I preach.
Perhaps I took a liberty.

I ask you one thing.

You've been here a long enough time. Have you ever seen in my 25,000 + posts anything slightly lacking in respect towards a Pakistani serviceman?

Both sides have done strange things. Both sides have also done noble and chivalrous things. I ask you to let my posts bear witness that my conscience is clear, NEVER have I said anything about a dead soldier - or living soldiers, for that matter - but respectful things. Eftekhar Janjua gave us such a bad time in 71; he died in agony from dreadful burns from a helicopter crash. Can you imagine my joking or jibing at that? Tajammul Hussain Mullick held off Teppy Raina and his whole formation with a handful of men; he was captured by the Mukti Bahini and rescued by the Indian Army after he had suffered very serious injuries, and treated in the best Indian military hospitals. Can you imagine a decent Indian making jokes and jibing at his treatment?

There are Indian generals about whom there have been various very serious concerns. But in front of people, in public, there has never been more than a hint from my side about my true feelings and opinion about the role of such people. Do you think I could bring myself to be influenced by my opinion about such a person, and joke about whether his slouch hat was at the right angle when his corpse was recovered?

What excuse can you offer for that horrible insult to the dead? That someone connected to that dead man said or did something you resented?

Everything considered you have been a decent conversationalist
Maybe my excuse is that on the other side they make far worse cracks about our fallen soldiers in the most tasteless manner. I just spoke about a Hat & you were/are offended.
Can you imagine what happens to me in those circles?

Maybe you're familiar to what i'm referring to & maybe you're just choosing to not know about something that is there.
Honestly, I don't.

I am well past the age of re-learning manners and mores. I would never condone foul behaviour like that.

Many of the people behind Bharat Rakshak are personal friends of mine, people I invited to my daughter's wedding reception, where we had very tightly restricted the numbers invited. Am I a member there? Would I even think about it? That is just an example.

There is very interest quote I got from Lt Gen. (Retd.) Tariq Khan from his interview on GVS.

"Look, India & Pakistan are two Enemy States; whether we like it or we don't. And they will remain Enemy States for a long time to come. India will always take an opportunity to do something to damage Pakistan & we will always take an opportunity to damage them. What's so surprising about that?"
-Lt Gen. (Retd.) Tariq Khan
Of course. What is there in what he said to be surprised about? Every soldier, every sailor, every airman thinks that way about those who seek to diminish their country.

That has nothing to do with treating that same enemy with honour.

Was there even a single complaint about the Indian military in the way they treated their wards, the Pakistani POWs after December 71? One dishonourable act?
Last edited:
Anyways, the post has been 'Deleted' by the Mods, so I see no purpose going back & forth trying to beat a dead horse - [no pun intended towards your Avatar].

I see you have unsheathed your sword and it is sharp.

Point acknowledged. Just to defend myself, I last rode sometime in 1981. My riding weight was 65 kgs. I am now 105 kgs, and have two thingies stuck in my arteries, and hobble around on swollen legs. You can't see the keen rider and polo player under the rolls of fat that cover him. :enjoy:
Can you imagine what happens to me in those circles?
No, but your 25,000+ Posts here does shed some light that you're not the most popular one in the cool/IN crowd.

I highly recommend you befriend individuals like Shekhar Gupta and avoid people Karan Thapar & Rajdeep Sardesai. You'll live longer.

Or you can join Sidhu & come over the other side. You'll be made an honorary moderator on [PDF]. Lord knows..., you've earned it.
I highly recommend you befriend individuals like Shekhar Gupta and avoid people Karan Thapar & Rajdeep Sardesai. You'll live longer.
Shekhar is a turncoat. About three months ago, he caved in and joined the dark side.

Karan Thapar is great, and the Bible says, "Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin." But still I cannot forget 1962.

Rajdeep Sardesai is the closest to what i want to be. There are connections; his wife was named after my aunt; my daughter worked for them when she was a journalist.

Live longer?

Thanks; it's a bit late for that.

Before <========================================> After


You'll be made an honorary moderator on [PDF]. Lord knows..., you've earned it.
Pitwana hai kya?

I appreciate this type of honesty and weirdly enough the Indians have been growing on me lately and I couldn't believe this to happen months ago but I am warming towards the Indians. I am geninuely feeling like we could have a great relations and ties based on trade and what not. Aside from the hysteria by some ultra-righters the Indians aren't technically bad people and have plenty of stand up people
Don't be fooled by them, they want to caste a Bangladesh type spell on you, before you know it you will be drinking cow wee, and worshipping idols.
Why don't you add that India developed their economy better than us. In a decade they'll be achieving wonders and we'll be eating dust and bribing MNAs left right centre. None of this dick measuring matters, the one who is economically strong will win in the end. We have unfortunately lost the race which matters. So bugger off.
We literally went through the roughest 2 decades a country could ever go through which was the War on Terror where all our time, money, resources were spent. Every major city was being attacked every day, we had a chance of balkanizing, and we were in our most unstable condition ever since independence. Try to be more optimistic, we just got out the WOT with the US finally leaving the area, give it some time and our economy will balance out given the political government stays stable.

Remember, india did not go through half of what we went through the past 2 decades. While they were focused on economy and foreign policy we were focused on how many soldiers and civilians we were loosing every day due terrorism. Ever since 2016 we have finally caught a break to breathe and can now focus on the important things like economy, foreign policy, resources, education, etc.

Shut the f****up Create a new thread and show your love for India regarding the economy over there..

PS: Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq had better economies as compared to yours but they got ******* you know why? waste of sperm like you don't understand this nor the context of the thread. Over!
Exactly, this guy doesn't realize we had the best economy in all of south asia just a few decades ago. India only really surpassed us because we were too busy in the war on terror and were suffering way too much from mid 2000's-2014. The war on terror is over, insurgency seems to be at an all time low (especially compared to before), give it some time and our economy along with all other important aspects of a country such as education, foreign policy, etc will rebalance.

Countries like india and bangladesh spent the 20 years from 2000 working on their economy, we just have to do the same starting now and we can still succeed.
Don't be fooled by them, they want to caste a Bangladesh type spell on you, before you know it you will be drinking cow wee, and worshipping idols.

We literally went through the roughest 2 decades a country could ever go through which was the War on Terror where all our time, money, resources were spent. Every major city was being attacked every day, we had a chance of balkanizing, and we were in our most unstable condition ever since independence. Try to be more optimistic, we just got out the WOT with the US finally leaving the area, give it some time and our economy will balance out given the political government stays stable.

Remember, india did not go through half of what we went through the past 2 decades. While they were focused on economy and foreign policy we were focused on how many soldiers and civilians we were loosing every day due terrorism. Ever since 2016 we have finally caught a break to breathe and can now focus on the important things like economy, foreign policy, resources, education, etc.

Exactly, this guy doesn't realize we had the best economy in all of south asia just a few decades ago. India only really surpassed us because we were too busy in the war on terror and were suffering way too much from mid 2000's-2014. The war on terror is over, insurgency seems to be at an all time low (especially compared to before), give it some time and our economy along with all other important aspects of a country such as education, foreign policy, etc will rebalance.

Countries like india and bangladesh spent the 20 years from 2000 working on their economy, we just have to do the same starting now and we can still succeed.
So let's be positive.

Now's your chance to strut your stuff.

Why don't you add that India developed their economy better than us. In a decade they'll be achieving wonders and we'll be eating dust and bribing MNAs left right centre. None of this dick measuring matters, the one who is economically strong will win in the end. We have unfortunately lost the race which matters. So bugger off.
I'm sorry that people got so personal. What they wrote was pretty awful and very very personal. Not called for.

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