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Don’t let 26/11 bog down talks: Pakistan to India

Has your government requested them to be handed over to Pakistan?
Has your government filed a complaint against them in UN?
Has the case been closed against them and verdict has been given?

At the end of the day no talks till no mumbai attacks. As far benefitting India is concerned there is nothing which you have to offer to India.

PS: Try shouting from the peak of hindukush mountains may be someone may listen to you no need of using bold and size 7 over here :lol:
Lol yes Pakistani goverment have asked many times but ur goverment as alawys rufues to talk about that.

Lets say Pakistan does not ask thats why India dont want to deal with that ? Leader of terrorist group kernal in India Army was realsed day after mumbai attacks and guess who captured him ? Kerkar who put this kernal in Jail for involvment in Samjota express terror attacks and other attacks which was done to give Pakistan blame.

I am shouting from the peak of hindukush mountains but Indias cry to every one in world ke plz Pakistan humari g*** mara ha. Help us :chilli::chilli::smokin:
India sabotages talks

Hopes were pinned upon the Pak-India Foreign Minister's talks held in Islamabad on July 15, but nothing substantive emerged from the “substantive” talks as anticipated. India sticking to its obdurate stance remained glued to single item agenda of terrorism and trial of Mumbai attack accused.

The foreign minister of the two countries Shah Mahmood Qureshi and SM Krishna who had been mandated by their prime ministers to narrow the trust gap failed to agree on anything tangible despite protracted discussion. The stalemate had been the result of India's inflexible attitude, which refused to discuss anything of concern to Pakistan on the plea that they did not have mandate to do so. It was like throwing a spanner in the workshop. The much awaited talks failed to address Kashmir and the human rights issue in occupied Kashmir due to India's intransigence. Foreign Minister Mr. Qureshi however hinted during press talks that “We made progress on Kashmir issue. We will try to build on what we achieved in the past”
Other issues like Siachen could not be discussed. India was also reluctant to agree to any timeframe for the trust building process and kept it open ended thus putting off Pakistan's concern indefinitely. One redeeming feature of the talks was however the resumption of a process that had been disrupted after the Mumbai attack in 2008. Shah Mehmood Qureshi in his talks with the media observed that “The existing environment of goodwill in Pakistan for fostering friendly relations with India need to be built upon through concrete measures to address all the outstanding issues between the two countries lest it gets eroded with the passage of time.” While acknowledging India's concern about terrorism, the foreign minister offered cooperation in this regard. But at the same time he emphasized the importance of a host of other outstanding issues that needed to be sorted out of which Kashmir was one to normalize relations between the two countries. The talks were nothing more than expression of the desire to continue the dialogue, which was ended after the Mumbai attack. Indian Foreign Minister Krishna's side-tracking of the Kashmir issue and human rights violation in the occupied territory demonstrate once again that India was not sincere about resolving the lingering issue that has caused three wars between the two countries besides inflicting untold hardships upon the people of Kashmir. More than one hundred thousand Kashmiris have been slain by the occupation forces for demanding their right to self-determination. A wave of terrorism continues to stalk the territory where people have no protection against tyrannical operations of the marauding troops, who can harass, arrest and even kill with impunity. The troops have been given un-limited powers to carry out their sinister plans. The human rights violations in occupied Kashmir are the direct outcome of the liberties given to the troops who have been indulging in all kinds of inhuman activities including murders, rapes, arson and desecration of Muslims' holy places.

The meeting between Prime Minister of Pakistan and India at Sharmal-Sheikh in Egypt and Thumpu in Bhutan had emphasized the need of the two countries to come closer and sort out their differences to settle outstanding issues between them. In fulfillment of this call Pakistan and India have taken a lead by deciding to sit across the table to settle their pending issues. The end result of the Islamabad talks though left much to be desired but at least it rejuvenated a dead process. Kashmir is the central issue to be sorted out; without it no forward movement could be anticipated. At the same time participation of genuine leadership of Kashmiris in any future talks aimed at resolving the lingering problems was imperative to make them meaningful and result oriented. Past history of talks between India and Pakistan are sufficient to prove this fact. All talks previously had failed to produce results as they were not Kashmir centered. Kashmir should be the focal point of discussions as resolution of all the issues depend on the settlement of Kashmir imbroglio. India's evasiveness about Kashmir is the main reason for the prolongation of the debate on the subject.

India sabotages talks | Kashmir Media Service

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

India sabotages talks

Hopes were pinned upon the Pak-India Foreign Minister's talks held in Islamabad on July 15, but nothing substantive emerged from the “substantive” talks as anticipated. India sticking to its obdurate stance remained glued to single item agenda of terrorism and trial of Mumbai attack accused.

The foreign minister of the two countries Shah Mahmood Qureshi and SM Krishna who had been mandated by their prime ministers to narrow the trust gap failed to agree on anything tangible despite protracted discussion. The stalemate had been the result of India's inflexible attitude, which refused to discuss anything of concern to Pakistan on the plea that they did not have mandate to do so. It was like throwing a spanner in the workshop. The much awaited talks failed to address Kashmir and the human rights issue in occupied Kashmir due to India's intransigence. Foreign Minister Mr. Qureshi however hinted during press talks that “We made progress on Kashmir issue. We will try to build on what we achieved in the past”
Other issues like Siachen could not be discussed. India was also reluctant to agree to any timeframe for the trust building process and kept it open ended thus putting off Pakistan's concern indefinitely. One redeeming feature of the talks was however the resumption of a process that had been disrupted after the Mumbai attack in 2008. Shah Mehmood Qureshi in his talks with the media observed that “The existing environment of goodwill in Pakistan for fostering friendly relations with India need to be built upon through concrete measures to address all the outstanding issues between the two countries lest it gets eroded with the passage of time.” While acknowledging India's concern about terrorism, the foreign minister offered cooperation in this regard. But at the same time he emphasized the importance of a host of other outstanding issues that needed to be sorted out of which Kashmir was one to normalize relations between the two countries. The talks were nothing more than expression of the desire to continue the dialogue, which was ended after the Mumbai attack. Indian Foreign Minister Krishna's side-tracking of the Kashmir issue and human rights violation in the occupied territory demonstrate once again that India was not sincere about resolving the lingering issue that has caused three wars between the two countries besides inflicting untold hardships upon the people of Kashmir. More than one hundred thousand Kashmiris have been slain by the occupation forces for demanding their right to self-determination. A wave of terrorism continues to stalk the territory where people have no protection against tyrannical operations of the marauding troops, who can harass, arrest and even kill with impunity. The troops have been given un-limited powers to carry out their sinister plans. The human rights violations in occupied Kashmir are the direct outcome of the liberties given to the troops who have been indulging in all kinds of inhuman activities including murders, rapes, arson and desecration of Muslims' holy places.

The meeting between Prime Minister of Pakistan and India at Sharmal-Sheikh in Egypt and Thumpu in Bhutan had emphasized the need of the two countries to come closer and sort out their differences to settle outstanding issues between them. In fulfillment of this call Pakistan and India have taken a lead by deciding to sit across the table to settle their pending issues. The end result of the Islamabad talks though left much to be desired but at least it rejuvenated a dead process. Kashmir is the central issue to be sorted out; without it no forward movement could be anticipated. At the same time participation of genuine leadership of Kashmiris in any future talks aimed at resolving the lingering problems was imperative to make them meaningful and result oriented. Past history of talks between India and Pakistan are sufficient to prove this fact. All talks previously had failed to produce results as they were not Kashmir centered. Kashmir should be the focal point of discussions as resolution of all the issues depend on the settlement of Kashmir imbroglio. India's evasiveness about Kashmir is the main reason for the prolongation of the debate on the subject.

India sabotages talks | Kashmir Media Service
Has your government requested them to be handed over to Pakistan?
Has your government filed a complaint against them in UN?
Has the case been closed against them and verdict has been given?

At the end of the day no talks till no mumbai attacks. As far benefitting India is concerned there is nothing which you have to offer to India.

PS: Try shouting from the peak of hindukush mountains may be someone may listen to you no need of using bold and size 7 over here :lol:

pakistanis are peaceloving ppl and they didnt wanted to trash the lil period of peace we had at that time .EVEN PAKISTAN IS NOT DEMANDING ANY OF UR OFFICIAL TO GIVE ANSWERS TO BOMB ATTACKS HAPPENING EVERY NOW AND THEN IN PAKISTAN .If you ppl want peace try to improve ur SECURITY
India sabotages talks

Hopes were pinned upon the Pak-India Foreign Minister's talks held in Islamabad on July 15, but nothing substantive emerged from the “substantive” talks as anticipated. India sticking to its obdurate stance remained glued to single item agenda of terrorism and trial of Mumbai attack accused.

The foreign minister of the two countries Shah Mahmood Qureshi and SM Krishna who had been mandated by their prime ministers to narrow the trust gap failed to agree on anything tangible despite protracted discussion. The stalemate had been the result of India's inflexible attitude, which refused to discuss anything of concern to Pakistan on the plea that they did not have mandate to do so. It was like throwing a spanner in the workshop. The much awaited talks failed to address Kashmir and the human rights issue in occupied Kashmir due to India's intransigence. Foreign Minister Mr. Qureshi however hinted during press talks that “We made progress on Kashmir issue. We will try to build on what we achieved in the past”
Other issues like Siachen could not be discussed. India was also reluctant to agree to any timeframe for the trust building process and kept it open ended thus putting off Pakistan's concern indefinitely. One redeeming feature of the talks was however the resumption of a process that had been disrupted after the Mumbai attack in 2008. Shah Mehmood Qureshi in his talks with the media observed that “The existing environment of goodwill in Pakistan for fostering friendly relations with India need to be built upon through concrete measures to address all the outstanding issues between the two countries lest it gets eroded with the passage of time.” While acknowledging India's concern about terrorism, the foreign minister offered cooperation in this regard. But at the same time he emphasized the importance of a host of other outstanding issues that needed to be sorted out of which Kashmir was one to normalize relations between the two countries. The talks were nothing more than expression of the desire to continue the dialogue, which was ended after the Mumbai attack. Indian Foreign Minister Krishna's side-tracking of the Kashmir issue and human rights violation in the occupied territory demonstrate once again that India was not sincere about resolving the lingering issue that has caused three wars between the two countries besides inflicting untold hardships upon the people of Kashmir. More than one hundred thousand Kashmiris have been slain by the occupation forces for demanding their right to self-determination. A wave of terrorism continues to stalk the territory where people have no protection against tyrannical operations of the marauding troops, who can harass, arrest and even kill with impunity. The troops have been given un-limited powers to carry out their sinister plans. The human rights violations in occupied Kashmir are the direct outcome of the liberties given to the troops who have been indulging in all kinds of inhuman activities including murders, rapes, arson and desecration of Muslims' holy places.

The meeting between Prime Minister of Pakistan and India at Sharmal-Sheikh in Egypt and Thumpu in Bhutan had emphasized the need of the two countries to come closer and sort out their differences to settle outstanding issues between them. In fulfillment of this call Pakistan and India have taken a lead by deciding to sit across the table to settle their pending issues. The end result of the Islamabad talks though left much to be desired but at least it rejuvenated a dead process. Kashmir is the central issue to be sorted out; without it no forward movement could be anticipated. At the same time participation of genuine leadership of Kashmiris in any future talks aimed at resolving the lingering problems was imperative to make them meaningful and result oriented. Past history of talks between India and Pakistan are sufficient to prove this fact. All talks previously had failed to produce results as they were not Kashmir centered. Kashmir should be the focal point of discussions as resolution of all the issues depend on the settlement of Kashmir imbroglio. India's evasiveness about Kashmir is the main reason for the prolongation of the debate on the subject.

India sabotages talks | Kashmir Media Service
Duh ! Sorry Mr.Gilani , Not interested. :wave:

Prosecute the pigLeT (thanks to divya), then we can think about 'talks'.

Well, India is a Dangerous place to be..................
The the army man that was caught was linked to Malegoan Blast case By maharastra ATS.
Samjota express blast occured in Punjab with its last stop in Haryana.

Maharastra ATs has not jurisdiction in North-west of India.

And how you are sure who Did this are Hindus????............Might can be Sikhs, Christians etc???

Samjota case is investigated By CBI.....................with no help getting from Pakistan.

where as mate India is doing whatever it can in Mumbai attacks.

leaving bomb in a train is a different thing than getting trained for years to carry out attacks in other unknown country:cheers:
Now what has BJP done to you?:rofl:

INTIHA PASAND SHIDAT PASAND HINDUS ARE NOT GOOD FOR THE SAFETY OF EITHER OF US . and it had nt did any thing to me neither it can do but u must take care of ur self .ah poor soul !!:wave:
Indian Brutalities In Jammu & Kashmir

Violence Update

From Jan. 1989 to November 30, 2010

Total Killings * 93,534
Custodial Killings 6,981
Civilians Arrested 118,786
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 105,894
Women Widowed 22,745
Children Orphaned 107,396
Women gang-raped / Molested 9,984

November 2010

Total Killings * 29
Men 23
Women 1
Children 5
Custodial Killings 5
Tortured/Critically Injured 181
Civilians Arrested 179
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 10
Disappeared 0
Women Widowed 1
Children Orphaned 4
Women gang-raped / Molested 4

* Including custody
Lol yes Pakistani goverment have asked many times but ur goverment as alawys rufues to talk about that.

Links please where the government of Pakistan has sent dossiers to the GOI for the handover of these people. Please provide links for dossiers not blank statements.

Lets say Pakistan does not ask thats why India dont want to deal with that ?
India is not lawless there is court procedure going on. The case is still on and the case is halfway down.

Leader of terrorist group kernal in India Army was realsed day after mumbai attacks and guess who captured him ? Kerkar who put this kernal in Jail for involvment in Samjota express terror attacks and other attacks which was done to give Pakistan blame.

who kerkar and what is kernal? :lol:
Your inefficiecy to name properly itself shows how much you know about the issue. Well first do some research and come back.

I am shouting from the peak of hindukush mountains but Indias cry to every one in world ke plz Pakistan humari g*** mara ha. Help us :chilli::chilli::smokin:

Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan::pakistan:
Well, India is a Dangerous place to be..................
The the army man that was caught was linked to Malegoan Blast case By maharastra ATS.
Samjota express blast occured in Punjab with its last stop in Haryana.

Maharastra ATs has not jurisdiction in North-west of India.

And how you are sure who Did this are Hindus????............Might can be Sikhs, Christians etc

where as mate India is doing whatever it can in Mumbai attacks.

leaving bomb in a train is a different thing than getting trained for years to carry out attacks in other unknown country:cheers:

the same thing we are saying how are u sure we are involved in sooooo called mumbai attacks they might can be sikhs ,christians etc.
pakistanis are peaceloving ppl and they didnt wanted to trash the lil period of peace we had at that time .EVEN PAKISTAN IS NOT DEMANDING ANY OF UR OFFICIAL TO GIVE ANSWERS TO BOMB ATTACKS HAPPENING EVERY NOW AND THEN IN PAKISTAN .If you ppl want peace try to improve ur SECURITY

Then why cry for Indian hand anywhere in pakistan. Just increase your security too:lol:
INTIHA PASAND SHIDAT PASAND HINDUS ARE NOT GOOD FOR THE SAFETY OF EITHER OF US . and it had nt did any thing to me neither it can do but u must take care of ur self .ah poor soul !!:wave:

Ah well I have voted for them in last 2 elections and i will be voting for them this time also. :cheers:

If they have done nothing to you. Are you the thekedar of India. Take care of Pakistan:lol:

---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 PM ----------

the same thing we are saying how are u sure we are involved in sooooo called mumbai attacks they might can be sikhs ,christians etc.

Not only us your government is also saying that your countrymen are involved.

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